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Afrika |OT| of pretending to work for National Geographic


androvsky said:
It's not that Greg Miller is an idiot; he seems reasonably intelligent when he manages to be serious long enough to get a thought out. The main problem is that he's probably the second-most hyperactive person working at IGN (the most hyper by far was introduced on last week's Podcast Beyond... *shudder*). He was specifically hired because he has a crazy, energetic personality. Why would IGN assign someone like that to review a game like Afrika unless they want an unreasonably low score? He's got some valid complaints, but the target audience seems to have been impressed with the game for the most part (I haven't played it yet). Maybe if you could wrestle the lions he'd give it a 9.5...

you're right maybe he is not an idiot, but it seems when ever IGN needs reviewer that relates to this day and age's "gamer" (omgz, pwnd, Lulz, meh FAIL!!!...etc bs) to slam a game....they gladly give this kid the job (he is not even a kid, but reviews like one)...and he is just licking his chops ready to slam a game without just reviewing all aspects of it....so although IGN's editors are mostly to blame, Miller is no angel.......he knows his role there at IGN, and gladly accepts it.

these types of reviewers are not gamers.


Still think it woulda been awesome if they would have bundled Afrika + Aquanaut's Holiday in one package, woulda been such an awesome value! :D


androvsky said:
It's not that Greg Miller is an idiot; he seems reasonably intelligent when he manages to be serious long enough to get a thought out. The main problem is that he's probably the second-most hyperactive person working at IGN (the most hyper by far was introduced on last week's Podcast Beyond... *shudder*). He was specifically hired because he has a crazy, energetic personality. Why would IGN assign someone like that to review a game like Afrika unless they want an unreasonably low score? He's got some valid complaints, but the target audience seems to have been impressed with the game for the most part (I haven't played it yet). Maybe if you could wrestle the lions he'd give it a 9.5...

Honestly if you JUST have 'target audience' review games, everything would get a 9+ lol

The score seems low, but his criticisms are - for the most part - accurate.


Chrange said:
Honestly if you JUST have 'target audience' review games, everything would get a 9+ lol

Umm no it wouldn't. Get a guy who loves FPSes to review a shit FPS and he will give still give it a shit score.

Gomu Gomu

Afrikan said:
here is a picture of the Idiot. Sure, opinions are fine and all....but this is not the first time he has come off as a little bitch. I mean the review is just bitchy..."its boring...wa, wa" WTF? how do these idiots get these jobs.....Why would the head folks at IGN let this knucklehead do this review...what a waste of space.....its like some of the morons who work at Gamestop, the ones who don't know their shit. Its funny how we both work in the same city.


edit- and no, my username has nothing to do with this game.... "Afrikan" has been my nickname for Madden Tournys through out the nation since 2001.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Why do you guys get your panties in a bunch over a stinking review? It's an opinion, that's it. If there were factual issues, then yes, I could possibly see why you get upset, but otherwise it is only an opinion. Funny thing is that maybe of his complaints have been posted in this thread and the other one, so does that make those posters idiots too?

This is a niche title, many gamers will think it is boring, clunky and not good. It was never meant to capture the attention of the mainstream. Just enjoy the game if you like it and don't worry about a review that may not represent your experience.

A couple of weeks ago I got called stupid for not agreeing with someone's experiences in a game on here. Stupid because I liked a game and someone else didn't. Yeah, that is really mature. Shit on someone because he likes/dislikes a game and you don't.


Wow, it's been a while since I haven't been pissed off by a shitty review. This is God Hand all over again. I've seen the damn game, my brother has it, I know what to expect. It's clearly not a game everyone would enjoy, it's not an online fps shooter, it's not Grand Theft Auto or Madden:this year; it's a different kind....

This idiot over at IGN wanna be sure we don't get those kinds of titles in North America. Good job.
androvsky said:
It's not that Greg Miller is an idiot; he seems reasonably intelligent when he manages to be serious long enough to get a thought out. The main problem is that he's probably the second-most hyperactive person working at IGN (the most hyper by far was introduced on last week's Podcast Beyond... *shudder*). He was specifically hired because he has a crazy, energetic personality. Why would IGN assign someone like that to review a game like Afrika unless they want an unreasonably low score? He's got some valid complaints, but the target audience seems to have been impressed with the game for the most part (I haven't played it yet). Maybe if you could wrestle the lions he'd give it a 9.5...
Maybe he's secretly contempt456.


I think he mixed up the review scores. He meant 3.5/5 :lol The problem is that IGN has some traffic, so they will cause some damage with that review...
From Greg Miller's IGN biography:
But it all came crashing down in 2007. After six years on the outside, a search-and-destroy robot from Glen Ellyn rolled into Columbia looking for runaways. Greg and the robot fought for two solid weeks and left the college town in shambles. After defeating the ‘bot by unplugging it from a wall socket, Greg ran to the one place conservative, Glen Ellyn republicans would never go – San Francisco.
I think IGN should just be banned on GAF. Not because they're so shitty, but because every fucking thread degenerates into bitching about their reviews. Borringgg.

Anyway, I plan on importing this quite soon :) It's sucky that this hasn't got an EU release, but since it'll work fine on my PS3 and such it's not too much bother. Might actually work out cheaper depending on which site I use, in fact.
Chrange said:
He's obviously not the target audience then.

Why? Because the target audience should always give a game a high score just because they are the target? The target audience, especially in niche games, are the ones who are best suited to review them. The first statement still stands, a crappy FPS is still going to get a crappy score from someone who is a fan of that type of game. In fact, it may get an even lower score from someone who is more discriminating about the genre.

That aside, I'm definitely interested in this game. Having been to Africa, and shot some pretty amazing photos, this looks like it'll be fun to just wander around in and explore. Definitely my type of game for something a bit different.


Gomu Gomu said:

more so, disappointed once again in the current state of gaming "journalism". Not everyone has time to go to GAF or any other forum for user opinions on games....there are alot who rely on IGN for gaming information.....and some might be put off, just by the review score.....its like he is just trying to be funny/cool/sarcastic more so than trying to do a review.

When there people who worked HARD and did alot of research and put alot of time into making a title.....its kind of sad you have reviewer who has came off childish in the past and throws up a review score as low as 3.5/10....with complains like "teh animals move like RObotz!!!"

"BUT AFRIKAN WHEAR's YOU're REVIEW????????" If I didn't have so much time invested in other things in life I would start my own website........hopefully in a couple of years, then I can haz the moneyhatz.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Why? Because the target audience should always give a game a high score just because they are the target? The target audience, especially in niche games, are the ones who are best suited to review them. The first statement still stands, a crappy FPS is still going to get a crappy score from someone who is a fan of that type of game. In fact, it may get an even lower score from someone who is more discriminating about the genre.

That aside, I'm definitely interested in this game. Having been to Africa, and shot some pretty amazing photos, this looks like it'll be fun to just wander around in and explore. Definitely my type of game for something a bit different.

Isn't that the argument made here? He gave the game a bad score, therefore he's obviously WRONG and it's because he's not the target audience.

His criticisms are valid - but they're ignored, because of the score.

I mean how can you give a game a bad score, people worked HARD on that! :lol


The IGN review is so different from the other two, maybe he rated it out of 5? It just seems like the game isn't for everyone. >:|


Well, enough discussing the reviews... I am more dissapointed to see the game has been delayed. (Although not by many days, but still...)




An blind dancing ho
OldJadedGamer said:
I don't think the animals are robotic at all. While I agree with the text for the most part (no voices is a very bad omission) I don't agree with the score. Way to low for this title and seems like they went overboard. I would have given this a 6.5 or a 7 if I reviewed it. It's fun for what it is but really does not hold up to the standards a first party developed title should be held to.

this is not a Sony first party title , SCEJ own the IP yes , but this game is by Rhino Studios.


Chrange said:
Isn't that the argument made here? He gave the game a bad score, therefore he's obviously WRONG and it's because he's not the target audience.

His criticisms are valid - but they're ignored, because of the score.

I mean how can you give a game a bad score, people worked HARD on that! :lol

I do hope you're not getting this stuff from my post; I said he had some valid criticisms. You're also completely misunderstanding the general usage of the phrase 'target audience'. The target audience is not people who will automatically like something, it's the audience a product is aimed at (hence the term). Sometimes the aim misses. For example, I think you could say Bionic Commando's target audience was fans of the original and probably fans of third-person action games, but not a lot of people from either group ended up liking it. Therefore, it failed with its target audience(s).

In this case, I'm pretty sure Afrika was not intended for hyperactive hardcore professional wrestling fans. I'm not saying IGN should've found someone who's been itching for a linear, scripted photography game set in Africa to review it; I'm saying that out of their entire staff of Playstation reviewers (okay, 4 or 5 people, not counting contractors, lol), only one person would be a spectacularly poor choice to review Afrika, and that's the person that actually reviewed it.

I get the funny feeling you've never listened to a podcast with Greg Miller in it. What I'm trying to say is this is like having Michael Bay review Driving Miss Daisy.


Why nobody has it in stock yet.

The game was shipped on 10/6. It might take a few days or more for
the major retailers in North America to receive the games.

Among all the major retailers, GameStop will probably have it
available soonest.

Thank you,
Customer Service
Natsume Inc."


IGN Afriaka review review: 3.5/10

3.5 Presentation
The review talked about less than a quarter of the whole game and fail to mention the equipment you get to use to perfect your photo later in the game (It's not really late anyway, 3 hours in perhaps)

5.0 Graphics
The review has one screenshot of a jeep and a video. You suppose to be taking photo of the animal not the f***ing jeep.

3.5 Sound
The only thing I heard is some guy moan about having to review a game in the genre that he has no interest at all.

3.5 Gameplay
The review start out talking about jeep for couple of paragraphs, there's an ads before I can get to the review page before seeing more ads on the top of the review page.

3.5 Lasting Appeal
There's other review to read, but why would you?

Almost discredit themselve OVERALL (out of 10 / not an average)
Afrikan said:
here is a picture of the Idiot. Sure, opinions are fine and all....but this is not the first time he has come off as a little bitch. I mean the review is just bitchy..."its boring...wa, wa" WTF? how do these idiots get these jobs.....Why would the head folks at IGN let this knucklehead do this review...what a waste of space.....its like some of the morons who work at Gamestop, the ones who don't know their shit. Its funny how we both work in the same city.


edit- and no, my username has nothing to do with this game.... "Afrikan" has been my nickname for Madden Tournys through out the nation since 2001.

Ok, I am calling out this post. You sir need to chill out. This seems like a game that isn't made for everyone. This doesnt mean he is an idiot or doesnt deserve a job. Some people need to realize that this game is going to be very niche and it isnt going to appeal to everyone. Also, personal attacks always makes a person seem desperate and idiotic. You have succeeded in both.


I think IGN doesn't understand the purpose of the game. Looks like they are reviewing it like they would review an action game. Looks like they aren't that much in zen "gaming".
Meh, I was really hoping for an open world experience. I mean how awesome would it be to be given a camera and just go out in the wild and shoot animals with little more than their habits to go off of? The real 'hunt' isnt only about the shot but the struggle to get it. I would have really enjoyed a mission structure where the first few animals were numerous but the last few were really rare shots that you had to continuously look for.

Not only that but you had the same bodily needs you have today. You would need to replenish your water, eat food, and look out for dangerous wildlife. So as the game got harder and you were looking for that rare shot you also needed to manage your body and life...
TheExecutive said:
I would have really enjoyed a mission structure where the first few animals were numerous but the last few were really rare shots that you had to continuously look for.

but... that's how it is in Afrika?
TheExecutive said:
Not only that but you had the same bodily needs you have today. You would need to replenish your water, eat food, and look out for dangerous wildlife. So as the game got harder and you were looking for that rare shot you also needed to manage your body and life...

Lost in Blue was annoying because of this! Anyway can't wait for Afrika...there needs to be a demo!
TheExecutive said:
Meh, I was really hoping for an open world experience. I mean how awesome would it be to be given a camera and just go out in the wild and shoot animals with little more than their habits to go off of?

You can do exactly this in the game. I've had it for over a year and I still fire it up every now and then just to take a hike around the savanna and photograph something interesting.


TheExecutive said:
Ok, I am calling out this post. You sir need to chill out. This seems like a game that isn't made for everyone. This doesnt mean he is an idiot or doesnt deserve a job. Some people need to realize that this game is going to be very niche and it isnt going to appeal to everyone. Also, personal attacks always makes a person seem desperate and idiotic. You have succeeded in both.

if you go a couple posts further....you would see that I did chill out.....but thankx anyway.

like I said earlier there are people who take what some of these reviewers report as face value....and its unfortunate that these workers at these positions can have a podium to where they can mislead innocent misinformed individuals...........like say....

this guy here

TheExecutive said:
Meh, I was really hoping for an open world experience. I mean how awesome would it be to be given a camera and just go out in the wild and shoot animals with little more than their habits to go off of?


Has anybody been able to find this in a store yet? I called GameStop on Friday and they still didn't have my preordered copy.
MidnightScott said:
Let this guy review Pokémon Snap. If he reviews that badly too, then he should quit reviewing games and stfu.
Please Pokemon Snap was boring as shit. Greg Miller is a fucking rebel that isn't afraid to drop truth bombs like it's Vietnam.


And even i am moderately surprised
honest question : is the backlash in this thread from people who played the asian/japanese game or just from people hyped about the game but haven't played it yet?
Totobeni said:
this is not a Sony first party title , SCEJ own the IP yes , but this game is by Rhino Studios.

Ok, then first party published. It still does not hold up to the standards of a first party published title. Seriously... a game on Blu-ray with zero voice???


OldJadedGamer said:
Ok, then first party published. It still does not hold up to the standards of a first party published title. Seriously... a game on Blu-ray with zero voice???

I would understand the complain of not having any voice in a long, story-based game with lots of dialogue... but for Afrika? The game doesn't need any voice acting.
reminder said:
I would understand the complain of not having any voice in a long, story-based game with lots of dialogue... but for Afrika? The game doesn't need any voice acting.

There are characters talking to you. It needs voice acting. Are you seriously defending a next gen game for not having voice acting??????????


OldJadedGamer said:
There are characters talking to you. It needs voice acting. Are you seriously defending a next gen game for not having voice acting??????????

Yes, because i don't have a problem with reading some small dialogues. I would be pissed if Uncharted had no voice acting or MGS4 or GTA IV and so on. But no, not in the case of Afrika. :lol
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