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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c



In comics his ability channel hellfire is magical.

His ability to
is pretty sweet too. Also, Phobos when?
All of this is false. Especially Lincoln who's starting to build himself up.

Lincoln is a whiny entitled prepubescent teen. His superhero name should be Millennial.

Mack? Like you could literally switch him with any other character on the show and play that final scene with Daisy and it'd play out exactly the same. He's so painfully one dimensional to the point I'm upset who ever wrote his character has a job because they clearly suck at character writing.


Bitches love smiley faces
No one should expect anything big from the CW crossover. It really doesn't look like it's gonna have an impact on the show like Winter Soldier did.

Nothing is going to have as big an impact as TWS. I'm expecting we'll get some lip service about the Sokovia Accords from Talbot, but that's about it. Depending on what happens in Civil War, it'll probably be a bigger issue next season.
Lincoln is a whiny entitled prepubescent teen. His superhero name should be Millennial.

Mack? Like you could literally switch him with any other character on the show and play that final scene with Daisy and it'd play out exactly the same. He's so painfully one dimensional to the point I'm upset who ever wrote his character has a job because they clearly suck at character writing.

You can explain it all you want to. It's still gonna sound like bullshit so just carry on



The woman who said there was nothing that could stop hive is also on supergirl
that was her wasn't it?!

loved seeing Billy Riggins back, too. Giving the background SHIELD agents memorable actors and personality is something they've lacked doing so it was nice to see some that on display. Still waiting for Weaver to come back, though...

does anyone else find it odd how they're building to what feels like a redux the S2 finale aka Jiayang's plan? I realize this is much larger in scope but I hope it amounts to more than just a terrigen bomb because for all intents and purposes, the crystals leaking into the ecosystem was that.


so Daisy is for sure going to kill Lincoln, right?

I mean, it gives him a fairly memorable exit after being made sympathetic AND a great arc for Daisy going forward.


Kinda surprised at the lack of CW anything tonight. Maybe there's nothing to connect. Maybe the flip side will have a connection.

Cool episode though, Daisy not doing too good.


I was hoping that Lincoln got a power upgrade with that cure, instead of being a dud.

I freaked out when Daisy and Mack were fighting. Not only did I think Daisy would brutally kill Mack, which I didn't want, but it would also really mess her up when she comes back.

Kree were pointless here. Kind of cool to see them appear again but they jobbed and got disintegrated.

Was hoping we'd get some kind of Civil War tie in but it seems to not play much of a role at the moment.

Brett Dalton playing Hive as a character that is uniquely different than Ward is cool.

Episode was eh, seems to kind of be spinning it's wheels before the finale. At least the finale should be good, I hope.


That ruined the final act for you? You expected everyone to die on that rock?
No I expected the Avengers to actually struggle and be challenged with what the right choice to make is, instead of Fury flying by casually and destroying the only tension and conflict built up in an act that consisted of punching robots


No I expected the Avengers to actually struggle and be challenged with what the right choice to make is, instead of Fury flying by casually and destroying the only tension and conflict built up in an act that consisted of punching robots
I agree that they could have let that revelation breathe a bit more but the way it was set up, there is no good solution and they needed an eventual Nick Fury moment to save them regardless.

Even then, I don't see how that ruined the final act since the final act is trying to get everyone evacuated as fast as they can without letting Ultron drop it. Then tension is in saving everyone either way. If there was another way out, struggling with the choice and scrambling to find a solution could be tension, but they were faced with the impossible decision. I don't think that necessarily adds tension in and of itself.


I like everyone and don't want any of them to die. :(

I don't even recall a connection with Ultron aside from a throwaway line of two

The whole episode was Coulson finding the scepter and the location of Strucker. Once he does he passes the info along to Maria Hill to give to the Avengers. The jarring "opening in the middle of an action scene" start to Age of Ultron actually works a lot better having that set up.


I keep forgetting how similar Daisy is to Faith.

When Fitz came clean to John Hannah about the Hive threat I was hoping he'd help them and join the team as a regular character. Would have made a great addition. Now he'll die the typical slimy henchmen's death.


I keep forgetting how similar Daisy is to Faith.

When Fitz came clean to John Hannah about the Hive threat I was hoping he'd help them and join the team as a regular character. Would have made a great addition. Now he'll die the typical slimy henchmen's death.

I've noticed that too. HiveWard season is like Buffy season 3 and Angel season 4 mixed up. The finale is also called "Ascension" as if that couldnt confirm it. lol


Happy that Mack is sticking around. One of the best actors on the show. Not his fault the writers aren't giving him much to work with.


Odd that they are focusing on the two throwaway characters from the tac team.
I'm guessing it'll be one or both of them who dies, and it won't be because of the explosion in space.

And the jacket we saw in space will just be an empty suicide vest rigged to explode


This episode has made me realize that there might indeed be truth to the rumors that suggest that the film side are simply not interested in Inhumans. If they were really planning to introduce the Inhumans Royal Family to the MCU, I don't see why they would be okay with a TV series doing all this years in advance. It's getting increasingly difficulty to see how it can be rationalized that when there is an Inhuman epidemic going on across the Earth, and the first Inhuman has returned from imprisonment from a distant world, and he even activated a beacon to summon Kree warriors onto Earth to hunt Inhumans, that the Royal Family would just sit and do nothing in their corner of the world.


Pretty good episode last night. Summarizing it all: Daisy ain't fucking around anymore.

I thought it was odd having the two SHIELD agents focused on at the level that they were in the episode. I'm guessing they're tied into the finale somehow.

The writers gotta stop making Mack such a jobber. However, I feel like there could be payoff for this, like last season's finale with the shotgun axe and fighting Gordon.

Daisy's tank top game was on point.

Hyped for next week. Curious to see how they tie in Civil War. I'm guessing the Sokovia Accords are at least mentioned.
This episode has made me realize that there might indeed be truth to the rumors that suggest that the film side are simply not interested in Inhumans. If they were really planning to introduce the Inhumans Royal Family to the MCU, I don't see why they would be okay with a TV series doing all this years in advance. It's getting increasingly difficulty to see how it can be rationalized that when there is an Inhuman epidemic going on across the Earth, and the first Inhuman has returned from imprisonment from a distant world, and he even activated a beacon to summon Kree warriors onto Earth to hunt Inhumans, that the Royal Family would just sit and do nothing in their corner of the world.

It's really only marginally harder to swallow than a global, public outbreak of alien superpowers somehow remaining beneath the Avengers' radar.

I'd say that at this point, Studios is just letting AoS do whatever the writers want, as long as it doesn't explicitly contradict or otherwise step on their film plans.


It's really only marginally harder to swallow than a global, public outbreak of alien superpowers somehow remaining beneath the Avengers' radar.

I'd say that at this point, Studios is just letting AoS do whatever the writers want, as long as it doesn't explicitly contradict or otherwise step on their film plans.

I don't think it's the same though. They've already introduced the Avengers and there's enough development to just assume that they have their own shit to deal with between movies. The events on SHIELD are being handled by the government anyway, so it's not like nothing is being done. No one outside of SHIELD knows about Hive, so whatever.

In the case of the Inhumans though, it becomes increasingly harder to introduce them as a guiding force for Inhumans on Earth if all this is happening and they choose to be absent. That's the main issue.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I liked the episode but them not throwing a Splinter Bomb at Hive was whack.

It mystifies me that they included the gadget in the episode and didn't think it would feel off that it was used it on the Kree but not on the main dude.

Nobody is.
I've been calling for a Phobos since last season. Just make him son of Tyr instead of Ares since the MCU hasn't started with Olympians yet.


He went lights out.

"I made a huge mistake"


Oh at&t girl... You so fine
Probably the hottest comedic actor out......
no surprise everyone agrees re: at&t girl

Mac gonna use that Kree axe soon
Marvel should hire you.

You know, we can see that the Kree have blue skin. Why do we need to keep bringing this up? Must we judge aliens based on the colour of their skin?

Even the car commercial Civil War tie-ins are better than the BvS counterparts.

Make the Empire Great Again

Daisy is a Tier 3 Avenger. She needs to be in the MCU. She'll make it sooner or later.
Only to get her ass kicked by Thanos. :(

This is some fucking amazing real talk. That was easily one of the best talks in the show yet. I love how we've been building towards this stuff.
Real Talk: This episode and this thread is making me SUPER hyped for Civil War right now.

Mack: I'm with you Daisy 'til the end of the line.

The woman who said there was nothing that could stop hive is also on supergirl
The DEO comms officer?

It's Thanos #1!
Also, this guy:

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