February 20, 9:47 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 2
The sight that greeted us when we entered the courtroom was something that we would never forget. At first glance, it looked like Edgeworth and Nick had arrived before us. There was an odd stillness in the courtroom though. We knew something was wrong because the man arrested as Gregory Edgeworth the day before had mysteriously disappeared and we wanted to gather everyone together to figure out what was going on. Obviously, things weren't over. Tears started streaming down my face. One man standing on the side of the defense
and one man standing on the side of the prosecution
Both were dead.
Barrylocke and RobotNinjaHornets have been removed from the game
Welcome Barrylocke!
You are Miles Edgeworth, Ace Prosecutor
Your role is Vanilla Town
Although you were once as cold and ruthless as your mentor, Manfred von Karma, your series of defeats at the hands of your childhood friend and current rival, Phoenix Wright, has caused you to shift your attitudes in the courtroom. Above all else, you prosecute in hopes of learning the truth.
You do not have any actions, but you may judge your peers in the court of law (which means you can vote).
You win when all non-town players have been eliminated from the game and there is at least one town player still alive.
Welcome RobotNinjaHornets!
You are Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney
Your role is the Town Jack-of-All-Trades
A renowned defense attorney, you are known for turning around any hopeless situation with your ability to spot contradictions. It doesn’t come easy though, you are also known to do most of the investigating to find the truth and you’ve even spent some time as anskilled piano playerun
During the night phase, you may PM me one of three commands which will grant you one of three passive abilities. These choices will refresh after you have used them all. (In other words, if you use an ability on Night 1, it will be unavailable to use again until after you have used both of your other commands).
Your three choices:
GATHER EVIDENCE: <playername> - When you leave on an investigation, you will become a watcher which means you will be able to see all players that visit the player you target.
OBJECTION - Turnabout is fair play (couldn’t resist!). While pointing out contradictions, you will become a commuter which means that all actions will have no effect on you during that particular night phase.
PIANO MAN - While moonlighting at the Borscht Bowl Club, you will become a reflexive gossip which means that, during this particular night phase, all players that perform an action on you will join a gossip chat with you. Please note that I will send out the invites to this gossip chat at the beginning of the next day phase. This chat will only be open at night time and will remain until the end of the game. Multiple uses of the PIANO MAN ability will result in multiple but separate gossip chats.
You win when all non-town players have been eliminated from the game and there is at least one town player still alive.
Day 2 ends in:

As always, votes will be tracked in the spreadsheet linked in post 3 of this thread. A new tab will be added near the bottom marked Day 2.
18 players remain so majority today is 10 votes.