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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I agree Holder being possessed is crazy, but Hoder venturing too deep into the crypts and seeing something he wasn't supposed to see? I can totally buy that.

I forgot where I read it, but there was a theory about the Night's Queen being buried under Winterfell, and Hodor's name coming from him hearing someone saying "hold her, hold her." So he saw some group tasked with keeping her imprisoned, and the sheer terror of it destroyed his mind.


lmao you guys and Dam Phair. Dude's not fair at all, certainly isn't damn fair. Were you just baffled every time you read his name?

Hodor's name coming from him hearing someone saying "hold her, hold her."

lol this is even more totally-from-someone's-ass bonkers than the possession idea


GRRM has said it's Damp-Hair, and he regrets not putting a hyphen in the name.

I still don't get how people were confused by this, I mean maybe initially but later he talks about how his name used to be Aeron and then he drowned and became the Damphair. Where it specifically mentions the seaweed clinging to his hair and what not after his "rebirth."

C'mon guys.
I thought it was Damp-Hair from the beginning.

Dam-Phair never even crossed my mind as a remote possibility. I just made the connection immediately. Drowned man = Damp-Hair. It seemed rather overt to me.


proud of his butz
I still don't get how people were confused by this, I mean maybe initially but later he talks about how his name used to be Aeron and then he drowned and became the Damphair. Where it specifically mentions the seaweed clinging to his hair and what not after his "rebirth."

C'mon guys.

Ya seriously guys, he hangs with his other iron born buddies Gelmarr and Dagmer all at the Kingsmoot this shit should be obvious.



I always read damp-hair but maybe it's because english isn't my first language, hair makes sense to me but I see nothing in damfair
People projecting some sort of fancy pronunciation for whatever fantasy cultural reasons or something.

I thought maybe it was a title, like the Dauphin of France. Also, in English, a ph is pronounced with an "eff" sound; if those letters are next to each other and should be pronounced a separate sounds, there should be a hyphen between them. And apparently the audiobook narrator made the same mistake.


People projecting some sort of fancy pronunciation for whatever fantasy cultural reasons or something.
I never said "Damfair" or "Damp-hair". Commonly when I'm reading a book, I don't fully pronounce names or whatever to myself and in that case, it took me a bit to get it.
Via Westeros.org, an artist put together a few pages of Tower of Joy interpretation. Looks good.

A few more pages via the link.


People projecting some sort of fancy pronunciation for whatever fantasy cultural reasons or something.

It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.
It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.

Thank you.


Hunky Nostradamus
It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.



It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.

Damn !

I also read it with an F


It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.

Compound words, how do they work? This whole controversy is so-mew-hat ridiculous.


It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.

This makes sense from a strictly linguistic standpoint, but when reading the name in context, I knew to look for compound words in new names because the series is full of them. Winterfell, Greatjon, Stormlands, Frostfangs, Dragonstone, etc. I don't understand your condescending tone here when you, as a reader, failed to pick up on the literary habits of the author.


It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.

It's a goddamn nickname, I've heard much much worse nicknames than 'Damphair'.

Not to mention that GRRM is very prone to use repetitive familial names, and no where in any of the books to you hear of someone with a name that sounds anything like Damfair, especially not in the Iron Islands.

Euron, Balon, Aeron, Theon, Victarion, etc. etc.

It is clearly a nickname from the first time you read it.
Holy shit you guys how bout we just agree that it's supposed to be Damp-hair but it's understandable that someone might read it incorrectly for any number of reasons.


While ready a fantasy novel with fantasy names "hmm, this must be a compund word!" is not the first thing that comes to mind when seeing an unusual name/titel.

I might agree with this, except for the fact that ASOIAF is full of compound words. In the same culture from which we get Damphair, there's Greyjoy, ironborn, Ironman's Bay, Harrenhal, etc.


Holy shit you guys how bout we just agree that it's supposed to be Damp-hair but it's understandable that someone might read it incorrectly for any number of reasons.

I agree that it's not worth getting into a fight over or anything. I think the alternate pronunciation is weird and I resented the insinuation that my knowledge of the language was lacking because I thought "Damp-hair" made sense, but if I've come across as overly aggressive or insulting or whatever, then I apologize for that.
It's not a 'fancy' pronunciation to read Damphair as Damfair. Ph is phonetically an f sound in the English language; phone is pronounced "fone" not "Pa-hone' and a dolphin is a 'dol-fin' not a "Dolp-hin". If I see a ph together, I assume it's an f sound because... that's how they work in words.

The fact that he chose to ignore that to make a really stupid title for an awful character, well, that's his right as an author I suppose, but if you thought that should have been obvious, you may be deficient in your phonetic skills. And that's not pronounced Pe-hon-et-ic.

You actually think I was serious about the fancy part, huh? I guess I should've put quotation marks around it. >_> "Dam-fair" makes no sense in the context of the story and character.

I don't need an English lesson. Me spiek Englesh Gud.


I started reading book 4 and I'm really excited so far. The prologue starts off at Oldtown and it's the first time the author has delved into "The Citadel". It felt like the kids in the prologue were all university students. I'm in Chapter 4 right now. The first four chapters have all been nice... every single one has been written from some new person's POV (The Prophet with his overzealous devotion to his Drowned God, the Captain of the Guards, giving me the very very first glimpse ever into Dorne, then Cersei and Brienne, familiar faces which have never had POV chapters.

I can't wait to get back on the train ride home this afternoon after work to start reading some more.
I started reading book 4 and I'm really excited so far. The prologue starts off at Oldtown and it's the first time the author has delved into "The Citadel". It felt like the kids in the prologue were all university students. I'm in Chapter 4 right now. The first four chapters have all been nice... every single one has been written from some new person's POV (The Prophet with his overzealous devotion to his Drowned God, the Captain of the Guards, giving me the very very first glimpse ever into Dorne, then Cersei and Brienne, familiar faces which have never had POV chapters.

I can't wait to get back on the train ride home this afternoon after work to start reading some more.

I cannot recommend enough reading a combo of AFFC/ADWD. The story doesn't drag and there are thematic moments that you lose by reading them separately. A Ball of Beasts has a download, if you can (easily) prove you have the original works. Boiled Leather has a reading order if you're going with paper copies.


oh shit Ball of Beasts has a download?

I spent a bunch of time with my Kindle copies of AFFC and ADWD going through and adding notes at the end of every chapter where you switch... >.<


I would bang a hot farmer!
I cannot recommend enough reading a combo of AFFC/ADWD. The story doesn't drag and there are thematic moments that you lose by reading them separately. A Ball of Beasts has a download, if you can (easily) prove you have the original works. Boiled Leather has a reading order if you're going with paper copies.
The current downloads here point to v1.0 of A Ball of Beasts.

v2.0 is in the works, and the cover depicted here as well as the current chapter list posted are for that version.

Do not be alarmed if your download looks different.

The new version will be up before GRRM releases TWOW.
They really gave themselves a lot of breathing room with that one. :lol


oh shit Ball of Beasts has a download?

I spent a bunch of time with my Kindle copies of AFFC and ADWD going through and adding notes at the end of every chapter where you switch... >.<

ugh for as much as amazon has tried to make note taking easy, i still find a pocket notebook* clipped to my kindle case to be my best bet while reading.

*the small fieldnotes pocket ones have served me well.


I cannot recommend enough reading a combo of AFFC/ADWD. The story doesn't drag and there are thematic moments that you lose by reading them separately. A Ball of Beasts has a download, if you can (easily) prove you have the original works. Boiled Leather has a reading order if you're going with paper copies.

This sounds like too much of a hassle. I have paperback versions of all the books and I'm not going to carry book 4 and book 5 with me on my train into work. Even if I did, how the hell am I supposed to find chapters labelled Tyrion 1, Cersei 2, Jaime 6, etc... The books don't have table of contents and that reading order link doesn't show page numbers. Also I don't like reading electronically - I'd rather read the books with crisp paper in between my fingers...

I think I have no choice but to miss out on the benefits of reading the two stories combined together. =(

But I'm up to the first Samwell chapter in Book 4 and I'm REALLY enjoying it so far. I'd like to say that I'll still enjoy and understand Book 5 but can't know for sure until I get there.
This sounds like too much of a hassle. I have paperback versions of all the books and I'm not going to carry book 4 and book 5 with me on my train into work. Even if I did, how the hell am I supposed to find chapters labelled Tyrion 1, Cersei 2, Jaime 6, etc... The books don't have table of contents and that reading order link doesn't show page numbers. Also I don't like reading electronically - I'd rather read the books with crisp paper in between my fingers...

I think I have no choice but to miss out on the benefits of reading the two stories combined together. =(

But I'm up to the first Samwell chapter in Book 4 and I'm REALLY enjoying it so far. I'd like to say that I'll still enjoy and understand Book 5 but can't know for sure until I get there.

As far as I remember, the chapters are still in chronological order in each book for the most part. Like, you don't read chapter 8 followed by chapter 12 in ADWD or something, for instance. There may be one case where a chapter is out of order for greater effect, but that's about it. It's a much better read combined, you'll regret not doing it afterwards.


Fuck, I was looking up shirts to buy online and one of them said
RT + LS = JS
looollll. It is so obvious what that means. I'm both happy and sad that I ran across this. Happy because wow, how amazing, and sad because it would've been nice to uncover that factoid naturally.

I remember accidentally coming across the information that
Lyanna is Jon's mother
but my co-worker told me not to worry about that - he said it's not in any book and was just speculation from fans which was then confirmed by the author. So if it's not in a book then I'm not miffed. Hopefully whatever was on that shirt is also not in any of the books officially, hehe.
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