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manga is pretty fun.





Got the chance to play AA5 at AX


Surprising note: The game looks AMAZING in 3D, like; it really makes a weirdly positive difference in the visuals. Athena actually seeming like she's standing right next to Phoenix during the trials, etc.

Speaking of her, Athena's emotion system seemed kinda run of the mill in the demo/tutorial, but does look like it could be interesting if you can be penalized for it.



Wow, those spines look awesome. And what is readable int he first image looked good too.

Has there been ANY news about Maya in AA5 at all? The tension is killing me. ;_;

So there was an image of the second case, and in that image, you can see in the background that there is a graveyard. I used those image supersizer thingamabob (you know, the ones from CSI?) and managed to see that it said, "R.I.P. Maya". That may look bad, but you can have hope.


So there was an image of the second case, and in that image, you can see in the background that there is a graveyard. I used those image supersizer thingamabob (you know, the ones from CSI?) and managed to see that it said, "R.I.P. Maya". That may look bad, but you can have hope.



Famitsu article on DD this week is showing off
, who we've seen in trailers/posters but not officially. Scans seem harder to come by lately, so we'll probably get visuals tomorrow evening when the official site updates.
Oh, I think I need to get the last two AAI mangas. They're quite expensive, but I like them enough to pay >8€ for it.

hmmm I'm pretty sure I paid like ~$8 for each volume on amazon. Wasn't too bad.

Y'all like the manga? It's very meh to me :/

it's not the best thing ever, but its not a straight adaption of the game, and there are enough fanservice stuff to keep me happy. It's definitely more 'mystery writer does his own thing but with these characters'. But I like my detective conans and what not, so I'm satisfied enough.


Whole bunch of details from Famitsu! Listin' em quick because I'm in a bit of a rush.

  • Pearl gets her official art and a brief introduction as a medium-in-training, but the magazine won't say what case she appears in.
  • Athena is indeed the main character of case 3. The actual trial portion features Athena going up against Simon, with Apollo taking on the partner role.
  • The victim of case 3 is a classmate of Juniper's who was shot with an arrow and killed - the same situation that was used in the mock trial between Apollo and Klavier. As Juniper was the one who set up the trial, she's under suspicion.
  • Two new characters: hot-blooded Chishiro Atsui and cooler, genius-level Rei Shizuya. In the newspaper article on the main site, Rei's the one in blue, and Chishiro's the one in red. Though they're friendly with Juniper, Athena picks up that there's something going on beneath the surface.
  • There will be two save files.
  • During investigations, the "investigation memo" is provided to you as a check-list of things to do. You can refer to it if you get stuck.
  • During trials, if you start running out of health (in the screenshot the bar was down to half), you can ask for hints from your partner by pressing X.
I wonder if
Athena gets her own objection theme.

Seeing her courtroom dynamic with Apollo and Simon should be intriguing, especially since she's already been shown to be a bit hot-headed. This is shaping up to be a really interesting game!
am I the only one that kinda wished they went the AAI route for investigation parts? Walking around interacting with stuff was way more fun than any investigation part of PW games.


It's all a matter of sales, regardless of if Sven is involved or not. His departure has eliminated any chance of a retail release, but if the game was going to sell poorly anyways outside of Japan, subsequent games would not get localized anyways.
I suspect that even if AA5 sold modestly over here, getting localization approval for potential future games would still be a major pain in the ass anyway. Only now, there's no one to potentially push for it.


I suspect that even if the AA5 sold modestly over here, getting localization approval for potential future games would still be a major pain in the ass anyway. Only now, there's no one to potentially push for it.

That's true. I suppose I'm thinking more in the extremes of "sold poorly" or "sold well." If the sales are average, then someone who doesn't relay the passion of fans outside of Japan for the localization of future games in the series could be problematic.
Considering how quickly the turn around is from the JP release to then English one I imagine plans were already underway for the localization before the game was officially revealed.


My question is: Was he really a true advocate for the series or just a tease? From the point that I became aware of him, we only got 1 of 3 games localized, and just a digital copy at that.


My question is: Was he really a true advocate for the series or just a tease? From the point that I became aware of him, we only got 1 of 3 games localized, and just a digital copy at that.

He had no power, really. If you read between the lines of his G+/FB post announcing him leaving Capcom, it sounds like it was 8 years of increasing frustration with the idiots in charge over at Capcom Japan, to the point that he flat out doesn't agree with the direction the company is heading and wanted out.

Whilst his results weren't always great for us, I think Sven truly did give a shit about Ace Attorney. I'm actually pretty gutted to see him go.
Can you explain this in more detail?

They are all translated!? Where did you find these?

the achievements explain what ya have to do to get them, and most are things i've never tried, like choosing the wrong answers during trial and examining certain things at certain times, like examining charlie when mia is channeled by maya.

Found all of them on amazon.
He had no power, really. If you read between the lines of his G+/FB post announcing him leaving Capcom, it sounds like it was 8 years of increasing frustration with the idiots in charge over at Capcom Japan, to the point that he flat out doesn't agree with the direction the company is heading and wanted out.

Whilst his results weren't always great for us, I think Sven truly did give a shit about Ace Attorney. I'm actually pretty gutted to see him go.

Yeah, pretty much this. The way he handled the AAI fiasco was pretty idiotic and definitely deserved the scrutiny, but that aside, he was still the closest thing to a voice for Capcom USA, and it's clearly shown (Tatsunko Vs. Capcom's localization, Monster Hunter, AA5, etc.)

It's going to be really depressing interesting to see what'll happen with Capcom from here on out. I kind of doubt his replacement will be as hands on (or as blunt.)
the achievements explain what ya have to do to get them, and most are things i've never tried, like choosing the wrong answers during trial and examining certain things at certain times, like examining charlie when mia is channeled by maya.

Found all of them on amazon.

Oh, I already did all of those "achievements" way before this HD thing even existed lol. Whenever I beat one of the games, I would play through it again... then play through it a 3rd time intentionally failing at everything, presenting everything to everyone, and clicking everywhere at every instance. I didn't want to miss a single piece of dialogue.

This was especially hard in AAI since not only are there tons of unique "you fail" lines in the game, each cross-examination and investigation came with its own game over sequence. It wasn't anything like the previous games in the series in that regard, which would give you a generic "your client is guilty" game over.

Unfortunately, all of my DS games got stolen while I was in the middle of the last case of AAI, so I never got to finish my failthrough. =(
So I guess I'll save the credit from buying Shin Megami Tensei to download this. I am saddened that we probably won't be getting a physical release. They could make a limited print-run and have people preorder it up front...make it a special edition with the Phoenix Wright figure and full OST for $50 :3
Has anyone played the trilogy in GBA? Thinking of trying it.

Back in the dark days when there was no sign of a trials and tribulations English release a fan translation was made for 3-1, it was really wonky playing it on the gba. Everything felt really small and cluttered on the screen. The patch might still be out there if you're interested in trying it out.


Just finished Case 1 of Apollo Justice.

Nothing really to say other than that this one looks and sounds so much better than 1-3. Guess that's what happens when you're not a GBA port. :p


So for those of you who have finished it, or at least played a substantial amount of it, what's the final verdict on AA Trilogy HD? I'm thinking of doing the IAP to get all three games on my iPhone, but I really don't want to pay for a port people are unhappy with. I haven't seen much in the way of impressions, however.
So for those of you who have finished it, or at least played a substantial amount of it, what's the final verdict on AA Trilogy HD? I'm thinking of doing the IAP to get all three games on my iPhone, but I really don't want to pay for a port people are unhappy with. I haven't seen much in the way of impressions, however.
I'm about halfway through and it's good. The framerate is a bit slow for animations, but that's pretty ignore-able. The art is also good looking, but if can take some getting used to if you're familiar with the original.

The first two cases are there for free, so try it out got yourself and see what you think. :)


Dual Destinies got a 10/9/10/8 from Famitsu. The reviewers said "the characters' animations are really smooth and come alive", "the animated scenes are really great", and "it's the best entry in the series."

Other scores for reference:

GBA GS1 8/8/9/7
GBA GS2 8/9/10/8
GBA GS3 9/9/8/9
NDS GSYG 8/8/7/8
NDS GS4 9/9/9/9
NDS GK1 9/9/8/8
NDS GK2 8/8/8/8
3DS LKvsGS 9/9/9/8
3DS GS5 10/9/10/8
Dual Destinies got a 10/9/10/8 from Famitsu. The reviewers said "the characters' animations are really smooth and come alive", "the animated scenes are really great", and "it's the best entry in the series."

Other scores for reference:

That'd be great if Famitsu's scores actually meant anything. They hand out 40/40s like candy.

It's not like reviews are going change my opinion on this game at all, though. Even if it's a stinker I'll buy it for the animations and to support the series.


Back in the GBA days, the Famitsu scores meant something, but since current gen, their scores don't hold anymore weight.
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