i have no idea what to watch first, i also want to stream that new HuniePop game...
Watch Non Non Biyori!
i have no idea what to watch first, i also want to stream that new HuniePop game...
i have no idea what to watch first, i also want to stream that new HuniePop game...
Watch Non Non Biyori!
Watch Non Non Biyori!
You mean preorder the new Takane figure?
same *nods head*
Its almost like I expected this answer.
You mean preorder the new Makoto figure?
Night everyone. Got work in the morning.
You must take a pic of it all
Also guys...might order a K-On nendo today.
Either Ui on her own or the Mio and Ritsu set that comes with part of the stage.
Why you no uguu~ more??? So, who is best girl?It's night time.
Finished uguu~ 6/10.
Why you no uguu~ more??? So, who is best girl?
Also, it's 5:26 AM here. Start work at 6.
You're a good man. I knew I liked you for a reason.Mai.
:O I just noticed it moved.
Ever since finishing S1, I've had Yui's version of Fuwa Fuwa Time stuck in my head so much XD she's so cute
I feel like this right now.
It's night time.
Finished uguu~ 6/10.
Ever since finishing S1, I've had Yui's version of Fuwa Fuwa Time stuck in my head so much XD she's so cute
You know it to be true in your heart
Watch Non Non Biyori!
Watch Non Non Biyori!
You're a good man. I knew I liked you for a reason.
You know it to be true in your heart
My heart is full of Ayu
Poor Chet
Poor Chet
How did you figure that out? lol
D: He will have is vengeance on us one day. D:Chet is always watching....he sees all