I quite enjoyed it myself as a whole.
The Plane level was alright, I can understand it holding your hand seeing as it seemed to be a pretty early if not the first mission, knowing a lot of games ways of making you awesome in the first level and then metroid'in you, having an F22 I would assume it is the first mission.
It controlled great, I don't know if it was me or if I have forgotten what it looked like, but I swear the plane felt much closer than in previous games, I kept waiting for it to zoom out a bit, but the planes ass was right in your face even when your not dog fighting.
Also the dog fighting, it seems pretty nifty, definitely an interesting approach, and generally adds a more "epic" vibe to trying to take down other jets.
The graphics are nice, but it doesn't feel like they spent any time trying to give it any sort of improvement over AC6, and at some points the plane kinda looked like something you would get at the start of this generation though, maybe it is just the demo build or it is just going to be a lame PS3 version.
The Helicopter level was alright too, it went on longer than it should have but plesently reminded me of the old Strike games from EA, at one point they said there was a tank followed by me turning around to immediately get blown out of the sky by it.
I kinda wish the helicopter wouldn't constantly get in my way too, I quite enjoy seeing whatever vehicle from a 3rd person perspective, but it kept getting stuck between the camera and whatever I was shooter, cockpit view also acted strange.
I'm not sure how big the map is for the Helicopter level, but graphically it looked pretty poor sometimes being so close to the ground, but I guess that is what happens when you try to turn a game where you spend most of your time rushing past everything at a high speed and then have to slow it down.
Still, I think this will definitely be on my christmas list, I own all the console Ace Combats from the first, I'm not going to stop now.