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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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Awesome ep and I dig that they name dropped the Kree in the middle of a huge list and actually focused a bit more on the Frost Giants. Murks up the water a bit as to which it is between the two.

May being a plant was a nice twist too. They also insinuate that Ward has feelings for Skye but I'd actually be stoked if they went with the less obvious Simmons on that end.


Ok, that was a mostly fantastic episode. Dialogue was sharper and character interaction was enjoyable, Sif rocked, alien mentions, (KREE) fight choreography was majorly improved and the main plot is finally moving along. Also WUT at May.

I'm...optimistic. :)
Loved this episode. The moment when Coulson realized Fitz was enchanted was one of the best parts of the show so far.

The show is officially on a roll now. Shame we have ANOTHER break, albeit a shorter one.
Finally an episode that could match up to Arrow(be it low end)

Sif is a true crime of the MCU.
Im not asking for a solo movie and such but dear God please do more with her


No new episode next week, screw ABC with destroying the show's momentum any chance it gets. I'm as excited as anyone else to see the special, but I wish they put it on before the T.A.H.I.T.I. episode because the momentum of this show is really effed up by the schedule.


Definitely enjoyed this episode. Good action and it truly felt for the first time that the characters cared about each other. With the show becoming more serialized and tightly plotted, a lot of my issues are going away.

The music remains an irritant for me. Whereas it was overbearing in the first set of episodes, now they've gone in the other direction and made it completely generic and nondescript. A big waste of McCreary's talents.


They left it ambiguous with Skye/Simmons, and with the Ward/Skye relationship sort of fizzling out early in the season, the Simmons thing would be way more fun.

Unless they plan on fridging Ward, of course.


Doesn't Simmons already have that black dude after her? Can't forget about Fitz either. Adding Ward to the mix seems quite busy.

But if anyone deserves an army of simps, it's Simmons. I'll gladly be commander of that army.
Doesn't Simmons already have that black dude after her? Can't forget about Fitz either. Adding Ward to the mix seems quite busy.

But if anyone deserves an army of simps, it's Simmons. I'll gladly be commander of that army.

Well Paxton's protege is crushing on her yeah. Fitz is a brotherly thing though.
Oddly, there's still no confirmed air date for the next episode.

E16 is titled "End of the Beginning" and will feature
the return of nearly all the recurring SHIELD characters who've appeared thus far (Hand, Blake, Sitwell, Garrett)
, so I'm guessing that it's the last episode to take place before whatever change in the series' status quo results from the events of TWS. Which would fit with an April 1 air date, but we'll see.

In any case, out of the seven episodes remaining, at least four or five will have to be set post-TWS, so I'm curious how the series handles what might be a major shakeup well before the end of the season.


Oddly, there's still no confirmed air date for the next episode.

E16 is titled "End of the Beginning" and will feature
the return of nearly all the recurring SHIELD characters who've appeared thus far (Hand, Blake, Sitwell, Garrett)
, so I'm guessing that it's the last episode to take place before whatever change in the series' status quo results from the events of TWS. Which would fit with an April 1 air date, but we'll see.

In any case, out of the seven episodes remaining, at least four or five will have to be set post-TWS, so I'm curious how the series handles what might be a major shakeup well before the end of the season.

I think it is going to be a pretty major shakeup after TWS, especially for the future of this particular show and this group of characters.


Doesn't Simmons already have that black dude after her? Can't forget about Fitz either. Adding Ward to the mix seems quite busy.

But if anyone deserves an army of simps, it's Simmons. I'll gladly be commander of that army.

Agents of SIMP


It'll be revealed SHIELD and the entire show was in Tony's head and we flashback to Iron Man 1, and its revealed Tony is now an old man who has lived his entire life in the cave of the Ten Rings and all the characters are simply based off various Ten Rings members he's seen over the last 10-20 years.

Let's just say, season 2 of Agents of SHIELD will be a doozy.


This was a great episode for the series. I had a stupid grin every time Sif was up, she's so cool. Action was shot well, and the characterization is much better.

Please, PLEASE keep this up.
That was a good episode! Really enjoyed. Girl who played Lorelei is super-cute. And that accent. And Sif! Always love her.

So, that was pretty much Ward getting raped, right? That felt wrong.

I bet May's reporting to Fury. Hopefully they can get Samuel L Jackson in before the finale to answer some fucking questions before Winter Soldier blows the entire place to shit.


It was ok. I guess maybe I was expecting more from the first big screen to tv crossover appearance (besides fury cameo). But my patience for Shield is quickly waning.


How the fuck is Ward one of their best agents? Sif just explained to you that if the voice fails her touch will finish you off. What do you do? You let her walk up to you and touch you. You fucking idiot.
Good episode, Sif was awesome. I hope we see her again.

ABC has the worst scheduling ever. The show is finally riding some nice creative momentum, and now we have to watch a "special" next week? >_<

I really hope that next season they run it in the two uninterrupted blocks, like they've done with some of their other shows recently.


Lorelai is kind of a bitch.

Lorelai: "He told me who he desired before me. It wasn't you."

Dennis: "oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"


Good episode, Sif was awesome. I hope we see her again.

ABC has the worst scheduling ever. The show is finally riding some nice creative momentum, and now we have to watch a "special" next week? >_<

I really hope that next season they run it in the two uninterrupted blocks, like they've done with some of their other shows recently.

It's so damn annoying. I imagine it's in part due to lining up with the events of the MCU, the troubled production, and the Olympics.


Yeah, mostly. But no amount of quick cuts could make Lorelai look coordinated in that fight in the interrogation room.

Ya watching her "fight" was cringe worthy. Wish they picked an actress who could actually look like she knows how to fight. No biggie tho.

I really hope it's Kree.

And damn. Hope may isn't a bad guy


Also miracle drug that saves lives?...miracle...mirakuru...ITS THE MIRAKURU FROM ARROW!!! :O
MARVEL/DC CROSSOVE---ok that's enough.
Ya watching her "fight" was cringe worthy. Wish they picked an actress who could actually look like she knows how to fight. No biggie tho.

I really hope it's Kree.

And damn. Hope may isn't a bad guy
I really think you don't need to worry about that. She may be spying for Fury, or some other higher-up, but I don't think her intentions are evil.


The MCU tie-ins have come a long way since the clumsy "Hey guys did you know I met the Avengers? 'cause I totally met the Avengers" of the first few episodes.


Ya watching her "fight" was cringe worthy. Wish they picked an actress who could actually look like she knows how to fight. No biggie tho.

I really hope it's Kree.

And damn. Hope may isn't a bad guy

I don't think Lorelai was supposed to come across as a competent swordsman. Her power is through the control of men. If anything she wanted Sifs sword as a sign of victory.

It is really going to be interesting to see what direction this show goes because The Winter Soldier is going to really change things up big time


Siff was too stiff [no pun intended]. In films she was way more relaxed even in high tensions scenes. Here she was cardboard cutout.


Siff was too stiff. In films she was way more relaxed even in high tensions scenes. Here she was cardboard cutout.

I think the interview posted earlier kind of addressed that. She mentions how the fight was all done in a day when compared to the movies where she could have takes and practice for days.

That is the one hardship with tv. That deadline is fierce


I think the interview posted earlier kind of addressed that. She mentions how the fight was all done in a day when compared to the movies where she could have takes and practice for days.

That is the one hardship with tv. That deadline is fierce

Eh, shoddy excuse when they could have easily rewritten the ending to not have a swordfight. But whatever I'm already forgiving them for a ton of stuff might as well just add it to the list.


Gold Member
Lorelai is a lover not a fighter.

Except that Sif specifically mentions Lorelai's combat skills. Anyway, the fight was fine (for TV), the problem was the actress was so weak she could barely lift the sword prop. 'Bout time Hollywood starts hiring girls from Crossfit gyms instead of bulimia group therapy sessions.
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