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85th Academy Awards Nominations - Results are up

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And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Silver Linings Playbook wasn't just a RomCom?
David O Russell film, he basically spins Oscar gold even if Three Kings got ignored.

So Life of Pi wasn't embarrassing? I take it between hat and Cloud Atlas, Pi is the least cringey?


My big 6 choices, come at me bro!

Best Picture: Zero Dark Thirty
Best Actor: Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables
Best Actress: Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Best Supporting Actor: Tommy Lee Jones, Lincoln
Best Supporting Actress: Helen Hunt, The Sessions
Best Director: Benh Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern Wild



Best Picture

Django Unchained

Best Supporting Actor

Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained

Best Director

Ang Lee, Life of Pi

Best Original Screenplay

Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino

Best Adapted Screenplay

Life of Pi, David Magee

Best Animated Feature

Wreck-It Ralph

Best Cinematography

Life of Pi, Claudio Miranda

Achievement in visual effects

“Life of Pi”
Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan De Boer and Donald R. Elliott

Haven't seen all the movies and shit but whatever.


Was checking out some numbers on Wikipedia and Katharine Hepburn is the only one with four Oscars, pretty impressive
One day Affleck will bag Best Actor, Best Director and Best Film all in one go. Would be the greatest Oscars ever. It's gonna happen.
Nobody's ever won three Best Actor oscars

until now...

No nomination for Michael Fassbender in supporting actor category.. =( Even though prometheus had a lot of problems I thought that he was damn great as David.






Sally Field was...unremarkable in that movie. Seemed like a parody, even.

DDL, though. Give my man his 3rd.
God I really hope SLP makes it to rental before the ceremony. Really enjoyed the book.

Super surprised about Affleck and Bigelow. Also, would love to see either Deakins or Kaminski take Best Cinematography.

Yeah I admit, Sally Field wasn't all that impressive.

James Spader on the other hand was terrific :D

I can get behind this.


I don't really understand the SLP acclaim. Saw the trailer for it before Les Mis, and it looked like a really ordinary film. Also one which I have no intention of seeing. Robert De Niro is soooo typecast as the "older father figure" in random romance movies now. It's kinda painful.


Silver Linings Playbook is the first film to get a nomination in all 4 acting categories in decades.

I didn't think Lawrence and De Niro were that great in it to be honest. Certainly good, but it was a very repetitive film throughout and their performances were in the same vein. Lawrence just screw faced through the entire film.

Cooper was great though.

Anyway, wouldn't be surprised if there's a split vote this year in Picture/Director; anyone of Lincoln, Life Of Pi or SLP could win Picture with director going to one who doesn't win BP... Maybe SLP will be awarded in the acting categories.


I didn't think Lawrence and De Niro were that great in it to be honest. Certainly good, but it was a very repetitive film throughout and their performances were in the same vein. Lawrence just screw faced through the entire film.

Cooper was great though.
And...? What about Jacki Weaver?


I really hope so. Upsets are fun and DDL already has 2 awards.

Jackman & Cooper are the only 2 nominees who have never won. My money is on either of them.

Best Actor nomination for a guy who has already won an award...and the role is in a biopic?

Yeah, I'm REALLY expecting an upset.


Anyway, wouldn't be surprised if there's a split vote this year in Picture/Director; anyone of Lincoln, Life Of Pi or SLP could win Picture with director going to one who doesn't win BP... Maybe SLP will be awarded in the acting categories.

Even splitting between all the front runners happens rarely.

I think Lincoln will take the majority of the big awards, and Life of Pi will clean up in the technical stuff. SLP and Zero Dark 30 will be this year's major snubs (though Lead Actress will probably come from one of the two films)

EDIT: Also, a lot of people seem to be making "no repeats" rules when that is not really a hard and fast rule. Repeats don't happen often, but the majority of nominees only get nominated once or twice in their career. DDL is widely considered to be among the best actors in the current Hollywood generation, and this is the sort of role the academy eats up.
The locks:

Daniel Day Lewis for Lincoln
Philip Seymour Hoffman for The Master
Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables
Adele for Skyfall (Best Original Song)

Jessica Chastain is REALLY close to being a lock for Zero Dark, too.


Jessica Chastain locked up best Actress and best actor is a tossed up between Jackman and day-lewis.

ZDT got robbed because of political non sense.. Bigelow deserves a nomination for her directing in ZDT. I love how they replace her with O'Russell. :lol They could of added Ben Affleck for directing instead of O'Russell.

I love how they snubbed DiCaprio again. His role in Django was superb. Same shit with the Oscars every year...


Love it. Likely none will win, but love it nonetheless. Cooper is the most deserving of the 4 of a win, but he won't get it because DDL.

I think they should stop giving Daniel Day-Lewis Best Actor awards for each year because it's kind of tedious and also incomplete. Daniel Day-Lewis is the best film actor of all time, and they should just give him one person-sized statuette* and then just have Second Best Actor awards whenever he does a movie in future, so that other people can get a chance to play.

No. It was a really good movie that happened to have romantic and comedic bits.

Silver Linings Playbook is way better than it really has any right to be. If it came out last year and ran against The Artist, it might have actually picked up some awards. This year it's going to get whipsawed between Lincoln (which will deservedly win most of the awards) and Les Mis (undeservedly) with Beasts of the Southern Wild and Zero Dark Thirty hanging out to pick up what's left. I predict it wins zero or one awards (De Niro).

Still, it's nice to see that Hollywood can still turn out great movies. There are at least three or four Best Picture nominations that would be a lock in any year that didn't contain any of the others.

* A person-sized statuette is a statue.


The locks:

Daniel Day Lewis for Lincoln
Philip Seymour Hoffman for The Master
Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables
Adele for Skyfall (Best Original Song)

Jessica Chastain is REALLY close to being a lock for Zero Dark, too.

Tommy Lee Jones has way more buzz for Best Supporting than PSH.
My big 6 choices, come at me bro!

Best Picture: Zero Dark Thirty
Best Actor: Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables
Best Actress: Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Best Supporting Actor: Tommy Lee Jones, Lincoln
Best Supporting Actress: Helen Hunt, The Sessions
Best Director: Benh Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern Wild

Don't put any money on those, I think Chastain is the only good bet there
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