Yeah, that one was 99.99$ CDN as well. In 2021 dollars, that was quite an amount for a teenager.I paid 75 United States Dollars for Street Fighter II on SNES the day it released.
Yeah, that one was 99.99$ CDN as well. In 2021 dollars, that was quite an amount for a teenager.I paid 75 United States Dollars for Street Fighter II on SNES the day it released.
In 2006, you had the money, due to how cheap everything was.Okay, let us plug your numbers into the US inflation calculator.
A game that debuted at $60 in 2006. Assume it is on sale for $39.99 in 2007. In 2021 money that is.....drumroll please.....$49.92. You were not saving anything significant back then and the $70 standard will become more and more affordable as time goes on and inflation increases.
You are completely caught up in the nominal numbers and ignore the real value. What you seem to fail to realize is that if you bought a $60 game in 2006 it was less affordable than buying a $70 game in 2020. The price of new games has been going down relative to the amount of money in people's pockets since the mid-90s. Pure, cold, hard numbers.
There is no "might" about it. It is true. Even with MTX (which are optional, at least in any well designed game. And if it is not well designed why are you buying it?), dlc and digital distribution it does not change the fact that the initial up front cost for a new game today is less than it was 15 years ago and significantly less than it was 25 years ago, and yet I doubt people were bellyaching like this back then.
Listen guys, I genuinely wish new games cost a nickel, I really do. But I am not going to act like $70 is some massive injustice when reality tells me I was fine paying more in the past. It would be completely illogical. If the price is too high, do not buy. That is what I do.
I completely agree, but they aren't lowering prices. That's more my point. They're increasing the prices just because. And getting record profits on top of it. But none of this matters anyway because people are still going to buy. That's the real sad part. We the consumer have so much power, but hate to use it.The fact that company increases its profits doesnt mean it should lower prices of its products. Just saying. I'm not happy with that but it works like that in other industries.
Won't be the last PC port to hit $70...![]()
$70 pricing is coming to PC, starting with Square Enix’s next games | VGC
The base versions of both Forspoken and FF7 Remake Intergrade will cost $70 on Steam and Epic Games Store…
Both Forspoken and Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (as pictured by DSOgaming) went up for pre-order on Steam and the Epic Games Store this week with the new higher price points.
The Digital Deluxe versions of the games are even more expensive at £90 / $95. Previously Square Enix’s games launched for $60 / £50.
The new pricing brings the PC games in line with new-gen consoles, which have pushed $70 games since PS5 and Xbox Series X|S’s launches last November.
Square Enix appears to be the first major publisher to bring $70 pricing to PC platforms.
More and more we do see games priced flexibly, especially on PC/digital. Like, I remember back in the PS1/PS2 era, you had maybe two tiers for new games, the "full price" tier, and the "Greatest hits/discount games" tier, where the platform holder would actually drop the license costs so they could sell smaller games. Then digital came along, but it was for smaller games and you were expected to keep the price under $20.Gaming prices are either full price $60-70, maybe some games deemed as B tier or a Remaster at $50, and then a mish mash of odds and ends pricing when it comes to indie games at $30 or less where it can be anything.
If you need to buy a toaster or toaster oven, you'll see anything from $20 to $120. A ton of models. Even for models considered similar class they can be +/-$5.
But in gaming, a big seller with tons of replay value and production value like COD will be full price, and then beside it a shit game like Aliens Colonial Marines would be the same price.
I remember my dad telling me when he bought a calculator in the 70s it was over $100. lol. Thats about $500 in modern day money.People using cartridge game prices to justify Square greed lol
Next you'll tell me we shouldn't complain about GPU prices because of this..
FFVIIR is far more than PS1 FFVII Midgar part.
as a gamepass user, this doesn't affect me at all.
$70 is just silly.
Do what you want, but remake parts aren't the same as disc parts of the original game - first part of the FFVIIR is full-fledged just one independent game on its own.And I'll be able to confirm that in 2029 as part of the full game, if I'm still alive.
Do what you want, but remake parts aren't the same as disc parts of the original game - first part of the FFVIIR is full-fledged just one independent game on its own.
Imagine if everyone waited a decade or so, for all parts to be out, seems insane to me, not to mention you can always just replay the game to refresh your memory.
In that case, good luck waiting for that "FULL GAME" of yours.If everyone waited a decade or so for all parts to be out, then they'd think twice about their release schedule, pricing structure, etc. It seems insane to me that you'd pay a premium just because you're impatient.
It's pretty common practice in PC gaming to wait for the "director's cut" edition. It's cheaper and you don't have to fuck with season passes, dlc lists, etc. In this case that edition will only be available towards the end of the decade, which means it's a bit longer than we usually wait, but you'll actually get the full game instead of whatever they've convinced the fanbase this is.
In that case, good luck waiting for that "FULL GAME" of yours.
Look, I really don't care when, or if you will ever play that remake, and, yeah, there will probably be a bundle at some point years in the future.Don't need luck, really. If you don't think there's going to be a bundle of all 3 parts sold as one at some point then you haven't been paying attention.
This way, you get to enjoy your game at your own pace at a price point you're comfortable with, and so do I.
Look, I really don't care when, or if you will ever play that remake, and, yeah, there will probably be a bundle at some point years in the future.
The only thing that I wanted to point out is that you are wrong in calling the FFVII remakes as incomplete games, and saying that they only form a full game when all parts are out.
It will sooner or later when subscription fee's go up.
Yeah, the audience is much larger these days and it’s more ‘acceptable’ by society to game so more people do.Yeah, it's not like the audience is 10x more. Following the free market rule, games should be way cheaper, instead we get these "cartel deals" prices.
Wait, how do you know it’s ‘just because’? Not necessarily disagreeing, but everybody want wages increased. I doubt it’s getting cheaper to pay game developers/designers, regardless of where they are. Everyone wants more pay and less costly expenses.I completely agree, but they aren't lowering prices. That's more my point. They're increasing the prices just because. And getting record profits on top of it. But none of this matters anyway because people are still going to buy. That's the real sad part. We the consumer have so much power, but hate to use it.
Because the data shows there are more gamers than ever and increased record profits year over year. Just because the workers want more pay, doesn't mean they're getting it, either, but I understand your point. And when you have CEO's like Kotick getting 50 million dollar bonuses because call of casual hit the 3 billion dollar threshold, I'm sure they got the monies to fund the little guys and their $5 raise. (Not hating on Kotick and his bonuses, get ya monies young man) This is about the company bottom line and finessing a consumer base who obviously don't care. I don't begrudge them for getting the money if people are willing to pay, I'm just not one of them.Wait, how do you know it’s ‘just because’? Not necessarily disagreeing, but everybody want wages increased. I doubt it’s getting cheaper to pay game developers/designers, regardless of where they are. Everyone wants more pay and less costly expenses.
If you’re buying $60 games day one, and $70 is a crisis, you shouldn’t be buying $60 games day one either. The grey market is also going to inevitably push prices up.
Wait, how do you know it’s ‘just because’? Not necessarily disagreeing, but everybody want wages increased. I doubt it’s getting cheaper to pay game developers/designers, regardless of where they are. Everyone wants more pay and less costly expenses.
If you’re buying $60 games day one, and $70 is a crisis, you shouldn’t be buying $60 games day one either. The grey market is also going to inevitably push prices up.
They want it to underperform so they have an excuse not to do pc ports
It's fine. Games take a lot more people and hours to develop these days and there is a lot more competition. If you don't like it, wait for a sale. Quit whinging.
Nah doubt they are trying to sabotage their own sales purposely just not to do PC ports. They could just ..not do them.Feels like it, also why its such a absolute zero effort port. They want it to bomb i just can't think of any other reason.