Oh, Bonnie isn't the only one I'm saying should go. I'm talking about the entire leadership. Her, Frank, Kiki, and whoever else in a leadership position allowed it to reach the shambolic mess it seems to be in - and yeah, maybe including Chris Lee if he also did a shit job despite what I've heard about him (he HAS been at 343 for a long time, after all, and did work on the other 343 games which obviously had a lot of controversies behind them.)
It's been shitstorm after shitstorm with this company; hell, we've barely even SEEN any of Infinite (only like 10 minutes of gameplay!) yet we're already being inundated with controversies. What's gonna happen when the rest of the game is revealed? Especially if - and I sincerely hope this isn't the case - that gameplay slice they showed was the best they thought they had? Something's gotta give eventually, and changes have to be made if shit like this is still happening after a decade of them having control of the franchise. Sounds cold, but it is what it is.
The ones doing the grunt work are rarely to blame in these situations. Hell, I've heard there's people there who actually do have good ideas, such as returning to classic gameplay, but they just repeatedly get cockblocked by higher-ups. So you give Ross, who already pretty clearly wasn't a great leader before all this, a metric shitload of "disposable" contractors and apparently entire other studios she has to coordinate with, and yeah, I can see why the whole thing is such a disorganized mess. Too many cooks etc.
I'm not saying you have to completely cut these people out. Give them other positions within Microsoft if you have to. But they shouldn't be leading 343 anymore, not after all that's happened. Hell, I'm baffled why it took them so long to bring Joe Staten on. Him, Eric Nylund, Marty, etc. should've been signed up for this studio the instant they became available.
As for Spencer, I agree with him not micromanaging the hell out of the studios... but he's gotta put his foot down at some point. As soon as 343 showed him that demo, he should've said "I'm not opening my next-gen show with this". Or even better, yeah, he should've been checking in along the way. I just refuse to believe he legitimately thought it'd go over well, something must've happened behind the scenes.
It's just a shame. This franchise has so much potential, and it feels like it's being squandered. I actually liked Halo 4, but to me it all fell off a cliff immediately after that.