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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S4 |OT| Ghost Riders in the Skye - Tuesdays 10/9c


So did they really just gloss over the fact that the Russian dude read from the darkhold and all it said was to trust Radcliff?

That doesn't make any sense


So did they really just gloss over the fact that the Russian dude read from the darkhold and all it said was to trust Radcliff?

That doesn't make any sense
Russian bro doesnt seem very bright. He might have gotten the equivalent of the picture book setting.


That's because Colson switched the books back in the library


i didn't even consider that.
I finally got caught up with this season. The only episode that I still haven't watched yet was the last Ghostrider episode, since it's not on demand anymore.

The show is great. I really like Mace and I hope he doesn't die.


I want you to remember what show you're watching and think real hard about how this show does shit. And then tell me Fitz being an LMD isn't just a twist in the next few episodes
LMD being Radcliffe was the twist. They Red Herring'd everyone else in the episodes leading up to that. The arc's wrapping soon- another LMD would be silly at this point.


LMD being Radcliffe was the twist. They Red Herring'd everyone else in the episodes leading up to that.
You say this like we still ain't got episodes left, like this show ain't prone to just fucking with people, like Fitz isn't a goddamn LMD and doesn't know it


The part where Fitz thought the LMD detector was malfunctioning definitely seemed like foreshadowing to me, can see him being one

See, that was too heavy handed, but yeah I've been riding this train for episodes

He an LMD and we'll find out when he figures out his mission
The Man Behind the Shield is a very Captian America reference to use isn't it? I feel like that line was used referencing him in the comics at some point.

I know
Mace becomes Captain America
in the comics (I dont know if that is worth tagging as it is so old),
although I guess the chance of that happening is nil here. Maybe he will be a pretend Cap for some reason at some poin
t. I'd live with that nonsense...


Bitches love smiley faces
Someone mind quickly recapping the first ten minutes for me?
They talked about the Framework, which apparently is based on some SHIELD training thing. Coulson and co trace the suit to Alaska which started the flashbacks in Russia of an early mission with him and May.


Gemma hated Inhumans one episode and wanted to help them the next

She hated Droids and now she's talking Fitz from that ledge

Good guy Gemma


They talked about the Framework, which apparently is based on some SHIELD training thing. Coulson and co trace the suit to Alaska which started the flashbacks in Russia of an early mission with him and May.

The Framework was that VR thing they did at the beginning of the season.


Aida needs to murder more often.

Also, Aida in a SHIELD uniform would be aces.

I feel like I'm in Season 4 of Korea. Otherwise good, but fuck this villain.


He really is quite lame for a main villain (at best, he comes across as a "lesser enemy before the main threat shows up in the story" kind of antagonist).
That's because he is i'm pretty sure he is underwhelming because Aida and Raddick are the true villains of this half of the season
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