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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


Get the Russo's in here to direct an episode of Shield that is a parody of Arrested Development.

Didn't they direct an episode of Agent Carter in the first season? Honestly it wasn't really anything special imo. They should just stick to the films and not bother with distractions which they're clearly not invested in.


Catharsis - as they said, he had a thousand year old grudge to settle.

Though with just how quickly both Kree went down, it leads me to wonder exactly why he was so scared to call them in the first place. They weren't even close to being a threat.

For as much as the smurfs were hilariously tv show budget, in the show itself, the last time he saw them was a thousand(? that seems way too low) years ago. Probably built them up in his mind considering his experience the first time was as some random dude who couldn't even imagine aliens.

Also the Kree Reapers were also driven toward killing inhumans period. Have a couple of those thinning the herd isn't good, especially if it leads to more coming.
Coulsen wanted to kill Hive, so he sent his killer force to do it. All 5 of them lol. I mean really shouldn´t he has sent like at least 15 people, because Hive is almost never alone.
Agents of SHIELD could work infinitely better by dealing with smaller threats instead of spearheading/overlapping with the films, which are MASSIVE in terms of scope and budget. I mean, this season hasn't been too awful compared to the utter idiocy of S1 and much of S2, but those Kree were a painful reminder of AoS bitting way more than it can chew.

I have said this many times, but connecting the show to the movies is limiting the show, a lot, because they can´t do much if any new stuff without the movies laying the plot. It´s not good at all.


I wonder what season 4 will look like. It could very well be the last season if the ratings don't improve back to the 1.5ish range but beyond that, it'll be the first proper fully produced season without the MCU being run by Perlmutter. Will the Inhumans be pushed as hard? Will the show just start to do whatever it wants? I'm so curious.

Funky Papa

Odd to hear this complaint from you. Don't you also watch Person of Interest? That show like Arrow has declined heavily in the action choreography. Atleast Shield has been consistent over these seasons and now it's better than either shows.

Arrow is straight up crap these days but it's still more competently filmed. At least the goons there know how to pull the trigger. Sometimes they go as far as to move while doing it, too.

The same could be say about POI. I'm not a fan of the show's penchant for magical kneecapping, but generally speaking the shootouts are fine.

Compared to them, it's almost like SHIELD has less ammunition than the people in Lost.


I can't at all agree with Arrow being more competently filmed than AoS. That show has taken a nosedive in every department but the lighting.

Funky Papa

I thought Person of Interest was a spy/thriller type show. Action choreography? o_O

Well, there are some huge action scenes from time to time, particularly as the end of each season approaches.

Spoilers for past seasons:

Shaw getting shot
during that wonderful "let's look at the chances again" episode.
goes into God Mode.
The Devil's Share.
Last season's
season finale.

But generally speaking, AoS wishes it could pull something anything close to PoI's action.

I can't at all agree with Arrow being more competently filmed than AoS. That show has taken a nosedive in every department but the lighting.
The camera moves. That alone is a huge improvement over AoS. This show has some really cheap, if not borderline absurd camera work for an action show. It doesn't convey dynamism or speed at all.


I thought Person of Interest was a spy/thriller type show. Action choreography? o_O

Kung fu and firefights aren't uncommon on POI. The martial arts choreography was really solid in the first season and took a really hard dive by the third. I was very disappointed with that change. The gunplay can still be decent but on top of the excessive lazy knee capping usage the existence of Root has really made the action problematic.

The show now carries itself on the whole idea of 2 AI's competing for order in the world.
Yeah, today's Kree are much more fashionable.

Was Multi-Girl unable to further split herself? I remember when she was introduced in S2 she split into 4. Maybe they each developed a personality and resisted merging back or further splitting?

She seems to be more like DC's Triplicate Girl in a lot of ways than standard Marvel Splitters. She has a fixed number of bodies (5?) and when one dies its gone for good. She also shares mental trauma. As far as Inhuman powers go its pretty terrible and she only seems to be a threat because she's a pretty good fighter and infiltrator.
I thought there was sort of a Civil War tie in when Hiveward said something along the lines of "Not everyone can be a billionaire in a metal suit or a government supersoldier. They will have their own war to deal with"


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
There was:

Hive: People saw the connection I had with other Inhumans, and that made them afraid. That fear bred paranoia, which led to civil war. Not much has changed, really. Only now we have the ability to re-create the Kree experiment.


Hive: The world fears our kind of power because not everyone has it. Only billionaires can build iron suits. Only the military can make super soldiers, which can only lead to a war of its own, whereas I plan to apply a more, uh, collectivist philosophy.

The whole thing got a chuckle out of me to be honest, lol. The lines were par for the course, but it's so on the nose if you know what it's about.


That dialogue was so comic book it hurt. You can practically see the asterisk at the end, and the little text box at the bottom with "Editor Ed" reminding you to "pick up Civil War #1 today!"


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
That dialogue was so comic book it hurt. You can practically see the asterisk at the end, and the little text box at the bottom with "Editor Ed" reminding you to "pick up Civil War #1 today!"
lmao. perfect.
Well, looks like Ward is a comic character now:



Batteries the CRISIS!
There was a line from SquidWard about billionaires creating iron suits, and military creating super soldiers, which would lead to a war of it's own. Or something like that.

Except that was more of a wink and a nod reference. In context, he meant that he'd be coming after Iron Man and Captain America once he was finished with the Inhumans.


Except that was more of a wink and a nod reference. In context, he meant that he'd be coming after Iron Man and Captain America once he was finished with the Inhumans.

That's how I took it too. I don't think Civil War has happened in the AOS part of the MCU yet.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
He was saying that unless everyone has equivalent powers there will always be conflict. He just meant it in an ideological way, not anything specific about his plans concerning the Avengers or anything like that.

"The world fears our kind of power because not everyone has it. Only billionaires can build iron suits. Only the military can make super soldiers, which can only lead to a war of its own, whereas I plan to apply a more, uh, collectivist philosophy."
He was saying that unless everyone has equivalent powers there will always be conflict. He just meant it in an ideological way, not anything specific about his plans concerning the Avengers or anything like that.

"The world fears our kind of power because not everyone has it. Only billionaires can build iron suits. Only the military can make super soldiers, which can only lead to a war of its own, whereas I plan to apply a more, uh, collectivist philosophy."

I'd buy his ideological sincerity a lot more if he couldn't control the things he wanted to turn everyone into.


So I FINALLY watched the last two episodes. Scheduling conflicts with the people I see it with :/

Anyways here's any thoughts impressions and stuff that I can think of off the top off my head.
  • The moment FitzSimmons had sex, death flags popped up. RIP
  • Why isn't SkyeWard dying faster? I hate this.
  • So that's how HYDRA dies? Not with a bang but with the melting bodies of its remaining heads? OK
  • So, the Aussie dude is just Gambit? That's fine, I guess.
  • Multiple girl died like she lived. Being a neat set piece. I liked that she could only split a certain amount of bodies that went down when they were killed. That was neat.
  • Oh hey, Simmons finally got to shoot Ward. Too bad he's dead.
  • We have.... named extras? With speaking roles? And personalities? That are there in a team meeting? What is this? You mean to say that S.H.I.E.L.D. is more than just the main cast?
  • Lincoln needs to chill. Jaysus.
  • Oh god, Cap's holographic Shield! That was freaking great.
  • Lincoln's impulsiveness is going to get someone killed.
  • Mack basically exists to get beaten up. I stand by my Worf comparison.
  • Hive seems to be stronger when he's expecting to take a shot. I guess that makes sense.
  • Where are the Watchdogs in all of this?
  • Since when can Daisy go head-to-head with a freaking Kree? Kree are strong enough to fight Asgardians, no?
  • Why haven't they tried just throwing one of those splinter bombs at Hive? I mean, I know why, because that'd be the end of this plotline. It's rhetorical.
  • I like how Lincoln looks when he's going full throttle. He looks like he's actually turning into electricity.
  • I still enjoy his murder vest, as well. Can that be his superhero outfit?


The reason why they aren't using the splinter grenades on Hive is because they are based around the alloy that was used to contain the Terrigen crystals in season 2. Which means that they'd have no effect on Inhumans. Though why Kree would create an alloy that would harm themselves while being harmless to their experiments is beyond me.
I just got done seeing Civil War. I would laugh my ass off if Coulson begs Maria Hill for the Avenger's help in dealing with Hive and Maria is all like,
"You should have asked last week. Three Avengers are in prison, one is helping a paraplegic Avenger, two (three?) are AWOL in Africa, and the others are in space."
The reason why they aren't using the splinter grenades on Hive is because they are based around the alloy that was used to contain the Terrigen crystals in season 2. Which means that they'd have no effect on Inhumans. Though why Kree would create an alloy that would harm themselves while being harmless to their experiments is beyond me.
The whole thing makes little sense. The depiction of Hive being created was definitely an alien body snatcher moment. But everything we knew of Inhumans previously was an underground temple with ceremonial chambers capable of mind controlling humans who stepped inside. How we got from simply injecting Kree blood into a human to turn them Inhuman to that, I have no idea how they'll ever explain. The Diviner metal breaking down the Kree suggests the Kree themselves didn't create it, or anything else we saw in Season 2 for the reason you pointed out. But of course, that is condradicted by everyone who was injected with Kree blood being compelled to find the temple - let alone why that was the only effect on them and didn't turn them Inhuman as well, if Kree blood is really the key.

And they should have totally tried to use a splinter bomb on Hive, even considering all this. It might not have gotten rid of the parasite, but it would have probably destroyed the human body it was possessing.
So I FINALLY watched the last two episodes. Scheduling conflicts with the people I see it with :/

Anyways here's any thoughts impressions and stuff that I can think of off the top off my head.
  • The moment FitzSimmons had sex, death flags popped up. RIP
  • Why isn't SkyeWard dying faster? I hate this.
  • So that's how HYDRA dies? Not with a bang but with the melting bodies of its remaining heads? OK
  • So, the Aussie dude is just Gambit? That's fine, I guess.
  • Multiple girl died like she lived. Being a neat set piece. I liked that she could only split a certain amount of bodies that went down when they were killed. That was neat.
  • Oh hey, Simmons finally got to shoot Ward. Too bad he's dead.
  • We have.... named extras? With speaking roles? And personalities? That are there in a team meeting? What is this? You mean to say that S.H.I.E.L.D. is more than just the main cast?
  • Lincoln needs to chill. Jaysus.
  • Oh god, Cap's holographic Shield! That was freaking great.
  • Lincoln's impulsiveness is going to get someone killed.
  • Mack basically exists to get beaten up. I stand by my Worf comparison.
  • Hive seems to be stronger when he's expecting to take a shot. I guess that makes sense.
  • Where are the Watchdogs in all of this?
  • Since when can Daisy go head-to-head with a freaking Kree? Kree are strong enough to fight Asgardians, no?
  • Why haven't they tried just throwing one of those splinter bombs at Hive? I mean, I know why, because that'd be the end of this plotline. It's rhetorical.
  • I like how Lincoln looks when he's going full throttle. He looks like he's actually turning into electricity.
  • I still enjoy his murder vest, as well. Can that be his superhero outfit?

I'd expect some minor inconsistency with Kree on an ongoing basis. The MCU Kree are individually much higher tier physically than their comics counterparts (who are about twice as physically capable as humans , which is faaaaar below Asgardians, the major abilities of comics Kree are tech and psionics).


I just got done seeing Civil War. I would laugh my ass off if Coulson begs Maria Hill for the Avenger's help in dealing with Hive and Maria is all like,
"You should have asked last week. Three Avengers are in prison, one is helping a paraplegic Avenger, two (three?) are AWOL in Africa, and the others are in space."

Umm Civil War spoiler:
You mean three used to be in prison ;)


The actual mention of a Civil War got a laugh out of me. Interested to see how much of an impact it has on the show.

After watching the movie I don't see how it will have any impact. My hopes got up when I mistakenly thought
Howard's super serum formula was Kree Blood.

I just got done seeing Civil War. I would laugh my ass off if Coulson begs Maria Hill for the Avenger's help in dealing with Hive and Maria is all like,
"You should have asked last week. Three Avengers are in prison, one is helping a paraplegic Avenger, two (three?) are AWOL in Africa, and the others are in space."

You know what. I might be wrong on Civil War's "impact." Well played.
I'd expect some minor inconsistency with Kree on an ongoing basis. The MCU Kree are individually much higher tier physically than their comics counterparts (who are about twice as physically capable as humans , which is faaaaar below Asgardians, the major abilities of comics Kree are tech and psionics).
So, the depiction in Guardians was basically the more comic-accurate. Whereas the Kree we've seen in SHIELD have varied between being gigantic CG corpses to Bolians who are imposing hand to hand combatants that can survive a fall from space. Plus that one that just looked like a typical human last season.
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