Marty Chinn
I've never purchased a Hot Toys figure before; how important is it to pre-order?
Not that important now. Figures that aren't exclusive tend to stay up for order (on Sideshow at least) well after they've been released in HK.I've never purchased a Hot Toys figure before; how important is it to pre-order?
Thanks. I'm tempted to get my first with it being Rey and BB-8 but it's not coming out for awhile and I wanna make sure I just don't want it because I'm on a high from seeing the movie.Not that important now. Figures that aren't exclusive tend to stay up for order (on Sideshow at least) well after they've been released in HK.
Fookin prawns! So in for the Prawn Mech. These are by threezero.
Thanks. I'm tempted to get my first with it being Rey and BB-8 but it's not coming out for awhile and I wanna make sure I just don't want it because I'm on a high from seeing the movie.
Also, one more question. What are the odds they'll release an updated version of Rey with other accessories?
I think it's pretty high they'll reveal another one a few months from now.Thanks. I'm tempted to get my first with it being Rey and BB-8 but it's not coming out for awhile and I wanna make sure I just don't want it because I'm on a high from seeing the movie.
Also, one more question. What are the odds they'll release an updated version of Rey with other accessories?
So about that Hot Toys Star Wars figure of Rey and BB-8, in which price range would that be?
Like other collecting hobbies, I find solace in the fact that these hold value, but yeah, they're expensiveDo you ever get the feeling some of us have lost the perspective of how expensive these things are when we are pre-ordering 4-5 at a time lol.
Do you ever get the feeling some of us have lost the perspective of how expensive these things are when we are pre-ordering 4-5 at a time lol.
Do you ever get the feeling some of us have lost the perspective of how expensive these things are when we are pre-ordering 4-5 at a time lol.
you forget when you use FlexPay with SS. I remember preordering several figures at once and the payments would come in around the same time and it was still expensive. I decided that I will only reserve that for figures I absolutely want or if they're SS Exclusive. I'm currently preordering at BBTS since the prices are the same or less than SS and I can cancel anytime before they ship.
Doesn't BBTS charge you a down payment at some point, though? They charged me $150 down for that new Sonja PF.
Doesn't BBTS charge you a down payment at some point, though? They charged me $150 down for that new Sonja PF.
nope, they only charge me when they ship. they were probably just doing a temp charge on your CC to make sure you have the funds.
Actually I think certain things require a downpayment. I'm pretty sure one of the expensive Hulkbuster figures did. Not sure if it was the HT one though.
Why are you buying a red Sonja pf?
I never had to do that for figures I preordered. must be reserved for the real expensive ones.
Destiny Warlock figure by 3A. Odd color choice, but it still looks really nice.
War Machine Mark III is up for pre-order on Sideshow. $345.
$440 dollars after shipping and import taxes into Ireland.
Buy the new Red Sonja PF. At least you'll get your money's worth.
PFs are too big and I'm still bitter I didn't get the Harley one.
Poor Messi,
To help you cope, here's a picture of mine.
Haha, you have my permission to save the picture.I hate you.
PFs are too big and I'm still bitter I didn't get the Harley one.
Poor Messi,
To help you cope, here's a picture of mine.
Messi's right, though. PF's are fucking enormous. I'd never waste two detolf shelves on one of those.
You shouldn't be displaying PFs in a detolf anyway.
Messi's right, though. PF's are fucking enormous. I'd never waste two detolf shelves on one of those.
FUCK, exclusive accessory only if you preorder both BvS figures at SS. i hate NRDs....
Everyone does exclusive pieces now, though. Even GSC and Kotobukiya. That's how they get you to pay that premium, otherwise no one would buy direct.
War Machine Mark III is up for pre-order on Sideshow. $345.
Hmm, need to decide between Civil War MkIII and IM2 Mk1...
Why not both?
If I had to choose one, I'd almost certainly go with the Mark I. The minigun is the best. Although, the Mark III does have that cricket bat...