Ariana Grande has an amazing voice.
Also, I understand that when you post pictures like that up of your body, you're opening yourself up to criticism, especially if you're a celebrity.
I also totally get that many people may not find her physically attractive.
I just hate the way it's expressed- it's so fucking demeaning. As a thin, flat woman, I'm tired of the vicious insults that insinuate that thin ladies (including myself) a) look like we're 12 year old girls, or b) 12 year old boys. It's just so incredibly immature. HAHA GUYS LOOK HOW CLEVER I AM INSULTING A SKINNY PERSON LIKE THAT! I'M SO EDGY AND ENLIGHTENED. YEAH! REALLY STICKING IT TO THE MAN / SOCIETY.Okay, asshole.
Baseball?Opening Game?
But that was 5 months ago.
Or do you mean the Opening Game of the playoffs?
Opening Game?
But that was 5 months ago.
Or do you mean the Opening Game of the playoffs?
Sorry this thread is for America's game.
Lol, that game doesn't have playoffs, its just an ongoing free for allCompetitive eating? :þ
Lol, that game doesn't have playoffs, its just an ongoing free for all
Ariana has a 4 octave range, as claimed by many people who aren't neogaf posters.
I oddly always found hotdog eating to be a little... phallic.
Stuffing as many hot dogs down your throat as possible.
(For how exciting Americans are, baseball being our national past-time is depressingly slow. Why can't we be into hockey? Fast pace, lots of actions, fights.... yay!)
at botty being so excited for this topic he mispelled the name of the popstar he stans. Huge L.
Opening Game?
But that was 5 months ago.
Or do you mean the Opening Game of the playoffs?
She's no Mariah. Mumei, am I doing it right?
Heh. She isn't.
It's Whitney who owns that song, though.
I have that exact same ass
This is a good post.
when did this growth happen?
She isn't Mariah in her prime, but she's better now *.*
.Legendary vocalist?
Out of curiosity, if a black person were to go into a thread about some black actor where a bunch of people were making racist comments referencing his/her skin color and a monkey, and that person said, "dude as a black person this is disrespectful wtf," would you also tell them to stop making everything about themselves?
Shout out to black people. Winning arguments since 1970