One thing that makes me laugh about REEEtards screaming everywhere about cultural appropriation is that you always hear them saying "Black culture".
Saying black culture in itself is racist because it doesn't exist, but assumes that all black people come from the same place/culture.
So, they say this is about Jamaicans... if Adele was a black woman, would they cry about it? Nobody would bat an eye and she would be praised like there's no tomorrow.
She could be born in England from Nigerian immigrants, she's BLACK, she can dress like that! Like Nigera and Jamaica is the same culture.
Let's make something clear : that's why the left is imploding. These moronic double standards they have always make no sense and, in the end, they trip over themselves by trying to be more virtuous than everyone else while in reality, they are shitty people hiding their flaws by trying to deflect on others.