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PK Gaming

Spirits, ghosts and the Steel Samurai, huh.

The mysterious hero is probably Maya Fey.

oh dear god let it be maya


Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I said this on the other thread, but if Maya doesn't appear I really am gonna find the closest pack of kittens I can find and kick them to oblivion.


Capcom updated their AA5 site with new screenshots and stuff.

Phoenix as non playable character:

New Apollo screens:

Jin ingame:

Some screens from the second case:

I think overall the 3D models of the new characters look great! But it's still weird for me to see Apollo and Phoenix in 3D, because I am so used to see them as 2D sprites. I'll surely get used to them, though.

And you can preorder AA5 now (including a limited edition with a Phoenix Wright figurine).



There is also a small preview of the DLC costumes:


Oh wow, those shots look fantastic.

And yes, Maya better be in this. An epic reveal in one of the cases of older, hot Maya. ;______;


Junior Member
Regarding the HD trilogy, I hope it's made available outside of iOS. Would love to play it on Wii U or Steam if I could.


I feel like I'm the only one who isn't super crazy about Maya/jonesing for her to come back. I liked her, don't get me wrong, but Ema and Trucy were great too, and Kokone looks promising. (Not quite as sold on Kay.)


I feel like I'm the only one who isn't super crazy about Maya/jonesing for her to come back. I liked her, don't get me wrong, but Ema and Trucy were great too, and Kokone looks promising. (Not quite as sold on Kay.)

I'm with you. Kokone looks like she's gonna be great. I feel like Maya's story was told in the original trilogy. I mean we've seen just about everything to do with her family.
I like Maya and all (Best assistant), but yeah, her and her family's story concluded with AA3.

I just hope the cameo happy AAI team feels the same way.


I'm with you. Kokone looks like she's gonna be great. I feel like Maya's story was told in the original trilogy. I mean we've seen just about everything to do with her family.

That's the other thing - her story really feels done. So did Phoenix's, to be fair, but between Trucy and Apollo in AA4 and now Kokone in AA5, I feel like we're getting a chance to see him more as a leader and almost father-like figure, which I think is a nice evolution for the character.

They could do something similar with Maya, I guess, but I'd rather she just gets a few references and leave the spotlight to Phoenix/Apollo/Kokone.

Speaking of, I wonder where Trucy is in all this.

No, you're all crazy. Characters that NEED to return in some form, even if it's a single chapter, are Maya and Edgeworth.

See, I just can't agree with this, especially Edgeworth's case. By the end of AAI2 Edgeworth's plotline had been retreaded so many times that it was getting ridiculous. He's important to Phoenix, true, but I don't think there's really a ton to be gained by him showing up for another case.

That said though, I wouldn't be surprised to see them show up, or at least some other AA1-AA3 characters. This is the AAI team we're talking about here. They brought back
Frank Sahwit
in AAI2, for cripes sake.


See, I just can't agree with this, especially Edgeworth's case. By the end of AAI2 Edgeworth's plotline had been retreaded so many times that it was getting ridiculous. He's important to Phoenix, true, but I don't think there's really a ton to be gained by him showing up for another case.

but I don't think there's really a ton to be gained by him showing up for another case

Dude, what. Just imagine one chapter—just one—with Maya as the assistant, Phoenix as the defense attorney, Edgeworth as the prosecutor and Gumshoe as the detective (and Larry as a witness). All conditioned by age and experience! It'd be blatant fanservice, but I have a smile on my face just thinking about it. Guess it would serve the purpose of contrasting Wright's cases a decade ago and how he has grown as an attorney.


Characters I want to see return are mostly Trucy and maybe Edgeworth. Granted I haven't played the AAI games yet, so I don't know what's going on with him anyways.
Don't phoenix have a picture of Trucy with him in AA5? I thought that was revealed. She might go the way of Maya and just vanish.

I think it's a guarantee we'll see Larry Butz. I mean, that's a given right?
As much as I like the characters (Hell, Edgeworth is my favorite character in the series) I feel like doing that just for the sake of fanservice wouldn't be such a great idea.

Now if Capcom did something like say... a one off extra DLC case (Something along the lines of Rise From the Ashes) and they showed up in that capacity there, I wouldn't mind. It'd be great fanservice without the risk of cluttering up whatever they're trying to do with the main story of the game.


Don't phoenix have a picture of Trucy with him in AA5? I thought that was revealed. She might go the way of Maya and just vanish.

Yeah, she "appears" in an anime scene:

Seeing as she's his daughter and all, it'd be really weird if of all people, she wasn't in the game (guess they could give some sort of excuse like she's studying abroad or something).


Seeing as she's his daughter and all, it'd be really weird if of all people, she wasn't in the game (guess they could give some sort of excuse like she's studying abroad or something).

That's what I figure would happen if she don't appear. How long after AJ is this one again? I'd like to see her with a new design.

Speaking of, I'm still amazed this hasn't gotten an anime yet. I still can't find vol.1 of the manga, my book store only got vol. 2 and the two short story "official casebook" things.
If Apollo seemingly got injured in that courtroom explosion that kicks the game off, it's not a large stretch to think Trucy was with him when it happened (and possibly got injured as well), is it?
Maya and Edgeworth need to feature at least. It's completely unrealistic to have an entire game with Phoenix as the protagonist and not also star the two people he's closest to in the series. That would seem forced/unnatural.

Mind, I'd be disappointed if Gumshoe and Franziska aren't in it either :x


No, you're all crazy. Characters that NEED to return in some form, even if it's a single chapter, are Maya and Edgeworth.

Yup, I agree with this. Phoenix, Maya, Edgeworth, Gumshoe (and maybe the judge) feel like the staple characters in the series. I feel like they should be in there in some form. I agree that Maya and her family's story is done, and I'm not asking for another Fey/Edgeworth storyline to take over, but that doesn't mean she should retire from the series.
How much would you guys be willing to spend for that Figure Edition in the localized version?

I'd be willing to pay about $60-$70. It's just so damn beautiful.
This game....this game... is looking so so good. I would love for Maya to be in it and a part of Phoenix's life in some way. Edgeworth can wait for the next game. You gotta build that return up.

Edit: Holy crap there's a figure edition of Wright for AA5 and a figure edition of AAI2 JPN rerelease with Edgeworth. I'd spend $80 easily on each if the figure's are high quality build. They look nice at least.
I'm still mad that Maya and Edgeworth did nothing for Phoenix after losing his badge.

I'm still mad they wrote them out of AJ with lame and unbelievable excuses too. Hopefully they don't repeat that in AA5 and they feature prominently as they should.

Along with Gumshoe. Maggey and Franziska can come too.
The less returning characters the better in my book, I'll take Trucy for AA5 and that'll do me just fine.
I suppose you could throw Edgey and Maya in as short lived cameos to appeal to those who crave for it but i'd rather not focus cases around them, I don't want Larry Butz bumbling his way into another dodgy situation while an ancient Oldbag rants away in the background yet again. Too many cameos is one of the problems I had with AAI, it can limit the pool of suspects when they start taking up space, plus new characters are part of the fun.

Here i'll make an ideal Edgeworth cameo right now to solve all the issues...

*Somewhere in court or whatever*
Wright: (hey is that?)
Edgeworth: Oh it's you Wright, finally dragged yourself up out of the gutter have you
Edgeworth: You're a grown man, I figured you could handle things yourself
Wright: Jerk
Edgeworth: *Smug bow animation*

There we go, it's a work of art and Professor Beef can move on with his life.

Seriously though I think it's more of an issue that Wright himself was sort of shoehorned into AJ, taking the time out to also fill in the gaps about Phoenix and his old merry band would only serve to distract further from the main plot of AJ and poor old Polly got shafted enough in his own game as Wright basically hijacked it for the finale, I imagine they figured not mentioning Edgeworth at all was probably a better route to go than hastily inserting a quick fix like the ever useful trip to another country for reasons.
There's a big difference between having Maya and Edgeworth and having Larry and Oldbag. The former two are the most important people in Phoenix's life, the latter two are there to bumble around and create either comic relief or court drama.
Who needs Plot Induced Stupidity when you've got Larry Butz? Occasionally he has Plot Induced Intelligence.

The problem is that Ace Attorney isn't just a random court case visual novel game where the characters and settings can be freely arranged. I liked AJ quite a bit, but one of the things I didn't like was the bizarre and somewhat jarring way that everyone important to Phoenix conveniently is no longer an apparent part of his life. Were they honestly afraid of the new characters being overshadowed? If so, why even have Phoenix in the game at all? Apollo barely did a thing.

Even if it did make sense to exclude them, in excluding them you exclude the fans who have grown to actually care for them over the course of the series. Originality is important and a lot of the B Team should be given a rest (Larry, Oldbag, Lotta etc) but I'd rather they didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater, all the same.

We can have a bit of both actually, the cameos were overwhelming in AAI but it doesn't need to be that way. Winston Payne's a gimme in the first case and the Judge has to be there cause well yeah. In general make it more like AA3 and I'll be happy.
That's a fair point, Well I did specify Edgeworth and Maya specifically with reason, they are the main two who are worth checking back up on, I just don't think they have to be back in any major capacity like as the assistant or back behind the prosecution desk.
The original idea behind Apollo Justice appeared to be a clean slate take on things as T&T wrapped things up nicely for the original cast but that didn't pan out.
With Phoenix back along for the ride in the central role it's more likely that they'll both (Edgeworth and Maya that is) show up at some point.

I'd still like to see that clean slate take on the series at some point, it'd also be useful for anyone who wants to jump in without having played previous games as well, then again anyone interested in these games should go back and play the original trilogy anyway, it's that good.
The movie came on DVD here a couple of days ago, grabbed my copy this morning. Keen to give it a watch over the weekend.

edit: just finished watching it, was pretty underwhelmed. It's the first game except it's a movie and kinda boring. There are some nice little gags and visual moments but it's just not very engaging viewing.

Kinda the opposite of the Super Mario Bros. movie, really.


The movie came on DVD here a couple of days ago, grabbed my copy this morning. Keen to give it a watch over the weekend.

edit: just finished watching it, was pretty underwhelmed. It's the first game except it's a movie and kinda boring. There are some nice little gags and visual moments but it's just not very engaging viewing.

Kinda the opposite of the Super Mario Bros. movie, really.

That makes it sound like its a good movie, IMO.


Fuck! Fuck you Capcom! *rages*

I have really been itching to replay 1-3 for a good six months, and at this point I want to replay the HD versions.


YES, I was worried the translation project would never be finished. At least this will be something to do while I wait for the 3DS games.

Also I hope they managed to work in funny names like previous localisations (ie. Calisto Yew)
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