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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


I'm feeling that, too. That way they don't have to kill him off but they can stop trying to shoehorn him into the show's plot for a while.
best scenario all around tbh

He needs to go in a way that feels drastic but leaving him around with the option without it being an easy fix


best scenario all around tbh

He needs to go in a way that feels drastic but leaving him around with the option without it being an easy fix

And then he goes insane in his seclusion, finds some white robes and makes a mask out of a skull of a dead Hydra agent, and returns as Taskmaster!


You know, Ward is a crazy son of a bitch, and he deserves to die, but I like that Daisy gets him.

He was broken long before Garret came along and exploited him. Then when he turns on the people he came to love and is caught, he tries to kill himself multiple times, but they won't let him die.

Instead they offer him up to his childhood abuser and send him over the edge. Then when he finds someone he loves - and this was obviously their own fault cause they were free - he is tricked into killing her, thus sending him deeper into craziness.

Ward does feel too much, and he's a fucking lunatic because of it. They should've just let him off himself when they had the chance. I bet Coulson is regretting that now.


lol, Ward and Coulson are the same person at their core. If Coulson had the same past he might have turned out the dame way. #sodeep
You know, Ward is a crazy son of a bitch, and he deserves to die, but I like that Daisy gets him.

He was broken long before Garret came along and exploited him. Then when he turns on the people he came to love and is caught, he tries to kill himself multiple times, but they won't let him die.

Instead they offer him up to his childhood abuser and send him over the edge. Then when he finds someone he loves - and this was obviously their own fault cause they were free - he is tricked into killing her, thus sending him deeper into craziness.

Ward does feel too much, and he's a fucking lunatic because of it. They should've just let him off himself when they had the chance. I bet Coulson is regretting that now.


lol, Ward and Coulson are the same person at their core. If Coulson had the same past he might have turned out the dame way. #sodeep

Grant Ward is the #1 villain in the MCU. He really is. I love the Netflix villains, but we've really witnessed Ward's transformation in a way that we've seen no other.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I kinda forgot Blair Underwood existed after his scene with Ward, May is probably gonna have to kill him to stop Lash from killing Lincoln

Oh that's almost guaranteed.

Back half? She's insufferable in every episode already.

I think she's been borderline for a while, but she's about to get worse.

And for everyone saying HeySeuss is wrong: May has had no character development; she's just grumpy all the time.

She started season one grumpy. They tried to put her and Ward together, and she grumpily boned him. They brought her ex-husband into her life, and she was nothing but grumpy toward him. They revealed why she's grumpy when she got the Cavalry nickname, and she got a some sympathy for a time afterward, but she never showed growth after revealing that part of her past — she just kept being grumpy. Early this season, they gave her some scenes with her parents. Did she soften up at all, show another side of herself, display anything but the G-word? No. Grumpy.

Will making her kill her ex-husband change this trend? Let's place bets.



and he got knocked the fuck out.

Oh, boy this episode has been amazing.

Ward is the MVP of this show. It wouldn't be half as fun without him.
Spoilers based on next weeks title

Episode ten is called Maveth, which just happens to be the name of the planet. From reading the wiki entry, seems like this was stated somewhere in the show or an interview? Anyone else see that?
Spoilers based on next weeks title

Episode ten is called Maveth, which just happens to be the name of the planet. From reading the wiki entry, seems like this was stated somewhere in the show or an interview? Anyone else see that?
Is it the planets name? It's a Hebrew word for death. I thought that was just a warning about the planet not the name


Batteries the CRISIS!


Well there's also the gay Hispanic guy who can melt stuff. Does him being 3 minorities in one count as black?
If so, he's dead.

Hispanics are way safer than black guys. They're not as intimidating or something. + he's gay so there's primal concerns of him "stealing women away" or whatever shit it is that makes racists feel insecure.


Coulson be like


Well that was certainly bold and got things moving. I don't know how to feel about it. It's kind of a shame that it basically made the episodes before it irrelevant other than giving Coulson a reason to dive into a portal from a falling jet. The stuff with Ward was dumb, like they just remembered that he was character. The Fitz Simmons stuff was terrible, what an annoying way to get one into the portal. I was really hoping they wouldn't have him do something that stupid because it felt like they were self aware, but nope.

But then Daisy is getting her team, Mack is the acting director (though he's terrible right now) and the plot is actually moving or starting depending on how you look at it. There's still another episode left right? I wonder what the mid season cliffhanger will be because this seemed like a good stopping point.


AV Club gave the episode a C+...

A... C+...

Like I don't even. Like I hate to rag on the reviewer, but I find it really hard to believe they thought of it on a just barely passing grade.


Bitches love smiley faces
AV Club gave the episode a C+...

A... C+...

Like I don't even. Like I hate to rag on the reviewer, but I find it really hard to believe they thought of it on a just barely passing grade.

Yeah, for a set-up episode thought it was pretty good, fridging aside.


Technically he targeted Andrew, whom while a consultant for SHIELD, was still a civilian. Ward only did it to get at May.

You got a point there.

I mean, Ward was really after May, but it still counts and it's something he'd do again and again if necessary.

Though, unlike Kilgrave, Ward doesn't wantonly kill civilians. The most he's done in that direction is jeopardise a commercial plane, which was bad, but still not quite as depraved.
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