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85th Academy Awards Nominations - Results are up

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sparkle this bitch
Not discounting his performance at all. Leo and SLJ were simply more deserving, and Waltz is a recent winner of the same award so his nom is already void.

Waltz was fine, same with Leo. But SLJ deserved the spot. He killed it and showed that he could still do it after years of phoning it in.

Life of Pi did much better than expected. Still need to see it and SLP still. Just haven't felt like going to the movies.
Does the Academy have something against Leo? He's delivered some amazing performances in the last several years but still nothing to show for it. Of course all the acting was amazing in Django, but since Waltz recently won it's kind of a shame Leo or SLJ didn't get the nod instead.

It's likely going to be a Lincoln sweep, but I'd love to see Life of Pi/Skyfall get some of the cinematography/special effects awards.


Waltz was fine, same with Leo. But SLJ deserved the spot. He killed it and showed that he could still do it after years of phoning it in.

Life of Pi did much better than expected. Still need to see it and SLP still. Just haven't felt like going to the movies.

What really annoys me is that, as far as I know, Jackson wasn't even considered in most awards. I've never seen a great performance in a movie everyone knew would be a Best Picture contender, get so completely ignored.
You can't possibly hate that Christopher Waltz got the nomination over Jackson or DiCaprio. They were ALL fantastic, but Waltz stole that show. He was flat-out phenomenal, I thought.


glad to see snow white and huntsman getting nominated for it's visuals and costumes etc.

haters be damned that was a bresh of live action fantasy fresh air. a touch too much of modern day grit, but still very inventive imagery.


I dunno, those 4 straight films were pretty damn good. What were they? Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up, and Toy Story 3? That's a tough crowd to beat. All fantastic movies.

Well, I personally consider only Ratatouille to be the best of that year.

And I'm sorry for putting the undeserved in parentheses. Was just a cheap shot that was bound to be bait.


Does the Academy have something against Leo? He's delivered some amazing performances in the last several years but still nothing to show for it. Of course all the acting was amazing in Django, but since Waltz recently won it's kind of a shame Leo or SLJ didn't get the nod instead.

It's likely going to be a Lincoln sweep, but I'd love to see Life of Pi/Skyfall get some of the cinematography/special effects awards.

Leo was screwed over in 2007 when he was nominated for Blood Diamond instead of The Departed.

And of course he was straight jacked in 2005 when he didn't win for The Aviator. He'll win one day.


You can't possibly hate that Christopher Waltz got the nomination over Jackson or DiCaprio. They were ALL fantastic, but Waltz stole that show. He was flat-out phenomenal, I thought.

I do think all three were great. But Jackson seemed like the clear standout to me. No other character provoked as many emotions and reactions from the audience.


sparkle this bitch
I dunno, those 4 straight films were pretty damn good. What were they? Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up, and Toy Story 3? That's a tough crowd to beat. All fantastic movies.

Rataouille is the only one that deserved it. Up, Wall-E, and TS3 did not. Basically <3 Brad Bird <3 *Sparkle Sparkle*

You can't possibly hate that Christopher Waltz got the nomination over Jackson or DiCaprio. They were ALL fantastic, but Waltz stole that show. He was flat-out phenomenal, I thought.
Damn right I can. Leo and Waltz both did a good job. But I think Jackson just played the best character by far. The position he was in on the ranch and how he played it, he deserved it. I would have no problem with both SLJ and Waltz getting noms for it. But SLJ deserved not just the nom, but the win.

Mr. F

Pleasantly surprised that 3 of the 5 Animated feature noms are stop-motion.

Jackson was fantastic, but the Waltz nom is hard to argue.


Unconfirmed Member
Truly surprised by no Bigelow for director and the inclusion of Jaoquin in best actor. That hurts ZD30's chance at best picture and all the thing J. said didn't end up hurting him. He still received a nomitayion for his performance, which I've heard is very good in The Master.

Really? I thought everybody was rather in agreement that if Daniel Day-Lewis hadn't been playing Abraham fucking Lincoln this year that Joaquin was pretty much a lock for Best Actor.

Also, I should really watch this pile of screener DVDs that I have here. I'd be more motivated if they were Blu-rays...
Rataouille is the only one that deserved it. Up, Wall-E, and TS3 did not. Basically <3 Brad Bird <3 *Sparkle Sparkle*


Up and Wall-E are way better than Ratatouille and deserved it.


I demand Pirates wins Best Animated.

Demand it.

Better it than Paranorman or Frankenweenie, I guess.

Really surprised at the Pirates love here though, didn't know it was that popular. Not saying you guys are wrong.

It's pretty much an outsider though.
Better it than Paranorman or Frankenweenie, I guess.

Really surprised at the Pirates love here though, didn't know it was that popular. Not saying you guys are wrong.

I don't think it is all that popular, I don't hear people talk about it very much. It WAS very charming and very funny, though.


I knew that TDKR wasn't going to get anything. I'm disappointed that Skyfall didn't get more recognition. At least Roger Deakins got a nom. That's something to be happy about.

The Director List is funny as hell. If Spielberg doesn't win, I'm starting a riot. No fucking way he loses.

I feel bad for Amy Adams in a way. She's been one of the most consistent actresses for the past few years but her nominations come in a year when there's a heavy hitter. I haven't seen Les Mis, but is Anne really going to lose? I doubt it. Django could've had 4 roles nominated in best supporting actor. I'm glad it got one in.

Finally, what the hell is Silver Linings Playbook doing there hogging up all those noms and is it really that good? I've heard middling things. :/


If you want a safe bet Chris Terrio is sure to win an Oscar for his adaptation of ARGO.

And (sight unseen because I loathe musicals) Hugh Jackman getting a best actor nod for Les Mis??!!



The Cryptarch's Bane
And (sight unseen because I loathe musicals) Hugh Jackman getting a best actor nod for Les Mis??!!

That's a bit much, yes. My interpretation (without even having seen Lincoln) is that all the nominees besides Daniel Day-Lewis are ancillary.
Yeah, I meant in this thread. I don't hear people talking about it much either.

I think it's because it's pretty forgettable. Not to say that as a bad thing, mind you, it was a great movie and one that I enjoyed seeing, but it didn't leave me thinking about the story or the characters after it was over. It didn't resonate on an emotional level like something like Wreck-It Ralph did.

Edit: If the story for Wreck It Ralph 2 deals with the death of the Arcade industry in a profound way, I'll openly weep, I swear.
I can't believe Bradley Cooper has a Oscar Nomination for Best Actor. Good for him.
Guy seems like the nicest guy in the world in interviews. No ego whatsoever.


I think it's because it's pretty forgettable. Not to say that as a bad thing, mind you, it was a great movie and one that I enjoyed seeing, but it didn't leave me thinking about the story or the characters after it was over. It didn't resonate on an emotional level like something like Wreck-It Ralph did.

Aardman to me, have never dealt with drama particularly well. Their serious moments always feel rather by-the-numbers. Not a big deal though, their comedy is generally so good.


I can't believe Bradley Cooper has a Oscar Nomination for Best Actor. Good for him.
Guy seems like the nicest guy in the world in interviews. No ego whatsoever.

I can't help but think of his character in Wedding Crashers every time I see him. The guy seems tailored made to play the villain in every 80's comedy made.
while i hoped di caprio would get a nom after seeing the movie i don't think he deserves one. the role was cool, his acting was damn fine and i enjoyed it a lot but it lacked a certain something. the fact that he doesn't have one already is wrong tho.

same goes for waltz, this one wasn't nearly as good as his character in IB.
Does anyone think Amour has a chance at either best picture or best director? It's got best foreign film on lock, though.

Would not be surprised if Lincoln wins BP and Ang Lee gets BD.
A little disappointed that neither Samuel L. Jackson and Leonardo DiCaprio got nomination for supporting actor but ain't mad at the Christopher Waltz nomination.

I'm happy that Django Unchained got any actor nominations.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Lincoln and Les Miserables are just the right kind of Academy schmaltz that will take most if not all of the nominations despite being thoroughly mundane and by-the-numbers films.
Aardman to me, have never dealt with drama particularly well. Their serious moments always feel rather by-the-numbers. Not a big deal though, their comedy is generally so good.

Yep. It's not a slight against it for not having the drama effect. As long as it's quirky, has fun, creative animation and manages to makes me laugh, it's good.


The Academy likes thoroughly mundane and by-the-numbers films that don't challenge or confuse them.
They have enough struggle trying to figure out that wacky Internet to submit their ballots.
Frankly, I'm surprised to find out they have DVD players and know how to use them. Figured they'd still be sending out VHS screeners.
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