Yeah at this point you're pretty blatantly trolling. They weren't drawn into a firefight. Coulson's team hacks the glass doors and then immediately hides behind cover and is fired upon by the guards. Then Coulson repeats that they're seeking medical help and not there to fight but will defend themselves if they're continually fired upon. The guards respond by firing on them again. If anyone was drawn into a firefight it was Coulson's group.
They were asked to render assistance and refused. They were given fair warning to stand down when outnumbered and refused. They were told that the SHIELD team would defend themselves.
Stupid guards doing their jobs and stopping people who break in. If they were seeking medical help and were serious, they could have called the bosses of these guards, and have them let them in. That is how the guards think. The SHIELD team are clearly the aggressors. Anyone who doesn't see that, clearly has no sense of real life.
Even after breaching the lobby, Coulson's group does not fire. They take cover and again announce that they're seeking medical assistance and well defend themselves if they're continue to fire upon them. Absolutely nothing about that firefight supports that the Guards were.
Yeah, these guys breaking and entering in a secured facility must be good guys.
Except they're not trying to make them look noble. Coulson's group didn't have a moral line until Skye joined the group and became that for them. The have regularly shown the team use Ends justifies the Means tactics and measures. AoS was never, ever about a Lawful Good aligned team.
Yes, it has been. They have questionned SHIELD sacrificing members in suicide missions, they have gone out of their way to save people that shouldn't be saved, ...
You mean the guy who was under the effect of the Extremis and as a result didn't have control of his temper and was going to explode through absolutely no fault or choice of his own? Yeah completely different situation. Those Guards had complete control of their own faculties. They can think and act free of outside influences. They chose to fire on a group of self-identified Agents of SHIELD. They knew the group would defend themselves and they knew they could be killed by the group.
The guards had no choice either. THey can do their job, or they can let the guys in who don't have a sick person with them who in 99% of all cases would be HYDRA agents. They wouldn't have the passcode if they didn't need it.
You really need to rewatch Arrow and think again before you talk about "pretty explosions, not questioning what's really happening." People called out Ollie, sure.. but did he care? Nope. Killed hundreds of people with his bow with literally no effect on his psyche or mental state of being and most of the people he killed had nothing to do with his list. They were just a means to an end to him. The only difference between the hundreds of people that Ollie massacred in S1 and the two people that Coulson's team killed is, most of Ollie's victims had no dialogue.
Ollie stopped killing people because people called him out on it, and he is not there to save the world. He is there to kill bad people. He believes he needs to do that. And people call him out on it...
Ollie didn't have PTSD. PTSD doesn't just go away. He also didn't come to care. He only (mostly) stopped killing out of a twisted sense of debt to Tommy. He has absolutely no moral struggle. Just a struggle with his conscience on whether or not he's properly honoring Tommy's memory. Let's also not forget that Huntress killed less people in the show and was vilified for it by both the fans and the characters.. yet Ollie has killed somewhere around 4 times as many people on screen (more off screen) and no one questions it.
Except Felicity, Tommy and Diggle... They have also made the difference between the mob guys he kills and the police she kills. And yet Felicity and others have said to him there is no difference.
As an aside, it's remarkable how DC vs. Marvel has broken boundaries into other mediums. First in film with Dark Knight vs. Avengers and now the two tent-pole comic book shows are being compared and it just happens to be a DC property vs. a Marvel property.
I'm an Arrow fan, but I have also seen every Marvel movie while I have yet to see Man of Steel. This isn't some DC versus Marvel thing for me, it is very bad writing in a show that I wanted to be good because Arrow has shown shows like this can be good.