Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I'll still go spoiler bar with my thought, since no one continued with it:

The way it's spelled out, that this is something that effects the entire MCU, it can't be something as simple as "Fitz or Simmons or someone else" is also Hydra. That changes nothing in the MCU, Hyrda's already been revealed. Fitz/Simmons/anyone revealed as a skrull/alien doppleganger, would be massive and "universe changing", while also fitting in with skye's potential background and GOTG coming up. Not to mention Bill "THE UNIVERSE!" Paxton


I'll still go spoiler bar with my thought, since no one continued with it:

The way it's spelled out, that this is something that effects the entire MCU, it can't be something as simple as "Fitz or Simmons or someone else" is also Hydra. That changes nothing in the MCU, Hyrda's already been revealed. Fitz/Simmons/anyone revealed as a skrull/alien doppleganger, would be massive and "universe changing", while also fitting in with skye's potential background and GOTG coming up. Not to mention Bill "THE UNIVERSE!" Paxton

What if...
Coulson is Hydra? That would change EVERYTHING.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
What if...
Coulson is Hydra? That would change EVERYTHING.

That gets a little tricky. Was he Hydra before or after death? If after, odds are that means it was programmed into him. But also wouldn't be universe changing, as we don't know what role Coulson has going forward. Before Death, maybe a little bit universe changing, but still, I feel anything related to a hydra reveal wouldn't be "gamechanging" as that's already happened.

They seem to imply we'll find out why Coulson was brought back. That could be the gamechanging aspect.

Whatever it is, it's making the wait to tomorrow even harder. Gonna be a wild night with Shield and Person of Interest finales. HYPEHYPEHYPE
I'll still go spoiler bar with my thought, since no one continued with it:

The way it's spelled out, that this is something that effects the entire MCU, it can't be something as simple as "Fitz or Simmons or someone else" is also Hydra. That changes nothing in the MCU, Hyrda's already been revealed. Fitz/Simmons/anyone revealed as a skrull/alien doppleganger, would be massive and "universe changing", while also fitting in with skye's potential background and GOTG coming up. Not to mention Bill "THE UNIVERSE!" Paxton

Assuming that the introduction of the Skrulls isn't being saved for the movies, and I doubt that that's the case...

...well, IMO, Secret Invasion was a lot more interesting as a serialized infiltration storyline than as the big dumb Bendis fight scene it degenerated into, but I'm not sure I quite trust this show to pull it off convincingly. It might also run the risk of coming off as thematically repetitive, coming right on the heels of another "who can you trust" storyline in the post-TWS HYDRA arc.




Assuming that the introduction of the Skrulls isn't being saved for the movies, and I doubt that that's the case...

...well, IMO, Secret Invasion was a lot more interesting as a serialized infiltration storyline than as the big dumb Bendis fight scene it degenerated into, but I'm not sure I quite trust this show to pull it off convincingly. It might also run the risk of coming off as thematically repetitive, coming right on the heels of another "who can you trust" storyline in the post-TWS HYDRA arc.

Skrulls can't be used in the MCU anyway. They're a part of the Fantastic Four license, IIRC.
Skrulls can't be used in the MCU anyway. They're a part of the Fantastic Four license, IIRC.

Actually, I think they can. Whedon said he didn't use them for Avengers 1 because he thought they deserved a better intro than "random conquest villain", not because they were owned by Fox.


Assuming that the introduction of the Skrulls isn't being saved for the movies, and I doubt that that's the case...

...well, IMO, Secret Invasion was a lot more interesting as a serialized infiltration storyline than as the big dumb Bendis fight scene it degenerated into, but I'm not sure I quite trust this show to pull it off convincingly. It might also run the risk of coming off as thematically repetitive, coming right on the heels of another "who can you trust" storyline in the post-TWS HYDRA arc.

Notably, EMH fell victim of doing two big plots like that in a row.
Spoiler: Everyone on the team, not just Skye, gets powers in a ham-fisted, passive-aggressive attempt to respond to criticism of S1.

The tagline for S2: "Okay, Fuck It, Apparently All Heroes Are Super After All."


Have exams, so I'll catch it on Wednesday. Remember to quote me by name when (speculation)
slobbering simpin Fitz is revealed to be Hydra.


I'd give the preTWS episodes a D. Just awful all around. Its weird seeing that AV Club article completely agree with me but then give the season a B-. Then again maybe the finale bumps it a full grade but for right now its a C- show.


The episodes were starting to get good even before TWS. Ever since Paxton showed up they improved a lot. I never hated the show as much as a lot of you though.

pre-TWS: C+ with some B- episodes every once in a while
post-TWS: A-


The episodes were starting to get good even before TWS. Ever since Paxton showed up they improved a lot. I never hated the show as much as a lot of you though.

pre-TWS: C+ with some B- episodes every once in a while
post-TWS: A-

Agreed, I thought it was starting to turn a corner with episode 12 (S.E.E.D.S) and then it just got better from there. The next episode when skye gets shot was serviceable. And the episodes after that I enjoyed even more. And then we all know that the show really turned a corner with episode 17's TurnxTurnxTurn.

So 1st half of SHIELD: C-
2nd half of SHIELD (12+): Solid B+.

Funky Papa

I may be the only person who dislikes Paxton, mostly because he's ridiculously out of shape for a SHIELD agent. I enjoy the way he chomps his lines away, but he's shaped like a barrel.
I'm ridiculously proud of this show, and how much it's improved. It was tiring that they only thing that felt like tying it to the overall MCU was a few
throwaway lines about Coulson was in the Avengers. Now it's a legitimately good show, and will be tuning in every week from now on.
So sounds like the whole 2 part season with Carter in the middle wasn't an accurate rumour. Will be interesting to see if there's any narrative tie in between the two shows before or during the Carter run.
So sounds like the whole 2 part season with Carter in the middle wasn't an accurate rumour. Will be interesting to see if there's any narrative tie in between the two shows before or during the Carter run.
I think that's still happening:
HitFix said:
ABC has already announced that two of its more anticipated midseason offerings will be used as bridge programming, with "Marvel's Agent Carter" taking over between fall finale and spring premiere of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and the musical fairy tale comedy thing "Galavant" doing the same for "Once Upon a Time."


I can't look at Paxton without seeing Chet from Weird Science.

I see the car salesman from True Lies pissing his pants.

"And a set up titties that'd make you stand up and beg for buttermilk. Ass like a 10 year old boy...hahaha*punched*".
Oh okay, ignore me then. That's how I hoped they would do it.
The tweet was phrased a little awkwardly. I was confused about it, too.
If this is the case, where it's 2 hours of Marvel from 8-10, then turn the channel to CBS for POI at 10-11. First time in a long time, that I'd have a 3 hour block of TV that I care to watch.
There are two comedies in front of AoS. Agent Carter will slot into that 9pm hole for the AoS Winter break.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
The tweet was phrased a little awkwardly. I was confused about it, too.
There are two comedies in front of AoS. Agent Carter will slot into that 9pm hole for the AoS Winter break.

Gotcha. Oh well, 2 hour binges it is. Maybe this will help fill in the inevitable week/2 week breaks shows tend to have between February and May.
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