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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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Wow, that episode was surprisingly good. I actually like how the reveals in this show haven't been as predictable as expected. If it is indeed a Kree, then that's crazy.

Skye didn't heal herself using technopathy and Deathlok tech.

Perhaps she's not fully healed? I mean, it was just one drug, so perhaps she'll falter some other time and have to use the Deathlok tech.

I know. We're putting too much stock into rumors/lies that were probably made up in less than a minute.


Reddit seems to think it's this guy.

Don't know much about comics, but here's a quick bio.

Mahr Vehl is a member of the Kree, an alien race. He is a "Pluskommander" -- described by him as being equivalent to captain -- in the Kree's interstellar fleet, the Kree Void Navy. Mahr Vehl is also a member of the Halason family, who according to Kree religion are God's chosen. Mahr Vehl denies this view and insists that his ancestor, Hala, was not a God -- rather simply a man who believed that all that innocent life was worth saving. Although initially a spy sent to Earth in an attempt to prevent humans from developing interstellar travel, it is for this reason that Mahr Vehl abandons his mission. He adopts the identity of physicist Dr. Philip Lawson, and aids the human scientists in the development of an interstellar engineering program at a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. installation in New Mexico.

And his name? Geheneris Hala´son Mahr Vehl. Usually called Mar-Vell, his first two initials would be G.H.


Hmm, sounds plausible but I'm not sure. Assuming they're going to do a captain/ms marvel movie at some point, his current condition is wildy inconsistent with that origin.

Edit: ah it's the ultimate version
Good episode. Teased a little more about the Coulson mystery and even though the magic serum was a bit too convenient at least it wasn't Skye using her magic 084 powers or some other implausible stuff.


AV Club also has some speculation in their review of the episode that I think is actually on point. I will spoil it however as it pertains to characters scheduled to reappear in future episodes.

This show has gone out of its way to establish that there are no psychics in the MCU, so it’s likely that The Clairvoyant is a S.H.I.E.L.D. mole using the organization’s surveillance capabilities to get all his (or her) information. With the knowledge that Garrett will be appearing in multiple episodes this season and has a higher clearance level than Coulson, he’s definitely one of the frontrunners for The Clairvoyant’s true identity. Think about it: Ian Quinn killed three of Garrett’s men using information that Garrett could easily know, and killing those agents is a great way of making Garrett look like a victim rather than a mastermind. He conveniently appears right when Coulson and his team start doing exactly what The Clairvoyant wants, leading Garrett to the place where Coulson was revived. And the complete destruction of the Guest House also works in his favor by making it look like the trail has been cut off for Centipede. In the comic books, Garrett is a morally dubious character, so it won’t be a huge surprise if he turns out bad on this series.

Has Skye ever made a crack about having a sixth sense?

It'd be funny if her inlet power was just Danvers sixth sense thingy. Now she has Kree blood. Potentially Kree blood.

I still like this show enough to waste years on it. I watched Smallville for ten years and this is easily on par.

edit: Oh sorry according to the comics it's seventh sense.


You would think they would have more guards for a secret base that is hiding an alien corpse. Especially one that creates magic healing juice.

Unless they have a whole bunch of them somewhere else I guess.


You would think they would have more guards for a secret base that is hiding an alien corpse. Especially one that creates magic healing juice.

Unless they have a whole bunch of them somewhere else I guess.

It was a super secret base no one was supposed to know about in the middle of nowhere.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I'm really glad it's picking up. I was close to giving up on the show, but introducing Deathlok and a possible Kree connection definitely heightened my interest.


Liked this episode very much but things that bothered me.

Security where SHEILD is hiding a semi dead alien with miracle medicines.Also no research is being done seriously ?.
Killing to honest guards to save one team member not even in SHIELD officially.
Agents spilling everything in front of enemy. I was thinking may be that other dude will turn on them.
Alien blood healing sky at that very instant. what is this star trek ? no procedure no other thing no damage tissue repair just inject with alien blood

and when i first saw the alien my first thought was
Good episode. Paxton's character was better than I thought he would be. I don't know how I feel about Tripp yet, he was kinda annoying.


Kree? Could they really have used AoS as the MCU debut of an alien race that hasn't appeared in the films yet?

I'll believe it when it's confirmed, eh. It didn't look like a Frost Giant, so I guess it could also have been some not-Kree or original alien race that has yet to appear in the films, but I'm surprised that Marvel Studios would allow even that.

As for Lorelei, I haven't read any comics she's appeared in, but it sounds from Wikipedia like she's basically Enchantress, except less powerful and more single-mindedly obsessed with seducing men, Well, I guess they can just write her as Enchantress by another name.

She si basically Skipper to Enchantresses' Barbie. She was more vain than evil.


AV Club also has some speculation in their review of the episode that I think is actually on point. I will spoil it however as it pertains to characters scheduled to reappear in future episodes.
I've been assuming that will be the explanation for the clairvoyant for ages now. From memory none of their knowledge is inconsistent with it.
I'm at least familiar with it and enjoy some characters/elements. Doesn't really hold up as a show outside of the universe?

The show was pretty bad in the beginning but it didn't really have anything to do with a lack of MCU connections - it was just pretty damn bad.

They've been ramping up the tie-ins with the overall Marvel Universe at the same time that the show has been generally improving in other areas. But if I wasn't invested in the MCU so much then I probably wouldn't have stuck through the first arc.

IMO if you haven't jumped on the show at this point yet I'd wait for the full season to finish and just binge it. First half-ish of the season was hard to get through without knowing it'd improve like this, but it did very slowly set up a lot of what happens in the back half so it's probably worth watching the whole thing.
Liked this episode very much but things that bothered me.

Security where SHEILD is hiding a semi dead alien with miracle medicines.Also no research is being done seriously ?.

They made it more than clear that it wasn't a SHIELD base and it wasn't SHIELD Agents at this super secret location that probably only a very select few even know exist. Skeleton crew is probably all that was needed to maintain a place that "didn't even exist" in a location that no one was going to stumble upon by accident.

And that didn't look so much like a research facility, and that's probably because all the research was already done. They probably have more than one facility like that. Seems like another secret organization is gonna come to light soon.

Killing to honest guards to save one team member not even in SHIELD officially.

Skye is an 084, Agent Coulson needed to know what was in there as that is the facility that saved his life, AND he warned them several times that they weren't there to harm anyone, they were just seeking medical attention, and that they would defend themselves if the guards kept shooting at them.

Agents spilling everything in front of enemy. I was thinking may be that other dude will turn on them.

This part I also had issue with. Why would you give them more details, infront of someone you weren't planning on killing, unless Coulson believed that the Clairvoyant already knew those details. But I'm not so sure the other Agent is gonna flip sides, I think he might join them later. The black agent seemed a little sketchy though, he might be the trader down the line.

Alien blood healing sky at that very instant. what is this star trek ? no procedure no other thing no damage tissue repair just inject with alien blood

We don't know if it was just Alien blood. It looked to have the tubes go into several other things before it was put in a vile and then a Biohazard casing. There also didn't seem to be a whole lot of it, which would tell me that the "blood" was just a main ingredient in whatever that GH432 concoction was.

On the plus side, we now know a lot more about what happened with Coulson, but it certainly opened a the door to a lot more questions. I'm so glad this show is finally getting things moving. Let's hope they keep amping it up for the remainder of the season.


Hello Shield folks. Is this worth checking out?
I really enjoy it.

The first half of this season may be a little shaky but it gets better. My biggest problem is how many goddamn fucking breaks this show goes on. IT premiered almost 6 months ago and we are only on episode 14. How do you expect steady ratings when you air 2 episodes and go on break for 2 weeks, air an episode and go break for a month. It's ridiculous.
I really enjoy it.

The first half of this season may be a little shaky but it gets better. My biggest problem is how many goddamn fucking breaks this show goes on. IT premiered almost 6 months ago and we are only on episode 14. How do you expect steady ratings when you air 2 episodes and go on break for 2 weeks, air an episode and go break for a month. It's ridiculous.

I'm guessing that's part of the problem of trying to be apart of the movie universe and and lining up the shows so that the plot ties into. So many delays.

Hopefully next season they have more freedom and material that they can world build from the start instead of waiting for it to happen in the movies first.


Will there be any more breaks this season? i'm tempted to wait until the remaining episodes have aired before I marathon the rest of the show


Kree? Could they really have used AoS as the MCU debut of an alien race that hasn't appeared in the films yet?

I'll believe it when it's confirmed, eh. It didn't look like a Frost Giant, so I guess it could also have been some not-Kree or original alien race that has yet to appear in the films, but I'm surprised that Marvel Studios would allow even that.

As for Lorelei, I haven't read any comics she's appeared in, but it sounds from Wikipedia like she's basically Enchantress, except less powerful and more single-mindedly obsessed with seducing men, Well, I guess they can just write her as Enchantress by another name.

Well she's the Enchantress's sister.
Will there be any more breaks this season? i'm tempted to wait until the remaining episodes have aired before I marathon the rest of the show

There's no episode on the 18th, they're airing the MCU special instead. Aside from that no idea if there'll be any more breaks before the end of the season.


Will there be any more breaks this season? i'm tempted to wait until the remaining episodes have aired before I marathon the rest of the show

There more than likely will be one more break. 8 episodes remain and ABC probably wants to stretch things out for May sweeps.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Will there be any more breaks this season? i'm tempted to wait until the remaining episodes have aired before I marathon the rest of the show

One more. ABC is going to air the Marvel Studios special in March in AoS's time slot.
Could our alien be Ultimus? Was thinking that any being with a healing factor they'd somehow use on humans should be in pretty good shape, but our guy last night was presumably dead (or on life support) and not looking his best.


■Regenerative Healing Factor: Ultimus possesses an accelerated healing process that allows him to regenerate damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than humans, most Kree, and most Eternals. Injuries such as severe burns and lacerations can fully heal within a matter of minutes. His healing powers are inferior to those of many known Eternals, however. All Earth born and Titanian Eternals have the potential to achieve complete molecular control over their entire bodies, though most haven't attained this level, allowing them to regenerate any destroyed bodily tissues as long as they retain this mental control. Ultimus lacks this mental connection and it is believed that he is unable to regenerate severed limbs or missing organs.


Alien blood healing sky at that very instant. what is this star trek ? no procedure no other thing no damage tissue repair just inject with alien blood

It wasn't simply "alien blood", the tubes from the creature were going through several machines and apparatuses to end in the drug supply, so it's obviously a serum made using the blood but not just the blood wholesale.

Coulson was actually dead for weeks with a destroyed heart, Skye was still alive, just with fatal wounds to her insides, which the drug healed. She's certainly not back on her feet by the episode's end, my guess is she won't even be up and about until the end of next episode.

I'm guessing that's part of the problem of trying to be apart of the movie universe and and lining up the shows so that the plot ties into. So many delays.

Hopefully next season they have more freedom and material that they can world build from the start instead of waiting for it to happen in the movies first.

Well assuming next season starts from September or wherever, then there aren't any Marvel films coming out during the season time, like Thor 2 and CA 2 did for this season, so there won't be any tying into the movies.


1.7 rating for last night's episode. 5.11 million viewers. Just keeps falling and falling. The random breaks in between episodes aren't helping of course, but the ratings are entering dangerous territory now.
1.7 rating for last night's episode. 5.11 million viewers. Just keeps falling and falling. The random breaks in between episodes aren't helping of course, but the ratings are entering dangerous territory now.

I'd still be quite surprised if it doesn't at least get a 13-episode second season. Paul Lee sounded pretty committed to it at the TCAs, and DVR/Hulu ratings have apparently been pretty good (well, Hulu maybe less so, now that ABC implemented that delay).
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