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Adventures in Gamestop #Reload [why preorders suck]

3 weeks ago, i preordered GGX2#R and DOAU at the gamestop in the atlantic terminal in downtown brooklyn...
paid in full for both of them...

so today i go to gamestop to get #R

this story so amazing!!!

they have the game

i have my receipt

they see on the computer that i have prepaid for it



i know they're just doing their job and following procedure...
but that is a fucked up store policy >:E

the actual workers were cool though...
the guy who was helping me looked thru ALL the preorder storage bins and booklets...
the girl asked me if i wanted a chair so i could sit while he went thru all that stuff etc...
they went thru a bunch of stuff including:
calling the guy who actually took the preorder (wasnt home)
calling the asst manager (apparently the manager is in texas to attend big gamestop meeting)
calling some main office to find out the procedure for being able to help me out
basically i was there for over an hour easily praying the slip was found...
they even gave me a free promo copy of ...
MK;DA (feel free to laugh now)

anyway, they couldn't find it and i have to call in and come back tomorrow...

Dave Long

That's ridiculous. If you're standing there with a paid receipt, they should be ringing you up and having you leave with your game. There's no way you should have to come back tomorrow for something you already paid for. If I were in your position, I would've been livid.

You really have an hour of your day to waste WAITING TO PICK UP A GAME YOU DIDN'T RECEIVE?! Insanity!
Yeah, you were a pussy. They made the mistake. You should have gone home with your game.

Now, tomorrow I would complain like a bitch. I mean, you were there for an hour helping them look through pre-orders! They made you their bitch. I would expect more than some shitty promo disc for Mortal Kombat for all the trouble.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
The Faceless Master said:
3 weeks ago, i preordered GGX2#R and DOAU at the gamestop in the atlantic terminal in downtown brooklyn...

Say no more. That was the same store were one of the workers there tried to tell me that the GCN BB Modem rare and discontinued (almost two years ago). I told him that its not a good idea giving customers false information. He got super loud (beer muscles) and went on and on about how he was at E3 and heard the speech. He asks me if I am going to buy the damn thing or not. I leave the store with his co-workers laughing at the whole thing. I went to TRU in the Fulton Mall and just purchased the Adapter. I don't even mess with that location and just deal with Circuit City if I am at that mall and want to do some window shopping.
The Faceless Master said:
i didnt help them look.. i just stood there while they looked... and i'm not too keen about bitching after the UPS incident...

UPS is a completely different thing. You can have as many valid complaints to them or even FedEx, and they can never really help you. I HATE dealing with them when it comes to a complaint, everytime the person I deal with is an ass and is not much help.

This is a purchase at a store, there is a reason for customer service. But hey dude, it's your loss if you do nothing about it.
That's retarded. You should've just got your money back (returned your preorder) and then just repurchased the game.

Anyways, I just walked straight in to my local EB and purchased the same game with no problems what so ever. No preorder necessary. If you have options, you may want to go elsewhere than GS as I've had stupid shit happen with them as well.

For example: Preordered Space Raiders for GC fearing it was going to be near impossible to find (believed GS's scare tactic, silly me). Game came out but the game didn't actually show up until over 2 WEEKS after their site said it was out. I ended up returing my preorder receipt and going else where. Turns out it wasn't actually hard to find. Those GS fuckers.
That's retarded. You should've just got your money back (returned your preorder) and then just repurchased the game.
actually, i couldn't even do that because they didnt have the slip...

this is my first time having a problem with the store and i've been buying from there since the week of the xbox launch... (back then they were across the street in the atlantic mall and still called funcoland...)
kitchenmotors said:
This is a purchase at a store, there is a reason for customer service. But hey dude, it's your loss if you do nothing about it.
what could i do? jump the counter, break the glass, snatch up a copy of the game and run? or just push over the magazine reck?


The Faceless Master said:
what could i do? jump the counter, break the glass, snatch up a copy of the game and run? or just push over the magazine reck?

Demand your money back. I once had store loyalty, but in the end the "friendship" is pretty shallow. I was once sold a dud PS1 memory card back in, oh, '97. I was going to the place for ages to rent games since 1990 or so. I asked them, in a very calm, cool, collected, friendly manner to exchange it. They looked at me funny, like it was the first time they'd ever seen me, and refused.

Last time I spent a dime in that store.
xsarien said:
Demand your money back.
like i said, i couldn't do that because they don't have their preorder slip/receipt/card etc... and if they did, then there wouldn't even be a problem andd i would have gotten the game already!
If I was in that position back when I was working at Gamestop. I know that I would get any shit for giving you a $5 discount in replacement for your credit, as long as I copied the reciept you had saying you put down the $5 to the back of the store reciept.

A good employee has to know when to break the rules.


The Faceless Master said:
like i said, i couldn't do that because they don't have their preorder slip/receipt/card etc... and if they did, then there wouldn't even be a problem andd i would have gotten the game already!

Bullshit. You have a receipt from their store showing that money exchanged hands. Unless you're a master forger, you have proof that you pre-ordered the game, and gave them money for the privilege.

And since the mixup is entirely their fault, you shouldn't have taken MKDA, you should've said "This doesn't look like the five bucks (or however much) I gave you."
so i would have wasted time and energy complaining and still gotten nothing because they are only going by store policy... i mean do you think they will just go take money out of the register and just give it to me then worry about what their managers will do later when they come up short?
oh, and here's a nice fun fact... the guy who took my preorder will be working tomorrow... so what should i say/do to him, since he's the one who caused all these problems by losing it...





The Faceless Master said:
so i would have wasted time and energy complaining and still gotten nothing because they are only going by store policy... i mean do you think they will just go take money out of the register and just give it to me then worry about what their managers will do later when they come up short?

And that's your problem? They'd have to explain how they lost the ticket. Go talk to the guy who took the pre-order, see if he can find it. If he can't, get your pre-order money back seeing as how your reservation didn't stick.
xsarien said:
And that's your problem? They'd have to explain how they lost the ticket. Go talk to the guy who took the pre-order, see if he can find it. If he can't, get your pre-order money back seeing as how your reservation didn't stick.
you mean i should go to his house? i mean what can i really do that's not illegal other than wait till tomorrow for them to go thru the process and get me the game?


The Faceless Master said:
3 weeks ago, i preordered GGX2#R and DOAU at the gamestop in the atlantic terminal in downtown brooklyn...
paid in full for both of them...

so today i go to gamestop to get #R

this story so amazing!!!

they have the game

i have my receipt

they see on the computer that i have prepaid for it



i know they're just doing their job and following procedure...
but that is a fucked up store policy >:E

the actual workers were cool though...
the guy who was helping me looked thru ALL the preorder storage bins and booklets...
the girl asked me if i wanted a chair so i could sit while he went thru all that stuff etc...
they went thru a bunch of stuff including:
calling the guy who actually took the preorder (wasnt home)
calling the asst manager (apparently the manager is in texas to attend big gamestop meeting)
calling some main office to find out the procedure for being able to help me out
basically i was there for over an hour easily praying the slip was found...
they even gave me a free promo copy of ...
MK;DA (feel free to laugh now)

anyway, they couldn't find it and i have to call in and come back tomorrow...

is that the one near court street?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Reasons why pre-ordering games is not a good idea +1

Nowadays, thanks to BB, CC, Target, and a multitude of other big name stores there is simply no need to pre-order a game anymore unless there is a bonus involved. There hasn't been a single killer-ap this gen that I haven't been able to just walk into a BB and pick up (with tons left on the shlef). Just think, that $50 you put down for a pre-order months in advance can be sitting in a bank account somewhere accruing a small bit of interest instead of sitting in Gamestop/EBs bank earning free money for them. Pre-ordering games is a scam. You won't have to wait until next year for Halo 2 or any other game. Its just a load of bull that they toss around so that they can make a little extra dough.
JC10001 said:
Reasons why pre-ordering games is not a good idea +1

Nowadays, thanks to BB, CC, Target, and a multitude of other big name stores there is simply no need to pre-order a game anymore unless there is a bonus involved. There hasn't been a single killer-ap this gen that I haven't been able to just walk into a BB and pick up (with tons left on the shlef). Just think, that $50 you put down for a pre-order months in advance can be sitting in a bank account somewhere accruing a small bit of interest instead of sitting in Gamestop/EBs bank earning free money for them. Pre-ordering games is a scam. You won't have to wait until next year for Halo 2 or any other game. Its just a load of bull that they toss around so that they can make a little extra dough.
these are the first games i've preordered in a couple years... mainly because i wanted to be sure i for GGX2#R, which is a game that's likely to be shipped in limited quantities (the store got 6, and including me, there were 4 preorders)...

DOAU because i was gonna buy it anyway and i had the money on me and figured why not... i was actually gonna preorder Halo 2 SE too, but they said i wouldn't be able to get it until the 16th, because all the preorders for the 9th are sold out...

as for CC/BB/Target... my CC sucks ass, the nearest BB is in midtown and Target just opened this summer and i wasn't too impressed with them taking TWO WEEKS to put NFL2K5 on the shelves...

just got my GGX2#R

the other asst manager found my GGX2#R preorder slip attatched to a completely different game for a completely different system... Gradius V...

and as for the DOAU slip, it was in the 'D' section, right where it was supposed to be...



Unconfirmed Member
The Faceless Master said:
oh, and here's a nice fun fact... the guy who took my preorder will be working tomorrow... so what should i say/do to him, since he's the one who caused all these problems by losing it...
He is not necessarily the one who lost it. These things can get misplaced anywhere along the process (which is why it needs to be reformed badly). I am not saying he didn't loose it, just that it may not have been him. ;)

If you had the receipt and they could see your pre-order on the comp (though our computers don't do that, I don't know why theirs would unlesss they just found your transaction) then they had sufficient information to give you the game, short the register out the cash, and then deal with the situation themselves by either finding your slip (most commonly mis-alphabetized / overlooked) or sending an e-mail to corprate containing your information (receipt number etc) and then getting the code for the credit to fix the error.

Gamestop needs to overhaul their POS badly. Pre-orders need to be stored in the computer, not on little slips of paper in boxes that are sucebtible to loss.

EDIT: well I am a day late and a dollar short :p

At least you got it, though i maintain they were able to give the game to you yesterday.


Being a gamer ain't easy, that's 'fo sho' ;)

This reminds me of the time I went into a local EB to pick up my pre-ordered Xbox the night of its release and all the girl behind the counter could say was, "We don't have anymore left--come back tommorow, please".

"What the SHIT??" is what I thought to myself and I would've said it too, but I remembered that I already had another Xbox at home (prize) waiting for me at home and I wasn't about to curse out a clerk just doing her job. But still, a pre-order should mean that item is there waiting for you.
Well the trouble is staff will cut favors and are willing to 'play the odds' for a friend who wants something badly enough. ITS LIKE COMMUNIST RUSSIA


Unconfirmed Member
MrAngryFace said:
Well the trouble is staff will cut favors and are willing to 'play the odds' for a friend who wants something badly enough. ITS LIKE COMMUNIST RUSSIA
Or sometimes they don't even get shipped enough to meet pr-order allotments.


Never placed a pre-order in my life, never had a problem getting a game on release day. Even if all copies are allgedly allocated to pre-orders, it doesn't take much to get an EB or GS drone to fork over a copy. You might have to float the idea of potentially considering maybe buying a strategy guide, then withdrawing that offer as they are ringing up the sale.

That having been said, I guess if you live in a smaller town and are looking for a relatively obscure title like GGXX, laying down $5 as insurance policy migh make sense.


Unconfirmed Member
MrAngryFace said:
Id be willing to believe that more often if the holocaust never happened.
Well the Holocaust did happen. And so do short shipments, it happened to us with Fable. though we were lucky and not everybody came in on the first night of release to get it.

I am not saying that others don't cut favors, I don't doubt that they do.


If I preorder something, it's never at the store. You always get your bonus item from ebgames.com and gamestop.com. Never had a problem with them when it comes to bonuses. And shipping is usually free, sometimes overnight if you pre-order early enough.

Their's really no reason to preorder at a store anymore.
Rhindle said:
Never placed a pre-order in my life, never had a problem getting a game on release day. Even if all copies are allgedly allocated to pre-orders, it doesn't take much to get an EB or GS drone to fork over a copy. You might have to float the idea of potentially considering maybe buying a strategy guide, then withdrawing that offer as they are ringing up the sale.

That having been said, I guess if you live in a smaller town and are looking for a relatively obscure title like GGXX, laying down $5 as insurance policy migh make sense.
man, in NYC, in certain places, if it's a major title, unless they shipped a FUCKTON of the game (eg madden, gta), you better have a preorder unless you want to go calling 30 different places hoping to get the game

oh yeah and like i said in an earlier post... they were just turning people away who wanted fable and didnt have a preorder, just telling them "come back next wednesday"... they're pretty serious about preorders in all the stores i've been to...
scola said:
He is not necessarily the one who lost it. These things can get misplaced anywhere along the process (which is why it needs to be reformed badly). I am not saying he didn't loose it, just that it may not have been him. ;)

If you had the receipt and they could see your pre-order on the comp (though our computers don't do that, I don't know why theirs would unlesss they just found your transaction) then they had sufficient information to give you the game, short the register out the cash, and then deal with the situation themselves by either finding your slip (most commonly mis-alphabetized / overlooked) or sending an e-mail to corprate containing your information (receipt number etc) and then getting the code for the credit to fix the error.

Gamestop needs to overhaul their POS badly. Pre-orders need to be stored in the computer, not on little slips of paper in boxes that are sucebtible to loss.

EDIT: well I am a day late and a dollar short :p

At least you got it, though i maintain they were able to give the game to you yesterday.
your assumption was right. all they found was the transaction on the computer... not the actual preorder... though i really don't understand how there's a difference between the two other than just a technicality...


What a wierd thread; I too bought Gradius V and Guilty Gear X2 Reload. But I was able to buy GGX2#R straight up, and the new girl who was working there had a hell of a time trying to ring up my Gradius V preorder. ALTERNATE DIMENSIONS?


Oh, and for those who are hard up for the Limited Edition of Phantom Brave (checked the box for both CD and DVD logos), the Gamestop at Lenox Mall, Atlanta, GA has the Limited Edition of Phantom Brave + strategery guides.

That's if you're looking for them, of course.

Just letting you know...

Dave Long

The Faceless Master said:
your assumption was right. all they found was the transaction on the computer... not the actual preorder... though i really don't understand how there's a difference between the two other than just a technicality...

That's why it's total bullshit. You had the receipt in your fricking hand, man! If that happens again, demand your game. Tell them you either want your money back or you want the game. If they claim there's no one to call, ask for the 800 number at the home office so you can tell them how you haven't gotten something you PAID FOR because the people working there are idiots.

I'm serious as serious can be. You should never have left there without your game and you should damn well NEVER have sat there for an hour waiting to find out you weren't going to get squat!

If you go back, given how many game stores there must be in New York, you're a putz.
Dave Long said:
That's why it's total bullshit. You had the receipt in your fricking hand, man! If that happens again, demand your game. Tell them you either want your money back or you want the game. If they claim there's no one to call, ask for the 800 number at the home office so you can tell them how you haven't gotten something you PAID FOR because the people working there are idiots.

I'm serious as serious can be. You should never have left there without your game and you should damn well NEVER have sat there for an hour waiting to find out you weren't going to get squat!

If you go back, given how many game stores there must be in New York, you're a putz.

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