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A Wonderful Life... for Girls... NEW screens and artwork (56k Stay Away)















<- can't wait...
<- a baby
<- so cute, awww...









so, who's ready to choose a nice boyfriend and raise a baby...

the first A Wonderful Life sold about 100,000 in the US, so I'm pretty sure Natsume will consider bringing this over... it's an interesting experiment, I wonder how much it will sell.. I wonder if my little middle-school sister will find it interesting... or is the target 15-21 year old women...

according the the-magicbox.com, you have 3 marriage candidates, and depending on how you play the game the degree love towards those boys changes, and there is a rival in the game to compete with you...


Wow... I thought they were kidding when people were talking about that game! Quite logical thought... The only person I know whose interested in the Harvest Moon series is a girl!


It would be funny if they really enforced the 'For Girls' at the point of sale. Sorta like how kids aren't really supposed to buy Mature rated games like GTA & Manhunt. :D

"Sorry sir, you aren't allowed to buy this game because you have a penis"
Wait, is the hippie one of the potential husbands? That would be awesome. Also, I wonder how the pregnancy will be handled? Do you need a miracle potion? Will you be out of commission for three seasons? Or will they skip the whole period from marriage to toddler, as in the last one?
jenov4 said:
It would be funny if they really enforced the 'For Girls' at the point of sale. Sorta like how kids aren't really supposed to buy Mature rated games like GTA & Manhunt. :D

"Sorry sir, you aren't allowed to buy this game because you have a penis"

If you have a penis, you shouldn't be buying this game anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
is the gameplay different. ie do you have to do shit like cook, watch teh kiddehs etc

Or is it the same play idea?


efralope said:
the first A Wonderful Life sold about 100,000 in the US, so I'm pretty sure Namco will consider bringing this over...
I think you mean Natsume. Also, I'm pretty sure that both the GBA and GC "For Girls" games were already confirmed for the US. It'll definitely be interesting to see if they catch on here.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
If I get to completely anhilate(sp?) the other woman competitor, then I'd definitely love to have this game =D


NetMapel said:
If I get to completely anhilate(sp?) the other woman competitor, then I'd definitely love to have this game =D
Haha - I was thinking the same thing - how being able to ruin your competitor's farm/life could be a strong selling point for AWLfG.


NetMapel said:
If I get to completely anhilate(sp?) the other woman competitor, then I'd definitely love to have this game =D
Or if you can get in a slap fight with her.

Also, can you commit adultery? :p

Musashi Wins!

DJ Demon J said:
If you have a penis, you shouldn't be buying this game anyway.

EB Games has a trade-in deal.

"Turn in one penis with your pre-order, receive HM: A Wonderful Life for $29.99 and your special Hello Kitty pencil case!"


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
FoneBone said:
I think you mean Natsume. Also, I'm pretty sure that both the GBA and GC "For Girls" games were already confirmed for the US. It'll definitely be interesting to see if they catch on here.

I want to see how they market them in the States...


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
FoneBone said:
Or if you can get in a slap fight with her.

Also, can you commit adultery? :p
When I said "completely anhilate", I really was thinking about a huge cat fight... ;D


Laurent said:
Wow... I thought they were kidding when people were talking about that game! Quite logical thought... The only person I know whose interested in the Harvest Moon series is a girl!


Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
I'm such a glutton for Harvest Moon I'll end up getting this. I can feel my penis shrinking at the mere thought.


FoneBone said:
I think you mean Natsume. Also, I'm pretty sure that both the GBA and GC "For Girls" games were already confirmed for the US. It'll definitely be interesting to see if they catch on here.

AWL:G is planned for Winter, FOMT:G is scheduled to be out in November.

I was hoping that Moi/Murray would be a potential husband, but it doesn't look like that's the case :( Supposibly the ability to continue on after the end of AWL:G will be there (aka "Freeplay") since it's already been mentioned on several Japanese sites. You can also aquire more outfits for your girl farmer as you complete events.

Should be interesting. I already have my import-copy on preorder since it comes out next month.


If it's like the For Boy version, the pregancy is skipped and you start the next chapter of the game with the kid already walking :)
I swear everytime I see this game, I wanna buy it. I also wanna see the look on people's faces when I go to pick it up somewhere. "it's for me!"


It's sad that I havn't really touched the first one. (But clocked decently on FoMT) Maybe this will be the one I'll clock some good time into. Seems like I'll get this later this year.


Laurent said:
Wow... I thought they were kidding when people were talking about that game! Quite logical thought... The only person I know whose interested in the Harvest Moon series is a girl!

Yeah i'm shocked its taken this long for them to get it this far. I cant wait for it. Nor can my gf. We've been wanting to hook up in the game for sometime. Now she can finally have her day.
I got my friend hooked on FoMT and now she a bigger HM nut than I am. I'm still on Year 3 whereas she's already mid Year 4. She saw me playing mine and told her I'd get her the girl version when it came out. I had already made her an Aminal Crossing freak and I knew she'd like it. I ended up getting the boy version since girl version is still way off...

Anyways, I wonder if you need the girl version of FoMT to hook up to this one. She'd just about die playing this. I still haven't started playing the Cube version... too much on my plate right now.


I've read two different versions; One saying has AWL:G being able to connect to FoMT:G *and/or* FoMT:B if you have it, while others have it AWL:G -> FoMT:G only. Won't know for sure until it's released next month.


ha, look what I found in a google search:



was that for the PS2 HM?

I thought the GBA was the first girl-perspective HM, but it doesn't matter, either way this got a ton of signatures...

the underground hype for this girl HM games has already started...

Considering A Wonderful Life Sold a whole bunch here in the US (much moreso than the PS2 Harvest Moon IIRC), the girl version of the GCN game could definitely find an audience over here...
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