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Age of Conan GAF Meet Up


Trav said:
Doomslayer guild leaders and I must play at different times. I've tried to help you all out the last couple of nights. It says it logs the tells for your next log in, but I don't know if they've actually made it to you. Ah well, hope you make it to the number you need for base building.

I haven't been on at all in the past few days, sorry if you've tried to reach me.
Appreciate the effort though, I am going to try to find some time to play tonight.
grate said:
I haven't been on at all in the past few days, sorry if you've tried to reach me.
Appreciate the effort though, I am going to try to find some time to play tonight.

Yeah I keep trying to find someone in the guild to give me an invite. I never see any of the leaders on and the other Gaffers on Doomsayer don't respond to my tells. Bastards.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Yeah I keep trying to find someone in the guild to give me an invite. I never see any of the leaders on and the other Gaffers on Doomsayer don't respond to my tells. Bastards.

I'll be on my ranger or barbarian tonight for a couple hours after I get out of work. I am on the east coast, if I get a chance to play during a week night it is typically sometime between 7 and 10PM.

I'll try to keep an eye out for you if you plan on playing.


grate said:
I'll be on my ranger or barbarian tonight for a couple hours after I get out of work. I am on the east coast, if I get a chance to play during a week night it is typically sometime between 7 and 10PM.

I'll try to keep an eye out for you if you plan on playing.

I am playing barbarian but i had trouble picking between ranger and barbarian, what are your thoughts on the two classes? I may make an alt ranger.


grendelrt said:
I am playing barbarian but i had trouble picking between ranger and barbarian, what are your thoughts on the two classes? I may make an alt ranger.

Personally, I have only gotten barb to 18 and was speccing duel wield. My brother went two hander and has been enjoying it quite a bit (mid 30s). Ranger is in the mid 20s and I have to say that I am not really feeling it...

I tend prefer melee oriented combat, and while rangers can do melee combat (and do have melee combos (which are available to other melee classes as well)) it just doesn't feel right to me. I rolled it hoping to do quite a bit of damage from afar, looking for a bit of break from the melee roll... but inevitably you end up having to do some melee damage when faced with multiple targets.

The class does have some decent ranged damage, and a nice snare trap. Regulars bows appear to be focused on faster, single target damage. While crossbows are focused on slower, higher hitting damage with attacks for multiple targets.

From what I have gathered the class also has some nice advantages to pvp being a rogue class like barbs/ass. but focused on bows/xbows.... but it just isn't fitting my play style so far. Even though I have rolled on a pvp server, I tend not to gank. For someone looking to gank from afar, the class certainly has it's bonuses... so much to the fact that it is bitched about quite frequently on the official forums. I guess this all evens out towards the 50s... I can't definitively say so as I haven't leveled that far.

The snare trap makes pulling a couple mobs possible, however inevitably you end up having to do some melee combat. I'd rather have more devastating melee abilities if I am going to be placed into that roll frequently, and therefore should probably be leveling barb. Don't get me wrong, the class has nice ranged damage and I am sure it fits well in pve, or even in pvp if you like to surprise gank. But personally, it really isn't fitting the way I play at this point in time.

If you like to gank from afar, or if you primarily enjoy playing pve ranged damage... I think you would enjoy the class. I tend to enjoy getting more up close and personal pve and pvp wise, and so far things typically end up being that way anyway... so it feels like should be focusing more on the melee oriented class.

Just my two cents, take it for what its worth. Two cents. :D


Those are the same reasons i decided to go Barb. I have been going dual wield too with mine. Any advice on the points and feat points that you use to upgrade with. I have been putting a lot into hiding and climbing. And I did blood rage so far.


If you flow through the feats the Berserker (Bloodrage) tree tends to focus on two handed abilities. Personally, I focused on the Reaver tree(as dual wield)... starting with the Reaver stance and moving towards Hand Weapons expert with intentions on focusing on abilities that buff Cyclone of Steel (Smash 'n Crush, Brutal Cyclone, Gushing Wounds, etc...) as this was my primary/most intense damage dealing ability so far...

I made a Guardian on Doomsayer with some real life friends the other day, and was enjoying that quite a bit. I really like melee interaction...

Thinking about it, I should really be focusing on my Barbarian or Guardian. I tend to enjoy it more. I'll be on my barb tonight (Coldlight, not in the guild yet) however if anyone needs/wants a guild invite let me know in game and I will log on with my ranger to add you to the guild.


I was a Guardian in EQ2, i didnt want to be tank again this time just because of solo'ing, even if you kill stuff it takes forever.


Neo Member
Just got posting privledges on GAF (finally). Been a long time lurker. I've made quite a few characters on Doomsayer but still haven't decided on a main.

Here are all my characters so far:

Wagnard - 21 Necromancer
Ciani - 16 Ranger
Argilla - 11 HoX
Vaala - 10 Dark Templar

I don't think I can handle going through Tortage yet another time so I'll probably stick with one of these chars. :p

Anyway hope to see you guys online.


Some Gaffers on the Doomsayer guild have been given pretty strong privileges in the guild.

We'd appreciate it if you would have some common sense and not to do stupid things like change the guild name. This is on a seven day timer, and now we have the unfortunate name of 'The A Team'. As we all come from the same place, you wouldn't think this would be an issue... but apparently it is.

Please show a little respect.


Just got the game Friday evening and I am having a blast so far. My main is a Conqueror lvl 15 named Jbird. I think I may make an alt but not sure if I am gonna make a bear shaman or a Necro either way I'll be in game, sign me up and maybe we can do some quests together!

Jbird 15 Conqueror


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Any Gaffer on DeathWisper? I know no more people can join, but I just love that server and how there is this huge war between Goons and everybody else.


Well I leveled from 5 to 28 this weekend, think I did good there. I also started an alt Ranger named Mitsuda which I got to level 5.


grate said:
Some Gaffers on the Doomsayer guild have been given pretty strong privileges in the guild.

We'd appreciate it if you would have some common sense and not to do stupid things like change the guild name. This is on a seven day timer, and now we have the unfortunate name of 'The A Team'. As we all come from the same place, you wouldn't think this would be an issue... but apparently it is.

Please show a little respect.

^^ I reset it and changed guild structure to prevent it from happening again in the future.

We need like 2 more people to begin work on our city.


Jbird34 said:
Just got the game Friday evening and I am having a blast so far. My main is a Conqueror lvl 15 named Jbird. I think I may make an alt but not sure if I am gonna make a bear shaman or a Necro either way I'll be in game, sign me up and maybe we can do some quests together!

Jbird 15 Conqueror

Which server did you join?

centracore said:
Well I leveled from 5 to 28 this weekend, think I did good there. I also started an alt Ranger named Mitsuda which I got to level 5.

Very nice.

iamblades said:
^^ I reset it and changed guild structure to prevent it from happening again in the future.

We need like 2 more people to begin work on our city.

Sweet, thanks for the update. I've got an Assassin and Priest of Mitra who will join tonight.


The gaf guild on doomsayer now has a city plot reserved.

We are going to need everyone to work together to gather mats and gold for our buildings now. Everyone should go sign up at freewollan.info , I posted info about what we need over there.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Got my copy today, and made the silly assumption that I'd be able to install the game before heading to work (LOL!). I can't believe there's no option to cancel installation during the installation process. Had to go into task manager to shut it down after reading most people took 2-3 hours to install this beast. I'll try installing again tonight (or posting on GAF because I gimped the thing after canceling the installation earlier :p ). Whatever the case, I'm pretty jazzed about this game, and can't wait to start playing.


Sullen said:
Name: Tenebrous
Class: Herald of Xotli
Server: Zug

Who do I talk to about getting a guild invite on Zug?

I don't have any chars on that server, however I think RuGalz (Ruggy in game) can get you an invite.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Two Characters on Doomsayer:

Name: Maxwineberg
Class: Conquerer

Name: Kaspian
Class: Necromancer

Just started, so I'm still trying to get a feel for what I like the most.


Anyone else having problems with the official AoC forums. Every since I signed up and registered I haven't been able to log in. I have also email customer support to no avail. So any help would be greatly appreciated!


Jbird34 said:
Anyone else having problems with the official AoC forums. Every since I signed up and registered I haven't been able to log in. I have also email customer support to no avail. So any help would be greatly appreciated!

I had this problem for the first few weeks after I registered, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one. Since I couldn't even get an in-game petition answered (#10 in queue for 9 hours, really??) I decided there wasn't much I could do yet. After checking every few days for about 2 weeks, one day it just worked. Not much of a solution, but if nothing else keep an eye on it.


grate said:
GAF's Doomsayer guild has been formed, Free Wollan.
Please send a tell to Carnia in game for an invite.

I have registered freewollan.info for guild collaboration.

Haha, thanks guys. Kyofo told me about the name while playing aoc. Funny stuff.

My info:

Playing Cimmerian Dark Templar (lvl 50 atm) on EU Crom PVE server.


marked forever
I'm Themisto the Barbarian on Tyranny.

P.S. Hi peenorange, the guild that can't take jokes!

P.P.S. Shawn Elliot quoted me in GFW. I lol'd


Halvie said:
Is the neogaf clan pretty active?

If you guys still have spots open send me an invite.

Demorial ToS Doomsayer.

Halvie I'll send you an invite tonight, assuming you're online.

A couple of us regulars in the Doomsayer guild have a couple concerns:
1) The guild leader (Carnia?) seems to be MIA and hasn't logged in for 9 days - we're just wondering what's up?
2) The name of the guild is Free Wollan, Wollan has been free'd (and we're getting tired of people asking us 'what a free wollan is?') - we're thinking something more GAFish along the lines of 'BELIEVE'...


centracore said:
Halvie I'll send you an invite tonight, assuming you're online.

A couple of us regulars in the Doomsayer guild have a couple concerns:
1) The guild leader (Carnia?) seems to be MIA and hasn't logged in for 9 days - we're just wondering what's up?
2) The name of the guild is Free Wollan, Wollan has been free'd (and we're getting tired of people asking us 'what a free wollan is?') - we're thinking something more GAFish along the lines of 'BELIEVE'...

1. Not sure what's up with iamblades (Carnia in game), he is the guild founder/leader.
2. I am cool with the guild name change if everyone else is, however I probably won't register another domain. Not that it really matters, we haven't done too much with it as it is. Plus it can still be used to relate info back in forth if we want to.

I am playing this game pretty casually, and am only on a few nights a week as of late.
However, I will keep updating this thread with player names, and any changes you guys make.


Sounds good...I got off work early today (combo of rain and putting a six inch nail in my thigh...) so I will be on most of the day/night trying to lvl this new toon up.


I'll be on Doomsayer. But I have no idea how to get into the GAF guild present on the server. Until I figure it out I'll just be leveling up.


Quagm1r3 said:
I'll be on Doomsayer. But I have no idea how to get into the GAF guild present on the server. Until I figure it out I'll just be leveling up.

I'll be on tonight 7PMish EST , you can PM me if you want. My name is Coldlight in game.


I'd be up for disbanding Free Wollan and reinviting everyone. The GL should be a person that is incredibly unlikely to quit the game; an inactive guild leader is nothing but trouble.


I haven't heard much from Zug players on the boards. Is the guild still active? I want to switch over to a PvE server, it seems that PvP isn't my thing.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Inactive Gm = bad news. Carnia needs to log just to pass lead at the least.


Has anyone figured out exactly what triggers these "fatality" type moves?

In case you have no clue what the heck I'm talking about, I'm referring to a finisher move that occurs sometimes when using combos or spells. Occasionally I'll use a combo on an enemy, and instead of my toon actually doing the combo, he might slice the guy's head off or burn him as a finisher.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knew what exactly triggered these moves. I thought it might be random, but one time I saw what looked like a barbarian do it twice in a row. Perhaps it has to do with being a significantly higher level than a mob?


Quagm1r3 said:
Has anyone figured out exactly what triggers these "fatality" type moves?

In case you have no clue what the heck I'm talking about, I'm referring to a finisher move that occurs sometimes when using combos or spells. Occasionally I'll use a combo on an enemy, and instead of my toon actually doing the combo, he might slice the guy's head off or burn him as a finisher.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knew what exactly triggered these moves. I thought it might be random, but one time I saw what looked like a barbarian do it twice in a row. Perhaps it has to do with being a significantly higher level than a mob?

I could be wrong but if the attack/spell is going to take the enemy to zero health, then there is a chance of fatality occurring. You can increase that chance with weapons which have the % booster on them but apart from that I don't really know.


Kyoufu said:
I could be wrong but if the attack/spell is going to take the enemy to zero health, then there is a chance of fatality occurring. You can increase that chance with weapons which have the % booster on them but apart from that I don't really know.

% booster, eh? I must not be far enough in the game to come across items like that.


Quagm1r3 said:
% booster, eh? I must not be far enough in the game to come across items like that.

Yeah you'll come across weapons that give +% to Fatalities. A small number but it shows in the end. My HoX cuts off heads on a regular basis :D


Quagm1r3 said:
I haven't heard much from Zug players on the boards. Is the guild still active? I want to switch over to a PvE server, it seems that PvP isn't my thing.

It's still there. Most people play pretty casually and now MGS4 may cause some MIAs. I think you can add offline people to friend list right? If so it's probably easiest to just add me and/or some other people from OP and see who just happen to be on the same time as you do to invite you into the guild.


RuGalz said:
It's still there. Most people play pretty casually and now MGS4 may cause some MIAs. I think you can add offline people to friend list right? If so it's probably easiest to just add me and/or some other people from OP and see who just happen to be on the same time as you do to invite you into the guild.

Sounds good!


Halvie said:
what sever is peenorange on ....deathwhisper?

PeenOrange = Tyranny.

As for Free Wollan...
I'm all for disbanding and reforming under "Believe" or some other Gaf-related theme. I haven't been on the past couple days due to some massive RL problems, but will hopefully be back to leveling around the end of the week (yea yea, i saw you all blow by me when i was off.) If you guys reform, I'll hop on for a re-invite tho. I also don't see a need to change our domain. We all know what it was about, and our other non-gaf guildies can just live with it. :D


Hammer said:
As for Free Wollan...
I'm all for disbanding and reforming under "Believe" or some other Gaf-related theme. I haven't been on the past couple days due to some massive RL problems, but will hopefully be back to leveling around the end of the week (yea yea, i saw you all blow by me when i was off.) If you guys reform, I'll hop on for a re-invite tho. I also don't see a need to change our domain. We all know what it was about, and our other non-gaf guildies can just live with it. :D

Pretty sure that we are getting to that point... two weeks with no leader login now...

We should probably just reform, there are a few people who are on quite regularly who could handle management quite nicely.

Unless iamblades (Carnia in game) feels like logging in and giving one of the regulars guild leader privileges so that we can just change the name of the guild without re-inviting everyone... that would be ideal.


grate said:
Pretty sure that we are getting to that point... two weeks with no leader login now...

We should probably just reform, there are a few people who are on quite regularly who could handle management quite nicely.

Unless iamblades (Carnia in game) feels like logging in and giving one of the regulars guild leader privileges so that we can just change the name of the guild without re-inviting everyone... that would be ideal.

My only worry about reforming is loosing the resources and work done for our city; not that we were all that far, but for a smaller guild it could set us back some.

Also, Iamblades was pretty active 2 days ago on other topics, has anyone tried sending him a private message to ask him to transfer ownership? I doubt he would mind, really.


Well ideally we won't have to reform, I made a post yesterday on freewollan.info so hopefully Carnia will see it and take some action. Either way we have a good core group of members that are on a good bit and in that respect I think we can be a successful guild with the potential to be great!


Hammer said:
My only worry about reforming is loosing the resources and work done for our city; not that we were all that far, but for a smaller guild it could set us back some.

Also, Iamblades was pretty active 2 days ago on other topics, has anyone tried sending him a private message to ask him to transfer ownership? I doubt he would mind, really.

Yeah, I hear you in regards to the resources. I can only play a handful of days a week lately so I can't really manage the guild.

I'll try to get in touch with some of the more regular players in game tomorrow night and see if they want to take leadership, then PM Carnia requesting transfer.
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