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A member of the Simpsons cast is coming out of the closet

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July 27, 2004 -- SOMEONE on "The Simpsons" is coming out of the closet and could get married. [...] In the wedding episode, Homer becomes an ordained minister over the Internet and begins performing gay marriages.

The obvious choice is Smithers, but that wouldn't even come close to being funny at this point. Let the rampant speculation begin.

I'm thinking Patty or Selma.


Hail to the KING baby
I'm sure this will be well-done and incredibly funny and clever just like all the Simpsons gimmicks of the past seven years (in fact, just like all of the Simpsons of the past seven years).


Queen of Denmark
AstroLad said:
I'm sure this will be well-done and incredibly funny and clever just like all the Simpsons gimmicks of the past seven years (in fact, just like all of the Simpsons of the past seven years).
Hahaha. Zing!

Even on paper the premise sounds horrible. The Simpsons trying to "satirize" current events is just embarrassing 99% of the time. Leave it to South Park.


Smithers would be lame...it's already obvious. Why would Millhouse's dad be gay? Just because he's divorced and a loser? I'd rather they not do a storyline that's like "Oh well, i'm bored...let me be gay", like it's a lightswitch. I'd rather it be Patty, at least that's consistant. And i'd rather the Lenny&Karl thing be kept to a companionship that sometimes gets weird but is otherwise harmless.


Hail to the KING baby
If you like the Simpsons now, don't read the rest of this post.

Considering what it once was (better than South Park, Family Guy, heck everything shows which had opportunities, and took them, to draw from the incredibly innovative work of the Simpsons), watching the Simpsons now gives me an idea of what it would feel like to watch Ali fight Lennox Lewis. They could have actually made this idea very funny and intelligent and even enlightening back in the day, but it really is embarassing to watch them fall far short of the previously mentioned shows and their ilk now.


being that a single Simpsons episode takes about 6 months from idea to fruition, I think current events should be off limits.

Maybe if they let the kids get a couple years older but not quite teenagers they could have fresher storylines.


Nelson wants to sex up Bart. That whole "Lisa is my girlfriend" thing was just so he could see Bart in the shower imo.

It's still going to be Moe.
pnjtony said:
being that a single Simpsons episode takes about 6 months from idea to fruition, I think current events should be off limits.

Maybe if they let the kids get a couple years older but not quite teenagers they could have fresher storylines.

People don't want new stuff. They want the old stuff chewed up and regurgitated back into their gaping mouths.


Let it be Patty Bouvier and have her marry Waylon Smithers to prove gays have the right to marry each other. :p


Queen of Denmark
Teh Hamburglar said:
People don't want new stuff. They want the old stuff chewed up and regurgitated back into their gaping mouths.
Yeah, seriously -- the Simpsons have been more popular in the past few years than they've ever been, IIRC.


SNPP.com has this synopsis listed among its upcoming episodes.

?ABF?? - Title Unknown
In case you didn't notice, Patty had always indeed leaned towards homosexuality at times. In this episode, Patty falls for a local female golf pro. Springfield legalizes gay marriage, and Homer becomes a minister by registering online. This may spell an outing for the love-stricken Patty. However, be on the lookout for a possible twist ending. This episode could be part of the FABF production line, or the next season's.

possible twist ending
probably means that
another character instead of Patty may or may not be outed at the last minute, depending on how the writers feel at the time.
How about they just let the series die, its not funny anymore.

Seriously, whens the last time somebody here made more then a chuckle while watching a new episode of the simpsons?

They were great back in its hey day, and revolutionized american cartoons, but now its just really sad.


Fuck the Simpsons up the ass.

Watching an episode of the Simpsons is like watching the dried corpse of your childhood friend being raped by elephants. ugh.


Queen of Denmark
GG-Duo said:
Fuck the Simpsons up the ass.

Watching an episode of the Simpsons is like watching the dried corpse of your childhood friend being raped by elephants. ugh.
That is the most accurate description of "new" Simpsons I've ever heard in my life.

Jim Bowie

The Simpsons isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I think of humourous cartoons, but it's up there. Give credit where credits due, folks- just because The Simpons isn't as off colour as shows such as Family Guy and South Park doesn't make the show unfunny and terrible.


Queen of Denmark
Jim Bowie said:
The Simpsons isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I think of humourous cartoons, but it's up there. Give credit where credits due, folks- just because The Simpons isn't as off colour as shows such as Family Guy and South Park doesn't make the show unfunny and terrible.
That isn't what makes it terrible these days -- the jokes sailing in from a mile away (and being repeats of old Simpsons jokes when they finally arrive), horrible, absurd plotlines, and abusing of characters (Ralph Wiggum, Disco Stu) are to blame.


Makura said:
Given the shows anti-Christion slant (IMO), I expect it to be Flanders.

Huh what... how is the Simpsons anti Christian? It's a fucking comedy show they screw with everyone. Oh wait I know because if you joke about Christians you are automaticly anti Christian even if 99% of the time the show is poking fun at everything else.


ShadowRed said:
Huh what... how is the Simpsons anti Christian? It's a fucking comedy show they screw with everyone. Oh wait I know because if you joke about Christians you are automaticly anti Christian even if 99% of the time the show is poking fun at everything else.
S'alright. Makura is a douche.

Like you said, The Simpsons will make fun of anything that provides humour. Hell, one episode they joked about Homer actually meeting God [not just a dream]. Then several seasons later you have Homer mathematically proving that God doesn't even exist.


Hail to the KING baby
It's always bothered me that most younger people will think of the post Season 9 Seasons when they think of "The Simpsons." Oh well, we'll always have the DVDs.


Chili Con Carnage!
Carl & Lenny for sure, they repeatedly hint at their love for eachother, well Lennys love for Carl and Carls love for himself, lol.

Edit: Just read the spoilers, OH, wierd.


Hail to the KING baby
Ghost said:
Carl & Lenny for sure, they repeatedly hint at their love for eachother, well Lennys love for Carl and Carls love for himself, lol.

Off Topic:


Carl "So, sending out some outgoing mail?"
Lenny "You know it!"
Carl "I think I'll send some tomorrow."
Lenny "I hear that."
{The two high-five}


firex said:
Patty? I know she was celibate, but I thought she liked McGyver as much as Selma did.

And? Plenty of gay men worship Madonna, Britney Spears, Cher, Barbara Streisand(shudder), etc.


I became an ordained minister over the internet a few years ago. I got my kicks by marrying my friends to animals and inanimate objects. I'm not sure if my ceremonies would be considered legal under the current administration, though...


OmniGamer said:
And? Plenty of gay men worship Madonna, Britney Spears, Cher, Barbara Streisand(shudder), etc.
Remember, though: Patty and Selma got really upset when Jay Sherman said that McGyver's gay.

way more

Comic Book Guy?

I've been watching the Simpsons after I blew them off for 3 years and I must say they seem to be getting better. Most noticibly is less Homer. Maybe we will see a resurrection of the Simpsons, I think a +10 season show will likely have some shitty seasons.
"Remember, though: Patty and Selma got really upset when Jay Sherman said that McGyver's gay."

Remember though: The Simpsons has horrible continuity. They contradict themselves all the time. This season, Milhouse accidentally kissed Homer and said "My first kiss!" MILHOUSE HAD A FREAKIN' GIRLFRIEND AND THEY KISSED IN THE TREEHOUSE 50 TIMES! It was the plot of a whole episode! I swear, all of the good writers are gone, and none of the ones there now have watched any episodes before season 9.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"Remember, though: Patty and Selma got really upset when Jay Sherman said that McGyver's gay."

Remember though: The Simpsons has horrible continuity. They contradict themselves all the time. This season, Milhouse accidentally kissed Homer and said "My first kiss!" MILHOUSE HAD A FREAKIN' GIRLFRIEND AND THEY KISSED IN THE TREEHOUSE 50 TIMES! It was the plot of a whole episode! I swear, all of the good writers are gone, and none of the ones there now have watched any episodes before season 9.
REMEMBER THOUGH: My post had specific context. Relative to the whole Patty/McGyver thing. And nothing to do with continuity or lack thereof. Especially considering my first post in this thread:
Socreges said:
Like you said, The Simpsons will make fun of anything that provides humour. Hell, one episode they joked about Homer actually meeting God [not just a dream]. Then several seasons later you have Homer mathematically proving that God doesn't even exist.


I love it when they blatantly attempt to explain why something happened despite stuff that happened in the past. Like finding a crayon in Homer's brain.

"But I've had hundreds of head x-rays, how come they've never seen it before"
(out of nowhere Dr Hibbert appears)
"Oh I'll fill that one. See whenever I hold the x-ray, my thumb must've blocked out the crayon everytime... I'll let myself out now..."
"REMEMBER THOUGH: My post had specific context. Relative to the whole Patty/McGyver thing. And nothing to do with continuity or lack thereof."

Do you think these writers actually care about these characters? Look what they did to Principal Skinner, just for a cheap laugh. Armin Tamzarian? Ugh. MY point is that the writers have selective memory, and will ignore or explain away character traits as they see fit. Do you think they wouldn't make Patty gay because of ONE LINE in an episode? You're giving the writers WAY too much credit.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"REMEMBER THOUGH: My post had specific context. Relative to the whole Patty/McGyver thing. And nothing to do with continuity or lack thereof."

Do you think these writers actually care about these characters? Look what they did to Principal Skinner, just for a cheap laugh. Armin Tamzarian? Ugh. MY point is that the writers have selective memory, and will ignore or explain away character traits as they see fit. Do you think they wouldn't make Patty gay because of ONE LINE in an episode? You're giving the writers WAY too much credit.
ONCE AGAIN, "My post had... nothing to do with continuity.." - It was merely a refute of Omnigamer, alluding to one instance, that did not intend to suggest that therefore Patty could not be gay. Again, *specific context*. An argument inside another with no implications on the greater scheme.
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