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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S4 |OT| Ghost Riders in the Skye - Tuesdays 10/9c


So what was even the point in coding Framework Daisy as an Inhuman? Daisy and Jemma weren't scanned in directly and Aida clearly has manipulated the Framework on some level; she must have known their infiltration was a possibility and could have just left their placeholder avatars powerless.

She left Daisy powerless, but I'm guessing certain details were out of her control. Details like Inhumans manifesting on her system or the availability of Terrigen crystals.

To start with, May killed an Inhuman child. The Framework had to code that in. Mace also wanted to be an Inhuman, so the Framework had to keep it in afterwards. More broadly, Mace wanted to be a "real" hero with powers, so it probably made a scenario that gives this to him no problem (powers + conflict scenario). The Framework seems to have made a path of least resistance for each person to buy into and a world was built around it.

Daisy and Jemma (to some extent) were already coded in. Otherwise, they would've just been randoms that showed up, rather than seemingly being baked into the current world scenario that was built.
Is there anything stopping AIDA from just killing the gang? I know it's a show and all, but it really seems like the best option would be to unplug Coulson, Mac, Fitz, and May and then kill loose end Radcliffe. Daisy and Simmons will either lose their wills to fight or they will just never escape the framework.


I think she is ultimately trying to make the Framework work, and killing them all would be akin to a failure. That, or her programming won't allow it. That is, she only was able to kill Radcliff through a loophole.
So what was even the point in coding Framework Daisy as an Inhuman? Daisy and Jemma weren't scanned in directly and Aida clearly has manipulated the Framework on some level; she must have known their infiltration was a possibility and could have just left their placeholder avatars powerless.

The framework is a simulation of the real world, but with each person in it getting one regret fixed. The rest is fallout from that.

Daisy didn't get her powers activated because Coulson going through Project Tahiti directly led to her entering the Terrigen chamber, but they're still there under the surface.


Daisy's smile at the end was awesome.

Made even better because this afternoon I watched the episode with her doing the one-shot action sequence...essentially her evolution into a bad-ass.


Mace playing his role on the team to the very end

he's the blocker :(

Also, Daisy about to light some shit up.

That smirk tho


YOOOOOOOO This is not fair!!! Mace dies in his dream and what a shitty way to go!
I mean sure, he gets to be a true Patriot, but still man...wtf.
and we get Tripp back, but it's not even REAL!
As soon as this arc is over, both Mace and Tripp will still be dead.


you know, with all these callbacks to the show's previous story arcs, this is starting to feel like they planned for this to be the final set of episodes.


Is there anything stopping AIDA from just killing the gang? I know it's a show and all, but it really seems like the best option would be to unplug Coulson, Mac, Fitz, and May and then kill loose end Radcliffe. Daisy and Simmons will either lose their wills to fight or they will just never escape the framework.

It would go against her programming and what she's trying to do with the Framework.

She's not the bad girl in her mind. She believes in giving people a safe haven, a place better for them. She also believe in free will, something she doesn't have in the real world, and that people with the ability to choose would choose the framework over the real life. She is content with the fact that none of her captive are fighting against the fake reality (unlike May in the first version of the Framework), which is the same as choosing it in her mind. She offered it to Daisy today.

I predict that
once everybody wake up and unanimously choose to go back to the real world, she will let them go. But as long as there is one person still in her control, she will fight to keep everybody in.

That or
Daisy and Jemma find a backdoor and storm the Russian base.


you know, with all these callbacks to the show's previous story arcs, this is starting to feel like they planned for this to be the final set of episodes.

Was thinking the exact same thing. The perfect ending. If only Bobbi and Hunter were still here :(


With the latest episode I think if Mace was helped out by May with the last ounce of super strength she still had left after seeing him help the "kid" would have been a better revelation of changing sides. It would have been way more powerful, interesting and a good feel moment.

Seeing Tripp was great, I hope they do the same for Bobbi and Hunter!!!!

It would go against her programming and what she's trying to do with the Framework.

You forget the previous episodes? its not against her programming, its poor writing and plot armor.

What did Aida do to Radcliffe? and why can't she do that to the Shield team? because its plot armor. The show has written it self into a poor situation. It is what it is, no need to justify it.

I'm not a fan of this whole framework story arc, its just so pointless. It goes no where other then giving more screen time to Fitz which is obviously good as hes the best actor on the show and good for character development but were at season 4 now. I want super-villains fighting superheroes aka inhumans.

But I'm hoping the show can redeem this arc by just doing that and just go full Matrix mode in the next few episodes, Daisy now has her powers and hopefully she goes super Saiyan full power and Aida goes full agent Smith x100 and we see crazy ass fights with the framework world doing all kinds of weird things like Dr Strange / Inception. I'm asking for to much but i can hope.


Daisy kind of dropped the ball by not telling people what her powers are, since that's knowledge she shouldn't be able to possess in this world


Get Inside Her!
Well, the robo-echo of an already dead person, and a real person. Mace is a new level of fucked. Real-world death, and an actual colleague. Wasn't with his own hands, but that champagne's not a good look.
Fun fact: Chloe Bennet's birthday was yesterday (she turned 25).
Another fun fact: She lied about her age when getting the job, so when she was celebrating her 21st birthday and wanted to go somewhere she could drink they were kinda confused cause they were told she was 27.


This episode was great.

Coulson feeling "Hives" around Ward
Jemma and Ward
Mac and his duaghter
Patriot's sacrifice
Daisy's terrigenisis.
"Or is he?

He regretted his Hydra dad not being in his life."

As I recall he had absolutely no love lost for his dad. I think it's a case of the "regret"/"desire" being twisted from what it really means. Real Fitz wishes that he had a relationship with his dad, but it's more than that. He wishes his dad wasn't a shitty person so that they could have a real relationship. That gets kind of lost in translation when the desire is reduced to "he wants his dad in his life."

So, yeah, I don't think Fitz will suddenly flip to being a bad guy "for realz" just to keep his dad in his life once he wakes up. He's probably gonna feel realllly shitty, but who knows, maybe they'll make that the twist.


Absolutely. Radcliffe brought up the fact that the world he created was twisted by Aida for her own ends.

Aida knew Fitz and Simmons were a dangerous duo. So write Simmons out of the world and warp Fitz's regret and change enough of the world around him and remove the threat. Its clear Mama Fitz was taken out of this world as the father makes it pretty clear she was the moral compass for Fitz. Heck Aida could have had her killed in the Cambridge incident to get Fitz going down a hateful path and then throw in Asshole dad who becomes Fitz's moral compass and boom Nazi Fitz.
It's sad to see Mace go...

but at least we get more Tripp for the time being!

It's pretty easy to see how Fitz dad being in his life twisted his morality to a large degree. Remove Jemma and you get a man of science without a conscience trying to perfect the world.
Though in the beginning of the season, Radcliffe insinuated (and Fitz reacted to said insinuation) that Fitz longs for his father's approval and respect, not so much needing/wanting him in his life as his moral compass. His father didn't care what he (Fitz) did or thought it really mattered. Thus in this world his father flat out states "I don't know any of this science stuff, but what you do is important" (paraphrasing) which is what Fitz always wanted from him. He wanted to make his father proud of him.


It's too much of a stretch for AIDA to interpret "create a reality full of bliss" as "correct 1 regret in each person's life and screw the consequences".

It would have been better to do a "humans can't handle utopia so here's a doomed cause to fight instead" angle.

Also, AIDA can kill Mace through the simulation but couldn't in the real world just by turning off life support?

"Nevertheless, she persisted" - the GOP really are Hydra.
It's too much of a stretch for AIDA to interpret "create a reality full of bliss" as "correct 1 regret in each person's life and screw the consequences".

It would have been better to do a "humans can't handle utopia so here's a doomed cause to fight instead" angle.

Also, AIDA can kill Mace through the simulation but couldn't in the real world just by turning off life support?

"Nevertheless, she persisted" - the GOP really are Hydra.

She didn't kill him. Fitz did.


She let him choose his own fate, deciding not to intervene.

But she didn't know that, she had Fitz order an airstrike.

She didn't kill him. Fitz did.

She ordered it though. If that's really all that's needed then you may as well say "she only pressed a button, the pump turning off and the lack of oxygen killed him" with the life-support route.
But she didn't know that, she had Fitz order an airstrike.

She ordered it though. If that's really all that's needed then you may as well say "she only pressed a button, the pump turning off and the lack of oxygen killed him" with the life-support route.

No, if I remember correctly she suggested that they had a Quinjet in the area. Fitz was the one that gave the airstrike order based on that knowledge.
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