This looks TERRRRIIBBBLLLLEEEEE, nothing about those costumes feels authentic, it all looks like bad cosplay. Everything feels like a soundstage with big green drapes. I guess Andor has spoiled me for how GOOD Star Wars can feel, this looks to have the worst aspects of Obi-wan, Fett, and Mando dialed up to 11. Poor Dawson can barely move her head and feels as nimble as a garbage truck. Be nice to see Ghost and the Phantom shuttle though, those were cool designs. I'm not optimistic about this at all though. Where can this show even go with Thrawn given where we know it ends up with TFA? More nonsense about bringing back the Emperor (and WHO really wants that if you already have all his toys and there is no direct Jedi threat for him to counter?). The Rise of Snoke the Dope?
I'll be watching with a clenched jaw and skyrocketting blood pressure