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After Death of 17 year-old, Is This the End of Duterte's Drug War? (The Atlantic)


I can imagine that when drug traffic is such a problem, then just "just kill them all" sounds very appealing and like a quick easy solution Looking at whats happening the Philippines shows how badly that escalates. I can't pretend to know a solution to the problem though.

I know, I know. It is just a wish, in reality it would never work as intended, unfortunately.
The irony almost hurts. I bet you wouldn't be too upset with his remark if we swapped "drug traffickers" with "neo nazis"

I don't support federal police kicking down doors and blasting a room full of Neo-Nazis. But I hope your ironic pains go well for you.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Call me whatever you want. I live in a country (Brazil) with more than 55.000 murders a year, the vast majority is related to drug trafficking.

In Rio de Janeiro, the police officers have to ask the drug dealers for permission to enter the "favelas".

I wish the government entered all theses places and killed all the drug traffickers. No remorse, no questions asked.

Except this isn't Brazil and the situation isn't the same. The cops are just murdering people left and right and drugs are just an excuse.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Sure sounds like a personal problem, sweetheart

Duterte has been and always will be a scumbag. I kinda get why people want to kill every single person responsible for drugs and all that but it's gone the wrong direction from the very beginning and it's just way too unrealistic. Innocent people are doomed to die no matter who is responsible for such a plan. Addicts need help, not a 'punishment'.

Sure sounds like a personal problem, sweetheart
I can imagine that when drug traffic is such a problem, then just "just kill them all" sounds very appealing and like a quick easy solution Looking at whats happening the Philippines shows how badly that escalates. I can't pretend to know a solution to the problem though."

Except "kill them all" in this case openly includes addicts, not just traffickers.

It is a primitive, idiotic, ineffective, and downright inhumane way to try and solve drug problems.

Duterte is a fucking simpleton though so I expect nothing less.

Also, they mention how many have been killed by police but police are also hiring contract killers. And part of the reason is that people in police are involved in the drug trafficking, so they're trying to get rid of anyone who might potentially rat them out. It is completely fucked up from top to bottom.


Call me whatever you want. I live in a country (Brazil) with more than 55.000 murders a year, the vast majority is related to drug trafficking.

In Rio de Janeiro, the police officers have to ask the drug dealers for permission to enter the "favelas".

I wish the government entered all theses places and killed all the drug traffickers. No remorse, no questions asked.

Well thankfully your country doesn't stoop to that level then.
You sounded like one of those Duterte supporters. Insulting other people that doesn't agree with their sentiments is one of their special moves.

Yes, I will call out people who advocate mass murder and the suspension of due process in furtherance of their snuff fantasies.

I'm sorry your delicate sensibilities were bruised.

With that said, what are the chances of sanctioning Duterte and his Nazi administration? Slim to none?


His approval ratings are still pretty high. This probably isn't THAT big of a deal to him. Plus the international community isn't gonna do anything . So this will probably continue
Call me whatever you want. I live in a country (Brazil) with more than 55.000 murders a year, the vast majority is related to drug trafficking.

In Rio de Janeiro, the police officers have to ask the drug dealers for permission to enter the "favelas".

I wish the government entered all theses places and killed all the drug traffickers. No remorse, no questions asked.

I can't say I understand your frustration because I'm not in that situation but you're talking about a scenario where the cops magically know they're killing an actual drug trafficker. How do you know? How do you know you're not killing some poor addict who the traffickers set up or whatever?

This fantasy of going in and just ridding the area of all traffickers is akin to talking about going in and killing all the Muslim terrorists in some country. It doesn't work that way.


Yes, I will call out people who advocate mass murder and the suspension of due process in furtherance of their snuff fantasies.

I'm sorry your delicate sensibilities were bruised.

With that said, what are the chances of sanctioning Duterte and his Nazi administration? Slim to none?

You can call them out without being a cunt or by explaining properly.

As for your question, yeah good luck with that. Duterte's enemies may not be in favor with his actions, but they are also corrupt. One senator protects criminals that are already on jail, the other one failed a coup de etat and tried to do shady transactions with China regarding the disputed islands west of PH.


semen stains the mountaintops
You sounded like one of those Duterte supporters. Insulting other people that doesn't agree with their sentiments is one of their special moves.
Insulting makes a person sound like a Duterte supporter more than supporting mass murder?


I can't say I understand your frustration because I'm not in that situation but you're talking about a scenario where the cops magically know they're killing an actual drug trafficker. How do you know? How do you know you're not killing some poor addict who the traffickers set up or whatever?

This fantasy of going in and just ridding the area of all traffickers is akin to talking about going in and killing all the Muslim terrorists in some country. It doesn't work that way.

Of course I know it doesn't work that way. I just wish it happened the way I said, drug traffickers only. Just a dream.
His approval ratings are still pretty high. This probably isn't THAT big of a deal to him. Plus the international community isn't gonna do anything . So this will probably continue

Didn't he recently gave the Philippines free University and college level education in 2018 and on?
That should give a nice boost to his approval ratings.
Your post is easily worse than his. Just a pathetic post. Snowflake and nazi being used in the same post is ironic too.
A post asking for drug dealers and also any addicts or people who happen to live with said drug dealers or addicts (say a wife and/or children) to be murdered by state police without due process is less pathetic than a name calling one. (Because you know, in reality that's what is going to happen. Also proof: this thread with the teenager shot in the back begging for his life after being falsely labeled a drug lord)


I don't see the harm in letting thugs cops perform special sting operations to kill suspected drug dealers. And hey, if any kids happen to live there, well sucks to be them. Shouldn't have been born poor the cretins.

Man reading this thread, this is why Guantanomo Bay happened. Thank fucking Christ it was shut down by Obama. Due process is just thrown out the window pretty easily for some people. Oh well.

Edit: Cleaned up my post
You can call them out without being a cunt or by explaining properly.

As for your question, yeah good luck with that. Duterte's enemies may not be in favor with his actions, but they are also corrupt. One senator protects criminals that are already on jail, the other one failed a coup de etat and tried to do shady transactions with China regarding the disputed islands east of PH.

What's the minimum age for a GAF account? By that age, should people have to explain why mass homicide, without a trial, is an objectively bad thing?

As far as the corruption goes, I wonder how Filipinos think it compares to the corruption under Marcos. Worse, better, or about the same?


A post asking for drug dealers and also any addicts or people who happen to live with said drug dealers or addicts (say a wife and/or children) to be murdered by state police without due process is less pathetic than a name calling one.


You may disagree with me, no problems. You can't lie like this and pretend I said things I didn't. Are you crazy making up this shit?


As others have invoked, "One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic".

Duerte's purging of people deemed "undesirable" under the flimsiest pretences is abhorrent.

To be fair to run of the mill catholics, the catholism that has spawned in the Philippines is some perverted strange fucked up voodoo version of what is practiced in the west.
I think that is in part a matter of perspective, that citizens of the West are more used to its own religious... traditions. They just feel more natural because we grew up immersed in or surrounded by then.


why not just nuke all the population then tehre wont be any drug dealers or anyone to sell drugs to. problem solved. give me a medal.
You may disagree with me, no problems. You can't lie like this and pretend I said things I didn't. Are you crazy making up this shit?
Sorry. I forgot we invented the DrugLordRadar(TM) where anyone can be found with 100% certainty that they in fact, deal drugs. You posted this 'kill all drug dealers' fantasy in a thread about a teenager being killed and then blamed for dealing drugs as a coverup.

Edit: Will all of the drug dealers in said houses be 100% guilty? Do drug dealers not have families who live with them? How will the cops know who to kill and who not to kill? Because that's what would happen.


Sorry. I forgot we invented the DrugLordRadar(TM) where anyone can be found with 100% certainty that they in fact, deal drugs. You posted this 'kill all drug dealers' fantasy in a thread about a teenager being killed and then blamed for dealing drugs as a coverup.

Sorry, I thought you could read. My bad.


You may disagree with me, no problems. You can't lie like this and pretend I said things I didn't. Are you crazy making up this shit?
Drug dealers don't have red health bars or appear on the minimap, so killings with "no remorse" and "no questions asked" as you said are going to murder many, many, many innocent people. As evidenced by Duerte's actions.

And that's being charitable to that they will even try to adhere to the premise, and not just murder people deemed undesirable for any reason.

I understand that in a chaotic environment, people are willing to obtain security at all costs. But if the cost is your own life as you're slain in a back alley, I don't see any enduring benefits.


You sounded like one of those Duterte supporters. Insulting other people that doesn't agree with their sentiments is one of their special moves.

Except he wasn't responding to soneone who is against mass killings. He was speaking to someone who was for them. It's a pretty big distinction.


You may disagree with me, no problems. You can't lie like this and pretend I said things I didn't. Are you crazy making up this shit?

From a practical purpose, that's exactly what you are asking for. You'd have to be really stupid to think only the drug traffickers would suffer under a policy of extra-judicial killings.


Drug dealers don't have red health bars or appear on the minimap, so killings with "no remorse" and "no questions asked" as you said are going to murder many, many, many innocent people. As evidenced by Duerte's actions.

Really??? You think I don't know that??? I doesn't change what I said and what I meant.

Although it's not possible to do it in the real world, see what's happening in Philippines, I still wish they killed all drug traffickers. It's a motherfucking dream.
Why would he give a fuck about a kid being killed when he's already neck deep in genocide town? I'm afraid to see what state that country will be in after he's term is finished (assuming he doesn't decide to go full dictator)

He's gonna have to go full dictator out of fear of repercussions coming his way from family members or rivals once he is out of office.


What's the minimum age for a GAF account? By that age, should people have to explain why mass homicide, without a trial, is an objectively bad thing?

As far as the corruption goes, I wonder how Filipinos think it compares to the corruption under Marcos. Worse, better, or about the same?

I dunno about it, but being a cunt against a cunt won't fix something. I like intelligent discussion, which I can't get on Facebook comments. If all discussions ends up in "fuck you all", it shouldn't have existed anyway.

As for corruption, Marcos is way worse. Killings are unreported, Media is silenced, and any freedom of speech is a crime. But don't take that as a compliment, as I can say that our government is still corrupted.
Really??? You think I don't know that??? I doesn't change what I said and what I meant.

Although it's not possible to do it in the real world, see what's happening in Philippines, I still wish they killed all drug traffickers. It's a motherfucking dream.

Every authoritarian punk has a dream. Some even write books about their struggles.

Take it from someone who's caught a rightful ban for violent fantasies: It ain't worth it

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Call me whatever you want. I live in a country (Brazil) with more than 55.000 murders a year, the vast majority is related to drug trafficking.

In Rio de Janeiro, the police officers have to ask the drug dealers for permission to enter the "favelas".

I wish the government entered all theses places and killed all the drug traffickers. No remorse, no questions asked.
If the government did as you wish, you'd be murdering thousands of innocent people with no due process. Like what is happening in the Philippines, and it's not even actually solving the drug trafficking problem because the higher-ups go unpunished.

Keep your childish, inane fantasies out of this conversation, please.


Really??? You think I don't know that??? I doesn't change what I said and what I meant.

Although it's not possible to do it in the real world, see what's happening in Philippines, I still wish they killed all drug traffickers. It's a motherfucking dream.
Just have to be careful of those who claim they can deliver on that dream - I'm sure many of Duerte's supporters truly believe he is doing the right thing and are desperate enough from the very real circumstances they are suffering under to cling to the untrue belief of his good intentions.


If the government did as you wish, you'd be murdering thousands of innocent people with no due process. Like what is happening in the Philippines, and it's not even actually solving the drug trafficking problem because the higher-ups go unpunished.

Keep your childish, inane fantasies out of this conversation, please.
Especially there where you have residents and children who really have no choice to be anything else.


Thanks for this insight, Nazi.

Now back to your bunker, snowflake.

lol at calling someone who lives in one of the most dangerous cities in the world a " snowflake ".

He got carried away and advocating for extrajudicial killings is immoral but that doesn't make him a nazi. Also gaf is usually all about vigilante justice when it's about racists so you could at least empathize with him even though what he said is wrong.


Super Sleuth
Really??? You think I don't know that??? I doesn't change what I said and what I meant.

Although it's not possible to do it in the real world, see what's happening in Philippines, I still wish they killed all drug traffickers. It's a motherfucking dream.

Why wouldn't you dream of some solution to the problem that doesn't involve mass murder then.


Fun(?) Fact: The kid resides near our location, probably about 3-4km. He was killed after another kid was shot exactly on our street because the real target runs into a crowd. It happened about 3 hours before I got home.
lol at calling someone who lives in one of the most dangerous cities in the world a " snowflake ".

He got carried away and advocating for extrajudicial killings is immoral but that doesn't make him a nazi. Also gaf is usually all about vigilante justice when it's about racists so you could at least empathize with him even though what he said is wrong.

I wouldn't empathize with a poster who advocated federal police running into a block-party to start popping caps at neo-Nazis. You recognize that's quite a different animal than cheering on a private citizen punching Spencer,right?

If he had stated he wished cops ran into a drug-house and punched a bunch of pushers, or slap them with fish while doing funny walks, you'd get no pushback from me. But that didn't happen.
If the government did as you wish, you'd be murdering thousands of innocent people with no due process. Like what is happening in the Philippines, and it's not even actually solving the drug trafficking problem because the higher-ups go unpunished.

Keep your childish, inane fantasies out of this conversation, please.

Yep and I seriously doubt they'll take in the innocent people to account.
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