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Acclaim: The end is here - Bankruptcy Monday



Unconfirmed Member

"We can reveal at this juncture that Acclaim will be filing for bankruptcy on Monday 30th August 2004 under Chapter 11. The news from the most credible of sources. The announcement will be made in New York on the above stated morning."


Unconfirmed Member
MrPing1000 said:
Baby make your booty go da na da na
Girl I know you wanna show da na da na
That spong spong spong spong

Third best SPOnG song I have read to date.
And on to the discussion about, oh yeah, Acclaim going tits up at long last.
Meh. Ch. 11. They're just going to streamline and cut even more, but they'll still be around. Acclaim hasn't always been a great publisher, but I'd hate to see them go.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
JC10001 said:
OK. You know how 999/1,000 times Spong is wrong? I so hope this is the 1/1,000 time that they are right.

Not true (about Spong). They've been getting it right mostly this year. As for the Acclaim story, I believe it's legit.

Aug 30th = the end.


Unconfirmed Member
MightyHedgehog said:
Meh. Ch. 11. They're just going to streamline and cut even more, but they'll still be around. Acclaim hasn't always been a great publisher, but I'd hate to see them go.

I don't think so. Bankruptcy Monday. Recievers move in a week or so later. All assets stripped. Wonder who'll end up with 100 Bullets?


Still Tagged Accordingly
I don't know why, but for some reason I had quite a few Acclaim games in the N64 days. Turok, Extreme-G, Turok 2, Shadowman and probably something else. I can't figure out why I had so many of their games on the N64, because now I look back and realise how average or shit their games are.



this rocked!!


Will start substantiating his hate
If Acclaim does file for bankruptcy I see it as a positive thing for the industry as a whole. Too much shit is published these days. Let's hope they take Midway and a couple of others with them. Sucks for the employees of course but something has to give.
cybamerc said:
If Acclaim does file for bankruptcy I see it as a positive thing for the industry as a whole. Too much shit is published these days. Let's hope they take Midway and a couple of others with them. Sucks for the employees of course but something has to give.

Midway's actually been putting out some good stuff as of late...dunno why you'd want them to die off...


Unconfirmed Member
cybamerc said:
If Acclaim does file for bankruptcy I see it as a positive thing for the industry as a whole. Too much shit is published these days. Let's hope they take Midway and a couple of others with them. Sucks for the employees of course but something has to give.

So. Wrong.

Aside from the fact that in the eyes of the rest of the financial world, it says, “Don’t invest in the games industry – It’s run by morons who can, amazingly, take a successful company, then borrow a shit load of money to invest into it, then run the fucker into the ground, feathering the nests of the directors along the way.”

It isn’t healthy, especially for any new companies seeking faith and investment in the sector that has again been tarnished by greed and ineptitude.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
If Acclaim does file for bankruptcy I see it as a positive thing for the industry as a whole. Too much shit is published these days. Let's hope they take Midway and a couple of others with them. Sucks for the employees of course but something has to give.

That's pretty damn unfair. Midway has been putting out a lot of good games as of late. They've really turned it around...


Will start substantiating his hate
Midway is expendable as far as I'm concerned. I don't see these good games you speak of.
Welcome 2 Zinging-age!

The story probably has it spot on. They were appealing against NASDAQ delisting the other week. The next stop was filing for bankrupcy, and it looks like it's here. Bye bye Acclaim!

And so the great purge that sees EA become Lord and Master of all begins...

* plays Carl Orff's O Fortuna *
D2M15 said:
Because armchair industry analysts on internet forums are a bunch of self-centred, clueless, poisonous fucking vultures, is my guess.


And The Red Star was so close. Damn.

Damn...I just remembered that Red Star is an Acclaim-title.... :( If they do indeed go under, I'd hope that Ubi Soft or Activision would pick this up. This needs to come out...love that demo. Someone with the resources has to push this title hard.


MightyHedgehog said:

Damn! You immortalised my knee-jerk.

Damn...I just remembered that Red Star is an Acclaim-title.... :( If they do indeed go under, I'd hope that Ubi Soft or Activision would pick this up. This needs to come out...love that demo.

Spong's claiming Acclaim Austin was shut down yesterday. The latest code was all but finished, so hopefully it'll turn up somewhere else.

Hopefully Bard's Tale shouldn't have too much trouble finding another publisher. Juiced Games must feel like the unluckiest guys in the world, though, losing Lambo to Rage's closure and now having it happen again with Acclaim and Juiced.
To be honest, I'm not particularly happy or unhappy at this news. Part of me recognises that Acclaim were part of my childhood happyness really.. they put out great games in their time... but for all the greats, there was the MK and Turok rehashes. I'm now wondering if the brand will live on. Will it become another Ocean or another Atari?


What is it with all the midway hate? They've been releasing original and quality titles lately (check gamerankings).. I guess the hate is just because they're not from Japan and/or they don't support GC.


hyperbolically metafictive
i will be seriously bummed out if this interferes with the release of the red star. it'd be like acclaim to go under just before they release the first great original game in their fairly long and mostly shitty history.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
Midway is expendable as far as I'm concerned. I don't see these good games you speak of.

Well, Psi Ops is a great game and I'm looking forward to Shadow Hearts 2 (which they are publishing). The rest of their games are solid titles, by all accounts. They really haven't released any bad games for a while. Most of their titles have been considered above average to great as of the last year or so. They deserve credit for turning things around, IMO.

I think we need to see companies like Lucas Arts go down. I used to LOVE them, but all of their talent jumped ship a long time ago. It's time to close the doors...but that will never occur.

I guess the hate is just because they're not from Japan and/or they don't support GC.

Ah HA!! Heh, I had totally forgotten that they no longer support Gamecube. Well, THAT explains it!
D2M15 said:
Damn! You immortalised my knee-jerk.

Hey, it was the truth, IMO.

Hopefully Bard's Tale shouldn't have too much trouble finding another publisher.

Huh? I thought that VU was handling this on both sides of the Atlantic?

Juiced Games must feel like the unluckiest guys in the world, though, losing Lambo to Rage's closure and now having it happen again with Acclaim and Juiced.

Yeah...the demo looked and played very hot, IMO. I'm certain that it'll be snapped up very quickly.
Although I'd hardly call spong a quality or credible website, I wouldn't be surprised if this news turns out true. Acclaim even commented on possibly bankruptcy not too long ago.
No one in their right mind would hate Midway because of a lack of Gamecube support. They used to be heavily invested in by Nintendo, and have a history of co-operation together. Nintendo even said they're interested in titles they have in the pipeline for this generation in response to them saying they couldn't support GC for financial reasons.
So never say never..

..besides why Midway of all the companies that don't support GC? Codemasters! Damn them! I want a GOOD micro machines title, and a liverpool FC version of club football on Gamecube. NOWWW!


Unconfirmed Member
cybamerc said:
Lots of companies are gonna die anyway. Might as well be the shitty ones. Less crap will help the industry in the long run.

Fine, believe what you want.

If you can't see that hugely public mismanagement disasters will stop new companies being able to enter the sector, thus seeing existing firms consolidate, then you don't see it. In five years or so, make sure you're not complaining of lack of innovation, franchise-driven schedules and monopolistic practices of an unchallengeable elite.


MightyHedgehog said:
Huh? I thought that VU was handling this on both sides of the Atlantic?

Acclaim picked up the European distribution. VU's weird with its territories sometimes.
Additionally, on May 4, 2004, the Company entered into a letter of intent with a proposed new lender, for a $30.0 million asset based credit facility, with an equity component, to replace the credit agreement with GMAC. The Company is currently working with the proposed new lender in order to implement timely the new credit facility which is subject to the execution of definitive documentation by both parties; provided, however that there can be no assurance that the new credit facility or any other banking facility will be consummated. Failure to obtain a new banking facility would materially adversely affect the Company's operations and liquidity and the Company could be forced to cease operations or seek bankruptcy protection.



Street Fighter IV World Champion
Folder said:
Fine, believe what you want.

If you can't see that hugely public mismanagement disasters will stop new companies being able to enter the sector, thus seeing existing firms consolidate, then you don't see it. In five years or so, make sure you're not complaining of lack of innovation, franchise-driven schedules and monopolistic practices of an unchallengeable elite.

Cybermerc = owned in a rather gentlemanly fashion.


Tag of Excellence
When I was a kid I did a study on the video game industry for my school. Acclaim was strangely the most helpful company out of all that I quizzed. They provided me with lots of resources and press kits in order to help out my report and the lady who spoke with me was incredibly friendly.


Will start substantiating his hate

>They deserve credit for turning things around, IMO.

A couple of titles is enough to keep them alive?

> I think we need to see companies like Lucas Arts go down.

One could argue that LucasArts has been making an effort too. KOTOR was heavily praised and lots of ppl seem to be excited about Republic Commando. Personally I don't care much either way... these days LA is mostly a publisher. If LucasArts doesn't publish Star Wars titles others will.

> Ah HA!! Heh, I had totally forgotten that they no longer support Gamecube. Well, THAT
> explains it!

Midway supports GameCube.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I just hope they get to release The Red Star, finally they put out a good game...

Acclaim's been on the verge of bankruptcy for a while, from what I recall. But, this might be bad for the local economy here (their headquarters are located here)...

And Midway has actually been doing pretty decent, I heard Psi-Ops isn't that bad (not my kind of game), and I'm looking forward to Shadow Hearts:Covenant... it's interesting to see them put this game forth. Midway has had some fun games in the past... not the deepest games ever made, but much better than some of Acclaim's stuff.


Will start substantiating his hate

> thus seeing existing firms consolidate

This is going to happen anyway. If Acclaim doesn't file for bankruptcy it'll likely happen for them as it will for Midway.

> In five years or so, make sure you're not complaining of lack of innovation...

Surely you aren't suggesting that continued innovation rests on the shoulders of Acclaim and Midway?


Unconfirmed Member
cybamerc said:

> thus seeing existing firms consolidate

This is going to happen anyway. If Acclaim doesn't file for bankruptcy it'll likely happen for them as it will for Midway.

> In five years or so, make sure you're not complaining of lack of innovation...

Surely you aren't suggesting that continued innovation rests on the shoulders of Acclaim and Midway?

To purposefully de-context an argument to try and salvage your untenable position is perhaps the lowest form of debate. Let’s leave this one shall we big lad, as I really don’t think it’s worth it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
A couple of titles is enough to keep them alive?

My friend, they have released and will be releasing far more than a couple of titles. I am not a huge fan of Midway, and as such, I have simply listed only two titles. However, the rest of their software has been considered high quality as of late. The fact that most of their releases have been of high quality suggests that they have turned a bad situation around and deserve to survive. Surely you can understand this...

Midway supports GameCube.

Do they? It seemed to me that most of their titles excluded the Gamecube, but perhaps there are still some titles being developed for the platform. Regardless, all non-Gamecube related gaming is virtually worthless to you (or so it seems), so it only seemed natural to me that you would damn them (had that lack of support held true).


Monday may be optimistic

Acclaim out of juice
27 August 2004 By Lisa Byron
It would appear that the end is nigh for Acclaim, with the beleaguered US games firm having this morning made widespread redundancies.
The company earlier this week announced that it was seeking additional funding, but warned that bankruptcy was a possibility. Sadly, that now looks like being the reality.

Yesterday, the Acclaim Texas facility was closed and this morning the publisher’s Manchester studio was shut down with a loss of 130 jobs. Meanwhile, the European head office in Kensington is not answering its phones.

A announcement to NASDAQ is expected this afternoon.


Will start substantiating his hate

> Do they?


> It seemed to me that most of their titles excluded the Gamecube

Most do.

> Regardless, all non-Gamecube related gaming is virtually worthless to you (or so it
> seems), so it only seemed natural to me that you would damn them

Perhaps that's how your mind works but not mine.


Scrow said:
I don't know why, but for some reason I had quite a few Acclaim games in the N64 days. Turok, Extreme-G, Turok 2, Shadowman and probably something else. I can't figure out why I had so many of their games on the N64, because now I look back and realise how average or shit their games are.

Well, for the time they were good games, and most of them still are. I think Acclaim did better when they focused alot of their resources towards one system, rather than trying to spread the love to everyone. I noticed alot of their games began to suffer when they tried supporting N64, PS, and DC.


I think diverting Turok resources to 3 systems was a bad idea, they should have left the franchise Nintendo exclusive so that it would have stood out from Nintendo's more colorful lineup, plus they would have optimized it for the system (for better graphics) and would have probably nailed down some better design (like the first 2 games in the series, which totally rocked)...

That one decision to go with PS2 and XBox as well for Turok Evolution probably made a big difference, and probably helped take the company down. Right now, Midway is basically living off Mortal Kombat, and Acclaim could have lived off Turok alone for another couple of years if they had nailed down a good next-gen version, but they bothed it hard...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
No point in arguing here as you have already proven that you lack experience with a wide variety of games. There are simply too many games which you have felt the need to insult that, in the end, you admit to never having played. How can you fabricate such sweeping statements regarding the quality of something which you have never played?

How could you possibly insult Midway's lineup when you not only lack experience with their recent titles, but actually were unaware as to what titles they have been releasing?


Acclaim should have cut loose their own studios a long time ago and gone on to be purely a publisher. Juiced is actually a good game. A bit ironic if they're filing for the Juiced guys as the exact same thing happened with their last game Lamborghini when Rage went down.

By the way, fun fact about Acclaim and the cube. Martyn Brown of Team 17 told me Sega (EU publisher) didn't want a cube version of Worms Forts as the last game sold very poorly on the cube. Acclaim is the publisher in US however, and they were satisfied with sales but were late in telling Team 17 they wanted a cube version. It could still happen though (well, with recent events in mind perhaps not)...
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