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A new found appreciation for Silent Hill 4

I know a lot of fans had... strong feelings about Silent Hill 4. It was a different concept, wasn't quite set in Silent Hill as such with room 302 acting as your warp room if you will. Far more linear than the faux-open world Silent Hill 1, 2 and 3. I always argued that Silent Hill 4 was far more faithful to the franchise than Resident Evil 4 was to it's own, which is why I believe that RE:4 is a great game but not a particularly good Resident Evil game. I am horror first and foremost.

Silent Hill 4 was something else though. I played it on the original XBOX back in the day, even though I was a PlayStation gamer as a child, my mum bought herself an XBOX because she was worried me and my brother would borrow her games and damage them if she got a PS2. My brother more than myself as his autism meant that he didn't really understand that discs are vulnerable to scratches etc.

I never really got over the Silent Hills cancellation though... I still haven't accepted that this is really the end for the franchise in terms of worldwide console game releases. I acquired a copy of Silent Hill 2 to play the PC version in high quality using the enhanced edition. I have every game but I wanted to experience that world again so I popped out a copy of Silent Hill 4 on PS2. It's been a long time since I last played this game, well over 10 years ago. Matured a lot and I'm a very different person and... wow this game is fucking heart breaking.

I love the build-up for the villain from Silent Hill 2 and the news paper clipping of Walter Sullivan. Henry is a strange protagonist in that he isn't a lonely soul the town is hungry to devour, he's a victim in his own way because he literally had nothing to do with any of this. He just lived in the wrong place at the wrong time. The overall story is a roller coaster ride of murder, mystery and discovery. Walter in a way is a victim himself as he's been brain washed by the cult ever since he was a child, alone in the world and he just wanted his mother. Speaking to him when he's sat on the stairs acting like a creep did give me shudder.

The way the whole cast and plot is interwoven is perfectly encapsulated by the song Room of Angel, which is just pure brilliance by artist Akira Yamaoka. It does make me wonder just how Henry felt having to live with all these people being hunted and dying, trying to feel compassion and yet feeling nothing. Like American Psycho, these people in their last moments are just trying to gain some closure or feel some connection as they die, perhaps some mourning but he doesn't know these people well enough to care enough to shed a tear in their memory. He's just emotionally dead, walking through this hellish nightmare just accepting everything that he see's. He's beyond comprehending it, likely because he expected to fall asleep and wake up in the room at any second.

I definitely have a new found appreciation for this game. The haunting's in the room didn't bother me as much as a teenager playing this game with my mum either. The one where Walter's face is a painting in the bedroom is fucked up.

What are your fond memories or thoughts on Silent Hill 4?
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Bought a PC port CD yeaaars ago.
And no matter what I tried to do, the game froze at a cutscene after leaving the first area. That was like 5min into the game. I think I just left the apartment and shit was gonna go down, some monster appeared and then instead of taking control of my character bam, cutscene stuck, game frozen. Needed to reboot computer.

So yeah, game breaking bug at the beginning of the game.
What a shit port.
I'm still salty today just thinking about it.
I never played it, but your write-up made me want to.

Too bad I'm too chicken nowadays to try horror games. I think Dead Space is my upper limit for scariness.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Was the most Funny Silent hill that i ever play it xD

The Robotic Moves, The burping Nurses, Bad acting voice of Henry townshend, "The Ghost enemies"

Actually there is a scene of Henry that is a Perfect Meme of the Gaming.

" Ow My head" is most Hilarious scene that i ever play in a SIlent hill scene ever xD

Min: 5:22:27

But is a Great game, for 9-10.

For my walter sullivan is the best villain in the saga and a amazing character.

Eillen is amazing, too bad that she does not show much more in story.

The best part of the game is the intro.

The part that has most disappointed me are the two-headed baby enemies that in the game are not so scary
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In my first try, i did not liked the game.
Combat's gameplay was horribble. The way how The enemies were pushed back when you hit then is weird...

BUT, when I tried play again without fight, Just running away from then, So I just loved the game.

Story is great. Sullivan is Nice villain. Ghost dudes mechanics were a great way to replace tradicional bosses fight.

All these weird and creepy things in this game are really cool.

I think liked it more than Silent Hill 3.

If Konami make another silent Hill, maybe they can bring back some mechanics of this game.


I absolutely appreciate almost all of the games in the SH series (didn't play Book of memories though), because each is somehow unique and creative in some ways. SH4, even though was different, but nonetheless interesting. Story was good enough,different worlds created variety,the ghost mechanics creeped me out a lot. Wish the game was added to XboxOne backwards compability program.
I used to think 4 was pretty good, however I thought it was pretty bad the last time I played it in 2016, if I hadn't by then unlocked Eileen's sexy nurse costume to make it a little more interesting I doubt I would have been able to make it through to the end.

It just felt really tedious and dull, the graphics are gorgeous and there's certainly some cool looking things from an art design perspective, but the game is rarely all that scary, it feels more like a music video than something out of your nightmares.

The scariest moments in the game was always the apartment hauntings, but having played the game several times already and knowing them all it had no effect on me and it's all pretty hackneyed "boo! haunted house!" for Silent Hill anyway.

Now, I would say the game is still worth playing at least once, but I feel like I personally have worn it out and it's not even close to being as good as Silent Hill 1-3.


Gold Member
I loved Silent Hill 4. I enjoyed the element of isolation and entering another realm from inside the room. The box or compartment was a neat idea. If you've ever watched the film "Stay Alive", Silent Hill 4 is mentioned.

I have been an avid fan of the series since the original was out on PS1. I listen to the OST and I really like Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's vocals.
Silent Hill 4, I owned on Xbox. I really wish they'd make it BC with Xbox One. I think the game should influence developers to find that similar mix of gameplay and themes. The killer inside the world added so much depth to the game. I liked that type of thing in The Evil Within 2 too.
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Bought a PC port CD yeaaars ago.
And no matter what I tried to do, the game froze at a cutscene after leaving the first area. That was like 5min into the game. I think I just left the apartment and shit was gonna go down, some monster appeared and then instead of taking control of my character bam, cutscene stuck, game frozen. Needed to reboot computer.

So yeah, game breaking bug at the beginning of the game.
What a shit port.
I'm still salty today just thinking about it.

There is a mod for unlocked resolution and 60fps.
I prefer it over SH3. Yes, it had terrible combat, but so did the rest of the series. The room section was unique and probably had the most intense moments in the game. Great music and a good variety of environments.

You should check out its active speed running community. M Mr. Enigma runs it on twitch every once in a while and has the second fastest time for it.
Yes, it had terrible combat, but so did the rest of the series.

I'm sorry, but this is such a meme that needs to die.

The combat, at least in Silent Hill 2 and 3, was not terrible, it was what it was by design.

Melee combat, which I guess is what most people disliked, was always meant as a last resort, most of the time you simply stand there and shoot enemies, the challenge came from managing your ammo, deciding whether it was better to spend that one shotgun shell versus 5 bullets etc, just like Resident Evil, tell me, what is terrible about holding the R2 button and pressing X a few times?

Melee combat could be awkward, yes, but that was the point, the characters were just average people, not trained experts in melee combat, how do you think you'd do when whacking a monster to death with a lead pipe? I bet it'd be pretty awkward, hey, just like the game! Funny how that works.

My point is it was a specific style by design, that doesn't make it bad for what it was, that's like someone playing a point and click adventure game and complaining you can't shoot anybody.


I should probably replay it to see if my opinion changed but I doubt it will. To me, the game is till below any SH from 1-3 but it's definitely better than anything after that. In general it is a hodgepodge of good and bad ideas. The monsters vary from good (Twin Victim, Toadstool - until they overuse them) to extremely bad (burping nurses, monkeys). The first-person hub is actually kind of neat but than you have long-ass escort sections. Walter Sullivan is great, but the protagonist is extremely boring. It still stands to me as a proper SH sequel and being stuck in your own room with a madman banging at the door is really creepy. In the end, though, it shows that most of Team Silent did not get involved in this for too long.

As a side-note, that part where you spy on Eileen is still etched on my mind. It was unexpected, to say the least.
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The burping Nurses
burping nurses
They were patients in SH4, not nurses. But yes, they did burp.

I've always had a fondness for SH4, mostly the plot and it's OST. Not my favorite but I feel it has its place with the first 3, it's still way better than anything we got after. The characters are decent too besides Henry who may as well have been a silent protagonist and you kind of wish he was when you hear his voice acting. Gameplay isn't really any better or worth than any of the previous games, it may have just been a bit more noticable seeing as it's the last SH game in the "classic" series and by that point other games were sort of showing it up.
I'm sorry, but this is such a meme that needs to die.

The combat, at least in Silent Hill 2 and 3, was not terrible, it was what it was by design.

Melee combat, which I guess is what most people disliked, was always meant as a last resort, most of the time you simply stand there and shoot enemies, the challenge came from managing your ammo, deciding whether it was better to spend that one shotgun shell versus 5 bullets etc, just like Resident Evil, tell me, what is terrible about holding the R2 button and pressing X a few times?

Melee combat could be awkward, yes, but that was the point, the characters were just average people, not trained experts in melee combat, how do you think you'd do when whacking a monster to death with a lead pipe? I bet it'd be pretty awkward, hey, just like the game! Funny how that works.

My point is it was a specific style by design, that doesn't make it bad for what it was, that's like someone playing a point and click adventure game and complaining you can't shoot anybody.

Agreed, the combat is awkward, not terrible. I'm assuming that if you're a fan of the series, then the combat in SH4 wouldn't bother you too much.
but it's definitely better than anything after that..
it's still way better than anything we got after.

Actually, while SH4 is better than Origins, Homecoming and Downpour, I think Shattered Memories is better than 4.

Agreed, the combat is awkward, not terrible. I'm assuming that if you're a fan of the series, then the combat in SH4 wouldn't bother you too much.

No, it's not too bad, the problem in 4 is the focus is on melee combat, you almost never shoot anything, which was an odd decision.
I've always wanted to get into this series and missed my opportunity during the PSone days, whats the best game to jump into fresh? I was thinking Silent Hill on the PSP? whats your opinion Gaf?


I like silent hill 4, but its just not scary and wasn't. Silent hill 1 and 2 both were better then 4. silent hill 4 biggest problem is when the game turns into a escort quest, and its just a pain in the ass, not to mention if you want the good ending you have to make sure eileen doesn't take a lot of damage. Which also makes the game more of a hassle. Silent hill 1 and 2 will always be the top silent hill games.

Also once you get the axe, nothing can stop you, the full change attack on the axe has I-frames and nothing can do damage to you.
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I've always wanted to get into this series and missed my opportunity during the PSone days, whats the best game to jump into fresh? I was thinking Silent Hill on the PSP? whats your opinion Gaf?
silent hill origins is pretty good, though you can just get Silent hill 1 on PSN also.


I've always wanted to get into this series and missed my opportunity during the PSone days, whats the best game to jump into fresh? I was thinking Silent Hill on the PSP? whats your opinion Gaf?

Start with 2. If you like it then go and play 1 and afterwards 3 in that order. You've now seen the best the series has to offer. If you fell in love, SM is good and 4 is pretty decent. Origins is as much of a 5/10 as any game's ever been and while the remaining games aren't horrible, you really shouldn't bother.

2 and 3 are genre peaks and all time greats.


Actually, while SH4 is better than Origins, Homecoming and Downpour, I think Shattered Memories is better than 4.
The running sections were just way too repetitive for me, they completely ruined the game. I'd take SH4 with it's exploration where you can get attacked at any time and combat over that.
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The Snake

I always really loved SH4, even though I definitely had some issues with it here and there.

Some parts of it to me are incredibly affecting and iconic. I loved the Panopticon, and the story behind it. The ghosts were fairly terrifying at times, as were the Gemini enemies. There were also some great touches of weirdness like Eileen's big head and the one reporter guy's head in obsidian sticking out of the ceiling speaking to you. Just weird, off-the-wall stuff like that really makes it special. And of course, the themes of isolation, entrapment, and claustrophobia were great.

I really hate the patient victims and the re-treading of levels, though.


I've always wanted to get into this series and missed my opportunity during the PSone days, whats the best game to jump into fresh? I was thinking Silent Hill on the PSP? whats your opinion Gaf?
Thats fine but DO NOT start with 2 and dont end the series playing 4. Those are the 2 most opinionated games in the series. In fact Id' play 2 last and SH4 first or second. Go in with a open mind about both and your own opinions. All of them have there own perks to them.
The running sections were just way too repetitive for me, they completely ruined the game. I'd take SH4 with it's exploration where you can get attacked at any time and combat over that.

They're the weakest part of the game sure but once you've played it a few times you can get through them in no time at all.

I wish Climax had been given the chance to make at least one more Silent Hill after SM, they were really getting close to greatness.
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What are your fond memories or thoughts on Silent Hill 4?

I actually found the general idea/concept of the game much more interesting then SH3, generally speaking. My main problem with the game is, that it seems that the devs ran out of ideas halfway through the game and made you just revisiting the old places in a slightly altered form in the second half. I still think the first half of the game is great and SH4 in general is an overlooked classic. If good things would exist in this world, I could definitly see a "The Room 2" game or a remake in the vein of RE2, that cranks up the concept to eleven.

The potential is there, but so are pachinkos.


Silent Hill 4 was the last game in the series that I played and I really enjoyed it.

I'm probably easy to scare but coming back to the room each time I would be bricking it!

My stand out memory is of the circular prison tower in the ocean that I think held children? Each cell had a tiny observation window in it so someone in the central room of the tower could look into all cells. Whenever you entered one of these cells you could hear the footsteps of someone circulating the central room and a shadow would go across the cell you were in as they passed. Occasionally they would stop at your window blocking the light so you knew when you were being observed.

I hope my memory of it is accurate. I found it very disturbing and frightening.

Dead Space was the last horror game I played. After that I decided that I just couldn't put myself through it anymore!
My main problem with the game is, that it seems that the devs ran out of ideas halfway through the game and made you just revisiting the old places in a slightly altered form in the second half.

I think that probably stemmed from the fact that the game came out only a year after 3, which really surprised me at the time.

Had the game come out a year in later in 2005, making it two years just like what separated the other games, it probably would have been much better and not featured the repeated levels, but Konami is gonna Konami and I'm sure they forced that time frame on them.

The Snake

Silent Hill 4 was the last game in the series that I played and I really enjoyed it.

I'm probably easy to scare but coming back to the room each time I would be bricking it!

My stand out memory is of the circular prison tower in the ocean that I think held children? Each cell had a tiny observation window in it so someone in the central room of the tower could look into all cells. Whenever you entered one of these cells you could hear the footsteps of someone circulating the central room and a shadow would go across the cell you were in as they passed. Occasionally they would stop at your window blocking the light so you knew when you were being observed.

I hope my memory of it is accurate. I found it very disturbing and frightening.

Dead Space was the last horror game I played. After that I decided that I just couldn't put myself through it anymore!

Yeah! That was the Panopticon. Classic Silent Hill really does great concepts that are truly screwed up and totally chilling. It's one of many things that separate them from the Western-developed games, which seemed more focused on "hey look at how Xtreme this monster looks!"


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I like silent hill 4, but its just not scary and wasn't. Silent hill 1 and 2 both were better then 4. silent hill 4 biggest problem is when the game turns into a escort quest, and its just a pain in the ass, not to mention if you want the good ending you have to make sure eileen doesn't take a lot of damage. Which also makes the game more of a hassle. Silent hill 1 and 2 will always be the top silent hill games.

Also once you get the axe, nothing can stop you, the full change attack on the axe has I-frames and nothing can do damage to you.

There's no problem with the escort Eileen, just run like a demon and leave Eileen behind to the other room, then fight with the monsters in the next room and when you're done, go back to the previous room so Eileen can reach you and go ahead. With this . Eileen always will be save and you will get the best ending.
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I've always wanted to get into this series and missed my opportunity during the PSone days, whats the best game to jump into fresh? I was thinking Silent Hill on the PSP? whats your opinion Gaf?

Try it. Are amazing games- for me

Silent hill 1 PS1.- The most Scary game that i ever play in my gamer life

Silent hill 2.- The best in Story and Characters,

Silent hill 3.- Best Scenarios and Great Story like a MOvie

Silent hill 4.- The most Hilarious and interesting that i play it



Silent hill origins.- Have a great Pre-sequel and i love the intro song

Silent hill Shattered Memories.- is a Re-imagened SH1, but is amazing i always want the wii version, you can play the PSP and is amazing.

Silent hill Downpour.- Not a bad game, but not such Good.

I never play Silent hill Homecoming and maybe will be my last silent hill
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Okay ..how was Homecoming on PC? The mudafuka is $6 on steam right now and I am beyond tempted!

Edit: Also it seems weird but looking it up it seems like Downpour is not available for Xbox One in my region? It's there when I try to click on it , it gives the not available in my region error.Could Konami have pulled it?
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Okay ..how was Homecoming on PC? The mudafuka is $6 on steam right now and I am beyond tempted!

I never play it, but in fact say that is not such Scary and its more melee combat. and the reviews say it is for 7 or 8... in other words, dont listen the reviews and get it =)... i see that is a good game.


I never play it, but in fact say that is not such Scary and its more melee combat. and the reviews say it is for 7 or 8... in other words, dont listen the reviews and get it =)... i see that is a good game.
It's not the game itself I'm worried about it's the port. Some of the Steam reviews say the game is broken and not a good port .I guess I could buy and see..


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
It's not the game itself I'm worried about it's the port. Some of the Steam reviews say the game is broken and not a good port .I guess I could buy and see..

Yeah i see that the game have crash settings and problems with config controls.

Well, thats too bad for Konami


There's no problem with the escort Eileen, just run like a demon and leave Eileen behind to the other room, then fight with the monsters in the next room and when you're done, go back to the previous room so Eileen can reach you and go ahead. With this . Eileen always will be save and you will get the best ending.
it is not fun, I rather just not have escort guest in games. I also don't like how they took away the flash light. Its just not a scary game.


Okay ..how was Homecoming on PC? The mudafuka is $6 on steam right now and I am beyond tempted!

Edit: Also it seems weird but looking it up it seems like Downpour is not available for Xbox One in my region? It's there when I try to click on it , it gives the not available in my region error.Could Konami have pulled it?
homecoming on PC is the best ver, the console versions are full of glitches, and random game crashes.
So much for the 20th anniversary, Konami. This is disappointing, to say the least. :messenger_neutral:

The thing is, and I wonder why no one else has done it yet. Is there's nothing specifically done in Silent Hill that another developer can't do with a brand new IP.

Other than the name of the town "Silent Hill" and some specific characters and monster designs any developer who is capable could in theory create a true spiritual successor of the series without even needing the IP licensing.

Perhaps with the success of Remake2 we might see something in the future.
Try it. Are amazing games- for me

Silent hill 1 PS1.- The most Scary game that i ever play in my gamer life

Silent hill 2.- The best in Story and Characters,

Silent hill 3.- Best Scenarios and Great Story like a MOvie

Silent hill 4.- The most Hilarious and interesting that i play it



Silent hill origins.- Have a great Pre-sequel and i love the intro song

Silent hill Shattered Memories.- is a Re-imagened SH1, but is amazing i always want the wii version, you can play the PSP and is amazing.

Silent hill Downpour.- Not a bad game, but not such Good.

I never play Silent hill Homecoming and maybe will be my last silent hill

Strong words on number one have you ever played RE7 in VR? seriously though I need to play through atleast one of these games soon. I may pull the trigger on the PSP version which I spotted in the wild recently for $19.99
Maybe the franchise is never coming back, but I really wish Konami would consider doing sequels again. They could hire someone who knows what true horror is about. The thing is, American horror has nothing on J-Horror, and that modern day style that decides to go the approach of copying Capcom has to go.

Team Silent knew what scaring you was all about. So it is a case of finding a new team like them, that can offer the franchise that very same TLC.

Think of a team that has the talent like the personnel over at Naughty Dog. Even let newcomers have a shot. It cannot be any worse than leaving the series to rot with Valtiel, eh?


Maybe the franchise is never coming back, but I really wish Konami would consider doing sequels again. They could hire someone who knows what true horror is about. The thing is, American horror has nothing on J-Horror, and that modern day style that decides to go the approach of copying Capcom has to go.

Team Silent knew what scaring you was all about. So it is a case of finding a new team like them, that can offer the franchise that very same TLC.

Think of a team that has the talent like the personnel over at Naughty Dog. Even let newcomers have a shot. It cannot be any worse than leaving the series to rot with Valtiel, eh?

See, the thing is, they had a team who ‘’knew horror’’. Del Toro knows has a great flair for horror and the creepy, and Kojima knows a thing or 2 about making games and cinematic experiences, and they had Ito chipping in as well and some people thought the best course of action was to cancel it all.

Also, Keiichiro Toyama knew next to nothing about horror, didn’t like it.

In the shape Konami is now, plus how people still sees them, I’d rather they’d just leave it be for a long time.

It’s bad enough there’s more shit Silent Hill games now than great ones...


SH4 is the second best game in the series, with 2 being first.

The first game introduced psychological horror, but had a weak as hell script.


SH4 is the second best game in the series, with 2 being first.

The first game introduced psychological horror, but had a weak as hell script.
that doesn't make any sense, cause all the other games are based on silent hill 1 story. They all have the same back round story that deals with the town, the cult, and the demons, and whatever else caused silent hill to go evil
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That is kind of erroneous, man. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Actually you are wrong, all the silent hill games goto silent hill, and all mention the background of silent hills evil, and the cult that was there. The only thing they do different in each game is change the main characters story, but all have to deal with silent hill. Silent hill 1 set up the whole story for all the other games. Without silent hill 1 story, there would be no other silent hill games.
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