To specify, I think Jed and Mo are very talented writers. I've known people who have worked with them and they sing their praises in terms of their ability to construct long term story and smaller character moments. This isn't their show. They are not accomplished showrunners. They are put on the back burner by people like Jeph and Jeff Bell. Those are the two who, unfortunately, have the most creative sway on the show. There's very you can do when your directive is "make a comic book show a mom and her son can watch and then they can fist bump after it's over!"
Also, there is literally one or two smart execs at ABC the network. Not even a hyperbole.
As someone who (for some reason) obsessively follows news and interviews about this show, it's absolutely ridiculous how much better Whedon B and Tancharoen come off in interviews than Bell or Loeb. They may not be making all the right decisions, but they're humble, seem to understand where critics are coming from (even if they can't get specific in this regard), and convey the impression that they're at least trying to do the best they can within the constraints that ABC and Marvel have imposed.
Loeb and Bell, though... whenever they touch the subject of criticism, their responses almost invariably reek with a combination of arrogance, entitlement, defensiveness, and strawman arguments.