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5th Anniversary K-ON! Community |OT5| Please Don’t Say “You Are Lazy!”

Ooo post impressions!

I remember someone in the thread earlier in the thread saying that it was hard, and they were right. Either there's some latency going on, or my rhythm is really bad, heh. Soon as I unlocked fuwa fuwa time, I haven't been able to finish it because I'm either too slow or too fast, heh.

I'm loving just having any game for K-ON so far. They render them all very nice during the gameplay, and the chibi versions of them in between are adorable. I wish I could understand or read the japanese during dialogue. There isn't much, but it's still probably funny. It's kinda cool that for every song that there is a variation for each member, so you can play a song 5 different ways with variations based on their instrument. Pretty cool, even if the UI doesn't really change.

Looks like there might be some unlockable costumes and stuff I'm hoping. Haven't completely figured out the menus yet. Only part that's kind of a bummer is there is a huge black border along the edge of the screen. I realize this is a PSP remaster port, but I don't remember that being the case when I played Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD on PS3 in the past.


I remember someone in the thread earlier in the thread saying that it was hard, and they were right. Either there's some latency going on, or my rhythm is really bad, heh. Soon as I unlocked fuwa fuwa time, I haven't been able to finish it because I'm either too slow or too fast, heh.

I'm loving just having any game for K-ON so far. They render them all very nice during the gameplay, and the chibi versions of them in between are adorable. I wish I could understand or read the japanese during dialogue. There isn't much, but it's still probably funny. It's kinda cool that for every song that there is a variation for each member, so you can play a song 5 different ways with variations based on their instrument. Pretty cool, even if the UI doesn't really change.

Looks like there might be some unlockable costumes and stuff I'm hoping. Haven't completely figured out the menus yet. Only part that's kind of a bummer is there is a huge black border along the edge of the screen. I realize this is a PSP remaster port, but I don't remember that being the case when I played Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD on PS3 in the past.

Maybe it's your TV causing input lag. How much was it to import?
Maybe it's your TV causing input lag. How much was it to import?

Not much, got it off of amazon for $22 approximately plus $4 shipping. Seller was in the US.

I'm feeling like it's more likely that I have terrible rhythm, because I did pretty good in some of the earlier songs. I just gotta get better, heh.



I need to vent about something regarding what's happened today. Compared to many peoples problems it's nothing and I feel terrible for even complaining, but I'm pretty pissed off at everything that's happened to me today.

I mentioned before I was goiing to be moving and my mum was going into a care home style place so she could be safe and secure and I'd be fine knowing that she was safe. We worked out everything along the lines that the number they quoted (£1650 per month) would be enough for her to not worry about any bills and be cared for.

Well today, three days before this was all supposed to be happening they finally get back to my mum about the paperwork and it turns out that figure is actually per week. Everyone we've spoke to today, including people who've worked in care homes said most places don't even charge that for a month and it's not like this place is the Ritz. It's a number we cannot possibly afford and it's completely fucked everything.

There's a chance the new council we move into will be able to pay it all for her if she's deemed eligible but she can't have an assesment until she moves there unless our current council can do it. She's never been assesed by our council for care home status so that's more than likely going to fail although we'll find out Monday and our "move" has been moved back to Friday.

The issue comes here in the fact my mum can't afford to go to this carehome and it means unless they can fund her and quickly we'll have to move into a flat near my Dad for 6 months and I'll continue living with her but still go out to work. The problem however is they don't accept pets so I'm going to have to leave the cat I've loved for the past 14 years with my Nan and Cousin (the one I've mentioned before is being an asshole, although he likes cats) and I know she'll be fine, but she'll be so far away and I'll miss her like mad.

It's not only that, but I also won't be moving in with my Dad which would give me much more freedom. I wouldn't be worried about my Mum all the time as I know she'd have care and it means I'd still never really be able to go anywhere as I won't be able to leave my Mum in the evenings as she's too scared to be on her own at night. I know this sounds incredibly selfish but I was looking forward to finally have the freedom to be able to go out and do stuff in the evenings and even though all my furniture like my bed, desk and TV will be delivered to my Dads house I won't even be able to stay there and my mums made it clear that she doesn't want to be left alone at night.

There's still a chance that the council will pull off a miracle or somehow everything will end up ok, but I highly doubt it and pretty much everyone in my family is upset right now. Eugh :/
Today has been totally shit for me and I know compared to a lot of peoples circumstances it's nothing really that bad, but right now I just want to vent as long as you don't mind.

Really sorry to hear this, I hope that they can pull that miracle off and you can gain some freedom. I don't find it selfish that you want to be able to enjoy yourself with your friends from time to time.

Wish I could help :(


Damn StayDead, sorry to hear about that. That per week cost is absurdly high, I've dealt with decent care homes here in Canada for $1650/month...

And no, it's not selfish for wanting independence.
I need to vent about something regarding what's happened today. Compared to many peoples problems it's nothing and I feel terrible for even complaining, but I'm pretty pissed off at everything that's happened to me today.

Sorry to hear that man, that per week cost is crazy =(


I've realised I was being a bit of an idiot. The flats Dad's gone to look at now are really really nice and just around the corner from him. I'd have my own Bedroom and Bathroom so that's all I really care about. I was going on about not being able to stay out at night, but thinking about it I've not really got anywhere else I'd want to go anyway. My Mum said as long as I'm there overnight it's fine, but outside of that I can do whatever I want.

I was being selfish and in my frustration I forgot the only thing that really matters to me is my family. My family and step family care about me a lot and it doesn't matter where in the world I am or will be as long as I still have my family I'm fine. I may not have the perfect life as I'm not rich and my family does have it's flaws, but atleast I have them.

Thanks for reading my frustration, but I feel better now and eager to see what the future holds.


It should all be ok now. The flats my Dad have seen and showed me online look really nice, they're round the corner to my Dad and I think my Dad is planning on hiring me into his company (He's a one man operation right now and he project manages large financial software development). He knows what industry I want to go in and he said he wants to help me get there and me walking straight into a job would be a HUGE confidence boost for me :>

My cat is going to live with my Nan for a while but my Dad said he'll bring me over every weekend to see her and my Nan so that's ok. I know she'll be looked after now and as upsetting as it is to be apart, it was selfish of me to expect her to have to constantly move around. She's a 14 year old cat and I'd rather her be happy than get dragged miles away purely for my benefit.
It should all be ok now. The flats my Dad have seen and showed me online look really nice, they're round the corner to my Dad and I think my Dad is planning on hiring me into his company (He's a one man operation right now and he project manages large financial software development). He knows what industry I want to go in and he said he wants to help me get there and me walking straight into a job would be a HUGE confidence boost for me :>

My cat is going to live with my Nan for a while but my Dad said he'll bring me over every weekend to see her and my Nan so that's ok. I know she'll be looked after now and as upsetting as it is to be apart, it was selfish of me to expect her to have to constantly move around. She's a 14 year old cat and I'd rather her be happy than get dragged miles away purely for my benefit.

Glad things are looking up for you!
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