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7-year-old girl shot and killed at MI soccer practice by ‘paranoid’ man with CCW

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Because the American government won't ban guns, and citizens get upset because they think it would violate their 2nd amendment, which it wouldn't.
I mean more specifically in this case how the system failed to such an extent that an openly delusional (in the psychological sense of the word) man in need of psychological care was able to purchase a gun with no problem and use it to kill an innocent child.

I know the current system is unacceptable, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.
Crimes committed by CCW holders are extraordinarily rare.
But they do exist. I mean, I am not talking about taking guns away. Just, if you're a CCW holder OR are requesting a CCW permit, then go through a medical/mental/physical check.

1. Clear a mental check to demonstrate you're sane.
2. Clear a medical check to demonstrate you have proper vision/etc.
3. Clear a physical/weapons handling course/check to demonstrate you can handle the gun properly.

It's called dog-whistle politics and I know it when I see it.
What? I mean, what's the hidden agenda/message in my could-not-be-clearer post? I'm just saying that I think CCWs should go through checks. I'm not saying BAN ALL GUNS.

It's pretty sad that you think I have an ulterior motive. Hell, if I wanted to say "ban all guns" I would say it out loud.

edit: oh, are you referring to the OPs comment at the end of his post? Ok, I can't claim to know what he meant or didn't mean by that, but I see it as just a fact. "Things work until they break". That's all there is to it.


Crimes committed by CCW holders are extraordinarily rare.

It's called dog-whistle politics and I know it when I see it.

These claims are "most likely total nonsense" so they should be easy to disprove, correct? I expect to see the receipts on that one: please point to some information demonstrating that CCW holders are indeed highly represented in gun crime.


Holders of a CHL in Texas in 2001 to 2009 were almost universally a law-abiding population, like most individuals who shared their demographic characteristics. However, in those rare instances when they committed crimes—by contrast to criminality among nonholders of CHLs—they were more likely to be convicted for serious weapons-related offenses (illegally carrying a firearm, threatening persons with a firearm, or intentionally killing another person). The policy implications of this finding deserve consideration in discussions of changes in CHL policy, especially discussions of who may receive a CHL and where they can carry their handguns.

Basically, CCW rarely commits crimes because wealth white men rarely commit crimes. But when they do, it's much likely to be a weapon related offense.

Furthermore, since 2009, the laws related to CCW are far more lax and have expanded to a far greater number of people. It's very likely, although I can't prove it, that CCWs are commit an increasing number of crimes as the the number of holders increase.
Repeal the 2nd. Confiscate guns.

The 2nd amendment doesn't need to be repealed, just take guns from civilians.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Every state has their own police and special response squads, I assume (I'm not American). They can act as a well regulated militia in that sense.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
It really isn't appropriate to attribute the actions of an individual to an entire group, regardless of your political beliefs. This is an unfathomable and unforgivable crime but one guy is not representative of an entire group no matter how convenient it is to pretend otherwise.

No, but this is a direct consequence of the policy that makes it so easy to own guns, and it's ingenious to pretend otherwise.

One mentally ill person did something terrible therefore tens of millions of others meeting a similar demographic do terrible things. Ok.

Personally, i value the thousands of innocent lives lost over the rights of millions to bear glorified, killing toys.


A society where a person this mentally ill can buy a gun is a society that needs to radically expand background checks on firearm purchases.

It is possible that he purchased the gun before he started developing paranoia since the article started he only recently started experiencing paranoia.

Was it mentioned how they found out he started experiencing paranoia? Were there any records of it or did they find out from his friends/family? Although I am in favor of expanded and improved background checks if there were no records of his paranoia they would had done nothing.

Unfortunately a lot of the times when someone starts developing mental problems it goes largely ignored by everyone until something bad happens (not necessarily someone getting killed/hurt).
I mean more specifically in this case how the system failed to such an extent that an openly delusional (in the psychological sense of the word) man in need of psychological care was able to purchase a gun with no problem and use it to kill an innocent child.

I know the current system is unacceptable, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.

Yeah, I know what you meant man :/ paranoia is a hard one, because it's a bit like anxiety, in that people who suffer from it can be fine until something gives them a mental attack.
The 2nd amendment doesn't need to be repealed, just take guns from civilians.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Every state has their own police and special response squads, I assume (I'm not American). They can act as a well regulated militia in that sense.
Each state has what's known as a National Guard. Although I think Texas has its own more military-like thing, because it was actually a sovereign republic for a few years before being annexed by the United States.
It is possible that he purchased the gun before he started developing paranoia since the article started he only recently started experiencing paranoia.

Was it mentioned how they found out he started experiencing paranoia? Were there any records of it or did they find out from his friends/family? Although I am in favor of expanded and improved background checks if there were no records of his paranoia they would had done nothing.

Unfortunately a lot of the times when someone starts developing mental problems it goes largely ignored by everyone until something bad happens (not necessarily someone getting killed/hurt).
Yearly renewals of CCW permits. Do medical/physical/training checks then. If you clear them, you can keep your CCW.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
The 2nd amendment doesn't need to be repealed, just take guns from civilians.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Every state has their own police and special response squads, I assume (I'm not American). They can act as a well regulated militia in that sense.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans (including the Supreme Court) ignore the "well regulated Militia" part and focus solely on the "right to keep and bear Arms" part.


It really isn't appropriate to attribute the actions of an individual to an entire group, regardless of your political beliefs. This is an unfathomable and unforgivable crime but one guy is not representative of an entire group no matter how convenient it is to pretend otherwise.

So entirely missing the point. It doesn't matter that it's a 'group of people' (the reason I put it like that is that a group of people is just people who own something, it's not like they're a race of people or anything), it's that they're all people who own a very dangerous thing. No one's saying every gun owner is a bad person, or an insane person, but all it takes is a few people who don't or aren't capable of properly owning that thing for things to go very bad. This this does have a pretty singular purpose for destruction after all.

This 'group of people' is very large, larger than it should be because basically anyone can get one pretty damn easily. If you want people to be less critical of this 'group of people', then maybe make the club a bit more exclusive.


What's even the fucking point anymore... Schoolchildren are killed en masse and even that can't motivate people to fucking do something.

Welcome to the new status quo, folks.
No, but this is a direct consequence of the policy that makes it so easy to own guns, and it's ingenious to pretend otherwise.

Personally, i value the thousands of innocent lives lost over the rights of millions to bear glorified, killing toys.

Show me where CCW holders have killed thousands.
Don't worry, despite the many dead innocents, the current system guarantees that your guns will remain free, widespread, and unregulated.

The status quo will certainly continue.


It really isn't appropriate to attribute the actions of an individual to an entire group, regardless of your political beliefs. This is an unfathomable and unforgivable crime but one guy is not representative of an entire group no matter how convenient it is to pretend otherwise.

As much as I hate guns and hate how easy it is to get them, even I can see the foolishness in using one person as an example to make a flippant insinuation about all gun carriers.

One mentally ill person did something terrible therefore tens of millions of others meeting a similar demographic do terrible things. Ok.

lol, fuck these arguments.
Each state has what's know as a National Guard.

Oh okay. So would those be good enough to be considered "well regulated militias"? I know that most of the people who cry about their 2nd amendment rights don't even go to gun safety seminars or security conferences regularly, so they sure as hell aren't "well regulated".
How much money has the NRA donated to mental illness research vs. lobbying congress to vote against gun control bills?

I'm guessing it's more in favor of lobbying against gun control.
If people want to blame mental health for these recurrent tragedies, then they better be prepared to entirely overhaul the current system and end the reign of insurance companies over therapy. And no, a fiftieth protest vote to repeal Obamacare so millions lose their health insurance does not count as an overhaul.

Why is someone suffering from delusions allowed to buy a gun? How did this happen?

In a country where PPACA itself was lambasted as "socialist", the likelihood of socialized medicine is almost nil. This country has done everything it can to dismantle state-run mental healthcare facilities over the past 5 decades.

Yeah, I'm not sure why the 2nd and 3rd posters read it that way for.

The prevailing argument is that all those that possess a Concealed Carry Permit are responsible gun owners, this case proves that this isn't a guarantee.

Geez I feel terrible for the family, even more so that it's a friend that committed the crime.

So what you're saying... Is he wasn't a REAL Scotsman.

See you in the next thread!

Are events like the Boston Marathon bombing, Fort Hood attack, and San Bernandino shooting sufficient enough for people to reasonably cast wide, negative generalizations against Islam and the Muslims who practice it? I somehow doubt such rhetoric would be well received in this forum.


Basically, CCW rarely commits crimes because wealth white men rarely commit crimes. But when they do, it's much likely to be a weapon related offense.

Furthermore, since 2009, the laws related to CCW are far more lax and have expanded to a far greater number of people. It's very likely, although I can't prove it, that CCWs are commit an increasing number of crimes as the the number of holders increase.

I really couldn't care less about the reasoning as to why CCW holders commit less crime: they commit less crime. They are not in any way a significant representation of total gun crime and no amount of mental gymnastics that you put yourself through will get you to a point where you can assert as such with any credibility.


Cue the "See? It's not guns, it's mental illness" arguments.
Meanwhile, we'll just not work to put anything in place to even help those with mental illness, so...keep on truckin'.


Add another death to the statistics for people killed by supposes responsible gun owners. I wonder what the number of deaths caused by accidental firings, mistakes, stolen guns, their kids etc. Is compared to the number of times they've actually been used to prevent a crime in progress. Fucking wanting to be superman yahoos. They're responsible gun owners until they're not.


That poor girl. Things just aren't going to change with guns and it's sad.

Played soccer and skated there tons of times. Awful.


never left the stone age

These gun freaks are so fucking worried about the government persecuting them. What they should be worried about is a future where their fellow citizens treat them like lunatics and ostracize them if they own guns.
That's what the future's going to be like, and it will be great.

I know a simple solution, get a gun of your own, for protection against other gun owners!

Generic "gun violence" equates with CCW holders murderig children everywhere. Ok.

One is one too many, it shouldn't happen at all. And there's been way more than one incident.
Oh okay. So would those be good enough to be considered "well regulated militias"? I know that most of the people who cry about their 2nd amendment rights don't even go to gun meetings or security conferences, so they sure as hell aren't "well regulated".
It would, but the Supreme Court recently ruled that the 2nd Amendment was intended to mean that regular citizens could own private arms. And if you read what the Framers (aka the "Founding Fathers" but I hate that term) wrote about it, you'll see that that is the correct interpretation; most of them actually did envision individual, armed citizens.

What the real gun issue is is that after almost 250 years the United States is starting to become a real, distinct culture, and these old rules aren't needed any longer. No one really knows what to do, but honestly having such an old constitution as the basis of our laws is probably kind of stupid anyway.
Are events like the Boston Marathon bombing, Fort Hood attack, and San Bernandino shooting sufficient enough for people to reasonably cast wide, negative generalizations against Islam and the Muslims who practice it? I somehow doubt such rhetoric would be well received in this forum.
That's not quite the same though. Unless being a Muslim means you carry around a Scimitar.
Holy shit guys your country is insane.
What's hilarious is I COMPLETELY agree with everyone calling for better backgrounds etc. but immediately jumping to "see all these millions of CCW holders are murderers!" does NOTHING to bring anyone to the table and find solutions.


But they do exist. I mean, I am not talking about taking guns away. Just, if you're a CCW holder OR are requesting a CCW permit, then go through a medical/mental/physical check.

1. Clear a mental check to demonstrate you're sane.
2. Clear a medical check to demonstrate you have proper vision/etc.
3. Clear a physical/weapons handling course/check to demonstrate you can handle the gun properly.

What? I mean, what's the hidden agenda/message in my could-not-be-clearer post? I'm just saying that I think CCWs should go through checks. I'm not saying BAN ALL GUNS.

It's pretty sad that you think I have an ulterior motive. Hell, if I wanted to say "ban all guns" I would say it out loud.

edit: oh, are you referring to the OPs comment at the end of his post? Ok, I can't claim to know what he meant or didn't mean by that, but I see it as just a fact. "Things work until they break". That's all there is to it.
CC class should be two months long at the least followed with a written examination and hands on examination and target portion. Two grand to enroll nonrefundable if you fail, six months to a year waiting period to re enroll and licenses must be renewed every two years finally no more open carry. .


I'll give you this one right wingers, mental illness can be blamed.

It's definitely part of the equation. The problem is that the right wants to ONLY look at that part of the equation, ignoring other factors, and then doing nothing to even work on that one thing.
What the real gun issue is is that after almost 250 years the United States is starting to become a real, distinct culture, and these old rules aren't needed any longer. No one really knows what to do, but honestly having such an old constitution as the basis of our laws is probably kind of stupid anyway.

that's also a pretty big issue we're going to run into sooner or later (outside of us running into issues with the 2nd amendment) and no one will ever ever bring up the idea of a new constitution or new amendments unless something very drastic changes.
I know a simple solution, get a gun of your own, for protection against other gun owners!
“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

That right there is the problem with our country - assholes who are just blindly ignoring reality.


The Amiga Brotherhood
What's hilarious is I COMPLETELY agree with everyone calling for better backgrounds etc. but immediately jumping to "see all these millions of CCW holders are murderers!" does NOTHING to bring anyone to the table and find solutions.

Nice argument no one made.

Amazing how common this is in shooting threads.


Confiscate the fucking guns already! What the fuck is this madness? How can anyone excuse this fucking bullshit?




This COMPOUNDS PROBLEMS FFS, DO people NOT understand how this works?!


The US Government, gun shops and gun manufacturers should get sued into oblivion for every fucking day that goes by and nothing is done. We are all getting exposed to fucking getting EASILY killed by having these weapons available.

For reference.





ANYONE with the right to bear a fucking weapon could break and then everyone else is SOL.



Clothed, sober, cooperative

Basically, CCW rarely commits crimes because wealth white men rarely commit crimes. But when they do, it's much likely to be a weapon related offense.

Furthermore, since 2009, the laws related to CCW are far more lax and have expanded to a far greater number of people. It's very likely, although I can't prove it, that CCWs are commit an increasing number of crimes as the the number of holders increase.

You can't prove it because congress banned research on it at the behest of the NRA.
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