Agni's Philosophy runs at 60FPS on a GTX 680, uses 1.8GB VRAM. Can next-gen run it?


What did the other Hashimoto say about Final Fantasy? I couldn't really understand him. Something about a Final Fantasy game releasing this year for the PS4?

That they're gonna announce a Final Fantasy game at E3 for the PS4 (and maybe the Durango too)


What did the other Hashimoto say about Final Fantasy? I couldn't really understand him. Something about a Final Fantasy game releasing this year for the PS4?

A new Final Fantasy revealed at E3. Im guessing its Versus turning into XV or now being a next gen title.

Edit: beaten.


Wasn't SE's PS4 presentation to shows that their demo can run on PS4? It looked the same to me as their PC demo quality wise.


Oh he said preparing? lol

But maybe they are doing preparations to restart developing Versus for next gen?

That would be the stupidest decision they have ever made in recent and they know it. :p

But it is definitely a new title as the wording is not pointing to Versus. That already exists. I do think it will be cross generation at this point though. This sounds very far off once again, you know.


That would be the stupidest decision they have ever made in recent and they know it. :p

But it is definitely a new title as the wording is not pointing to Versus. That already exists. I do think it will be cross generation at this point though. This sounds very far off once again, you know.

watched again, he never said "new" final fantasy. :)


It looked the same, and it was running on PS4 hardware. Not much to say, except that it looks great and that Square will spend at least 5 years making from it a full game. :-/


I am surprised by the lack of enthusiasm/discussion for this demo. Were there any notable differences?

Really looking forward to e3 :D

I thought it looked like it was running at a lower frame rate or was maybe more choppy than the initial showing, but that's impressions from the video of the demo over the stream. I haven't gone back to look at it over a non-real time stream.
Same quality can be achieved definitely. Just have to use post AA and maybe an anamorphic 1080p. But I figure 1920x1080 30fps is possible for this game. 8GB of GDDR5 and 1.8 TF GPU
The one in the PS4 presentation was a target render.

??? Not it was a tech demo running on PS4, like the tech guy at Luminous Studios said. Anyway, looked pretty much the same to me. Here is the PS4 demo recorded by game trailes (pity about the GT quality):

Anyway, it is good that the PS4 can run it, but it is rather pathetic that they showed the exact same demo scene 7 months after....

AstroNut35: He has the opposite of proof, ie. mis-information. It was running on PS4 (devkit obviously) at the conference
Yeah, I just repeated it. Tricky wording now hmmm.

I'll be crazy and bet on 2 titles. One Versus + XV.

Probobly still Versus, just rebranded as XV and with some changes to characters / story if anything. It would still be a new game and a lot may have changed in the 2 years since we last saw the game.

My E3 predictions are FF PS4 (may well be Versus) and a teaser for KH3. I think one or both will be exclusive, (there's a reason KH HD is PS3 only).


Crystal Bearer
FFXIII E3 2006 video was a target render - ie, it wasn't built on any real engine and was just there to show off the visuals SE was targetting for current gen - which they ended up being way off the mark with Crystal Tools. Agni's Philosphy is at least running on a real, scalable engine.
I dunno, I think capcoms deep down demo was a target render.

it definitely wasn't, unless you assume ono was lying on stage for no good reason.

note that im not implying there's a final game that will turn out playing like's clearly a cinematic demo. but there's a big gap between a real time demo, and something totally impossible on final hardware (motorstorm)
I am glad they didn't waste time developing another demo for PS4. Square Enix should focus on game development and use that demo for benchmarks. Really looking foward to e3 :D
Except the team who made the demo aren't working on any games, so...

Well they are working on tools, optimizing code, finalizing the engine and so on. I am just saying, using artists and modelers would be a waste of resources. Especially since these next gen games are going to require a ton of detail.


??? Not it was a tech demo running on PS4, like the tech guy at Luminous Studios said. Anyway, looked pretty much the same to me. Here is the PS4 demo recorded by game trailes (pity about the GT quality):

Anyway, it is good that the PS4 can run it, but it is rather pathetic that they showed the exact same demo scene 7 months after....

AstroNut35: He has the opposite of proof, ie. mis-information. It was running on PS4 (devkit obviously) at the conference

Why is it pathetic to be the same demo? When it came out it was this amazing thing that could never be achieved on console or even a normal PC. Showing exactly that demo is smart for Sony, same as showing the UE4 demo - while not new, it gives an indication of the power under the hood
It's encouraging that they have a (presumably) universal engine built this time round. I remember Square saying that they can quickly and easily build up highly detailed characters and environments due to the engine design. That gives me great faith for potentially seeing the return of things like 'World-maps' and 'HD towns'.
It's encouraging that they have a (presumably) universal engine built this time round. I remember Square saying that they can quickly and easily build up highly detailed characters and environments due to the engine design. That gives me great faith for things like 'World-maps' and 'HD towns'.

it's going to take more than a nice engine to fix what's wrong with square.


it's going to take more than a nice engine to fix what's wrong with square.

At least less technical issues they have to deal with, more time for other stuff. It only takes one awesome FF to prove they have righted the ship. I am willing to give them one more chance.
They should release the demo for PC users. Let them run that shit.

Why when they'll never bother releasing the games?

Seriously though, do people think PC will get some non MMO love from Square next gen. I mean what did we get last time? The Last Remnant JRPG wise.


Probobly still Versus, just rebranded as XV and with some changes to characters / story if anything. It would still be a new game and a lot may have changed in the 2 years since we last saw the game.

My E3 predictions are FF PS4 (may well be Versus) and a teaser for KH3. I think one or both will be exclusive, (there's a reason KH HD is PS3 only).

I still doubt that especially with some of the previous things on how different it is. And I don't know how much it can keep changing. I don't doubt it will be cross-gen, but it's not going to be XV otherwise, that's disappointing.



New article has revealed the specs of the PC that the Agni's Philosophy tech demo was run on: GTX 680, i7-3770K 3.5GHz and 32 GB of RAM. Apparently the CPU was hardly stressed and it could have run on something much weaker. It also only used 1.8GB of texture data so next gen consoles should have very little problem fitting it onto memory. In terms of anti-aliasing I think it may have used a combination of 8xMSAA and FXAA which is massively impressive if true.

What was most impressive was that it runs at 60FPS as shown by this slide:

What implications does this have for next gen? Considering that the rumour for PS4 is that it has a 7870, is there any reason to think that it won't be able to run this same fidelity of graphics but at 30FPS?

Here's the original video:

Here are some new screens:

I dont see why it would not easilly run, the GPU and RAM are up there and the demo weas running in 1080p amd 60fps

Which means you need way less resources for the 30fps mostly all games shoot for and that code was confirmed to be totally unoptimized too in their show


I dunno, I think capcoms deep down demo was a target render.

That too was clearly being rendered in real-time by some sort of hardware. Watch the direct feed video Gamersyde put up yesterday (preferably on a bigger screen) and you'll see shader aliasing is easily visible at many points during the demo. It's fairly safe to assume the PS4 can render that, but the system/Capcom's ability to maintain that level of detail in-game is a different story.
Why is it pathetic to be the same demo? When it came out it was this amazing thing that could never be achieved on console or even a normal PC. Showing exactly that demo is smart for Sony, same as showing the UE4 demo - while not new, it gives an indication of the power under the hood

Visually it looks incredible of course, but any other dev probably would have shown some modification or addition to the demo. At least even Epic did.


FFXIII E3 2006 video was a target render - ie, it wasn't built on any real engine and was just there to show off the visuals SE was targetting for current gen - which they ended up being way off the mark with Crystal Tools. Agni's Philosphy is at least running on a real, scalable engine.

Oh shit. I don't think I've ever seen this video...or I have and thought it was actually XIII straight up. Link por favor?


Visually, I dont think it was massively off...
People usually say otherwise, but it really doesn't. For instance, you can clearly see the battles' models' facial features' amount of details while zooming in.

Edit: Eh... the model as a whole had more animations, yep.


I remember when the trailer came out... I was like all "OMG STAR WARS FF IS DOOOOMMMEED GIVE ME MY CHILDHOOD BACK". I was 14.


Visually, I dont think it was massively off...but, wow, the gameplay was obviously nowhere near as dynamic or exciting looking

Some of the small things I noticed was, her armband is actually not part of her arm. Which is only in the high-poly model. And the expressions, yeah. Not too big, but the gameplay is a whole different story.
Some of the small things I noticed was, her armband is actually not part of her arm. Which is only in the high-poly model. And the expressions, yeah. Not too big, but the gameplay is a whole different story.

That's because it's a tech demo basically. Like Agni's Philosophy, the visuals in the next Final Fantasy will no doubt look very close to the tech demo, but magic and battles won't be anything like they appeared in that video. Logistically it's not very practical, as well as being a technical nightmare.
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