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About review bombing games like TLOU II, Battlefield 2042 and Cyberpunk 2077

Can we stop calling everyone who dislikes a game "a troll"? People can have legitimate gripes about any game, as there's never been a truly perfect game.

I don't complain if people hate a game that I like. I might debate the merits of their argument, but I'm not going to call them a troll, just because they disagree with me.

Also, can we PLEASE stop relitigating TLOU2? It's been well over a year now, I'm sure everyone has had their say about the game 100X over. Some people like it, some people don't. Either way, can we move past it?

And using Cyberpunk? Really? One of the buggiest releases ever? Yeah, it was just "trolls and haters", right? Smh


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I completely understand what you are saying but imo the TLOU2 story issues did not deserve the 'level' of hate it received. It could of been, I dislike how the story went, they did Joel a disservice, I don't like forced agendas blah blah and rated it lower. But the comments and bombing was on a whole other level, it was complete irrational behaviour.

This is subjective and purely my opinion but besides Joel's fate(the way it was written) and some very minor forced LGBTQ+ agenda, the story was actually good. Like I said previously, it's ok not to like it but if you think just based on that, it deserved that level of complete hate, then you are also irrational.

TLOU2 isn't "woke" per se because it doesn't really pander to anyone. Its a story that -by design- doesn't make anyone look good. Its grim, downbeat and takes itself way too seriously but I never felt I was being preached at.

I don't think its entirely successful, but I'm happy to give credit where its due for at least trying to do something interesting and confrontational. Which I guess is what makes the more extremely negative reactions seem so dumb.

The thing that most people don't seem to recognize is that its one of the edgiest AAA blockbusters ever created, and in a different time that edginess would have been celebrated!

No spoilers, but what most of the complaints actually boiled down to was that it wasn't "comfort food" gaming. TLOU2 wasn't just ultra violent, it was dark and it was nasty and most of all it fucked hard with the characters that people had grown very attached to.

That's pretty fucking punk rock!
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The industry needs to invest in a consumer protection and regulatory division to protect itself and consumers from this. These launch bugs are getting out of control and someone needs to keep an eye.


Give it a rest already.

The game is shit. People voice their opinions. Someone should tell EA to lower your rate because you're doing a terrible job.


What is the difference between a review bomb and a large series of reviewers that didn't like the game in a short time frame? And how can you tell? Don't most reviews show or require a certain playlength?
In this case there is no difference. You can make the legit complaint that people are bombing the game on Metacritic because any moron can write a review without even playing a game, but 35k customers on Steam have also panned the game, It's a 2.6/5 on Xbox, and only 42% of critics recommend it. In fact, looking through the reviews on Xbox, the low scores are far more credible, and list valid complaints, but the 5 star reviews are all basically "stop criticizing my game" shit like the OP.

This is not a great, or even good, game that is getting unfairly criticized in user reviews. It's a bad game that's getting shit on from all sides, and the people who like it are trying to pretend like it's some sort of conspiracy or agenda.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
There are other review systems in the internet besides Metacritic you know...
Majority of the review sites ive seen does not require you to buy a game for review, i mean excluding Steam.

Is there any review site actually does that?


Writes a lot, says very little
It's hard to sift between real outrage and gamers being a bunch of male Karens.

Agreed, as to why I rarely give a shit about such takes.

Still buying BF 2042 lol

We've heard the hive mind cry and bitch about lots of games and my only regret is even listening to any of that shit at one point.

I ended buying Far Cry 5 used......actually a great game, one of my favorite in the series.

Bought AC Odyssey and Origin on sale years after release......actually great games, again.... sounds like horseshit and triggered people exaggerated stuff.

Can go on and on about how this game or that game was the END OF DA SERIEZ or WORZT EVAZ only to find out the game isn't even near as bad as folks are exaggerating it to be. I thus far don't see BF4 levels of bad here and its one of my favorite MP titles of all time.
Who said anything about being nice? I said "lack of nuance" as in "this is the worst shit ever" (spoiler: it's not) or "this is the best shit ever" (spoiler: It's not) with little in-between. Everyone is free to voice their opinions as am I to completely ignore them.

For the record, I don't have a dog in the Battlefield hunt.

Agreed. Its hard for me to say this is the best launch of a BF title, but I don't see anything here that would argue its the worst ie BF4 levels. The Youtubez loves that whole "worst vs best" shit where they just jump on bandwagons, as to why the went from yellow chair perfect score 2077 to covering its issues. It tells me such a community will simply shift the narrative to a hot take to get views and attention.

I dont think it's a real problem as a whole, but some games get bombed every year. COD and FIFA do. Every year for years these games get a 3/10 score where tons of people gives 0's.

That Warcraft Remake was nailed by critics, but it has a 0.6 score among 30,000 users. That's got to be among the worst scores on the entire site. Is it really a 0? To get that kind of score, probably 25,000 people gave a 0, and the rest gave a score to make the avg a 0.6.

Pretty much, I see no reason to take such reviews seriously as sheep love migrating to shit like that. I need to form my own opinion as the same sheep putting on this fake outrage for BF2042, would be the sheep crying over BF4's launch. To listen to them with a 0 out of 10 score and not play BF4, would be to miss one of the best MP titles to come out, based on someone crying over DAY FUCKING 1. It tells me its their first time playing an online game and I'm not buying any title based on such hot take triggered kneejerk responses.
Cyberpunk - Released a game with a lot of bugs.
Battlefield 2042 - Missing features from the previous installment.
Grand Theft Auto: Definitive Edition - Released a game with a lot of bugs.
Last of Us Part II: Bunch of grown men crying over video game character.
Last of us 2 is the only one that didn't deserve it, although the woke agenda was borderline deserving of it. 50 % gay characters in LoU2 if not higher lol. What is the percentage in real life 5-10%? Review bombing because of Joel had no justification whatsoever. Gamers are incredibly immature by and large, just look at thr amount of fanboys that exist.


There was no woke agenda and speaking of Woke agenda they also review bombed one of the Battlefield games because there was an option to play as a woman. Some people are as triggered as they accuse SJWs of being.
Can we stop calling everyone who dislikes a game "a troll"? People can have legitimate gripes about any game, as there's never been a truly perfect game.

I don't complain if people hate a game that I like. I might debate the merits of their argument, but I'm not going to call them a troll, just because they disagree with me.

Also, can we PLEASE stop relitigating TLOU2? It's been well over a year now, I'm sure everyone has had their say about the game 100X over. Some people like it, some people don't. Either way, can we move past it?

And using Cyberpunk? Really? One of the buggiest releases ever? Yeah, it was just "trolls and haters", right? Smh
He's talking about the extreme "0 out of 10" review scores. How is that just someone not liking the game? A game as polished and objectively good in terms of design and visuals. Even if you hated the story and were not impressed with the game design, wouldn't a 4 or 5 be at least somewhat reasonable? A 0, 1, or 2 score for that game is a frigging troll.

Now, when a company knowingly false advertises and/or fucks its customers over like Cyberpunk them it's reasonable to say that all bets are off. A 0 would not necessarily be a troll in that case. A game that is beyond the norm of bugginess and missing tons of features is to me, practically falsely advertised as well, as there is a reasonable expectation that the games we buy should come with the features it was advertised with and should work properly. In that case BF2042 deserves some harsh scores too. I wouldn't go as far as to say it deserves a 0 or a 1.

This is just my personal thoughts though and I understand other people have different expectations of what's acceptable. In the end, yeah don't put too much stock in reviews in general. Gather as much info as possible and make your decision.

I cringe when I see anyone use an individual review or website as their 'proof of how good a game is or isn't. Metacritic- just because it's an aggregate review site does NOT make it accurate, especially the customer reviews. If there is review bombing going on I don't care if 'the 10's balance out the 0's'. It has no credibility whatsoever in terms of how good something is. The professional critic review score carries some weight at least because you don't get the extreme scores the way you do with users.
Give it a rest already.

The game is shit. People voice their opinions. Someone should tell EA to lower your rate because you're doing a terrible job.
Smh...I don't work for EA...Review bombing a game for petty reasons doesn't equal a shit game...thats the point I'm making... I don't listen to the "people" because of that...
He's talking about the extreme "0 out of 10" review scores. How is that just someone not liking the game? A game as polished and objectively good in terms of design and visuals. Even if you hated the story and were not impressed with the game design, wouldn't a 4 or 5 be at least somewhat reasonable? A 0, 1, or 2 score for that game is a frigging troll.

Now, when a company knowingly false advertises and/or fucks its customers over like Cyberpunk them it's reasonable to say that all bets are off. A 0 would not necessarily be a troll in that case. A game that is beyond the norm of bugginess and missing tons of features is to me, practically falsely advertised as well, as there is a reasonable expectation that the games we buy should come with the features it was advertised with and should work properly. In that case BF2042 deserves some harsh scores too. I wouldn't go as far as to say it deserves a 0 or a 1.

This is just my personal thoughts though and I understand other people have different expectations of what's acceptable. In the end, yeah don't put too much stock in reviews in general. Gather as much info as possible and make your decision.

I cringe when I see anyone use an individual review or website as their 'proof of how good a game is or isn't. Metacritic- just because it's an aggregate review site does NOT make it accurate, especially the customer reviews. If there is review bombing going on I don't care if 'the 10's balance out the 0's'. It has no credibility whatsoever in terms of how good something is. The professional critic review score carries some weight at least because you don't get the extreme scores the way you do with users.
Bingo. The point I'm making...critic reviews are "more" credible..not some angry gamer who doesn't like a game design choice.
Every game the OP listed have legitimate reasons for being review bombed. TLOU 2 had extremely controversial story directions that would not sit right with some gamers (and I'm not talking about "woke" aspects here). CP, Battlefield are/were riddled with bugs. I think review bombs are an effective tool to keep developers in check.
You don't review bomb a game because of the story...


Within ten minutes of the game releasing TLOU2 had almost three times the reviews of TLOU1 and I know for damn sure all those people didn't finish it in ten minutes. There are people who didn't like it for good reasons but the whole debacle was seized upon by the gamergate crowd who are masters at trolling and bombing.

The other games did not work and were defective products.
Super Troopers Yes GIF by Searchlight Pictures


People are bombing it because the game fucking sucks currently.

It's barely a full functioning game at this time.
User reviews are way better then reviews from publications User reviews will review the good and that bad and wont sugar coat it shills like IGN will skip over the bad like Loot boxes, Bug "cough cough Cod games especially on pc" And a tons of other things also ign cant review games to save there life unless there is a easy mode.

LOU2 - a game that was delayed multiple times and apparently changed direction multiple times according to leaks and right before release they throw up the social justice shield of "you are a bigot if you dont like the game"
Game comes out...great gameplay but the story sucked absolute ass and does not hold a candle to part 1.....Deserves the hate imo.....dont attack the fans who loved the first game

Cyberpunk/Battlefield 2042 ...im gonna bundle these together as i think they are the same thing


Gold Member
Who said anything about being nice? I said "lack of nuance" as in "this is the worst shit ever" (spoiler: it's not) or "this is the best shit ever" (spoiler: It's not) with little in-between. Everyone is free to voice their opinions as am I to completely ignore them.

For the record, I don't have a dog in the Battlefield hunt.

It is in fact the worst battlefield ever.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Last of us 2 is the only one that didn't deserve it, although the woke agenda was borderline deserving of it. 50 % gay characters in LoU2 if not higher lol. What is the percentage in real life 5-10%? Review bombing because of Joel had no justification whatsoever. Gamers are incredibly immature by and large, just look at thr amount of fanboys that exist.
Most people who called review bombed it called it the worst story ever only after watching a few cutscenes. Of course, these are the same people who want to make you believe they watched a 30 hour playthrough on Youtube within a few days after the game was released.

There are just too many over-emotional gamers out there. TLOU2 reddit is still filled with people who still haven't moved on.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
User reviews are way better then reviews from publications User reviews will review the good and that bad and wont sugar coat it shills like IGN will skip over the bad like Loot boxes, Bug "cough cough Cod games especially on pc" And a tons of other things also ign cant review games to save there life unless there is a easy mode.
So, a gamer giving a game a 0 without playing it is better than the IGN reviews that you mentioned?

You can find way terrible user views than bad IGN reviews.


Tag, you're it.
Some people here needs to learn and understand how Steam reviews are actually working. It's is not rated on a range from 0 to 10. It's is it good or not. There is no middle ground.
You like the game, you recommend it. You don't like it, you don't recommend it, that's it. Then Steam is counting all those review and do a % of good vs bad.
So right now, only 24% of people that reviewed BF2042 recommend it. That's it.

You don't review bomb a game because of the story...
Oh really, are you sure about that?
Let's take TLOU II for example, it got bad reviews not only because "woke shit" (and these reviews have been censored day one so they are not counted anymore), but also from some people that simply didn't liked the direction the story has taken and how some characters reacted based on TLOU I.
I'm not gonna spoil the story of Part.2 but it just didn't make sense for them (and for me in that case).

Bought AC Odyssey and Origin on sale years after release.
This should give you a hint, because those games have been patched A LOT. Not as bad as BF 2042 or CP 20777 at launch though. And Odyssey is very, very liked so idk where you get that...

Review bombing a game for petty reasons doesn't equal a shit game
Think again, just those 2 reviews give you more than enough reason as to why this game isn't liked.
I'm gonna put them in big front to be sure you see them and stop acting like no one has given you enough reason for this:

1 & 2.

I don't know why you keep coming back defending this game, if you enjoy it then fine! Play it and forget about the "trolls", you don't have to prove anything to anyone, you are free to enjoy whatever you like.
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TLoU 2 was not really unfairly targeted because at the end of the day a majority of the "hate" was aimed at the story which is a key component of any game. People tend to review a product not a game and no one I saw would argue that the TLoU2 is not a technical marvel with some of the very best in sound design, animation and graphics on the PlayStation 4 with a solid stable finished release at launch.

However the criticism of the product was never about that, it was about the story or the use of characters that is still a valid issue for a consumer. It was however targeted differently by user reviews compared to BF 2042, Cyberpunk and GTA DE, which focus on the mechanical and also technical issues of the product.

Let's say I order a coffee pod machine, I would negatively review it if when it came out the box and plugged in it started smoking and sending sparks off right? I would also negatively review it if it worked flawlessly but all the drinks it made tasted like shit to me. Those are both valid reasons to dislike it even if the root cause is completely different. That's just how consumers are, people get bogged down thinking people write reviews as a critic on art when actually there primarily a consumer reviewing a product.

TLoU 2 had shit tasting coffee, while the others here all exploded as soon as they got power, firing half ground coffee beans all over the kitchen. That's the diffrences but the consumers opinions still stand.


The thousands of 0/10 user reviews just minutes after release were all people who got the game early, completed it, and didn't like the story :)


Writes a lot, says very little
It is in fact the worst battlefield ever.

A subjective view, not fact.

We've heard that about just about every damn BF release anyway lol

Most who play the series don't care....

Every fucking BF to them is "da worstz battlefieldz evaz" to the point of lots of the community no longer really listening to these hot takes.

and it goes on and on, from Bad Company a wannabe Call Of Duty, booo no prone, booo not a "real Battlefield" etc.

To even listen to most of this, is to never even play a Battlefield title.....those reasons above might be just as legit as the one being claimed now for some people, thus....stop fucking playing the series if its really that deep. Once you get this take EVERY FUCKING RELEASE, people start to just ignore it and stop taking it seriously, after all....those same folks made the same cries about other BF titles that the community holds dear.

To judge BF4 day 1 as "worst BF evaz" and If I where to listen to you based on day 1 cries, I miss out on 400 plus hours of greatness, why the fuck should I listen to whats being stated now day 1 as if you know the future of this title?
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The thousands of 0/10 user reviews just minutes after release were all people who got the game early, completed it, and didn't like the story :)
when you start attacking your fanbase before the games release and trying to inject a social justice type angle on the game its gonna get heat regardless of the actual game
gamers are sick of having this sort of shit injected into their games


An Absolute Desaster
Review Bombing is generally a bad thing and should be unacceptable. However although I hate it, I think in the case of Cyberpunk it was actually a good thing. If the average score would have been higher, people might just have thought "okay, it is not that great as people expected, but I am still going to buy it because it is an okay game", not knowingly that the main reason for the mixed reception were the technical problems especially on last gen hardware. With the review bombing and the resulting lower score, I think people had checked more carefully what the reason for the bad reviews is and perhaps stopped some people with only last gen hardware to purchase it.


Writes a lot, says very little
when you start attacking your fanbase before the games release and trying to inject a social justice type angle on the game its gonna get heat regardless of the actual game
gamers are sick of having this sort of shit injected into their games

By default this means the review can't be taken seriously man.

I'm not debating this whole "attacking your fanbase", if you feel that way sure, you are free to....but when it comes to reviewing the game based on its own merit, we can't take anything stated seriously anymore if your REAL fucking issue is um "sick of having this sort of shit injected" ohhh ok, so it has nothing to fucking do with the real quality of the game?

You just mad girl in game?

Fuck does that have to do with me? If i'm someone looking to play a great horror game with stealth, you being triggered at some director has nothing to do with me. Its just you going on some rant like "we just sick of this sort of injected xyz fill in the blank hot take"

Hear me out man.

If someone fucking hated Ford and was like "woooooow they be attacking da Lexus fanbase" and then states some odd shit like "sick of having this FORD SHIT injected into they gamez" who the fuck is really taking this seriously that you are REALLY judging the damn racing game on its real mechanics and not some shit you are triggered by with GM or Ford or something? I don't think you get it, most of us don't care, its why many of those games moved massive units, cause MOST DON'T FUCKING CARE, they just play games, they are not out here measuring chins and looking at what way someone's hair moves as a sign of an agenda in order to buy or not or something weird like that.

Once any of that is stated, I just don't think one can take such reviews seriously. Even the whole "meh feelings hurt, day attacked da fanbase" is irrelevant to most. I've never fucking bought a game based on a complement by the fucking team, is your game good? Is it fun? thats it... I don't fucking care about any of that shit and don't even get this weird feelings factory crap the moment someone's feelings are hurt that company said bad thing booooo lol I buy based on what is made....I buy based on if its fun, i do not buy games based on how nice a developer is, what comments they make, I don't fucking care. They are run by literally thousands of people and I assure you not 1 publisher exist where no person is a total piece of garbage lol, but I'll be damned if I avoid a game based on "some at da company said" lol



Fuck am I suppose to do with this information? This has to do with the quality of the game....how? You think I shop at Wal Mart based on the morals of the folks who own the company man? =) Do you not see how one just can't take such things seriously?

KyoZz KyoZz Thats my fault, I should have made clear what I was talking about. I didn't buy those games based on claims about how bad they were regardless of bugs as lots of the claims where more so about them just being bad games in general vs bugs or glitches or something. i was under the impression they were indeed the bottom of the barrel AC games and bought them and have no clue where they got any of that from as I like what they did with the games. The stuff I read wasn't about bugs or something, it was just about the game being bad, not as good as this or that etc.

I should have been more clear as this thread is talking about bugs and stuff.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
when you start attacking your fanbase before the games release and trying to inject a social justice type angle on the game its gonna get heat regardless of the actual game
gamers are sick of having this sort of shit injected into their games

It's not "their" game. They're a consumer of a product. The only thing you should be "entitled" to is that the game works and it's playable from beginning to end.


Gold Member
Why do some fanboys think that a broken game receiving negative reviews is "review bombing"*?
Why do some people feel the need to open threads they must know will receive endless amounts of ridicule, because their take is just ridiculous?

There is a psychological study in all of this, I tell you.

*Just in case someone really doesn't know: Review bombing is when a game gets bombed for reasons unrelated to the actual game (typical case, some dev said something on Twitter that people didn't like).
It is NOT when a game is broken and people are pissed about that.
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Gold Member
Why do some fanboys think that a broken game receiving negative reviews is "review bombing"*?
Why do some people feel the need to open threads they must know will receive endless amounts of ridicule, because their take is just ridiculous?

There is a psychological study in all of this, I tell you.

*Just in case someone really doesn't know: Review bombing is when a game gets bombed for reasons unrelated to the actual game (typical case, some dev said something on Twitter that people didn't like).
It is NOT when a game is broken and people are pissed about that.
I dont think it's negative reviews holistically, but more about games gettig bombed with extremes like 0 scores making the overall user score rock bottom.

On Metacritic, the user scores per platform are about 2/10 each.

I didnt like the BF 2042 beta myself, but cmon, this game is a not a 2/10 kind of game.


Can’t Git Gud
Tlou2 didn’t deserve any of that. It’s a great game that stubborn people did not even gave a chance.
Cp2077 I finished no problems on pc on release. Not 9 but maybe 7 and a half. Probably much lower on old consoles


Writes a lot, says very little
Why do some fanboys think that a broken game receiving negative reviews is "review bombing"*?
Why do some people feel the need to open threads they must know will receive endless amounts of ridicule, because their take is just ridiculous?

There is a psychological study in all of this, I tell you.

*Just in case someone really doesn't know: Review bombing is when a game gets bombed for reasons unrelated to the actual game (typical case, some dev said something on Twitter that people didn't like).
It is NOT when a game is broken and people are pissed about that.

Well thats the thing, its not really an either or. I don't disagree with what you are saying btw, simply that it can apply to even a game with issues, as in it can have issues, but some can be exaggerating this to maybe a ridiculous degree.

As in someone can bomb it cause this, but someone can also really give review based on real issues too.

Coming from BF4, I don't think theses issues are to the level of a BF4 where that game was unplayable in terms of the servers not working, rubberbanding etc, a lot of this is getting fixed faster then the BF4 situation as they had that early access thing. Its not even saying its not bad, simply that its hard to believe its worse then BF4's, yet BF4 is the very game many are citing as some example of what EA should have done or something, like in a positive way lol

So who knows with a situation like this. If many are having fun with it, not having the same issues and we see tons of footage of people actually playing it and having a blast, I feel this just comes down to someone playing it themselves to see how they feel vs any review by fans or reviewers.

So when you see someone having this much fun in the game, its hard to take that 0 out of 10 seriously and you start to wonder how much of that is really review bombing and how much is REAL criticisms

I dont think it's negative reviews holistically, but more about games gettig bombed with extremes like 0 scores making the overall user score rock bottom.

On Metacritic, the user scores per platform are about 2/10 each.

I didnt like the BF 2042 beta myself, but cmon, this game is a not a 2/10 kind of game.

Agreed. I just don't see this as a 0, 1 or 2 out of 10.

What the fuck was BF4 suppose to be then using this same metric? Like negative 10? lol Unplayable, they owe YOU money on top of what you paid lol It makes it hard to even take whats being stated seriously and I worry about how DICE will sift thru a lot of that as many are bring up real issues that must be fixed, yet many are making list of dumbass shit that isn't really a REAL issue, simply listing fudd that they otherwise didn't even give a shit about prior to this. Be like "map too big" and or "too much players"

If it launched as just the opposite.

Also them "maps too small, this is no longer Battlefield" or "player count small, just copy and paste BF broz" lol

rofif rofif agreed (with how you viewed it, not so much with the bugs as I got a lot on PS4 Pro lol)

Agreed none the less though. I gave CP2077 6 or 7. It could never be 8,9 or 10 simply based on bugs, performance, missing features promised yet never stated they were removed, lack of AI. I can go all day about just how much common sense features are missing in the open world, but I can't score it based on what I assume, I must score it based on really needing AI, the claim about those 'choices" etc. I agree some stuff shouldn't be assumed or imagined, but what was promised and what was delivered was just too massive to ignore.
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Gold Member
some can be exaggerating this to maybe a ridiculous degree.
Sure, but at least then it's still an actual issue.

When you see a game like BF with such a low score, everyone knows it's not really a 2/10 game.
But you cannot expect people to take the time and effort to produce proper reviews, it's not realistic - Valve knew that and so their review system only knows "not recommended" and "recommended", so kinda 0/10 or 10/10 (if you want to put it into the same score system).
What you get is a score whose average will tell you "how people liked it" - not necessarily how good of a game something is (although more often than not, those two values correlate strongly).

I view user scores on metacritic, etc. in much the same way.
Not a 2/10 game, but apparently a great amount of players are seriously unhappy with it. That's valuable information in itself.
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I feel certain games are being targeted, I remember TLOU II had great industry reviews, but bad user reviews...not because the game deserved it but...It wasn't what trolls and specialist groups wanted it to be...The majority loved the game...It pushed the industry forward and is a milestone in every category, even the report form Microsoft agreed. I feel unjustified review bombing is happening to Battlefiled 2042..YES it has problems but thats with most games releasing today needing patches at launch...I feel its being unjustly review bombed. Same thing they tried to do with BFV because it was "woke". I do feel companies need to be held accountable for unfinished buggy products...
Battlefield 2042 sucks and all the heat it is getting is more than justified.

Not only is DICE's worst game by far, but also is the biggest dud EA has put out in recent years, surpassing Anthem by a very wide margin.


Writes a lot, says very little
Sure, but at least then it's still an actual issue.

When you see a game like BF with such a low score, everyone knows it's not really a 2/10 game.
But you cannot expect people to take the time and effort to produce proper reviews, it's not realistic - Valve knew that and so their review system only knows "not recommended" and "recommended", so kinda 0/10 or 10/10 (if you want to put it into the same score system).
What you get is a score whose average will tell you "how people liked it" - not necessarily how good of a game something is (although more often than not, those two values correlate strongly).

I view user scores on metacritic, etc. in much the same way.
Not a 2/10 game, but apparently a great amount of players are seriously unhappy with it. That's valuable information in itself.

I don't disagree with you with that feeling, but how much of them really played the game and how much of them are unhappy based on something unrealistic is just as valuable. I can't avoid a game based on someone being mad day 1, I would never have got BF4 based on that logic and missed out on such a great game post launch.

This is one of those situations where I feel folks just need to play it for themselves. I couldn't even tell someone to NOT BUY CP2077 based on what I played as many on here disagree with my take and love the story, theme, world etc, thus I need to just say play it and find out. I'm just not going to ignore BF 2042 based on hot takes so early at launch.


are in a big trouble

BF 2042 an FPS game with no scoreboard? They removed squad options so you can't leave and join your friends if they're in a different squad nor can you be kicked from one.

Plus you can only join a friend you has less than 4 friends with him. Great 64 vs 64 but there's a cap on friends joining. The death bug from BFV which launched in 2018 still exists in this game. They removed the class system which is battlefield for cringe characters in order to be like cod and eventually sell skins to us.

The list of issue's are insane with this game.


when you start attacking your fanbase before the games release and trying to inject a social justice type angle on the game its gonna get heat regardless of the actual game
gamers are sick of having this sort of shit injected into their games

What sort of shit?

There wasn't even much social justice stuff at all in this game. It was a dark and violent revenge story.

Angry manchildren just got triggered by 2 female characters. As if we haven't played enough ex-marines as main characters in the last 20 years....
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Gold Member
only thing that i see wrong with reviedw bombing is that people should be able t submit a vote/review only once and only if they own the game...
The funny thing is that the technology of NFTs could actually be used for that (easy proof of owning a product) and shared between all those score aggregators and owners of the platforms selling games.
Instead it's being used for MONKKE scams and sours the reputation of the tech... smh.

Anyway, I'm definitely with you on owning a product should be a requirement to giving it a score.
EDMIX EDMIX This might also be what makes something like Metacritic more susceptible to actual review bombing than e.g. Steam (which does require ownership to review).


Gold Member
I generally like Steam user reviews to get a feel for a game and any bugs it may have, etc. But it does feel like it’s not useful here. 25% positive rating would put this as one of the worst or most broken games on Steam. That’s not even close to accurate.

60-70% would make more sense, with it rising as issues are patched out.


Gold Member
I generally like Steam user reviews to get a feel for a game and any bugs it may have, etc. But it does feel like it’s not useful here. 25% positive rating would put this as one of the worst or most broken games on Steam. That’s not even close to accurate.

60-70% would make more sense, with it rising as issues are patched out.

Again people are mistaking steam reviews as a critical score. People need to step back and realise that steam operates on a "yes/no" to a single question, "would you recommend this?".

Steam is not a 0-10 on the artistic value of the game or a percentage out of 100% on where the game sits compared to its contemporaries, it is a score based on if the average paying consumer would recommend that you buy this game, that's it.

So no 60%-70% would not make sense, not if you understand the diffrence on how reviews on steam work, because an overwhelming majority of people would not recommend you pay at least £50 for BF2042, and this makes complete sense. The product in its current from is expensive and does not work correctly. The only people voting positive are saying "Oh it's not that bad don't believe the haters", while not understanding that this is not hate its just consumers voting on if they would recommend you slap down £50 right now, not "oh it will get better" this is if a consumer paying at MINIMUM £50 is happy with there purchase right now, and would recommend you do the same.
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