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A look at PS4, XBone and WiiU physical release launch line-ups


So? Digital titles are a part of modern gaming and a significant part of these consoles. They deserve to be recognized.

Agreed, there are just too many great games that are released as digital only titles for them to be ignored at this point. Games like Blood Dragon, Okami HD, Etc are examples of such.

The launches will see significant boosts by way of day one digital titles, and I have a feeling thats only going to grow over time with japanese devs going a digital only route in a majority of cases.


Honestly, all three of the launch software line-ups look unappealing to me. Man, how do you fuck that up?
PS4 and Xbox One are really horrible. Nothing but 1st person shooters and sport garbage on that list. Dreamcast had the best launch lineup.
Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, and Ryse is a pretty great and diverse lineup for me, especially when one includes digital titles where i"ll be grabbing Peggle 2 and Crimson Dragon. PS4's launch I'm not quite as excited about where I'll only be getting Drive Club and Killzone(will probably wait on Knack) Not sure about it's digital line up though, think they had some neat indie stuff but I'm not sure how much is coming out on the PC at the same time or earlier.

One is one of my favorite launches though, really excited to play those games.


Vita? How do you figure?
Wipeout 2048, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Lumines Electronic Symphony, Virtua Tennis 4, Hot Shots Golf, and Super Stardust Delta. Those are the ones I think were great. Then you had Blazblue, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Rayman Origins, and Touch My Katamari.

Was a pretty stacked launch lineup.
Xbox One > Dreamcast > WiiU > (I think?) PSOne

Everything else is a fair way off
How can you say Xbone but not PS4? They're basically the same save four or so titles, and even then those have some overlap.


those three launch lineups are pretty similar to each other. the wii u's wound up really sucking when most of the games had performance issues. the system did launch with a good 6-7 exclusive games though.


To compare only "physical" releases in the digital era is pointless.

When the Wii/PS3 launched I had a 74 PS2 physical games collection and I used to say that I was never going to go digital, that digital products had less value than physical blah blah... Now im 100% digital and I don't have any intentions to buy any physical game.


Wii U had a lot of third party support, but many of the games were very late ports. The exclusives were relatively weak. Of course all of this is in hindsight.

The standouts for the xbox one and ps4 are Forza 5 and Killzone Shadow Fall. The rest are unknowns. They may turn out ok and they may be complete crap. Third parties are supporting both extensively.

This part goes into my bias.

The xbox one launch is inflated with xbox 360 exclusives that were moved to the xbox one (DR3, Ryse, Crimson Dragon). Personally I support that strategy and wish that Sony had done the same with Gran Turimso 6, Ratchet and Clank and Beyond: Two Souls. By leaving them on the PS3 they likely increase software sales, but weaken the PS4 launch lineup.


y'all should be ashamed
Well here's the list of confirmed digital titles (via IGN):

XB1 Digital Launch Day (excludes retail):

Crimson Dragon
Killer Instinct
Powerstar Golf

Before end of 2013:

Minecraft: Xbox One Edition
Project Spark

PS4 Digital Launch Day (excludes retail):

War Thunder
DC Universe Online
Tiny Brains
The Playroom (bundled)

Before end of 2013:

Planetside 2
Blacklight: Retribution
Basement Crawl
Doki-Doki Universe
Pinball Arcade
Pool Nation Extreme
Super Motherload


those three launch lineups are pretty similar to each other. the wii u's wound up really sucking when most of the games had performance issues. the system did launch with a good 6-7 exclusive games though.

We will see how well those Xbone and PS4 3rd party games are gonna perform


Well here's the list of confirmed digital titles (via IGN):

XB1 Digital Launch Day (excludes retail):

Crimson Dragon
Killer Instinct
Powerstar Golf

Before end of 2013:

Minecraft: Xbox One Edition
Project Spark

PS4 Digital Launch Day (excludes retail):

War Thunder
DC Universe Online
Tiny Brains
The Playroom (bundled)

Before end of 2013:

Planetside 2
Blacklight: Retribution
Basement Crawl
Doki-Doki Universe
Pinball Arcade
Pool Nation Extreme
Super Motherload

This is why I didnt include digital games, since I couldnt find true list of what will really be there day 1 or just before the years end or just launch window


My only genuine issue with the PS4s (and Xbones) launch line ups are no Japanese games being announced, which could change come TGS, and not one RPG.

RPGs are my favorite genre so its disappointing that there is nothing there at launch, even if its not the best. PS3 atleast had Untold legends. Luckily there seems quite a few coming in 2014, so hopefully wont have to wait too long.


love on your sleeve
I don't think Dreamcast launch was all that great, tbh.

To me it's just Soulcalibur and Power Stone.

Every launch is the same to me, 1-3 good games and a bunch of other stuff I normally wouldn't pay attention to but will buy anyway because I'm drunk with hype.


Very strong launches. Nothing that will define an entire gen like Mario 64 did... but solid games top to bottom. Or top to middle, atleast.

Definitely the best playstation launch. The ps1 and ps2 were weak.

PS2 was awful. I spent most of the first year playing late-gen PSone games on it.


love on your sleeve
You mean you didn't like fantavision, smuggler's run, unreal tournament?


That was good stuff, playboy.


Junior Member
Well here's the list of confirmed digital titles (via IGN):

XB1 Digital Launch Day (excludes retail):

Crimson Dragon
Killer Instinct
Powerstar Golf

Before end of 2013:

Minecraft: Xbox One Edition
Project Spark

PS4 Digital Launch Day (excludes retail):

War Thunder
DC Universe Online
Tiny Brains
The Playroom (bundled)

Before end of 2013:

Planetside 2
Blacklight: Retribution
Basement Crawl
Doki-Doki Universe
Pinball Arcade
Pool Nation Extreme
Super Motherload

Quite ironic that the company that is heavily trying to push a digital future is lacking in digital-only titles.


Wii U has more exclusives but too many old ports. The Xbone/PS4 have newer ports, but few exclusives. With all 3 I don't need to buy new hardware to play most of the best games they offer.

After the launch and holiday I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3/360 is/are selling more than all the new consoles.


Looking at this list, it's pretty ridiculous that Nintendo got a lot of hate for having bad launch titles when they are putting out more console exclusives than the other two consoles combined.

Why do people blame them for the launch and not the 3rd parties that put next to no effort in? For a whole year the had the most powerful console on the market and not a single third party put any effort into making their multi-platform game stand out on the Wii U. EA especially really showed a lack of effort. Wii U didn't even get a proper version of FIFA 13 despite it having the potential to easily be the definitive version, and now the Xbone and PS4 get the latest offering on launch? (Meanwhile Wii U doesn't even get a version!)

Don't bother quoting sales either. Last year sales data hadn't even come in for the Wii U and third parties were already ****ing things up.

tl;dr: Nintendo themselves actually had a decent release, and it was the third parties that messed it up big time. Don't get me wrong though, the following 9 months after release Nintendo really ****ed up too since they had basically 0 releases, maybe they were hoping for third party support that never came. But thinking about it it's a little silly that Nintendo gets 100% of the blame when so many third parties (bar maybe Ubisoft) barely gave them a chance. Hell, there are still games being released for 360/PS3 that aren't getting Wii U ports.


Had thought it many times, why? Even Halo 4 had been nice on x360, if it were a launch title, it could be massive
ly better

Absolutely. New tech, another year of development.. The game would be so much better. And it would be the sales driver that's lacking right now.
Xbox One def has a deceptively strong looking launch, I think. Something different for everybody..

Dead Rising 3
Forza 5
Killer Instinct
Crimson Dragon
Ryse: Son of Rome
Kinect Sports Rivals (Awesome looking waverace footage starting at 7 min and 8 seconds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL6kLnZuluk) Looks cool and fun, and, more importantly, it may be the game that truly shows how well the new Kinect works.)

Probably placing too much faith in Crytek, but if Ryse can turn out much better than expected, which I really think it has a legitimate chance of doing, and Dead Rising 3, which I honestly feel is pretty damn underrated visually, can get that performance sorted out so that people can properly enjoy such a seemingly ambitious looking game at launch without having the experience ruined by performance dips, then I can really see the system's launch, in terms of the games, being a real hit. DR3 already has the fun factor stuff down from the looks of it. They just need to not shoot themselves in the foot with a poorly optimized game. There's other cool releases at launch besides these two, but these two games in particular imo have to deliver at launch. We aren't talking killer app territory, just be solid games that are enjoyable experiences for what they're trying to accomplish.

Edit:: before I head to bed, i'm personally glad that Halo 4 was a 360 swan song. Because if it were a launch game, that would have tied up 343 for their next title, and we would have a game that more or less started development on the 360 being shoehorned up to the Xbox One without a design philosophy fitting the console's power, and it wouldn't been the right kind of introduction for Halo on the Xbox One, even though it's personally my favorite Halo game of them all. Never enjoyed a Halo campaign and story as much as I did that one.
Why do people blame them for the launch and not the 3rd parties that put next to no effort in?
Because blaming Nintendo is an easy game and hardcore gamers like easy games.

PS4 and Xbox One lineups aren't any better but for the most part, launch lineups aren't great and it takes about a year for game consoles to start building a decent library. e.g. Wii U
U.S. launch: September 9, 1999
Sonic Adventure
AirForce Delta
Blue Stinger
Flag to Flag
The House of the Dead 2
Hydro Thunder
Monaco Grand Prix
Mortal Kombat Gold
NFL Blitz 2000
Pen Pen TriIcelon
Power Stone
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat
Tokyo Xtreme Racer


What was so great about that lineup was all the new IPs. Hydro fucking thunder. Power motherfuckin Stone. Ready 2 shit down your neck Rumble. These where awesomes!

Sonic Adventure.. a classic. A cult classic.

Azure J

So is there any current indication on when Rime and Galak-Z release? Those two games are my PS4 standout titles currently.


How come people say X1 has better launch lineup than PS4?

PS4 launch exclusives (Retail+Digital)

Killzone: Shadown Fall
War Thunder
DC Universe Online
Tiny Brains
The Playroom (bundled)

X1 launch exclusives (Retail+Digital)

Dead Rising 3
Zoo Tychoon
Zumba Fitness
Crimson Dragon
Killer Instinct
Powerstar Golf

I just don't see the fuzz about the so called "superior" launch titles for X1. and the rest is multiplat that might end running better in PS4.

* Not sure about the accuracy, you can correct me if I made any mistakes.


I'm not really interested in a single game in any of launch titles, on any console. That did happen before too, so not real reason for concern. Lack of appealing announcements - is.
I'm more amazed by posts about strong or even awesome launch.


I'm not really interested in a single game in any of launch titles, on any console. That did happen before too, so not real reason for concern. Lack of appealing announcements - is.
I'm more amazed by posts about strong or even awesome launch.

people have different tastes. why amazed?


I just don't see the fuzz about the so called "superior" launch titles for X1.
For me, Forza is looking more fun than Drive Club. Killzone is another FPS (got BF4 and COD).
Ryse seems to be improving and I'm interested in the era.
Haven't played any Dead Rising games before, so a new franchise for me.
Powerstar Golf looks fun, if you like that type of game.

Annoying as after E3 I was so hyped for the PS4...I'll probably end up buying one next year.
Reminds me of list wars about 1st party exclusives, avoiding all other exclusives and digital titles since it fits their agenda. Only this time it's fitting in as many as poss.

How come people say X1 has better launch lineup than PS4?

Depends if you think having more indie/digitial titles =/= better launch line up.

Here are some statistics about Xbox One’s line-up of announced games:
38% of titles are exclusive to Xbox One
37% of titles are brand-new IP
44% of titles will include either timed or exclusive content to Xbox One
Microsoft exclusive titles received 272 award nominations and 111 wins at E3 2013.
Xbox One titles earned 10 Game Critics Awards, with Xbox platform exclusive “Titanfall” taking home a record-breaking 6 awards, including “Best of Show.”
I think this coming gen has one of the weakest launches I've ever seen. There are no games on any of the 3 platforms that have made me crave for the new hardware. Sequels, prettier looking FPS, yawn.

The only thing there that briefly perks my interest is Driveclub.
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