We have seen blue people in the MCU already:
Makes sense with Asgard playing such a large role in AoS.
Except that dude looks nothing like the alien we see in AoS. I guess they have ONE thing in common in your eyes. >.>
We have seen blue people in the MCU already:
Makes sense with Asgard playing such a large role in AoS.
Except that dude looks nothing like the alien we see in AoS. I guess they have ONE thing in common in your eyes. >.>
Coulson was actually dead for weeks with a destroyed heart
Well assuming next season starts from September or wherever, then there aren't any Marvel films coming out during the season time, like Thor 2 and CA 2 did for this season, so there won't be any tying into the movies.
Simmons did say "Doctor Strange" tonight, no? Thought people would be discussing more of that
AV Club also has some speculation in their review of the episode that I think is actually on point. I will spoil it however as it pertains to characters scheduled to reappear in future episodes.
Mar-vehl is a pink KreeYeah the Jotuns have distinct skin patterns/markings on their bodies that was not present on the alien body in last night's episode. He had an autopsy scar but nothing like the lines you see on a frost giant.
I'm pretty set on it being a Kree, we just don't know if it's Mar-Vehl or someone else, or no one important in particular.
Mar-vehl is a pink Kree
1.7 rating for last night's episode. 5.11 million viewers. Just keeps falling and falling. The random breaks in between episodes aren't helping of course, but the ratings are entering dangerous territory now.
Only in 616. In Ultimate and Earth's Mightiest Heroes, he's blue or green with a human form disguise.
Another possibility is a Centaurian, which is Yondu's species:
Don't know if this has been suggested already but my initial thought, before I started thinking about aliens was what if this is an Atlantian.
Universal still holds the rights to Namor.
And in Marvelboy's universe they are part cockroack, but I doubt marvel will bother with any of those. And didn't they say Yondu's fin will be cgi?
1.7 rating for last night's episode. 5.11 million viewers. Just keeps falling and falling. The random breaks in between episodes aren't helping of course, but the ratings are entering dangerous territory now.
Marvel/Disney doesn't have the rights to Namor, Universal does.
Also, more screen caps of the alien:
Yep. Jeph Loeb needs to go. It's been proven with three animated series and one live action show that his philosophy does not work. No matter how deluded he may be.really needs to pick up the speed and clean house next season. Also for the love of god marvel cut jeph loeb this guy is tv show poison.
How was the drive from Istanbul?
Man Simmons was looking so gorgeous this episode. I hope with the inevitable show retool that she becomes more of a focus. She can really be the driving force that fans connect with and see through.
That's not good.1.7 rating for last night's episode. 5.11 million viewers. Just keeps falling and falling. The random breaks in between episodes aren't helping of course, but the ratings are entering dangerous territory now.
1.7 rating for last night's episode. 5.11 million viewers. Just keeps falling and falling. The random breaks in between episodes aren't helping of course, but the ratings are entering dangerous territory now.
Let's assume that was a Kree.
In the comics there are blue and pink Kree, the pinks look like humans but are more durable (like getting shot in the stomach twice durable) than the blues.
We don't know why Sky is an 084 or why people are trying to track her down, my theory is that she is also Kree and that's why the serum worked so quickly on her.
Yeah, they hinted that she's a Kree with her mysterious origins and it not being hard to cure her
Also rules her out of being Ms. Marvel, are there any famous Kree born women in the Marvel Universe?
Kinda wanted her to be jessica drew too :-/
Anyone know if Bill Paxton's character has been in anything else MCU? Seemed kind of random, but maybe I've missed him some other time
Anyone know if Bill Paxton's character has been in anything else MCU? Seemed kind of random, but maybe I've missed him some other time
EDIT: read your post wrong! LolNope. He's brand new to the MCU.
Nope. He's brand new to the MCU.
They can spin it any way they want, but Disney cannot be happy right now. It could be right in line with Arrow's ratings at the end of the season.I doubt production changes will get more people to watch this show. The writing's on the wall at this point, sadly enough.
But we're obviously deeply connected to Skye. Marvel tells us we are all the time so it must be true.Man Simmons was looking so gorgeous this episode. I hope with the inevitable show retool that she becomes more of a focus. She can really be the driving force that fans connect with and see through.
..the show has been pretty light on anything from the marvel universe i think thats why so any are turned off from it, producers are going to learn the same lesson the Arrow show did apparently.Eh. Depends how much you love the Marvel universe.
..the show has been pretty light on anything from the marvel universe i think thats why so any are turned off from it, producers are going to learn the same lesson the Arrow show did apparently.
I fully expect a crap load of marvel U to be in the second season , just like arrow is opening the flood gates after learning its lesson and became a much better show.
IMDbTV: I know you cant reveal anything, but theres been a lot of speculation about whats going on with your character. Do you know whats happening with Skye?
Bennet: I know a little bit more than what you guys know, but thats about it. What we found out in a recent episode is that shes an 0-8-4. And everyones like, oh, whats it like to find out all of this new information? Well, that information opens so many more doors theres even more unknown about her. So, I could be an alien. I could be an Asgardian. I could be Spider-Woman! Who knows? Theres so many different things. Im very excited to find out. Im waiting for the next script like its my birthday!
really needs to pick up the speed and clean house next season. Also for the love of god marvel cut jeph loeb this guy is tv show poison.
We're seeing a different trend with serialized cable shows- they're going up season after season as people catch up via DVD/Netflix.How often does that happen though? Typically shows don't see huge growth from season to season, they might get a bump but usually they just follow a trend or stabilize. But also you get slowly dwindling numbers over time with production costs going up with each season.
Totes a Kree or my name is not Funky Papa.
Thing is Shield isn't really serialized. Ot follows the Jeph Loeb tv philosophy of anyone can jump in with any episode. Thing is, anyone can jump out with any episode too.We're seeing a different trend with serialized cable shows- they're going up season after season as people catch up via DVD/Netflix.
That only works if people enjoy the first season. Those 10 million people that dropped out, show a problem.We're seeing a different trend with serialized cable shows- they're going up season after season as people catch up via DVD/Netflix.
We're seeing a different trend with serialized cable shows- they're going up season after season as people catch up via DVD/Netflix.