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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


Didn't he kill those two cops one time in S1 when Skye/Daisy was trying to escape him after he kidnapped her?

It's still not the same thing, even if they are both extremely deluded. I mean I don't think Kilgrave takes pleasure in hurting random people either, he's just extremely self centered but he's still of a different magnitude. Ward feels some remorse, which is far more than Kilgrave ever does.


You got a point there.

I mean, Ward was really after May, but it still counts and it's something he'd do again and again if necessary.

Though, unlike Kilgrave, Ward doesn't wantonly kill civilians. The most he's done in that direction is jeopardise a commercial plane, which was bad, but still not quite as depraved.

Of course Kilgrave is on a whole different level.
Ward, as screwed up as he is, has a sense of humanity to him.
Kilgrave doesn't even understand the concept of humanity or morality. Once he got his powers, he spent a lifetime abusing them and making people bend to his every whim. I would argue that Kilgrave is so screwed up in the head, that he doesn't even understand how normal people think.


Ward's parents and older brother may have been abusive shitbags, but they still counted as innocent civilians. That was murder.

Dude is bad at this point

I think the difference is Ward doesn't kill specfically "innocent random" civilians, which is the difference posters are saying is between him and Kilgrave.


Ward's parents and older brother may have been abusive shitbags, but they still counted as innocent civilians. That was murder.

Dude is bad at this point

Didn't he also kill the guy that he forced to help his girlfriend in season 2 (repair her face thing).

I think the difference is Ward doesn't kill specficaly "innocent random" civilians, which is the difference posters are saying is between him and Kilgrave.

Also this.


Fitz and Simmons

Nah, that wasn't even his choice. He didn't target them for death, he was made to kill them but dumped them in the ocean to give them a fighting chance instead. Since then they've wanted him dead and Simmons already had a crack at it, killing Bakshi in the process. Plus, they about that life if they with SHIELD.

Ward's parents and older brother may have been abusive shitbags, but they still counted as innocent civilians. That was murder.

Dude is bad at this point

lol, they all abused him when he was a child. They ain't innocent for shit in his eyes, especially Christian who sought custody over him. They're certainly not on the same level as random civilians just minding their own business as far as Ward is concerned.


Kilgrave is incapable of empathy. That makes it easy for him to choose to use people cruelly. He's incredibly evil.

Ward is capable of empathy and still chooses to do what he does. In some ways that makes him more evil. But he does seem to have moral lines he won't cross, which further grays his character.


Kilgrave is incapable of empathy. That makes it easy for him to choose to use people cruelly. He's incredibly evil.

Ward is capable of empathy and still chooses to do what he does. In some ways that makes him more evil. But he does seem to have moral lines he won't cross, which further grays his character.

Saying Kilgrave is incapable of empathy is an easy out. He's capable with
how he tries to manipulate Jessica
, he just doesn't care.

But back to the show, I was really disappointed Ward actually went with the plan.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
What a fantastic episode. Loved the intensity.

The AV Club review is a joke.


Kilgrave is incapable of empathy. That makes it easy for him to choose to use people cruelly. He's incredibly evil.

Ward is capable of empathy and still chooses to do what he does. In some ways that makes him more evil. But he does seem to have moral lines he won't cross, which further grays his character.

It's like what Skye said in the episode: it isn't that Ward doesn't feel anything, but that he feels too much.


Ward, Kingpin, and Killgrave are proofs that a messed up childhood is the perfect ingredient in creating the best MCU villains. Now if we can get the same for the movies....


Subete no aware
Ward is still such an empty shirt villain. The only way they can make him menacing is by having him kill people that you're supposed to care about but don't really.


They're pretty equal opportunity about the fridging. (Ros, Andrew, Mack's probably-BF.)

Ward is selective about his empathy - it's why he keeps letting Fitzsimmons and Skye off the hook.

Aside from Garrett, the original team was likely the first constant in his life. In spite of how he used them, somewhere in his twisted line of thinking he probably thought of them as a family in a way. ... He's just really deranged in a way that's different than some of the other villains.
Characters getting killed through a window after just re-establishing a relationship??? [/whedon]

Incredible episode. Tense as hell. These past few episodes have really matched the S2 intensity. Super pumped for next week, but sad that it'll be such a long hiatus afterward.

P.S. I can't wait for Joey and The Chairman's inevitable showdown. Metal vs. Metal.
They're pretty equal opportunity about the fridging. (Ros, Andrew, Mack's probably-BF.)

Ward is selective about his empathy - it's why he keeps letting Fitzsimmons and Skye off the hook.

Andrew wasn't fridged, he's still alive. Gotz no clue who Mack's bf is supposed to be.


I don't know why people are letting the AV Club review score weigh so heavily. It means nothing. It's a completely arbitrary score by someone who probably thinks comic book shows are beneath them.

Seriously? the dog is easily the most innocent out of everyone he's murdered.

not to mention the cops, countless Shield agents, FitzSimmons, May, military people.

I'm not seeing that disagreement in my post, which amounted to me recognising I forgot the dog, which obviously was innocent.

Also, SHIELD agents, FitzSimmons (LOL at Simmons), May (c'mon), the military - none of them are innocents. Good people, sure, but not innocent, and certainly not powerless. Ward rarely kills cops unless they're in the way, but even they aren't innocent.

I've clarified in later posts that I was referring to innocent civilians, people who aren't about that life.


I don't know why people are letting the AV Club review score weigh so heavily. It means nothing. It's a completely arbitrary score by someone who probably thinks comic book shows are beneath them.

I'm not seeing that disagreement in my post, which amounted to me recognising I forgot the dog, which obviously was innocent.

Also, SHIELD agents, FitzSimmons (LOL at Simmons), May (c'mon), the military - none of them are innocents. Good people, sure, but not innocent, and certainly not powerless. Ward rarely kills cops unless they're in the way, but even they aren't innocent.

I've clarified in later posts that I was referring to innocent civilians, people who aren't about that life.

oh ok, nevermind. :p


Did you forget the plane scene just two weeks ago?

I'm assuming they're not dead.

Also, Ward did that by necessity. He didn't target those civilians. As far as his sick mind is concerned they were just there and only suffered a minor inconvenience. Potentially traumatising, but hey, at least they're still kicking.


I'm assuming they're not dead.

Also, Ward did that by necessity. He didn't target those civilians. As far as his sick mind is concerned they were just there and only suffered a minor inconvenience. Potentially traumatising, but hey, at least they're still kicking.

Why? He made the threat, gloated to them all, ditched as they were all screaming, and then it cut to the next scene.


Why? He made the threat, gloated to them all, ditched as they were all screaming, and then it cut to the next scene.

He didn't gloat. He announced what was going to happen, ordering that they return to their seats and detailing that they would experience uncomfortable cold because the pilot would have to dive to restabilise pressure.

Ward didn't actually kill a plane load full of people, lol. If he had, surely that would've been implied or outright shown, and at least mentioned this episode?


He didn't gloat. He announced what was going to happen, ordering that they return to their seats and detailing that they would experience uncomfortable cold because the pilot would have to dive to restabilise pressure.

Ward didn't actually kill a plane load full of people, lol. If he had, surely that would've been implied or outright shown, and at least mentioned this episode?

Again, why? If the plane crashed, would Coulson and crew all stop what they're doing and worry about that? They have no clue that Ward is behind it. It's not like the pilots would have time to explain over the emergency band as they hurtled towards the ground, screaming "SO A HYDRA GUY CAME ONTO THE PLANE AND OPENED THE DOORS AND NOW WE'RE HURTLING TOWARDS THE GROUND AHHHH!" For all SHIELD knows, a plane crashed near or above Germany, it's very tragic, but there's no suspected foul play that would fall under their jurisdiction.

If the plane and its passengers survived, they'd show it. They wouldn't cut from them all screaming in terror, and they sure as fuck wouldn't show a plane full of innocent people crashing and dying on a TV show equivalent to a PG-13.

Also announcing his plans, ending with "compliments from Hydra" pretty much qualifies as gloating. He didn't have to say any of that, but he chose to bask in the moment.
Ward is the best character in the MCU. I am so glad that Rosalind is dead. Her arc was over, and her character had no where to go. Anything else would be padding. Mack is so much better leader than Coulsen.


Again, why? If the plane crashed, would Coulson and crew all stop what they're doing and worry about that? They have no clue that Ward is behind it. It's not like the pilots would have time to explain over the emergency band as they hurtled towards the ground, screaming "SO A HYDRA GUY CAME ONTO THE PLANE AND OPENED THE DOORS AND NOW WE'RE HURTLING TOWARDS THE GROUND AHHHH!" For all SHIELD knows, a plane crashed near or above Germany, it's very tragic, but there's no suspected foul play that would fall under their jurisdiction.

If the plane and its passengers survived, they'd show it. They wouldn't cut from them all screaming in terror.

Also announcing his plans, ending with "compliments from Hydra" pretty much qualifies as gloating. He didn't have to say any of that, but he chose to bask in the moment.

A tongue in cheek signoff isn't necessary gloating, but whatever.

The obvious implication of Ward's message to the passengers is that the they would survive because the pilots would indeed dive and succeed in restabilising pressure.

SHIELD has never been huge on civilian casualties so I don't know how you figure they'd have Ward kill like 200 of them without consequence or addressing his involvement. That makes no sense whatsoever, but carry on believing that.


A tongue in cheek signoff isn't necessary gloating, but whatever.

The obvious implication of Ward's message to the passengers is that the they would survive because the pilots would indeed dive and succeed in restabilising pressure.

SHIELD has never been huge on civilian casualties so I don't know how you figure they'd have Ward kill like 200 of them without consequence or addressing his involvement. That makes no sense whatsoever, but carry on believing that.

Again, how would they know his involvement? Unless it gets brought up, pretty sure no one on that plane lived to blame and describe Ward. If they did, that info would get back to Coulson and crew.

And SHIELD is still pretty damn tiny and singularly focused week-by-week. They wouldn't know, much less get involved in an investigation if they didn't know it had to do with Hydra, Inhumans, or other super bizarre phenomena. This show has never had SHIELD take on general terrorist threats.


ward said:
Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats, with your seatbelts fastened. You may experience some turbulence coming up. Don't be alarmed, that's just your pilot diving to equalize cabin pressure before you freeze to death. Oh, and, uh, from all of us here at HYDRA, thanks for flying the friendly skies.
Yeah, he was telling them that the pilot would be diving to prevent them from freezing to death.


Again, how would they know his involvement? Unless it gets brought up, pretty sure no one on that plane lived to blame and describe Ward. If they did, that info would get back to Coulson and crew.

And SHIELD is still pretty damn tiny and singularly focused week-by-week. They wouldn't know, much less get involved in an investigation if they didn't know it had to do with Hydra, Inhumans, or other super bizarre phenomena. This show has never had SHIELD take on general terrorist threats.

Do you seriously believe a commercial plane filled with civilian passengers could crash in Germany without it being plastered all over the news? Authorities would find out within hours that one of the stewardesses let an unauthorised person on board. Footage of Ward would be everywhere. Of course SHIELD would know and there's no way the show would so casually off a plane full of civilians without further commentary. Not to mention how bloody out of character it would be for Ward to mass murder civilians like that.

Fuck, do you really have to be this obtuse about it? It's clear you just want to be right, logic and consistency be damned, but don't make me spoonfeed you the obvious when you've already made your mind up.





Kilgrave is incapable of empathy. That makes it easy for him to choose to use people cruelly. He's incredibly evil.

Ward is capable of empathy and still chooses to do what he does. In some ways that makes him more evil. But he does seem to have moral lines he won't cross, which further grays his character.
Nah Kilgrave is capable of empathy he just acts off pure self interest because he wasn't taught not to Kilgrave is a child.





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I was already quite annoyed with their insistence upon keeping him around before now. Them finding an excuse to keep him around for yet another season will use up what little patience I have left.

What a weird thing to say...Ward is one of the best characters in the show and a great villain. Show would def. be worse without him.

They still seem to have plans for him...so no they shouldnt off him just to prove a point.
Regarding the plane, this post basically mirrored Ward's description of what would have to happen. His opening of the door (which he accomplished with explosives, right? Because it's impossible to do by hand - and airplane doors are supposed to open inwards) would force the pilots to dive not only to stabilize pressure but also return to breathable air.


Now that we're approaching the end of the first half of the season, it's safe to say that it's really a step down down from the same period last season. The ATCU stuff they had going wasn't anywhere as interesting as the Hydra stuff from season 2. They seem to have also realized that, since both Rosaline and Banks got written out of the show in a really awkward manner. I guess they did the same to Whitehall last season too, but that actually felt like a waste. Here it felt like they never really got a chance to develop these characters fully before just being done with the arc and wanting to drop them hard like dead weight.

It'll be interesting to see what Ward "becomes" next week. Maybe this will be his big chance to transform into something more substantial, like Skye did last season.
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