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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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One of the best episodes thus far. But that's not saying much, unfortunately.

Dr. Strange?

Or Coulson is simply an advanced Life Model Decoy from SHIELD and will eventually get turned into The Vision by Ultron in Avengers 2 (ala the comics, obvs). He certaily has the forehead for it:


This is the theory I hear that I like that most. Maybe just because I like Clark Gregg, but it would be cool to see something like that happen. I also like the idea of AoS being a show that was designed with a definite end goal in mind. Like once that happens, they could end the show on a note that was planned out before hand. I don't expect it to happen, though. Probably something much more tame. I don't think the show will do anything to shake up the movie-verse too much. It seems like they would rather just play it safe.


Am I remembering wrong or didn't J. August Richards used to be kind of a good actor? He's been absolutely terrible on this show. Like, all of the choices he makes are the wrong ones.

I like the show, but it just doesn't feel like Whedon's very involved.

He's not involved at all. His work on the show began and ended with the pilot.
That quote pretty much sums up my feeling for the show at the moment.

That was the lamest part of the whole episode. It was so obvious that it was gonna happen they should have played with the scene a bit to not be so text-book "sitcom for dummies" predictable. It was an embarrassing scene and I'm sure all the actors cringed as they had to do 4 takes of it, yet none of them had the balls to speak up or ad-lib.

Would have been a perfect moment for Skye to do and/or say something slightly quirky and Ward to play it off mid sentence like a smooth talking Secret Agent should be able to do.
With all this centipede stuff and dealing with their super soliders surely shield should be sending in the Avengers to deal with this?

I know its not going to happen because this is a tv show and it cant afford the actors and the special effects but its what should be happening story wise.


I officially gave up on this show earlier today. I haven't watched in a while, but had all the episodes on the DVR. I made it through one and a half episodes before I looked up the episode I was watching and found out it was only episode 7. It seriously felt like I had watched so many more than that and, I'm not sure how long the season is going to be, but the though of having to sit through a full 22 episode season of this made me feel like I was going to go insane.

It's not even that the show is bad, it's just severely boring. Okay, the acting is kinda bad. Maybe the fast paced plots of the CW shows have spoiled me, but god AoS is just so fucking slow.

I also had a bit of a moment watching it. Last night I decided to throw in Torchwood as background noise while I was cleaning and stuff. Then watching AoS today I kinda realized that it's basically Marvel Torchwood, except, y'know, not as good. After I realized this they showed an ad for some behind the scene stuff called AoS: Declassified, which made me laugh. Then I wished we could trade AoS for more Torchwood episodes, and that made me remember Miracle Day. Then I was sad.
With all this centipede stuff and dealing with their super soliders surely shield should be sending in the Avengers to deal with this?

I know its not going to happen because this is a tv show and it cant afford the actors and the special effects but its what should be happening story wise.

Avengers don't give a fuck till it's earth-shattering or it affects their own lives.



With all this centipede stuff and dealing with their super soliders surely shield should be sending in the Avengers to deal with this?

I know its not going to happen because this is a tv show and it cant afford the actors and the special effects but its what should be happening story wise.

Centipede isn't really that dangerous.


Didn't think the episode was all that bad, better than the previous ones. But then again, I'll watch the next episode and then drop it. Unless it's very good... I doubt that though.
With all this centipede stuff and dealing with their super soliders surely shield should be sending in the Avengers to deal with this?

I know its not going to happen because this is a tv show and it cant afford the actors and the special effects but its what should be happening story wise.

I kept thinking that this episode sounded like a story for Cap. I guess Feige didn't have the foresight to add TV appearances in the Avengers contracts...
The only thing keeping me watching is: A)THe characters have grown on me and B) It's set in the MCU.

Gives me zero reason to keep watching otherwise.
And there lies the biggest flaw of Agents of SHIELD: constant teasing (Avengers, Cap, Thor, Tahiti), zero substance.

Teases I don't mind. The Avengers and Battle in NYC in real and recent in the plot so it makes sense to me that agents and civilians would reference them, especially a hero like Thor. They are all getting user to the fact that a WWII hero, a man in armour, a green monster, and a God saved the world. I felt Chloe's Thor reference was a good retort to Coulson saying psychics are a myth.
Am I remembering wrong or didn't J. August Richards used to be kind of a good actor? He's been absolutely terrible on this show. Like, all of the choices he makes are the wrong ones.

He was a good actor because he wasn't being asked to play yet another boring company man on this show. The writing and direction (another poorly choreographed fight in another poorly-lit abandoned warehouse, eh?) is so weak, I'd say it's almost unfair to judge anyone's acting chops here.


He was a good actor because he wasn't being asked to play yet another boring company man on this show. The writing and direction (another poorly choreographed fight in another poorly-lit abandoned warehouse, eh?) is so weak, I'd say it's almost unfair to judge anyone's acting chops here.
Simmons' actress probably could have made Skye's material work.


And there lies the biggest flaw of Agents of SHIELD: constant teasing (Avengers, Cap, Thor, Tahiti), zero substance.

This is what irks me the most. Their are people here claiming it wasn't supposed to be a super hero show in the first place, which is understandable. But they have to realize that most of it's audience came because they thought it would have a bigger tie in to the marvel universe from the movies. When they make teases like you said without showing any substance? It turns people off. We know they can't get CA/Thor, but their are tons of secondary marvel characters. A big example of this shit teasing was the thor2 tie-in. That has to be the shittiest attempt in since ever. They actually seemed to be on the set of the Thor 2 looking through the rubble of the aftermath. Should have at least had one of the weapons of the dark elves missing instead of a random staff that meant nothing....but of course AOS is going to AOS.

I really want this to do better. Love the marvel universe and feel like this would do a good job scratching the itch between each of the marvel installments but my goodness its becoming a chore. The ratings are dropping like a rock and they will continue to do so if they can't make a major change in direction.


The writers so far have jst been so poor at world building. There is no personality to any location, and the characters jst seem bored IMO. Considering the source material, they should have done better.


Is Jeremy Renner too much of a big shot these days to do a guest spot? He's pretty much the lowliest of the Avengers, and he got a break on a Whedon show (Angel). I heard he took a break from acting, but that shouldn't prevent him from appearing on AoS ;)

Superheroes aside, what I'd really like is a meaningful plot. The only running threads are Skye looking for her parents (who cares), and Tahiti which we still know absolutely nothing about but they're only now starting (maybe?) to shed some light on it.


This is what irks me the most. Their are people here claiming it wasn't supposed to be a super hero show in the first place, which is understandable. But they have to realize that most of it's audience came because they thought it would have a bigger tie in to the marvel universe from the movies. When they make teases like you said without showing any substance? It turns people off. We know they can't get CA/Thor, but their are tons of secondary marvel characters. A big example of this shit teasing was the thor2 tie-in. That has to be the shittiest attempt in since ever. They actually seemed to be on the set of the Thor 2 looking through the rubble of the aftermath. Should have at least had one of the weapons of the dark elves missing instead of a random stuff that meant nothing....but of course AOS to make such a simple leap in logic.

I really want this to do better. Love the marvel universe and feel like this would do a good job scratching the itch between each of the marvel installment but my goodness its becoming a chore. The ratings are dropping like a rock and they will continue to do so if they can't make a major change in direction.

IMO, the biggest mistake they made was even mentioning Superheros. They should have gone in the opposite direction and maybe looked at X Files or Buffy, and done thier own version of those shows. Kinda like what Marvel do with thier movies where they base each film on a different genre.


My biggest problem with the show is how they've handled Coulson's death/resurrection. They just keep hinting at it, but I feel like we've gotten almost nothing of substance about what actually happened. I haven't watched the latest episode, but if its just more stupid hinting and winking, then I'll probably just read the wiki about what happens when the show eventually gets canceled.
My biggest problem with the show is how they've handled Coulson's death/resurrection. They just keep hinting at it, but I feel like we've gotten almost nothing of substance about what actually happened. I haven't watched the latest episode, but if its just more stupid hinting and winking, then I'll probably just read the wiki about what happens when the show eventually gets canceled.

As I noted earlier, not only have we not gotten any real clues as to what happened, the last episode is the first time in ten episodes that the writers have bothered to establish that anything is at stake in that subplot beyond Coulson himself. Just in case it wasn't clear that they think this is far more interesting than it actually is.


I said I was going to stick it out through this season...but I find myself unable to actually hit "Play" on this latest episode. I just don't...care enough. It's actually really upsetting to me because I should love a show set in the MCU. But I don't and can't continue. It's a waste of time. I think I might let a few episodes collect and hope that I miss the show enough eventually to watch the rest.

I'm out, folks. For now at least.

And no, I will not post in this thread on a near weekly basis asking if the show has "gotten better." Someday I'll take the f-ing initiative to see for myself.


He was a good actor because he wasn't being asked to play yet another boring company man on this show. The writing and direction (another poorly choreographed fight in another poorly-lit abandoned warehouse, eh?) is so weak, I'd say it's almost unfair to judge anyone's acting chops here.

I suppose, but even tiny things, like the way he was holding his son's photo like 3 inches from his face and staring intensely at, just seemed really off. :lol


Is Jeremy Renner too much of a big shot these days to do a guest spot? He's pretty much the lowliest of the Avengers, and he got a break on a Whedon show (Angel). I heard he took a break from acting, but that shouldn't prevent him from appearing on AoS ;)

Superheroes aside, what I'd really like is a meaningful plot. The only running threads are Skye looking for her parents (who cares), and Tahiti which we still know absolutely nothing about but they're only now starting (maybe?) to shed some light on it.

Would anyone even give a shit about a Jeremy Renner cameo?

I think Marvel are probably already kicking themselves that they wasted one of Sam Jackson's contracted appearances on this show, it did nothing for the ratings or buzz.
This was easily one of the best episodes if not the best.

The problem is I want the episodes to have this quality at minimum. Instead it looks like this is the maximum of how good the show can get and it will very very rarely only.

Prove me wrong Marvel/ABC/Mutant Enemy!
Would anyone even give a shit about a Jeremy Renner cameo?

I think Marvel are probably already kicking themselves that they wasted one of Sam Jackson's contracted appearances on this show, it did nothing for the ratings or buzz.

I would. Renner wasn't given much to do in Avengers but he's still goddamn Hawkeye.
Worst superhero power fighting scenes in a show? worst superhero powers fighting scenes in a show. Cringeworthy really.

Especially after Arrow's last episode involving very similarly powered people. I hate to compare the two now but I watched them back to back and it just made AoS's fight scenes look even worse.

I thought the episode was ok. Not the best but it's great to finally get some more involvement from the big bads. I'm more interested in who/what the Clairvoyent is than any other secret this show is hiding. I felt nothing though during any of the finale scene though because it's so obvious how all the cliffhanger dramatic moments are going to turn out (Coulson didn't get blown up, Ward will survive, Mike probably isn't dead because no one on TV really dies for good from explosions). The show needs to be less predictable but I have hope that there will be MAJOR overhauls when the show returns.

EDIT: Actually I take back that last part. A lot of their plot twists have been relatively unpredictable. But this last episode's dramatic moments were way predictable.

Funky Papa

Especially after Arrow's last episode involving very similarly powered people. I hate to compare the two now but I watched them back to back and it just made AoS's fight scenes look even worse.
I couldn't help but notice that. It's also weird how Arrow makes "warehouse fights" a lot more pleasing to the eye by adding lots of props and more cramped locations. AoS seems to be limited to huge, mostly empty spaces with no identity at all. Arrow fights tend to take place in the remains of a dilapidated post-industrial city (even if it's fabulously Canadian by day), AoS's action locations are just your typical hangar with some Quake II boxes thrown around for cover.
I couldn't help but notice that. It's also weird how Arrow makes "warehouse fights" a lot more pleasing to the eye by adding lots of props and more cramped locations. AoS seems to be limited to huge, mostly empty spaces with no identity at all. Arrow fights tend to take place in the remains of a dilapidated post-industrial city (even if it's fabulously Canadian by day), AoS's action locations are just your typical hangar with some Quake II boxes thrown around for cover.

I think that goes a long way. A lot of Arrow's fights are in warehouses but at least they're interestingly lit, laid out, are relatively different spaces, and most importantly, they use the fuck out of the environment. Each space is a playset and is used in the fight just as much as the characters are punching/kicking/shooting each other which makes the area more interesting.

On Shield, they just walk in to an open empty area, the enemy shows up, then they start punching people when they should be using their guns (which wouldn't be so bad if the fight choreography and editing were any good). Maybe a loose piece of environment is used as a weapon but that pretty much sums it up. OR they walk in to a room and have a boring shootout almost exclusively from one piece of static cover. This show really needs a good fight/action choreographer or at least a 2nd unit director who specializes in it. Something.

Funky Papa

In my perfect world, Strike Back's showrunners are given AoS's reigns after finishing their duties at Cinemax.

Skye may or may not find herself in a threesome with Fitz-Simmons.


I couldn't help but notice that. It's also weird how Arrow makes "warehouse fights" a lot more pleasing to the eye by adding lots of props and more cramped locations. AoS seems to be limited to huge, mostly empty spaces with no identity at all. Arrow fights tend to take place in the remains of a dilapidated post-industrial city (even if it's fabulously Canadian by day), AoS's action locations are just your typical hangar with some Quake II boxes thrown around for cover.

The fights come across as lazy. Like the people making the show are just doing it because they have to make the show.


Firefly was the perfect blueprint for this show. Coulison should have been promoted to a bigger position within shield and they should have had the main characters report to him. Sort of like Gibbs in ncis but not have him be out in the field. The next step should have been getting a very competent main character with a similar personality to Nathan fillion on firefly. I think if they nailed "him" this show would be in a better position. As it stands as much as I love coulison he can't carry a show but the writting rather than the acting is the main issue I have.

Alas, I will still continue to watch because I think its still redeemable.
I do always love how people bail out right at the moment things start happening...

As much as I haven't really liked the pacing, it's kind of ironic how closely it matches comic pacing. It was like 10 issues in before the Marvel NOW Uncanny X-Force got all of the people on the cover for #1 in an issue together. I feel like we now know what everybody is about so they can just go blitz through some plot now.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
You're killing me, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! You're killing me!

What happened to the father!? What happened to Agent Ward!?

Don't do this to me on Sangria!!!!


What really bothered me about this episode was how Coulson was gripping the steering wheel like he had Parkinson's. It was so distracting.
Any scene that has Coulson in it, I like. I think Gregg elevates the material. Most scenes without Coulson are kinda flat for me (unless it has Simmons). The end of the mid-season finale felt contrived, but I'm running with it.

They really should have studied Arrow, Person of Interest, Fringe, Strike Back, etc before beginning to write the show. I do like the show, but I can see that it's missing a kind of spark that these other shows have. The mysteries at the heart of them are truly compelling. The mystery at the heart of SHIELD hasn't been presented well, in an engaging manner.

Honestly, I'm not sure I even blame the writers. Feels like execs are tying everyone's hands.

In my perfect world, Strike Back's showrunners are given AoS's reigns after finishing their duties at Cinemax.

Skye may or may not find herself in a threesome with Fitz-Simmons.


You need to be in charge. The guys from Arrow should consult, and Marvel/Disney/ABC execs stay he fuck out of it.
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