Did whoever use that device to turn them into ghosts or where they powering the device in some way?

Did whoever use that device to turn them into ghosts or where they powering the device in some way?
Seen a lot of breaks, but not a lot of "ER". May will have to teach him proper lingo."I've seen a lot of breaks. Your arm is fractured, not broken."
Fairly certain now that our SHIELD MCU crossover episode will be all up in that magic shit. Doc Strange gonna be showing up on SHIELD to lay out some fools (I wish).
she can do may eh?
The best part of the episode was the lady ghost sitting in front of a computer and clicking on a mouse.
She's a scary entity that can materialize at will and can drive people mad by just phasing through them, oh, and she can sit down, click on stuff and open boxes too. I love post-modernity.
With how they are talking about an official SHIELD re-reveal to the public and their being a new director, I wonder if we are getting a setup for a new film SHIELD as well with this director, possibly first appearing in Doctor Strange.
I mean, it seems getting a SHIELD-like agency once again is an inevitability, especially after the Accords. In fact, I expect there to be multiple government agencies with multiple purposes, some maybe not so much clear cut "good guys".
It's really cute that anyone still expects the films to acknowledge anything that happens on this show.
I've kind of liked how that has played out in the MCU.Who doesn't have a bootleg super soldier program? They hand those out like family dollar circulars. Hell Bronsonlee probably has one in his attic.
It's really cute that anyone still expects the films to acknowledge anything that happens on this show.
Hey....weren't you the guy who said that Inhumans, their Kree origin, and Terrigenesis were completely "off-limits" for a TV show like AoS?
Yeah...I remember are the guy that was completely wrong about the Inhumans ever being introduced on AoS before the film!
Yeah that was you! The guy that was totally wrong about Inhumans being mentioned by name in AoS and have a whole arc and characters dedicated into diving into that history!
Hey....weren't you the guy who said that Inhumans, their Kree origin, and Terrigenesis were completely "off-limits" for a TV show like AoS?
Yeah...I remember are the guy that was completely wrong about the Inhumans ever being introduced on AoS before the film!
Yeah that was you! The guy that was totally wrong about Inhumans being mentioned by name in AoS and have a whole arc and characters dedicated into diving into that history!
That episode was tremendously good.
Love that we're going full magic this season so quickly. God damn.
It also sounds like we've got ourselves an honest to god Spirit of Vengeance on our hands here instead of Eli Morrow. I'm actually thrilled at the idea that the MCU's Robbie Reyes is a "true" Ghost Rider.
I'm pretty sure most movie goers would also say "who?" to anything related to the show, so he wouldn't be alone.Whenever we get a Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider movie, everyone's gonna be like "Where's Robbie?" and Feige will be like
Ha! True.I'm pretty sure most movie goers would also say "who?" to anything related to the show, so he wouldn't be alone.
Funnily enough, I was totally wrong about that because I started from the dual assumption that (a) introducing the concept of Inhumans on the show meant that AoS would have to start mattering to the broader MCU, and that (b) the show would never matter to the broader MCU.
Only one of those assumptions has proven incorrect.
Sure, it can, but it has yet to do so here.Your assumption that they can't introduce the Inhumans because AoS is not important enough does not therefore mean since AoS introduced Inhumans, they must be more important in the MCU. Frankly, I'm not really sure why you'd make that assumption if you had any understanding of the logistics that prevent any crossovers between TV and film happening more often.
The bottomline is that the precedence has been set that a TV show can introduce concepts and characters years before someone is even hired to write a single word of a draft for a film. In otherwords, the writers and production team for AoS have an influence on how Inhumans and their lore will be portrayed in the MCU from here forward. AKA what happens on TV can effect what happens in the films.
I mean, that one dude totes went from character in Season 1 to corpse in Winter Soldier.The cast themselves now acknowledge that there is an invisible divide between the films, Netflix, and ABC. The dream is dead.
I'm pretty sure most movie goers would also say "who?" to anything related to the show, so he wouldn't be alone.
Whenever we get a Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider movie, everyone's gonna be like "Where's Robbie?" and Feige will be like
There probably won't be a Johnny Blaze movie in the MCU. He's been tainted. It'll be Robbie on the big screen.
Your assumption that they can't introduce the Inhumans because AoS is not important enough does not therefore mean since AoS introduced Inhumans, they must be more important in the MCU. Frankly, I'm not really sure why you'd make that assumption if you had any understanding of the logistics that prevent any crossovers between TV and film happening more often.
The bottomline is that the precedence has been set that a TV show can introduce concepts and characters years before someone is even hired to write a single word of a draft for a film. In otherwords, the writers and production team for AoS have an influence on how Inhumans and their lore will be portrayed in the MCU from here forward. AKA what happens on TV can effect what happens in the films.
Tainted or Caged?
Everyone knows a Ghost Rider movie would be about Alejandra Jones
If anything AoS has done with Inhumans (or any other character or plot point it's introduced, for that matter) is ever referenced in a film in more than a cursory fashion, if that, I'll eat my crow again. Until then, I see no reason at all to assume the bolded.
I mean, the screenwriters of Civil War said openly that they weren't following AoS and knew nothing about the Terrigen outbreak at the end of S2 at the time the film was in production, despite its obvious relevance to the premise of the film. That's all the proof I need that AoS is not part of Feige's mapped-out master plan at all.
Feige's master plan isn't as mapped out as I think you believe. Director's are given plenty of free reign to make their films as they see fit and we have yet to see any egregious contradictions of TV canon.
Presumably, the people in charge of double checking continuity keep TV in the loop in the same way TV is kept in the loop for film, even if it's only to the extent of them being able to read in-production scripts and notes about what they can and can't use.
Besides, the films are ALWAYS in production 1 or 2 years before the shows roll around to writing out their season for that reason alone, besides the two sides operating separately, TV will always be reactive to film more than the other way around.
Now that we are 3 seasons into AoS and there is probably a good map for the direction of the series, it's more possible that the TV universe is established enough to reference in the films, if they choose. If they want, they could plan out something to happen in a film that coincides with a TV arc since there is enough time for film to react to TV.
That doesn't mean it will definitely happen, in fact the odds are pretty small, but it's possible, so all this smugness about how they'll never acknowledge TV is obnoxious since we have no idea how Marvel as a whole will choose to handle things going forward since a connected universe is huge selling point for the MCU and it would only benefit them if they can logistically weave it together when applicable.
We haven't even seen a huge amount of crossover between shows, so of course there will always be more opportunity for crossover.
Everyone knows a Ghost Rider movie would be about Alejandra Jones
How many ghosts do you know?That ticked me off a bit. You'd think as a ghost she'd be immaterial, needing lots of power / concentration to act of the physical world like being seen, pushing objects and making them fall. Traditional ghost stuff who can't really do much in the physical world apart from being scary and driving people insane. Not sitting on a chair and doing clicky clicky on the computer.
Hey, I know ghosts. Some of my best friends are ghosts.How many ghosts do you know?
Everyone knows a Ghost Rider movie would be about Alejandra Jones
Just saw that they're airing the first episode of Agents of SHIELD on MyNetworkTV. First time they're showing it on a channel other than ABC I think, did they sell the syndication rights already?
I hope AoS survive until Infinity War, that'll be a perfect full season worth of story for what happens between 2 infinity war movies.
we're dealing with ghosts and magic this season, imagine a season of AoS where they go to space or something.
Eh, they're doing pretty awful all around. They own AoS and more episodes will bring even more syndication. It's also still the only Marvel show that is designed and suitable for syndication.From the other side of the discussion, if AoS survives this current season, I'll seriously wonder about ABC execs.