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Action Figure GAF |OT| Articulated figures murdered my wallet

who is in the next spidey wave?


Really excited for the Scarlet Spider figure.

EDIT: Well guess I'm late.


As much as I loved Superior Spider-Man, Superior Venom is ugly as fuck. Loks like Tiger and Scarlet only for me. Maybe Rider. Which Rider is it, Blaze or Ketch? Not too knowledgeable on him.

Also I hate wanting the build a figure but most of the wave I hate.

It's the original Blaze costume. Originally, Blaze was the Ghost Rider in superhero tights, Ketch was the one who introduced the biker leather. The costume is also close enough that it could probably make a really easy custom Robbie Reyes figure too; wouldn't be surprised if this mold gets a headswap and release as that Ghost Rider later on.

Can't wait to pick up the new Spidey wave (Ben Reilly, Kraven and Chameleon/Jameson especially) personally, but I agree that Superior Venom sucks shit. It's a shortlived costume from a terrible storyarc, and it didn't even look good on the page, much less brought to life where Ramos can't cartoon it up to pass it off on style. I think it's hilarious that Hasbro has made, back to back, Carnage, Eddie Brock Toxin, Agent Venom, Anti-Venom and now Superior Venom, and still haven't made a classic Brock Venom though.
I just noticed a hole on spidermans back. whats it for?

To use with stands like the old ToyBiz flight stands or Tamashiii stands.

Or other add ons. Heres some 3rd party spider legs you can get, which are pretty badass and would be great for superior spider-man. http://thefwoosh.com/2014/03/marvel-legends-infinite-superior-spider-man-third-party-add-ons

Been awhile since I posted anything of my collection here. So here's everything I've got from 2015 so far. Marvel Legends just keep taking over my collection and seeing that Spidey wave up above I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon.

TMNT classics vs Rocksteady & Bebop and First Gokin's NT-01 Cerebral. Amazing 3rd party Knock off Krang. Really hoping this does well and they continue the line. Would love to see some big ol honking Rock Soldiers.

I think the TMNT baddies work scale wise pretty great with the Nick turtles as well. That scale is giving me flash backs to the TMNT arcade games.

This is the Mezco Batman (amazing figure), and Krang with one of his axe attachments.

Some Sota Street Fighter characters, Blanka and Balrog. I love everything about these guys. Great scalp, classic cartoony look, good paint app, great articulation and a nice weight to them as well.

Batman vs Balrog? Why not?

And everybody's favourite hero Loinicus Groinicus the shield bearer. Beloved hero to all!


Nice collection TwEE-N-Toast.

I should have snagged that Krang... even though I'm not a big fan of the android body, I must admit that is by far the best looking version of it ever (be it comics, cartoons, toys or otherwise)
Mezco Batman is so good. Still my fave figure I've gotten this year.

Oh yeah, he's glorious. Can't wait for more from this line. They've already shown the Mutant Leader and Judge Dredd and I think they are going to start putting out Classic Mortal Kombat 1 characters at some point.

That Krang looks great

Nice collection TwEE-N-Toast.

I should have snagged that Krang... even though I'm not a big fan of the android body, I must admit that is by far the best looking version of it ever (be it comics, cartoons, toys or otherwise)

Dude is amazing, except for the fingers. They're really gummy/soft and mine don't move for some reason.

Got mine for around $150 Americain (customs let it pass through without dinging me up here in Canada so that was sweet) after shipping at http://chimungmung.com/product_info.php?products_id=2412 for anybody interested. I know they have a lot on eBay for around the same. I usually don't buy guys this expensive but I just couldn't pass him up.


Damn, Bandai knows how to steal my money.

Great accessory kit for Mashin Chaser. He really needed it and I was a tad afraid they weren't going to put it out. Since I'm posing mine with the Ride Chaser, I don't really need the wings, but want them anyway.
Well, I think it's about time to show off ThreeZero's Atlas.

Obviously, it's from Titanfall. Everybody here should recognize it. ThreeZero seems to specialize in putting out robotic designs, they've released some Japanese anime robots and also Chappie from the movie, so yeah... it seems to be their wheelhouse. This particular figure is a 21 inch tall Atlas. Though 21 inches is the max height, it's really more like 19 and a half inches if you have the legs bent in more of a chicken walker stance the way I do. It won't hit 21 inches unless you have the legs straightened out all the way. But that's no fun, right? It's got the chicken toes and everything...

I decided to customize my Atlas with some extra knick knacks and accessories to really give it a unique look. I didn't want it to look bland. Though, I will say... ThreeZero did a fantastic job with the weathering, they really seem to excel in that field. All the weathering you see in the pics is their handiwork, that actually wasn't something I put on. It's some sort of tampo factory process that gets all that nice detailed weathering on, because it simply looks too good to be slapped on there manually by some minimum wage Chinese factory worker. They really got the applications and everything, and it looks super nice.

If you want to see all the alterations I've made, just google up a few pictures of the vanilla ThreeZero Atlas and compare. Most of what I used was just readily available 1/6 scale accessories on ebay, mostly Hot Toys and Dragon. Surprisingly affordable stuff, even. I still have plans for a few more additions, like smoke launchers on the hips. There's some third party metal ones made for 1/16 scale King Tiger tanks that I've just ordered, so those should look pretty good.

As you can see, the figure is lit up with red LEDs inside. They're powered by batteries that you stick in a little compartment on his back. There's actually an option, they let you either have him lit with blue or red lights. I simply prefer the red because it really harkens back to the Heavy Gear glowing camera eye look, and obviously you can tell that the Respawn designers really cribbed a lot from stuff like Heavy Gear and VOTOMs. So yeah... my Atlas is always gonna be red.

Now, the thing is... the playability with the pilot figure is not that good. The Mech and the pilot are both 1/12 scale, but the pilot seems overly big for the Mech, and it's a huge pain in the ass to actually fit him inside the cockpit of the darn thing. It's tight and cramped and just not that good for any actual playability. You'll be torturing yourself if you actually like moving the pilot in and out of that cockpit. The Mech really feels like it was built for a 1/18 scale figure, because then you do have the room and it won't feel horribly restrictive. Now, I suspect that they got the actual scaling correct, since they took the CGI files directly from Respawn. However, in a video game, you can obviously cheat and get away with polygonal figures that don't need to worry about clipping or anything like that. So I think the problem is just that the necessary allowances and space requirements of a real physical figure are somewhat greater than what a video game model requires and they didn't take that into account. As a result... yeah, it sucks getting the pilot inside the Mech, so I just stay away from that entirely. Which is fine, because he actually looks pretty cool manning that machine gun on top of the Atlas.

The Atlas is somewhat pricey at over 400 bucks, but when you consider the exquisite weathering and poseability of the thing, it's actually a really good deal. Especially compared to other competitors like Hot Toys.
That Atlas looks fucking amazing. If I liked Titanfall more that's totally something I would have sprung for, but alas the game just didn't have long legs for me after the initial shock and awe wore off. Incredible mech designs though.


Unconfirmed Member
Dude, due, duuuuuude, awesome collection and pictures!

Also a new picture of Joe the Condor fully painted has surfaced, I guess he will be the next release after Ken the Eagle, have to get all dem Gatchaman team!

They're going to make the inside of his cape red, right? It's driving me insane.

Goddamn the price for that SH figuarts Hulk-buster is ridiculous. I'll try to build the upcoming Marvel Legends one, or pick up the Marvel Select one.


Unconfirmed Member
Goddamn the price for that SH figuarts Hulk-buster is ridiculous. I'll try to build the upcoming Marvel Legends one, or pick up the Marvel Select one.

You can get both for less than the cost of the Figuarts Hulkbuster.



Red Comet

Don't look at the price of the Hot Toys one.

I know. When I saw the price of the Figuarts I thought to myself that it would probably make more sense to just buy the Hot Toys, but then I saw that the Hot Toys Hulkbuster was over $800! I remember a time when the most expensive Hot Toys figure was like $150. Those were the days.

I still really want the Figuarts Hulkbuster though... I don't know. Maybe if it eventually turns up on Mandarake without a ridiculous markup.

This just came into the mail today :)

Grats on this. SPEC Eva-01 is one of my favorite figures ever. However, IIRC you have to be very careful if that isn't the Renewal version because the hip joint is susceptible to breaking.
300 for that hulkbuster is crazy. It looks awesome but I think I'll have to settle for the marvel legends version.

$300 for that Hulkbuster... fucking hell!

Yep same here, don't think I can justify that.
$300 for it isn't bad at all. It's 1/12 scale and is about 70% Diecast.

Hot Toys is 1/6 scale, articulation isn't as good, has no diecast and is over $900 when you include shipping. $300 for the 1/12 Diecast version doesn't sound bad at all.


NY have it up, but Nin-nin give way more discount points (if they list it). Decisions!
Do you have a link for the two sites that are selling it?


That Hulkbuster is gorgeous. Given the typical Figuarts quality, the extra diecast, the sheer size and the LEDs, price makes complete sense to me. That's the thing about Figuarts, you want the quality you have to pay for it. Won't be getting it myself (not a Marvel collector), but I really look froward to all the galleries that will come of him.

come on amiami... list this puppy

If you're talking about Hulkbuster, it looks like he's a Webstore exclusive. That means normal stores like AmiAmi won't get him, only middlemen sites.

Do you have a link for the two sites that are selling it?

Only site I know that has him right now is Nippon-Yasan. I've used them several times for Kamen Rider Webshop Exclusive and they're very good. Just know they are very serious on their zero cancellation policy.

I got my Bandai C3PO kit. Took about an hour to build and another to weather to my liking. He comes out of the box very shiny and new looking.



And fits very well with the black series.



He is very shiny out the box. It's not a negative but I had to give him a Matte coat and several washes before I was happy with his look.

He's also incredibly light and while I didn't have any breaks, less careful modellers may do as the plastic is very brittle.
$300 for it isn't bad at all. It's 1/12 scale and is about 70% Diecast.

Hot Toys is 1/6 scale, articulation isn't as good, has no diecast and is over $900 when you include shipping. $300 for the 1/12 Diecast version doesn't sound bad at all.

Do you have a link for the two sites that are selling it?
Not saying it isn't a decent price for what it is, I just don't think I can afford it :/
So it's not really a FigurArts Hulkbuster, but a Chogokin Hulkbuster.

No wonder the premium price.

Makes pre-ordering kinda tempting, yo.
Not. ='(


So it's not really a FigurArts Hulkbuster, but a Chogokin Hulkbuster.

No wonder the premium price.

Makes pre-ordering kinda tempting, yo.
Not. ='(

It's both. It's Chogokin x Figuarts so Bandai counts it in both lines. I think they only put the Chogokin label on it to signify the size and diecast content. The only other thing they've done that with I know of is the Akibaranger Itasha Robo. That didn't seem to sell well given how it was clearanced everywhere by the end, so perhaps that's why other large stuff has been Webshop exclusive.

As for needing to preorder, given its exclusive nature you shouldn't need to rush to order. Webshop stuff is typical almost made-to-order and almost always remain up through the order period up until release. Most middlemen services just order whatever they need to fill their preorders + a little extra to sell at a markup after so almost none sell out prior to release. I've seen that with a couple of items, but the vast, vast majority remain up for order up until release.


Hey All, I asked this question in the Transformers thread, but wanted to ask here too, maybe someone might have first hand experience with it..

I have been looking into purchasing the D Style Convoy from Kotobukiya, but I am not a model builder... havent put one together in like 20 years... So, I am here trying to find out how easy these things are to put together..



I do know that there is some painting involved, especially if I want to get the smokestacks grey/silver and the Matrix the right colors, but other than that, is this an easy build??

Thanks All
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