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87 alleged bronx gang members arrested in largest takedown in NYPD history

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Meaning, your argument is that police distrust is big reason why these gang exists. Is that correct?

I'm saying they are bigger issue than only police distrust.

Police distrust can be a factor, but it is dwarfed by other systemic issues.

No, I'm native speaker. But just ask for a clarification on any statement. That's fine to do. It is pretty early still so my grammar may not be best right now.

are you sure?

you keep replying to statements that i didn't make, but you keep quoting me.

there has to be a language barrier issue in play.


are you sure?

you keep replying to statements that i didn't make, but you keep quoting me.

there has to be a language barrier issue in play.

This is what you said:

the lack of trust the community has in the blue gangstas is a part of why the gangs propagate.

I do not agree. There are bigger issues at play than police distrust.

I'm really not getting the lack of clarity here, unless you misspoke.



This is what you said:

I do not agree. There are bigger issues at play than police distrust.

I'm really not getting the lack of clarity here, unless you misspoke.
If i may

You guys are arguing about semantics lol

They are pointing out that they specifically said "part of" and that they were not implying that it was the only or even main problem.
That's a super complicated thing though.

Why do people join gangs?

  • Peer Pressure
  • FOMO
  • Grew up in the environment that condones it
  • Need to feel accepted
  • Want to make money fast
  • Want to be able to make money at all if you can't get a job
  • Urban culture portrays it as cool

This is just like 1 minute thinking through it. There's probably damn near hundreds of things that could be listed.

It's hard to fix those things, even though I agree, we should try. Which we are.

What's not as hard as that, and is more time sensitive, is busting gang members that are committing crimes currently.

Lack of family.
Lack of job opportunities.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying "Oh poor gang bangers" my sympathy ends when they start committing crimes. But it helps all of us to nip it in the bud and prevent it from happening in the first place.
Around 09 the NYPD did a similar bust in Washington heights to a gang called "the trinitarios" and it did clean up the neighborhood for awhile but someone else always pops up to replace them. Although, I don't live in a bad neighborhood there's always hustlers everywhere so I guess the police just lets them loose for awhile to rack up some charges to get them with more years.
I do not agree. There are bigger issues at play than police distrust.

I'm really not getting the lack of clarity here, unless you misspoke.

Technically he said it could be part of the reason, it could be a small part instead of a large one, only makes him wrong on the scale of the problem.

People, especially young black males might not want to call the police if they're a victim of a crime since it might not end up well for them. Stuff like that builds up the cycle of violence and crime.


If i may

You guys are arguing about semantics lol

They are pointing out that they specifically said "part of" and that they were not implying that it was the only or even main problem.

Technically he said it could be part of the reason, it could be a small part instead of a large one, only makes him wrong on the scale of the problem.

People, especially young black males might not want to call the police if they're a victim of a crime since it might not end up well for them. Stuff like that builds up the cycle of violence and crime.

If i may

You guys are arguing about semantics lol

They are pointing out that they specifically said "part of" and that they were not implying that it was the only or even main problem.

that's what i've been saying for like 4 posts but they keep ... i dunno ... language barrier


I work at a hospital in that area. I was kinda wondering why there was a more robust than usual response lately whenever gang violence was suspected


I can't sympathize at all. I get the peer-pressure aspect, but that's not a good enough excuse. I feel like letting one slip leads to an uprising of a new gang to form. Do they all deserve it? Maybe not. Is it right to assume they're all criminals? Possibly not. If you got released after being in a gang, why go back and risk it again? Doesn't that mean his time taught him nothing and didn't rehabilitate or correct him? Good on the boys in blue, for now...

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
If you got released after being in a gang, why go back and risk it again?

People don't seem to understand the dynamic of gangs, and how people end up in them/end up staying in them.

If all you've known up to getting arrested are other people in gangs, it's not a very simple thing to "just not go back." These are your family and friends. They're not some separate entity across the neighborhood that is easily avoided in most cases. Sometimes it is, those are the people that you can say that to, but most of the time separating from that lifestyle is the same thing as telling your family and friends to fuck off.
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