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AI will be the way of the future, for better or for worse (for sure worse)

The Fartist

Gold Member
With AAA game development fast approaching the billion dollar mark, AI will inevitably be a valuable tool in keeping game development costs down. We'll see games not rely on GPU horsepower, but, AI code that will generate the polygonal-less worlds we traverse and the NPCs we interact with. Human developed games will be a niche high-art medium that we'll have to pay a premium for. As for me; I'll have a beefy PC that will emulate everything post PS6-7, from Concord to Castlevania, panting self portraits, smoking cigarettes and living my golden years in some off-grid ranch in Wyoming, or some shit.

Come at me, Ninjas, I've already won.


Gold Member
Cool story, Ms. AI. Now bend over.



Neo Member
If AI can reduce costs so that game budgets aren't in the hundreds of millions of dollars and we can produce games as frequently as during the PS2 era, is that really a bad thing? Cheaper development could encourage more studios to take risks and create new IPs instead of remastering the same game multiple times.
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In the future, differences in IQ will show in practice by people being able to detect ai generated "art", or not. If you can't tell shit from art, well then you're not missing out eating shit.

hemo memo

Gold Member
If AI can reduce costs so that game budgets aren't in the hundreds of millions of dollars and we can produce games as frequently as during the PS2 era, is that really a bad thing? Cheaper development could encourage more studios to take risks and create new IPs instead of remastering the same game multiple times.
The cost of games ballooning to hundreds of millions is a management problem, so unless AI takes the job of management, the issue will probably be worse rather than better.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
AI is just a tool like anything else.

I'm sure there are examples in history when humans were threatened by sporks because they were the seen as the ultimate tool.

Unfortunately for sporks, they could never replace a solid dildo.

Hawk The Slayer

Neo Member
Behold the future! Behold A.I games once they are perfected! Honestly there's tons of A.I made movies I would love to watch. But it's still a long ways off before they could perfect the movement. The A.I could make wonderful levels, imagine a whole game looking like this with the proper animation work.

Basically the creative ideas from the classical era of the 50s and the badass 80s era comes to life with next gen tech.! I wanna experience it all even as someone born after the 80s!
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Gold Member
Gamers: hey games take too long to make and cost too much, but we still want great production values etc.

Skynet: AI is gonna help developers to be more costly\time efficent

Also gamers: critical drinker mode on "fuck off AI"

Like someone else said already, AI is a tool, nothing more, creativity bankrupt devs are gonna use it for everything, actual good devs are gonna use to speed up menial tasks etc.
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The Fartist

Gold Member
Gamers: hey games take too long to make and cost too much, but we still want great production values etc.

Skynet: AI is gonna help developers to be more costly\time efficent

Also gamers: critical drinker mode on "fuck off AI"

Like someone else said already, AI is a tool, nothing more, creativity bankrupt devs are gonna use it for everything, actual good devs are gonna use to speed up menial tasks etc.
At a certain point, the creative factor will overtake human creativity and it'll just come to a pint where you have the option to buy an AI generated game that took weeks to make and costs $20 or whatever, or a labor of love that physical human beings poured their sweat, blood and tears to make for $70 - $80 - $90 or whatever. There will be a market for both, I think, but, at that point I'll be way the fuck out of the loop/"Eco system" to really give a shit. Unless a human created game really blows my mind.


Depends for what you use it.
In RPGs Text Ai and Text to voice could be a great thing to have a more dynamic experiance with human made boundaries though

The Fartist

Gold Member
Depends for what you use it.
In RPGs Text Ai and Text to voice could be a great thing to have a more dynamic experiance with human made boundaries though
For sure, but, you're thinking in short terms, in 5-10 years, AI will dominate your waking life, let alone your games. It's really dark shit, and I just don't see how we can stop it, it's really depressing. This coming from someone who was optimistic, and still kind of is for the future.


Behold the future! Behold A.I games once they are perfected! Honestly there's tons of A.I made movies I would love to watch. But it's still a long ways off before they could perfect the movement. The A.I could make wonderful levels, imagine a whole game looking like this with the proper animation work.

Basically the creative ideas from the classical era of the 50s and the badass 80s era comes to life with next gen tech.! I wanna experience it all even as someone born after the 80s!

It's just begging for lawsuits, A.I. does not create.. it steals existing art/images and pieces them together..
Using A.I. for a product you intend to sell is a huge mistake legally.

The way forward for gaming is more companies using the stores that exist for every major gaming engine where indy creators add content you can purchase cheaply to add to your game cutting costs and time.


Gold Member
At a certain point, the creative factor will overtake human creativity and it'll just come to a pint where you have the option to buy an AI generated game that took weeks to make and costs $20 or whatever, or a labor of love that physical human beings poured their sweat, blood and tears to make for $70 - $80 - $90 or whatever. There will be a market for both, I think, but, at that point I'll be way the fuck out of the loop/"Eco system" to really give a shit. Unless a human created game really blows my mind.
Until AI can also make great gameplay, level design and all the aspect that compose a videogame better than people that worked on the industry for decades, that is not gonna happen.

Artistry is just one aspect of videogames.


Money talks, I think it will be 90% AI and then the rest, it'll be up to you as to what you want to support financially.
It's got nothing to do with money.

The world where you type make me a Game is many many years away.

Most of us will be long dead before it's that good.

For the near future, it's a tool. It's like saying that because stack overflow exists and Google, no one will develop ever again.

At the end of the day, you need people who know what they are doing and have the talent and AI will greatly speed up their output vs a scriptkid trying to patch together an entire thing with just an AI.


One of the green rats
The way Unreal is progressing it will probably be the first to be " whatever you want " AI platform. It will be very expensive for sure but you can just tell it what kind of game you want for that photorealistic generic experience that we get now. 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
AI is just the latest bullshit buzzword, imo. Few years ago it was the "metaverse". Both were/are ways of trying to sell shit to people that they never asked for.
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AI is just the latest bullshit buzzword, imo. Few years ago is was the "metaverse". Both were/are ways of trying to sell shit to people that they never asked for.
Pretty much. AI has its uses and will certainly gain a place in game development, however it'll be mostly boring backend stuff or straightforward applications like DLSS. It's not gonna be the revolution/apocalypse of the medium some think it'll be.
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