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Actraiser review (mobile) - Gamespot


Oh, and that 2nd magic spell, the one that fills the screen with blasts. Owns everything.

Makes the game kind of boring if you use that.

Actually, the game is way too easy even without it. Half the bosses can be beat with battles of attrition (they hit you once, you stand still and let yourself get hit while you just whack away at it).

So in the end, it's the strategy section of the game that makes it good. Without it, it wouldn't be that good of a game.


This would make an interesting game on DS. One screen for the sim and one for the ass kicking. I'm sure they could come up with an idea that could use the two.


Did you guys even read the review?!?! :p

It only has three levels from Actraiser and none of the world building aspect. Plus the only attack you have is one swing attack with your sword. That is why it is getting hammered.
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