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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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80% descriptions of stuff that have no bearing on anything and do nothing but pad the word count is a good place to start. The fact that you could probably lop 3/4 of the text of this chapter off and lose nothing as well. It doesn't have to all be big reveals or battles, but I do expect more than padding, alas George has become a master of padding.

Sounds like you would be more into reading textbooks and non fiction than novels.




I worry that GRRM will feel pressure to differentiate from the show just for differentiation's sake.
At least this most recent example at least sounds somewhat organic. He came up with something and it happened that it couldn't work in the show. There's likely some muddying of the truth in that, but it should give some hope.
The show cuts so many corners that I doubt Martin will have to differentiate much - David and Dan will do it. Whatever grand ending he has in mind will get a cliff notes treatment on HBO. Plus he has so many balls in the air that aren't even on the show that it'll be even more different.


I worry that GRRM will feel pressure to differentiate from the show just for differentiation's sake.

Yeah, that's my fear as well. The show will end up being the bizarro Cliff Notes version of the original ending, while the books are an expanded alternate ending.


guys... it's ogre ;_;

we're about to get spoiled and I fucking hate it. fuck this shit seriously. book readers should never have to go through this. WE ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ THOUSANDS OF PAGES AND SUPPORTED GRRM FOR 20 YEARS AND THIS IS WHAT WE GET!! continuing the story through a 10 episode rushed fucking show that barely captures the essence and atmosphere of the books.

I'm just sad..


Hunky Nostradamus
guys... it's ogre ;_;

we're about to get spoiled and I fucking hate it. fuck this shit seriously. book readers should never have to go through this. WE ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ THOUSANDS OF PAGES AND SUPPORTED GRRM FOR "= YEARS THIS IS WHAT WE GET!! continuing the story through a 10 episode rushed fucking show that barely captures the essence and atmosphere of the books.

I'm just sad..

We'll see. This season is supposed to be fairly light on TWOW spoilers - next season is the one we'll really have to worry about, but GRRM wants TWOW out before then, so we might be good for a while longer.
until the show spoils all the major endgames in 2017

Anyway, since this thread is for book discussion only, we'll be safe here if nowhere else!


I wouldn't worry about it, the changes will be so drastic that only the obvious end points remain the same.

Daenerys arrives in time for White Walkers, etc
guys... it's ogre ;_;

we're about to get spoiled and I fucking hate it. fuck this shit seriously. book readers should never have to go through this. WE ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ THOUSANDS OF PAGES AND SUPPORTED GRRM FOR 20 YEARS AND THIS IS WHAT WE GET!! continuing the story through a 10 episode rushed fucking show that barely captures the essence and atmosphere of the books.

I'm just sad..

The show is better than the books so just think of it as a reward instead.
Please stick to book discussion in this thread.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";159199039]The show is better than the books so just think of it as a reward instead.[/QUOTE]Let's not do this here. If you want to debate the merits of the show versus the books, do it somewhere else.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";159200596]I don't, I was just joking in response to the hyperbole.[/QUOTE]Ok, good. I didn't want this thread derailing on the basis on your post.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Robb warged into Jeyne Westerling after he died due to the amount of times he spread his seed inside of her. He/She rallies the North and ousts the Boltons riding on the back of Nymeria during the Battle of Winterfell. Rickon then returns and marries Jeyne Westerling and becomes the new Lord of Winterfell. Robb, warged into Jeyne Westerling, never tells anyone who he truly is and fully accepts this sacrifice honoring this marriage contract which will benefit the family. Doing in "death" what he could not achieve in his first life.

They must never know.
This sounds like one of my Japanese animes.


I truly do think TWOW will be out in 2016. Like the new Sansa chapter, GRRM wants to beat HBO to the big reveals that will come out next years season. Hopefully we will get actual release news AFTER the end of this upcoming season.
I truly do think TWOW will be out in 2016. Like the new Sansa chapter, GRRM wants to beat HBO to the big reveals that will come out next years season. Hopefully we will get actual release news AFTER the end of this upcoming season.

I doubt it will come so soon. GRRM probably won't say anything definitive until he is done.
I doubt it will come so soon. GRRM probably won't say anything definitive until he is done.

A Dance With Dragons release date was announced before he was actually done. We'll probably know once his publishers are ready to set a date, which may well be before the final chapters are actually written.

Dance had about a four month turn around from the date being announced to release.
A Dance With Dragons release date was announced before he was actually done. We'll probably know once his publishers are ready to set a date, which may well be before the final chapters are actually written.

Dance had about a four month turn around from the date being announced to release.

Yea. Basically if he wants it out before or during S6 he has to "finish" before Feb 2016. He hasn't outright said that's his plan but I get the impression it is. We discussed this before but the convention appearance he cancelled means he'll have September, October, and November to write. I wouldn't be surprised if he also cancels his December appearance (Mexico). If he can finish in December he'll definitely be able to meet a March or early April 2016 release date.

Obviously he isn't giving himself a lot of wiggle room. This is a very short window.
I hope it's out at least a month before season six, don't think I could read the entire thing in two weeks unless its all I do with my free time.


I hope it's out at least a month before season six, don't think I could read the entire thing in two weeks unless its all I do with my free time.

Is it wrong my plan is that when a date is announced I'm going to book 2-3 days off work, then when it releases buy a supply of food, lock myself away from the world with no internet and not leave the house until I'm finished?


Is it wrong my plan is that when a date is announced I'm going to book 2-3 days off work, then when it releases buy a supply of food, lock myself away from the world with no internet and not leave the house until I'm finished?
Nope. I planned a surgery around the last Inheritance 'Trilogy' book to do just that. The plan failed in the end because work really needed me back but I'll certainly try again for this one.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I don't care when the book is released because I'll take my time reading it and avoid anything ASoIaF related until I'm done. I hate rushing through books because I tend to miss a lot of what I'm reading.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I like the idea that the Great Other is buried below Winterfell but the Hodor possession thing is dumb.


I still believe rhllor, the great other and the many faced god are all the same entity, bit I'll take an ice dragon below winterfell


Yeah lmao "Hodor is the Great Other" is ridiculous. Hodor got traumatized by an encounter with some aspect of the Great Other buried under Winterfell, we can talk about.

But also then like. Bran might have been a good builder but he was a shit locksmith if Some Kid could just wander down easy-as-nothing and encounter The Nemesis Of Mankind.


Theres obviously more to the crypts than we know, but i doubt hodor has anything to do with it. His name coming from a norse god is interesting, but i doubt grrm would pull a usual suspects on us.
I'm still not convinced that there's anything game-changing in the crypts. The most plausible thing I've heard so far is Rhaegar's harp being in Lyanna's tomb, and even that seems unlikely. Same goes for "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell" having any supernatural ties.

My money's on Winterfell just being a particularly baller castle.


The crypts definitely Matter. People who have had dreams or visions about the crypts:

  • Ned Stark
  • Bran Stark
  • Rickon Stark (he actually had a vision *in* the crypt)
  • Jon Snow
  • Jojen Reed


Embarked on a Quest Of Total Hubris last night and decided to start a AFFC/ADWD interwoven re-read. My heart believes I'll finish close enough to the Winds of Winter drop that everything will still be fresh...

Anyway, man you guys: I love Damphair. The unreliable narrator thing is so good with him. He's in a landlocked Ironborn keep yelling at a lord and maester about godliness thinking to himself like "and they didn't dare reply to that because my voice is so booming and commanding" but also maybe they didn't reply because this guy is a crazy old coot and they just want him to stop screaming and stinking up their hall.
Embarked on a Quest Of Total Hubris last night and decided to start a AFFC/ADWD interwoven re-read. My heart believes I'll finish close enough to the Winds of Winter drop that everything will still be fresh...

I'm reading "A Ball of Beasts." I think it's fantastic. Reading it as one volume really solves all the pacing issues.


Hunky Nostradamus
Anyway, man you guys: I love Damphair. The unreliable narrator thing is so good with him. He's in a landlocked Ironborn keep yelling at a lord and maester about godliness thinking to himself like "and they didn't dare reply to that because my voice is so booming and commanding" but also maybe they didn't reply because this guy is a crazy old coot and they just want him to stop screaming and stinking up their hall.

Damphair <3
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