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After Death of 17 year-old, Is This the End of Duterte's Drug War? (The Atlantic)

That is grim...very grim. What a horrible thing to do...

Fun(?) Fact: The kid resides near our location, probably about 3-4km. He was killed after another kid was shot exactly on our street because the real target runs into a crowd. It happened about 3 hours before I got home.

What is his government doing in terms of policy? As I recal he was ushered in on a wave of populism saying he was going to clean up politics and redistribute. How is that going?


What is his government doing in terms of policy? As I recal he was ushered in on a wave of populism saying he was going to clean up politics and redistribute. How is that going?

Not quite sure if he appointed some good people as I don't feel any substantial changes, but he appointed Mocha Uson as assistant secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office. She is a singer, dancer, model, blogger, and has released some softcore porn videos.

Ok, maybe it's wrong to judge by her past, but let's check how is she performing...



Last time a politician was executing their population the US invaded Iraq.

Where is the intervention from someone that is actually able to do something about this. Human rights organizations and the UN aren't accomplishing anything at this point.


82% of people don't want to get shot, execution-style, in the middle of the street

18% are patriots
There probably are some people who publicly say they support him because they fear him but they condemn his actions behind closed doors; it would be foolish for me to deny that they exist.
Every single person I've heard support him in public supports him in private though. Not once has someone who publicly says "I stand with Duterte!" told me behind closed doors "He's a monster and I can't believe I fell for his bullshit during the election." I'm pretty anti-Duterte and wouldn't run off and report anyone to his secret police but when I point out to a Duterte supporter in person that this doesn't hurt organized crime or the drug kingpins, that people who are addicts are victims of drugs as well, that innocents are being killed and grudges being settled, that it will NEVER work, not once have any of them agreed. They tell me I that I'm reading biased or fake news and that the media is out to get him, they tell me that there are no innocents being killed, and they tell me that he is making the Philippines a better place and they thank god for Duterte.
Has there been any talk of Russia and Duterte? I mean, I can absolutely believe that the Philippines could elect a guy like this on their own, but it startling to me how he plays exactly by their playbook and it's happening at the same time, to boot.


Has there been any talk of Russia and Duterte? I mean, I can absolutely believe that the Philippines could elect a guy like this on their own, but it startling to me how he plays exactly by their playbook and it's happening at the same time, to boot.

Russia didn't intervene in the elections. We already predicted Duterte's victory (I didn't vote him) during the elections. He is also fond of Putin, and we already know it beforehand. Well, I can't really say the alliance with Russia is bad (for now). In case war comes, we are on the Neutral side.
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