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After unlocking everything in KOF:MI. Now run down of things. (Semi-reviewish)


Ok since I never gave any complete reasoning to why I think the game's bad... here's some bullet points.

-Stylish Moves (aka chain combos)

Everything in the god damn game revolves around these. It isn't that they stuck in chain combos to the game, it's that they made it ESSENTIAL to use. You can't work around them. If you're character has shitty ass stylish moves, you're fucked.

Special/Super moves can only be cancelled from stylish moves (aka you can't just hit HP XX super move), which maybe isn't really that much of a complaint but it shows how far the departure from 2D kof it is.

Like I said, it seems if you're character got dealt shitty stylish moves ( aka the eddy clone) you're not going to do so well.

This is my chief complain by far, instead of going the difficult route of the game and trying to actually get that KOF feel into the game, they threw this junk in.

-Jumping Moves

Useless. Least I haven't found a damn use from them. They don't seem to have much of a tactical advantage since they're easy to see coming, and hard as hell to combo afterwards.


Again, I'm not going to complain that juggles are bad, just that it looks like they didn't try to regulate them whatsoever. Some characters have some easy ass juggles that do great damage, while others get stuck with crap... well they're fucked.

I pretty sure there's quite lots and lots of nasty juggles out there that could easily make the game lopsided as hell. Something tells me if people play seriously enough this game comes down to whoever lands the first stylish chain.


It can be decent, to down right horrible (couple throw animations had me gag).

-New Characters

Most are pretty horrible in my opinion, and their look and feel have this distinctive "Made for this game" feel. They also don't seem as good as the old characters because of this. Lots of the old characters have moves that'll easily go from their stylish moves and cause some good juggles. Again, I could be wrong this is just my initial assessment.

-Story Mode

It's horrible, don't even know why it's labeled story mode as there really isn't much story besides this guy wants to kick everyones asses (which I guess isn't much of a departure from other KOFs). They include these cutscenes (god knows why, we like loading I guess?) of some ass munch verbally telling who your next match is. Thanks I could of figured that out myself jackass. Also the endboss is cake.

Ok now that I think I got the main complains out of the way, I'll list a few small ones

-Why no dual voice mode?
-Mission mode while a nice diversion (they ripped it straight from EX) is way too character depedant. Some of the missions will require you to do things that some characters may have a very very hard time accomplishing, while others will easily breeze through it. They should of made you play specific characters, or had missions for individual characters.
-Music is meh.
-Why no clean pause screen, my screenshots turn out crap SNK without it paused.

Good things to say (crazy huh?)
-For the first installment there's a decent number of characters.
-Some of the alternate character designs for characters is spiffy. (See screens below)
-Some of the English voices are actually good (doesn't excuse the no dual voice). Among these I'd say Yuri (I think they nailed her attitude), and Leona.
-Some unlockables I suppose (3 stages, 2 new colors for each character, and the last boss)
-Lots of cameos in the background.

Overall, I say unless you're a die hard fan who wants to give SNK some money, or a button mashing full... goo ahead and buy it. But if some of the elements I've talked about has made you queezy then hold off.

Here's some alternate costumes colors.



Leona (B.Mary?!?)

Ryo (Jin!?!?)


Mary in the BG


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Why would you waste time unlocking everything in a game you so obviously dislike? Shit, I hardly have the attention span for unlocking everything in games I like.


Minotauro said:
Why would you waste time unlocking everything in a game you so obviously dislike? Shit, I hardly have the attention span for unlocking everything in games I like.


1. I mis typed, I didn't unlock everything. Just all the thigns related to missions (To do that I'd have to beat the game with everyone, which wouldn't take that long but I doubt I'll do it)
2. Like I said the missions were a decent distraction
3. I wanted to flesh out more of my views, so I had to play more. You don't give a big opinion on a game after playing for 15 minutes.


They did the chars in polygons pretty darn well, judgin from those screens.

There was some match vids from ruliweb, not sure if they still have them. But Seth just owned.


A lot of the alternative outfits for the old cast are nice change. And on new chars, only one of them isn't what you would call new. Chae Lim IS female Kim, no other way around it.
while your having fun let me ruin it for ya..
god tier: kyo and maxima atleast from what i've heard during the import release.
maxima = infinite
kyo launcher from anything apparently.. knockdown, b -> launch or something.

I'm passing on KOF:MI but have to agree that the costumes are nice.


The topic was just that good huh?

Ya, I was mainly playing with Kyo during the missions. He chain moves are great it seems, and he's got tons of launchers/juggling power.

Curious what the infinite with Maxima is.
connection lagged :p
i think it has to do with a command grab, where you reset the character.. so you can do another grab. so you'd grab over and over without scaling probably..

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Actually, the new characters can be pretty damn nasty. Alba and Mignon in particular really feel like they were made to take full advantage of the play mechanics.

MrAngryFace said:
Lyte Edge liking this game put him on my 'dont trust him about fighters' list.

It's a good fighter for what it is. It gets a solid 8 from me; it needs improvement but is a fun diversion and is something you can easily pick up and play with your friends. I also feel that the developer did a good job of bringing the 2D characters into the 3D game. The combo system is different, but the "feel" is still there.

Also let me say that the score of 8 is for the Japanese version; U.S. version gets a 7 for the awful dubbing and music censorship.

Thanks for those kind words though. :p
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