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Ace Attorney [Mafia] |OT| Turnabout Scum


Possible. We've had players (Czartim in Volcano Island) do that. I just don't think you and Ezekiel are that sort. I could be wrong.

Interesting. So we have alignment cops then, most likely. And RNH was a watcher. Looks like this game is heavy on investigation which isn't shocking at all.

I'd keep the details a secret so that other people can't lie about it. Though do be aware that you're actually a fairly solid night kill target now since the secrets of the card will die with you.

The blackmail changes someone's alignment check? is that how you got alignment cop? but then why notify the blackmailed player? seems kind of weak doesn't it?
The Kalor bandwaggon then:
CrimsonFist - Me
roytheone - Had previously voiced suspicion on him, and voted.
ScraftyDevil - Confirmed town
Hipster Cthulhu - Had previouly voted on him prior to the bandwaggon
Squidyj - but only unvoted because I asked for nobody to hammer


My question is:

Is De Killer even a playable role? It could be like the whole "book" in Harry Potter, where it rotates every night. It's up to the user to risk being seen at night "calling in De Killer". Or something.

That's a bit farfetched tbh. Unless we have indications of the contrary, for now I will go with the most likely scenario: it's a role.

Interesting. So we have alignment cops then, most likely. And RNH was a watcher. Looks like this game is heavy on investigation which isn't shocking at all.

I think you are confusing blackmailed with framed. In Salem, being blackmailed prevents you from posting during the day. Not here obviously, since that would be the worst role in the history of Gafia.


That's a bit farfetched tbh. Unless we have indications of the contrary, for now I will go with the most likely scenario: it's a role.

I think you are confusing blackmailed with framed. In Salem, being blackmailed prevents you from posting during the day. Not here obviously, since that would be the worst role in the history of Gafia.

*can only target sorian


BTW, since role names were a point of discussion yesterday :

Miles Edgeworth was an ordinary town. This tells me that trying to put value in who has a good power based on role name will be useless.


I feel like I say this all the time, but xam JUMPED on the kalor lynch train almost immediately, then when it was mentioned that there might be a bandwagon he unvoted kalor, then jumped back on not long after. and then unvoted again.
This leads me to believe he's just xam being xam and also town.

Well, from what I've seen some of you talking he plays like that, but it was weird to me as someone who doesn't know his playstyle. Still would like to hear from him.

I looked back on Barry's posts and he only fretted against WorthyEdge about those first votes and pointed out this post from Stanley. I already doubted him, but I don't think it's enough of a reason to be targeted... maybe that's the point? Both seemed town, so I can understand why one of them would be killed during the night but not the two of them, as they weren't active as well.

As for my vote yesterday I explained that he sounded like the most disturbing for me, and I turned out to be wrong.


^ Nice catch, roy.
IDK, could anyone have come to the conclusion that he was PW from that? Considering the flavour of the game it doesn't really stand out too much.


Am going to bed now, but I am curious about your opinions on the term "blackmailed". To me, that sounds more foreboding then the terms used during NX and hp. Do you guys think there may be some kind of negative effect of me getting blackmailed?
Am going to bed now, but I am curious about your opinions on the term "blackmailed". To me, that sounds more foreboding then the terms used during NX and hp. Do you guys think there may be some kind of negative effect of me getting blackmailed?

If you were blackmailed, I would assume that you received some demands alongside it, or that at least a threat was made. But it definitely sounds negative.

Alternatively, since it was a calling card from DeKiller, could it be marking you for a kill?


Back home now, sorry about the lateness on this page's vote count.

Current Vote Count:

TheGoddamn (1)

EzekelRAGE (1)

CornBurrito (0)

10 votes are needed for majority

Day 2 ends in:


If you were blackmailed, I would assume that you received some demands alongside it, or that at least a threat was made. But it definitely sounds negative.

Alternatively, since it was a calling card from DeKiller, could it be marking you for a kill?

I did not receive any demands. The pm literally only said I was blackmailed with a link to an image of the calling card.

Marking for a kill pyromaniac style is possible, but if we already have two killers, also having a pyromaniac would be very dangerous game design.
Im wierded out by that sudden bandwaggon on Kalor, he didnt exactly make it hard to vote for him, but it still felt very out of nowhere.

A question for the more experience Mafia players, is there much of a precedent for Double scum kills in previous games?

On that note, I think lynching Cornburrito would provide the best information, if nothing else pops up today.

Sidenote: Barry may have wanted to look more at Stanley at the end of last day phase.
Yes he did:
Ok, someone made a post about saying that even if Ezekiel was town, he did an antitown thing and probably should he lynched anyways. Who was that?
Refering to me saying this when voting for you:
"and even if we spared you, i really doubt that your presence in the following days will be anything other than a distraction to the many here that dont trust you (myself included)."
Kinda wierd to bring it up that late in the day without making much of a real point, but i guess he was going to build on it today.
Anyway, I think he misinterpreted this as me saying that you should be lynched as punishment or something? i meant that i was sure you were scum, many people did, and if you were still here for Day 2 then it would distract from hunting for other scum members.
Its all kinda pointless now though, after my vote your defense improved significantly, making a whole lot of very good points, so now feel very differently about it, and it looks like im not the only one with this change of heart. I still think you might be scum, but not nearly enough to call for a lynch just yet.


If you were blackmailed, I would assume that you received some demands alongside it, or that at least a threat was made. But it definitely sounds negative.

Alternatively, since it was a calling card from DeKiller, could it be marking you for a kill?

we had 2 kills in the night and then we have a 3rd killer on our hands? like some kind of arsonist or something? seems unlikely to me.
Im wierded out by that sudden bandwaggon on Kalor, he didnt exactly make it hard to vote for him, but it still felt very out of nowhere.

A question for the more experience Mafia players, is there much of a precedent for Double scum kills in previous games?

In my experience, only when it's tied to a role like Wolf Cub, where the Cub dying gives scum an extra kill the next night.
RIP RNH and Barrylocke, and welcome, Drago (even though you find me suspicious)!

Sorry for my D1 inactivity. I'm typically a low-activity player, but yeah, that was beyond the norm. Real-life took over, from Valentine's Day to our anniversary and a significant family agent, and I didn't have time to read, much less post. I was able to catch up during the night, though. Here's something I wrote prior to D2 start; day starts for me at 6am on a Sunday so I was asleep when we found out we lost two towns. Comments in square brackets have been made post-D2 dawn.

The trick is that ScraftyDevil is also confirmed town for the town as well. The mafia thrives in murky situations, so its often best to leave suspicious town players alive that may get town voted later. A confirmed townie is basically the opposite of that.

True. [My sole interaction in the game : ( Barrylocke was pretty insightful, so that could have led to his death. But I'm inclined to believe that unless scum have the insane power to kill twice in one night, RNH was the night kill target. This was a very risky telegraph.]

As mentioned by others, I was a little thrown off by this interaction between StanleyPalmtree and CornBurrito:

*drinks coffee*

mourning everybody,
i see we are off to a hell of a rolling start today!

Im all for a day 1 lynch, accusations and self-defense leaves a lot of material from all party's to be used later, and if this follows the spirit of Ace Attorney, we will be wanting as much evidence as we can get.

That said i wont be supporting the idea of blindly following whoever scrafty votes for, blind votes means no justification, which means no material to build a case on later. (also it would be as boring as iced tea).

Between the avatar, the intentional typo, and the use of the word "hell" I think you may actually be scum that is deliberately fucking with town. Knowing that nobody will take an early post like this seriously.

Granted, I've never played with either of you before, but to nitpick on such a little thing-- and especially the word "hell"-- seemed like an overreaction. I mean, I know that we barely have anything to go on on D1, but man. I'd like to know what raised your hackles so quickly, CornBurrito. Your analysis of that post was WIFOM to the next level.

Squidy also replied to it.

Incidentally, is there something about StanleyPalmtree that I'm missing? As well as Xam? Are they like Crab?

I'm also wary about leaning so heavily on the AA flavor as a whole. Sorian did say that this game disregards canon deaths. That said, I'd wager that we do have an (Miles) Edgeworth, a Phoenix, and a Gumshoe, given what Sorian's said in the flavor text so far. But who knows if they're actually power roles-- Gregory Edgeworth and Pearl have no special skills whatsoever, apart from Pearl's being outed so early. [D: Nick and Edgeworth. This further lends credence to roles named in the flavor, but that's likely accurate for names only, and not necessarily alignment/powers.]

Now that Kalor's been lynched, let's take a look at where this came from, and who had most to gain from that happening.

After Hipster's revenge vote on Kalor ([which I'm disregarding because he's new), the first person who drew significant attention to Kalor was roytheone, in his reads post here.

However, I do also agree with roy about CornBurrito, though, having noticed it myself in my reread. From his seeming-like-filler role speculation to his Barrylocke vote, and especially the overreaction to StanleyPalmtree's opening post. Trying to make something out of nothing. Granted, it could be another Barrylocke vote situation where CB is trying to gauge reactions (which I've evidently fallen for), but again, it rubbed me the wrong way.

This may have colored my perception of the exchange between Zeke and CB-- Zeke didn't seem that defensive to me. I'm not sure which is bias and which is an accurate read, because I've played with Zeke before. (Sorry for bringing a previous game into this) He was Archer, but was seen to act suspicious then too.

Obviously, this is all a (late) read of D1, so it's mostly gut feelings and reactions to interactions. I'll happily eat my words should it turn out that CB was town all along. [Although yeah, with RNH being the sole vote on CB yesterday, if CB were scum, that would have been a stupid play. But with CB's WIFOM style, it could be a possibility.]

Fake edit:

I'd like to know who else read it as potential bread-crumbing at the time.

When I caught up, yep. It seemed tonally contradictory to me (especially with the use of the AA3 sprite of all things), and drew unnecessary attention.

As for the blackmailing, and this is highly flavor-dependent, Shelly de Killer only leaves a card after he's committed a murder (so that his clients don't get suspected for the death). I wouldn't think it was a portent, but a signature. We had poison in HP. Could it be that? Or is de Killer taking responsibility for one of last night's deaths, and has to leave a card with one of the players (perhaps randomly)?
Glorious Post Incoming

Some thinkings I have about the night

1. Roles probably have powers that associate with names in some way; even though Edgeworth wasn't a PR, he was Town-aligned, which makes sense.
2. Tomorrow, I'm hoping to ask Roy a bit more about the blackmailing to see if I can make some sense of it. People have been talking about alignment cops, and I'm definitely echoing CornB here earlier, but the blackmail might have to do with alignments or whatnot.

On Kalor:
He was acting a lot like Zipped from Woof2. Go read up if you don't know, I'm tired and lazy. The long and short of it is that Zipped and Kalor both did some things that backed them up into a position where they were both Town but they said some pretty consequential things that needed to be tested by the hangman's noose. That's why I was very yo-yo on him, especially near the end of the day. Why did QB have to drop out.

One Last Joke:
Sorian, is whoever killed RNH in a private chat by themselves?
On this note, I also received an item last night. I'm not going to reveal what it is in case I need to use it to test something later (it's not the calling card is all I'll say), but I figure I should share since you did as well.

Someone else has been added onto my Least Trusted list since last night, by the way, and I'd be fine with voting out them or both of those who are already on it.

I'm going to hope that this item-giving was a town-motivated action, especially with the scum or neutral calling card in play, and that it was given to you because you can be trusted. Also, even with your new suspicions, I think you should continue with your D1 voting practice. Keep things close to the chest. Mustn't give scum a chance to obfuscate further.
I don't think there's really any benefit to Scrafty being inactive.The benefits of a confirmed townie are that we have someone we can trust isn't trying to mislead us. I don't why we should squander that for fear of people bandwaggoning on her, which we can call out if it happens anyway.
The Kalor bandwaggon then:
CrimsonFist - Me
roytheone - Had previously voiced suspicion on him, and voted.
ScraftyDevil - Confirmed town
Hipster Cthulhu - Had previouly voted on him prior to the bandwaggon
Squidyj - but only unvoted because I asked for nobody to hammer

I feel like in this list, at least one of them is scum. But no one on that list strikes me off besides Zeke. Squidy's is a little odd, but nothing too crazy.
Mmm had Korean bbq and lots of sake.

Umm so I don't have much opinion on the kalor voters which scares me

How were the burgers?

In any case, Roy is correct in assuming I noticed something else from yesterday during the night. I will say this, however: I will be voting no later than 14 hours from now, and anyone who has not cast a vote by that time shall rocket to the top of my least-trusted list. This is my ultimatum, and I shall not waver. Crimson's right; I do have a duty to uphold as the only one confirmed to be on the side of justice.
How were the burgers?

In any case, Roy is correct in assuming I noticed something else from yesterday during the night. I will say this, however: I will be voting no later than 14 hours from now, and anyone who has not cast a vote by that time shall rocket to the top of my least-trusted list. This is my ultimatum, and I shall not waver. Crimson's right; I do have a duty to uphold as the only one confirmed to be on the side of justice.

I decided not to have burgers. Felt like I had them last night and didn't want them again. Have one for me instead ;)
How were the burgers?

In any case, Roy is correct in assuming I noticed something else from yesterday during the night. I will say this, however: I will be voting no later than 14 hours from now, and anyone who has not cast a vote by that time shall rocket to the top of my least-trusted list. This is my ultimatum, and I shall not waver. Crimson's right; I do have a duty to uphold as the only one confirmed to be on the side of justice.

Is this thing you noticed the same thing that I was alluding to when I quoted you a few pages back? Or do you have no idea what I'm talking about?
Is this thing you noticed the same thing that I was alluding to when I quoted you a few pages back? Or do you have no idea what I'm talking about?

I believe it is, yes. I'm afraid to bring it up first in fear of villains following my lead, but we may very well be on the cusp of a breakthrough of sorts.
I don't want to accuse Roy of anything, but we should be cautious about what people say. Anyone who was in HP knows that Crab had the entirety of Town eating out of the palm of his hand by the end of it, because he set up a nice, but ultimately fake, breadcrumbing across his earlier posts and Town fell for it hook, line, and sinker. What this all comes down to is this:

Information We Know To Be True
Kalor, an Ordinary Town Member, was lynched D1
Barrylocke, an Ordinary Town Member, and RNH, a Town Jack-Of-All-Trades, ended up dead N1
ScraftyDevil is an Ordinary Town Member, and received some sort of item on N1

Information We Can't Fully Verify Right Now
Roytheone was blackmailed N1 and received a calling card

Again, not trying to point fingers (Roy, you smell) but just stating the facts.
I feel like in this list, at least one of them is scum. But no one on that list strikes me off besides Zeke. Squidy's is a little odd, but nothing too crazy.
Why do I strike you odd?

I will be voting no later than 14 hours from now, and anyone who has not cast a vote by that time shall rocket to the top of my least-trusted list. This is my ultimatum, and I shall not waver.
I will go ahead and get my vote out.
Vote: CornBurrito
I still feel he would offer the most information at this moment, with nothing else coming up.

Sidenote: So uh, I figure I might as well get this out the way now. Since the Scrafty ultimatum and Squidy could randomly vote. When Sorian posts the updated vote count, it would just raise a lot of questions/waste time. With all that said, I steal a vote from a player and have a double vote the following day. I'm Ron Delite, Mask☆DeMasque.

I sort of hinted at having a power ystrday when I brought up how Kalor couldve ended up outing a town power role when he was bluffing.

I have to choose someone each night. So I chose one of my accusers from yesterday.
Why do I strike you odd?

I will go ahead and get my vote out.
Vote: CornBurrito
I still feel he would offer the most information at this moment, with nothing else coming up.

Sidenote: So uh, I figure I might as well get this out the way now. Since the Scrafty ultimatum and Squidy could randomly vote. When Sorian posts the updated vote count, it would just raise a lot of questions/waste time. With all that said, I steal a vote from a player and have a double vote the following day. I'm Ron Delite, Mask☆DeMasque.

I sort of hinted at having a power ystrday when I brought up how Kalor couldve ended up outing a town power role when he was bluffing.

I have to choose someone each night. So I chose one of my accusers from yesterday.
If you have the power you speak of, and you used it last night, why aren't you using a double vote today? Do you have a double vote today?
On why not try to hide it - Simply, it wouldve caused more drama than it was worth. To hide it I wouldve had to hope:
1. Squidy would place a vote for the person I was voting for - Not Likely
2. Hope squidy wouldn't vote til the end of the day. - Not Likely
3. Hope everyone thinks Sorian made a mistake on the count - Causes confusion and wastes town's time
4. Would have to shadow every Squidy vote - I would have to come clean or lie, the latter or which doesn't help town.
Masque De Masque....... Would that even be scum role? I can't imagine it. But stealing votes seems not so town. Idk. Willing to give Eze a chance.
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