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85th Academy Awards Nominations - Results are up

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while i hoped di caprio would get a nom after seeing the movie i don't think he deserves one. the role was cool, his acting was damn fine and i enjoyed it a lot but it lacked a certain something. the fact that he doesn't have one already is wrong tho.

I think what Candie lacked was a great opening scene that established his character like Landa had in Inglourious Basterds. Apparently there was an opening where Candie out smarts another slave holder in a poker game to win Broomhilda in the original script, but QT cut it for whatever reason. I really would have loved to see that. Leo's performance was easily Oscar-worthy, though.


I hope that's from the beginning of the movie and not a major plot spoiler ;(

That movie hasn't even opened here yet.
it is, no worries

and life of pi being nominated for so much and argo so little will make me skip this year's show. what a fucking hack year of nominations.
I actually would love to see Silver Lining's Playbook win. It was one of my favorites this year. I don't think it'll win with major darlings like Argo and Lincoln, but I'm at least glad to see it get nominated.


The Academy likes thoroughly mundane and by-the-numbers films that don't challenge or confuse them.
They have enough struggle trying to figure out that wacky Internet to submit their ballots.
Frankly, I'm surprised to find out they have DVD players and know how to use them. Figured they'd still be sending out VHS screeners.
They send out blu-rays now. My roommate and his family stayed with some guy that's won for audio editing four or five times (hence an Academy member), and they had screeners of everything on Blu-ray. Sort of hilarious. Made him swear not to steal any of them.


Waltz is a recent winner of the same award so his nom is already void.
Some notable examples of repeat victories in the same category:

Katharine Hepburn - Best Actress, 1968 (1969) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Katharine Hepburn - Best Actress, 1969 (1970) The Lion in Winter (1 year since same win)

Tom Hanks - Best Actor, 1993 (1994) Philadelphia
Tom Hanks - Best Actor, 1994 (1995) Forrest Gump (1 year since same win)

Jodie Foster - Best Actress, 1988 (1989) The Accused
Jodie Foster - Best Actress, 1991 (1992) The Silence of the Lambs (3 years since same win)

Sally Field - Best Actress, 1979 (1980) Norma Rae
Sally Field - Best Actress, 1984 (1985) Places in the Heart (5 years since same win)

Hillary Swank - Best Actress, 1999 (2000) Boys Don't Cry
Hillary Swank - Best Actress, 2004 (2005) Million Dollar Baby (5 years since same win)

Sean Penn - Best Actor, 2003 (2004) Mystic River
Sean Penn - Best Actor, 2008 (2009) Milk (5 years since same win)

Walter Brennan - Best Supporting Actor, 1936 (1937) Come and Get It
Walter Brennan - Best Supporting Actor, 1938 (1939) Kentucky (2 years since same win)
Walter Brennan - Best Supporting Actor, 1940 (1941) The Westerner (2 years since same win)

Jason Robards - Best Supporting Actor, 1976 (1977) All the President's Men
Jason Robards - Best Supporting Actor, 1977 (1978) Julia (1 year since same win)


Christoph Waltz - 2009 (2010) Inglourious Basterds
Christoph Waltz - 2012 (2013) Django Unchained (will be 3 years since same win)


Some notable examples of repeat victories in the same category:

Tom Hanks - Best Actor, 1993 (1994) Philadelphia
Tom Hanks - Best Actor, 1994 (1995) Forrest Gump (1 year since same win)

An amazing accomplishment.

Sean Penn - Best Actor, 2003 (2004) Mystic River
Sean Penn - Best Actor, 2008 (2009) Milk (5 years since same win)

He didn't deserve to win either.


Looking forward to my Oscar noms watching season.

Also, kinda weird to me but La Luna wasn't nominated in Animated Short :/


I don't really care who gets nominated or wins, I just wish the academy would recognize the comedy genre. I think it's easier to make a sad movie than a truly funny movie.


I don't really care who gets nominated or wins, I just wish the academy would recognize the comedy genre. I think it's easier to make a sad movie than a truly funny movie.

Comedy is too subjective. Also, the type of comedy that most 15-30 year olds find hilarious is typically not the same sort of movie that the people voting for these awards will find hilarious.

Silver Linings Playbook and movies like the Descendants and Little Miss Sunshine are as close as you will get to comedy nominations.


Good to see no fucking Dark Knight Rises or Avengers (except for visual effects) or Spiderman or whatever other superhero movies came out this year

Yay for Amour, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Django, SLP, Moonrise, Skyfall, Searching for Sugar Man, etc

Great year


Unconfirmed Member
I knew that TDKR wasn't going to get anything. I'm disappointed that Skyfall didn't get more recognition. At least Roger Deakins got a nom. That's something to be happy about.

What else could Skyfall have possibly gotten? It's a zany (but extremely well done) James Bond movie. As it is, it's all but a lock for Best Original Song, and it has a very very good shot at Cinematography, so it could easily be a multi-Oscar winner., something no Bond movie has ever done. Hell, the entire FRANCHISE only has 2 Oscar wins.

Skyfall has almost as many nominations as the entire James Bond franchise before it (5 vs. 7). The last Bond movie with even one nomination was over 30 years ago.


What else could Skyfall have possibly gotten? It's a zany (but extremely well done) James Bond movie. As it is, it's all but a lock for Best Original Song, and it has a very very good shot at Cinematography, so it could easily be a multi-Oscar winner., something no Bond movie has ever done. Hell, the entire FRANCHISE only has 2 Oscar wins.

Skyfall has almost as many nominations as the entire James Bond franchise before it (5 vs. 7). The last Bond movie with even one nomination was over 30 years ago.
Which is really sad, because if any James Bond movie deserves Academy Awards, it was Casino Royale.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The competition was Bill fucking Murray in Lost in Translation.

FUCK the Academy.



As it is, it's all but a lock for Best Original Song, and it has a very very good shot at Cinematography, so it could easily be a multi-Oscar winner., something no Bond movie has ever done. Hell, the entire FRANCHISE only has 2 Oscar wins.

I think Life of Pi will take Cinematography. I really can't see Skyfall winning anything outside the Adele song, and maybe one of the Sound Awards.


Better it than Paranorman or Frankenweenie, I guess.

except that ParaNorman was an excellent movie and Pirates was merely 'pretty good'. Can't comment on Frankenweenie. Wreck-It deserves the animation Oscar (personal movie of the year for me)

and since I'm already at it, Wall-E > Ratatouille


I can't believe Bradley Cooper has a Oscar Nomination for Best Actor. Good for him.
Guy seems like the nicest guy in the world in interviews. No ego whatsoever.

You should watch/listen to his 2 Howard Stern apperances. He is the real deal. Reaallllly cool fucking dude. And he's fucking Zoe Saldana, so the dude has won at life. I bow to you, Mr. Cooper.
Really pleased/surprised to see the Academy gave Django some love. Thought for sure they weren't going to. That it got a Best Picture nom is great - although they botched Supporting Actor from that movie pretty hard - but I see this thread has gone over that already :)

Talking about Director snubs is almost pointless anymore, especially when the Academy can nominate twice as many films as there are director slots.

Really surprised they got the number of BP nominees up to 9. Even MORE surprised that it appears the big battle isn't Zero Dark vs. Lincoln, as it appeared to be for the last month, but it's Silver Linings vs. Lincoln.

So far as Bond goes - hearing all that Bond setup for this year's ceremony made it look like Skyfall had a shot at the big 5, but nope. However, I still think Deakins is a lock for cinematography this year (he's "due") even with Richardson and Miranda also nominated, and Adele's gonna add an Oscar to her armful of grammies. I wouldn't be surprised if it also gets Sound Mixing... waaaaaaay outside chance for Original Score.

No way Paranorman takes that category. It's either Pirates (Aardman is too well loved/well respected) or Wreck-it Ralph. Paranorman was uneven, ugly, and emotionally hollow. It's being nominated solely due to it's technical prowess.

I haven't seen Lost In Translation. Should I? :D



Surprised to see Silver Linings playbook, but Russell makes pretty quality movies. Surprised Affleck wasn't nominated :/
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